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Searching 2023-2024 Session

The Vermont Statutes Online

The Vermont Statutes Online does not include the actions of the 2024 session of the General Assembly. We expect them to be updated by November 1st.

NOTE: The Vermont Statutes Online is an unofficial copy of the Vermont Statutes Annotated that is provided as a convenience.

Title 32 : Taxation and Finance

Chapter 133 : Assessment and Collection of Taxes

Subchapter 009 : Delinquent Taxes

(Cite as: 32 V.S.A. § 5252)
  • § 5252. Levy and notice of sale; securing property

    (a) When the collector of taxes of a town or of a municipality within it has for collection a tax assessed against real estate in the town and the taxpayer is delinquent, the collector may extend a warrant on such land. If a collector receives notice from a mobile home park owner pursuant to 10 V.S.A. § 6248(b), the collector shall, within 15 days after the notice, commence tax sale proceedings to hold a tax sale within 60 days after the notice. If the collector fails to initiate such proceedings, the town may initiate tax sale proceedings only after complying with 10 V.S.A. § 6249(f). If the tax collector extends the warrant, the collector shall:

    (1) File in the office of the town clerk for record a true and attested copy of the warrant and so much of the tax bill committed to the collector for collection as relates to the tax against the delinquent taxpayer, a sufficient description of the land so levied upon, and a statement in writing that by virtue of the original tax warrant and tax bill committed to the collector for collection, the collector has levied upon the described land.

    (2) Advertise forthwith such land for sale at public auction in the town where it lies three weeks successively in a newspaper circulating in the vicinity, the last publication to be at least 10 days before such sale.

    (3) Give the delinquent taxpayer written notice by certified mail requiring a return receipt directed to the last known address of the delinquent of the date and place of such sale at least 10 days prior thereto if the delinquent is a resident of the town and 20 days prior thereto if the delinquent is a nonresident of the town. If the notice by certified mail is returned unclaimed, notice shall be provided to the taxpayer by resending the notice by first-class mail or by personal service pursuant to Rule 4 of the Vermont Rules of Civil Procedure.

    (4) Give to the mortgagee or lien holder of record written notice of such sale at least 10 days prior thereto if a resident of the town and, if a nonresident, 20 days’ notice to the mortgagee or lien holder of record or his or her agent or attorney by certified mail requiring a return receipt directed to the last known address of such person. If the notice by certified mail is returned unclaimed, notice shall be provided by resending the notice by first-class mail or by personal service pursuant to Rule 4 of the Vermont Rules of Civil Procedure.

    (5) Post a notice of such sale in some public place in the town.

    (b) If the warrant and levy for delinquent taxes has been recorded pursuant to subsection (a) of this section, the municipality in which the real estate lies may secure the property against illegal activity and potential fire hazards after giving the mortgagee or lien holder of record written notice at least 10 days prior to such action. (Amended 1993, No. 141 (Adj. Sess.), § 16, eff. May 6, 1994; 2017, No. 7, § 2; 2017, No. 117 (Adj. Sess.), § 3.)