2013-2014 Session
Change SessionHouse Committee on Ways and Means (Room 34)
The House Committee on Ways & Means considers matters relating to the revenue of the state, and which shall inquire into the state of the treasury; ascertain the amount of debt due the state, and the claims against it; report the amount of taxes necessary to be raised for the support of the government and inquire what measures, if any, ought to be adopted, the better to equalize the public burdens, secure the accountability of public agents, and otherwise improve the financial concerns of the state, including all matters relating to taxation, local or otherwise and all matters relating to the grand list.
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- No meeting is currently scheduled
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Documents & Handouts
Browse documents below or use document search.
Materials posted on this page are for informational purposes only and may not include all material received by the Committee. The Committee is not responsible for the accuracy of posted material, and posting does not represent approval or endorsement by the Committee or the Vermont General Assembly.
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- Documents/2014/WorkGroups/House Ways and Means/Education Finance
- Tuesday, March 11, 2014
- H.353: H.353 Tax Transformation Bill Analysis Cynthia Browning
- Fayston Elementary School Board Presentation Town Meeting 2014 Heidi Spear
- Improving on Act 68 Core Concepts for Change Heidi Spear
- Friday, February 28, 2014
- Equalized Pupil Counts if 5.0 percent Cap and No Fast Growth Provision Brad James
- Explanation of Data and Ratios Used in Report on Act 60 of 2013 Brad James
- Break-Even Household Income for Property Tax Adjustment Chart Mark Perrault
- Education Fund Outlook HWM Scenarios for FY2015 Updated as of February 24th Mark Perrault
- Extending the Slope Mark Perrault
- Germaine Proposal Hypotheticals Mark Perrault
- HWM Scenarios Graph 2-28-14 Mark Perrault
- Soft Cap Mark Perrault
- Wednesday, February 19, 2014
- Town of Colchester - Tax Assessed Property Value - Income Sensitivity Jim Condon
- 2013 Total Property Tax Adjustment Mark Perrault
- Friday, February 14, 2014
- Thursday, February 13, 2014
- Class Size Handout Art Woolf
- Presentation to the House Ways and Means Committee Art Woolf
- Report on Vermont Education Funding System Art Woolf
- Wednesday, February 12, 2014
- Briefing Paper - Funding Vermont`s Schools for the Future Lawrence Picus
- Tuesday, February 11, 2014
- Wednesday, February 5, 2014
- Education Fund Outlook – HWM Variations Mark Perrault
- Education Tax as a percentage of income Mark Perrault
- Education tax by value or income Mark Perrault
- Education Tax Rate Variations - HWM Mark Perrault
- Education tax – rules of thumb Mark Perrault
- Montpelier Mark Perrault
- Friday, January 31, 2014
- Ed Proposals Dave Sharpe
- Thursday, January 23, 2014
- Education Fund Outlook - Updated as of Jan 20th Mark Perrault
- Rep Sharp and Greshin Proposal DR 14-475 Draft 1.2 Peter Griffin
- Friday, January 17, 2014
- Calculation of the FY2015 General Fund Transfer to the Education Fund Mark Perrault
- Education Fund Outlook - January 17th Mark Perrault
- Education Fund Sources Mark Perrault
- Education Tax Shares Mark Perrault
- FY2011 Elementary-Secondary Public School System Revenue by Source Mark Perrault
- General Fund FY2013 Surplus – Act 162 of 2012, sec. D.103 Mark Perrault
- Supplemental Property Tax Relief Fund (millions of dollars) Mark Perrault
Bills In House Committee on Ways and Means
Bills that are currently in committee.
2013 - 2014 Legislative Session
Bill | Title | Sponsor |
Bills Out of House Committee on Ways and Means
Bills sponsored by the committee, and bills reported out of committee. Includes bills where the committee has been relieved of responsibility.
2013 - 2014 Legislative Session
Bill | Title | Sponsor | Act # | Year |
Bills Referred to House Committee on Ways and Means
Bills that were in committee at any time. Does not include bills sponsored by Committee.
2013 - 2014 Legislative Session
Bill | Title | Sponsor | Act # | Year |
Bills Sponsored by House Committee on Ways and Means
2013 - 2014 Legislative Session
Bill | Title | Act # |
Legislative language and other materials posted on this page are subject to frequent change and may not reflect the Committee's most recent discussions or actions. Please check back often for updated materials.