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Searching 2018 Special Session

2018 Special Session

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J.R.H.2 (Act R-2)

Joint resolution condemning the recently reversed federal policy of separating children from their families at the southern international border, expressing a profound hope that the family separation policy will not be reinstated, and imploring the Department of Homeland Security to reunite the separated families immediately

Rep. Sarah Copeland-Hanzas , Rep. Jessica Brumsted , Rep. Alice Miller , Rep. Michael Mrowicki , Rep. George Till , Rep. Kathryn Webb , Rep. Michael Yantachka , Rep. Janet Ancel , Rep. John Bartholomew , Rep. Paul Belaski , Rep. Clement Bissonnette , Rep. Thomas Bock , Rep. William Botzow II, Rep. Timothy Briglin , Rep. Cynthia Browning , Rep. Susan Buckholz , Rep. Mollie Burke , Rep. Robin Chesnut-Tangerman , Rep. Annmarie Christensen , Rep. Kevin Christie , Rep. Brian Cina , Rep. Selene Colburn , Rep. Peter Conlon , Rep. Daniel Connor , Rep. Charles "Chip" Conquest , Rep. Maureen Dakin , Rep. David Deen , Rep. Anne Donahue , Rep. Johannah Donovan , Rep. Elizabeth Dunn , Rep. Alice Emmons , Rep. Peter Fagan , Rep. Rachael Fields , Rep. Robert Forguites , Rep. John Gannon , Rep. Marcia Gardner , Rep. Dylan Giambatista , Rep. Diana Gonzalez , Rep. Maxine Grad , Rep. Sandy Haas , Rep. Helen Head , Rep. Matthew Hill , Rep. Mary Hooper , Rep. Philip Hooper , Rep. Lori Houghton , Rep. Mary Howard , Rep. Kimberly Jessup , Rep. Benjamin Jickling , Rep. Mitzi Johnson , Rep. Ben Joseph , Rep. Kathleen Keenan , Rep. Warren Kitzmiller , Rep. Jill Krowinski , Rep. Diane Lanpher , Rep. William Lippert Jr., Rep. Emily Long , Rep. Gabrielle Lucke , Rep. Terence Macaig , Rep. James Masland , Rep. Curtis McCormack , Rep. James McCullough , Rep. Ruqaiyah "Kiah" Morris , Rep. Barbara Murphy , Rep. Daniel Noyes , Rep. Jean O'Sullivan , Rep. Carol Ode , Rep. Kelly Pajala , Rep. Carolyn Partridge , Rep. David Potter , Rep. Ann Pugh , Rep. Barbara Rachelson , Rep. Robin Scheu , Rep. David Sharpe , Rep. Amy Sheldon , Rep. Laura Sibilia , Rep. Trevor Squirrell , Rep. Thomas Stevens , Rep. Valerie Stuart , Rep. Linda Sullivan , Rep. Mary Sullivan , Rep. Tristan Toleno , Rep. Catherine Toll , Rep. Maida Townsend , Rep. Matthew Trieber , Rep. Joseph "Chip" Troiano , Rep. Cynthia Weed , Rep. Theresa Wood , Rep. David Yacovone , Rep. Samuel Young
6/25/2018 - Senate Message, Adopted in concurrence
Last Recorded Action
House 6/25/2018 - Senate Message, Adopted in concurrence
Bill/Resolution Text

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Joint resolution condemning the recently reversed federal policy of separating children from their families at the southern international border, expressing a profound hope that the family separation policy will not be reinstated, and imploring the Department of Homeland Security to reunite the separated families immediately

Detailed Status

2018 Special Session
Body Date Journal Calendar Location Full Status
Joint resolution condemning the recently reversed federal policy of separating children from their families at the southern international border, expressing a profound hope that the family separation policy will not be reinstated, and imploring the Department of Homeland Security to reunite the separated families immediately

Roll Call History

2018 Special Session
Body Date Journal Location Full Status

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Although procedurally bills and resolutions are assigned to only one committee at a time, other committees may review the bill or resolution. This page contains results from both the assigned committee as well as other committees.

No meeting history found for J.R.H.2 in the 2018 Special Session.
Joint resolution condemning the recently reversed federal policy of separating children from their families at the southern international border, expressing a profound hope that the family separation policy will not be reinstated, and imploring the Department of Homeland Security to reunite the separated families immediately

Meeting Full List

2018 Special Session
No meeting history found for J.R.H.2 in the 2018 Special Session.
No committee documents found for J.R.H.2 in the 2018 Special Session.
No witnesses found for J.R.H.2 in the 2018 Special Session.

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Fiscal notes and materials available on this web page are provided for informational purposes only, and may not comprise all materials received by the Vermont Legislature or the final fiscal information related to a specific bill.  The Legislature is not responsible for the accuracy of any information in these materials, and their posting does not constitute approval or endorsement by the Legislature.

No fiscal documents found for J.R.H.2 in the 2018 Special Session.
No committee of conference members found for J.R.H.2 in the 2018 Special Session.
Joint resolution condemning the recently reversed federal policy of separating children from their families at the southern international border, expressing a profound hope that the family separation policy will not be reinstated, and imploring the Department of Homeland Security to reunite the separated families immediately

Committee of Conference Meetings

2018 Special Session
Meeting Date Committee
Joint resolution condemning the recently reversed federal policy of separating children from their families at the southern international border, expressing a profound hope that the family separation policy will not be reinstated, and imploring the Department of Homeland Security to reunite the separated families immediately

Committee of Conference Meeting Full List

2018 Special Session
No committee of conference meeting history found for J.R.H.2 in the 2018 Special Session.
No committee of conference report found for J.R.H.2 in the 2018 Special Session.

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Staff & Other Information

Michael Chernick, Legislative Counsel

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