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2025-2026 Session

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Senate concurrent resolution honoring the Vermont Old Cemetery Association

Sen. David Weeks , Sen. Brian Collamore , Sen. Terry Williams , Rep. Angela Arsenault , Rep. Sarah "Sarita" Austin , Rep. Richard Bailey , Rep. John Bartholomew , Rep. Ashley Bartley , Sen. Philip Baruth , Rep. Daisy Berbeco , Rep. Matthew Birong , Rep. Doug Bishop , Rep. Alyssa Black , Rep. Tiffany Bluemle , Sen. Seth Bongartz , Rep. Michelle Bos-Lun , Rep. David Bosch , Rep. Michael Boutin , Rep. Lucy Boyden , Rep. Erin Brady , Rep. Carolyn Branagan , Rep. Jana Brown , Rep. Thomas Burditt , Rep. Mollie Burke , Rep. Bridget Burkhardt , Rep. Elizabeth Burrows , Rep. Gregory Burtt , Rep. R. Scott Campbell , Rep. William Canfield , Rep. Emily Carris-Duncan , Rep. Conor Casey , Rep. James Casey , Rep. Ela Chapin , Rep. Thomas Charlton , Sen. Thomas Chittenden , Rep. Kevin Christie , Rep. Brian Cina , Sen. Alison Clarkson , Rep. Voranus Coffin IV, Rep. Esme Cole , Rep. Peter Conlon , Rep. Jonathan Cooper , Rep. Timothy Corcoran II, Rep. Mari Cordes , Rep. Wendy Critchlow , Rep. Allen "Penny" Demar , Rep. Eileen "Lynn" Dickinson , Rep. Joshua Dobrovich , Rep. Leonora Dodge , Rep. Karen Dolan , Rep. Deborah Dolgin , Rep. Anne Donahue , Sen. Samuel Douglass , Rep. Abbey Duke , Rep. David Durfee , Rep. Zon Eastes , Rep. Alice Emmons , Rep. Martha Feltus , Rep. Gina Galfetti , Rep. Golrang Garofano , Rep. Leslie Goldman , Rep. Ian Goodnow , Rep. Kenneth Goslant , Rep. Edye Graning , Rep. William Greer , Rep. James Gregoire , Sen. Martine Gulick , Rep. Lisa Hango , Sen. Ruth Hardy , Rep. Leanne Harple , Rep. James Harrison , Rep. Zachary Harvey , Sen. Nader Hashim , Rep. Troy Headrick , Rep. Mark Higley , Rep. Rebecca Holcombe , Rep. Philip "Jay" Hooper , Rep. Robert Hooper , Rep. Lori Houghton , Rep. Mary Howard , Rep. Christopher Howland , Rep. Robert Hunter , Sen. Russell Ingalls , Rep. Kathleen James , Rep. John Kascenska , Rep. Chris Keyser , Rep. Charles Kimbell , Rep. Bram Kleppner , Rep. Emilie Kornheiser , Rep. Emilie Krasnow , Rep. Jill Krowinski , Rep. Larry Labor , Rep. Kate Lalley , Rep. Martin LaLonde , Rep. Saudia LaMont , Rep. Wayne Laroche , Rep. Jed Lipsky , Rep. Kate Logan , Rep. Emily Long , Rep. Joseph Luneau , Sen. Virginia Lyons , Rep. Eric Maguire , Sen. Joseph Major , Rep. Alicia Malay , Rep. Michael Marcotte , Rep. James Masland , Rep. Kate McCann , Rep. Patricia McCoy , Rep. Francis McFaun , Rep. Jubilee McGill , Rep. Anthony Micklus , Rep. Marc Mihaly , Rep. Brian Minier , Rep. Leland Morgan , Rep. Michael Morgan , Rep. Kristi Morris , Rep. Mary Morrissey , Rep. Christopher Morrow , Rep. Michael Mrowicki , Rep. Richard Nelson , Rep. Todd Nielsen , Rep. Michael Nigro , Sen. Robert Norris , Rep. Robert North , Rep. Daniel Noyes , Rep. Kate Nugent , Rep. John O'Brien , Rep. Carol Ode , Rep. Thomas Oliver , Rep. Herb Olson , Rep. Woodman Page , Rep. Joseph Parsons , Sen. Andrew Perchlik , Rep. Gayle Pezzo , Rep. Sandra Pinsonault , Rep. Phil Pouech , Rep. Debra Powers , Rep. Monique Priestley , Rep. Christopher Pritchard , Rep. Beth Quimby , Rep. Barbara Rachelson , Rep. Lawrence Satcowitz , Rep. Robin Scheu , Rep. Amy Sheldon , Rep. Laura Sibilia , Rep. Michael Southworth , Rep. Trevor Squirrell , Rep. Brenda Steady , Rep. Thomas Stevens , Rep. Mary-Katherine Stone , Rep. Heather Surprenant , Rep. Shawn Sweeney , Rep. Michael Tagliavia , Rep. Christopher Taylor , Rep. Chloe Tomlinson , Rep. Casey Toof , Rep. Dara Torre , Rep. Matthew Walker , Rep. Edward Waszazak , Rep. Chea Waters Evans , Sen. Anne Watson , Rep. Kenneth Wells , Rep. Candice White , Rep. Kirk White , Rep. Kevin Winter , Rep. Theresa Wood , Rep. David Yacovone
2/14/2025 - Senate Message: Adopted in concurrence
Last Recorded Action
House 2/14/2025 - Senate Message: Adopted in concurrence
Bill/Resolution Text

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Senate concurrent resolution honoring the Vermont Old Cemetery Association

Detailed Status

Regular Session 2025-2026
Body Date Journal Calendar Location Full Status
Senate concurrent resolution honoring the Vermont Old Cemetery Association

Roll Call History

Regular Session 2025-2026
Body Date Journal Location Full Status

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Although procedurally bills and resolutions are assigned to only one committee at a time, other committees may review the bill or resolution. This page contains results from both the assigned committee as well as other committees.

No meeting history found for S.C.R.2 in the Regular Session 2025-2026.
Senate concurrent resolution honoring the Vermont Old Cemetery Association

Meeting Full List

Regular Session 2025-2026
No meeting history found for S.C.R.2 in the Regular Session 2025-2026.
No committee documents found for S.C.R.2 in the Regular Session 2025-2026.
No witnesses found for S.C.R.2 in the Regular Session 2025-2026.

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Fiscal notes and materials available on this web page are provided for informational purposes only, and may not comprise all materials received by the Vermont Legislature or the final fiscal information related to a specific bill.  The Legislature is not responsible for the accuracy of any information in these materials, and their posting does not constitute approval or endorsement by the Legislature.

No fiscal documents found for S.C.R.2 in the Regular Session 2025-2026.
No committee of conference members found for S.C.R.2 in the Regular Session 2025-2026.
Senate concurrent resolution honoring the Vermont Old Cemetery Association

Committee of Conference Meetings

Regular Session 2025-2026
Meeting Date Committee
Senate concurrent resolution honoring the Vermont Old Cemetery Association

Committee of Conference Meeting Full List

Regular Session 2025-2026
No committee of conference meeting history found for S.C.R.2 in the Regular Session 2025-2026.
No committee of conference report found for S.C.R.2 in the Regular Session 2025-2026.

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No act information found for S.C.R.2 in the Regular Session 2025-2026.

Staff & Other Information

Michael Chernick, Legislative Counsel

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