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2025-2026 Session

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Representative Brian Cina

Seat Number
(802) 828-2228
Mailing Address
12 1/2 Isham St., Burlington, VT 05401
BRIAN CINA of Burlington, Chittenden County, Progressive/Democratic, was born and raised in northeastern New Jersey. He moved to New Hampshire in 1994 to attend Dartmouth College, where he was a Senior Fellow and graduated with an A.B. in Music. In 1998, he moved to Burlington, Vermont and served as an Americorps member at Spectrum Youth and Family Services. From 1999-2003, Cina continued working in human services, providing restorative justice and outreach to youth and families. From 2003-2005, he attended the University of Vermont, earning a Master of Social Work degree. From 2005-2010, Cina worked at Transitional Services for Youth and Families, providing family support services and supervising the social services program. Since 2010, he has operated a private practice in clinical social work/psychotherapy located in downtown Burlington. Cina is a community organizer and activist. He co-founded ISGOOD (Isham Street Gardening and Other Optimistic Doings), a neighborhood organization that has reduced crime through gardening and other community service activities since 2005. From 2018-2019, Cina served on the Vermont Artificial Intelligence Task Force as the member with social work expertise in human rights and ethics. Cina served as a School Board member from 2014-2017. He led the search for a new superintendent in 2015 and was the chair of the Finance Committee. Cina is also a musician and performance artist.
Member of the House of Representatives: 2017-present.

Roll Call Votes by Representative Cina

Regular Session 2025-2026
Bill Question Vote Pass/Fail Details