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The Vermont Statutes Online

The Statutes below include the actions of the 2024 session of the General Assembly.

NOTE: The Vermont Statutes Online is an unofficial copy of the Vermont Statutes Annotated that is provided as a convenience.

Title 24 Appendix : Municipal Charters

Chapter 011 : City of St. Albans

(Cite as: 24 App. V.S.A. ch. 11, § 2)
  • § 2. Boundaries

    The boundaries of the City of St. Albans shall continue as heretofore established by said act as amended by 1915 Acts and Resolves No. 280, which boundaries are therein described as follows:

    (1) Beginning at the southeasterly corner of Aldis Hill playground, thence northerly, westerly, southerly, and again westerly in the bounds of said playground to the northwesterly corner thereof.

    (2) Thence northerly, in a line parallel to High Street, to a point on the southerly boundary of property owned or formerly owned by Adhemard and Amanda Bertrand. Thence easterly in the southerly line of the aforesaid Bertrand property to a point 710 feet from the easterly line of High Street.

    (3) Thence northerly a distance of 750 feet in a line parallel with said High Street to a point.

    (4) Thence westerly a distance of 140 feet in a line parallel to the southerly boundary of the aforesaid Bertrand property to a point.

    (5) Thence continuing westerly a distance of 140 feet in a line parallel to the southerly boundary of the aforesaid Bertrand property to a point.

    (6) Thence westerly in a line parallel to the southerly boundary line of the aforesaid Bertrand property a distance of 520 feet to a point in the easterly line of High Street.

    (7) Thence, at right angles to Main Street, westerly 279 and one-twelfth feet to a stake in the center of the track of the Missisquoi Valley Railroad Company.

    (8) Thence southerly, along the center line of said track, 535 and one-sixteenth feet to a stake in line with the south line of the meadow lately owned or formerly owned by Mrs. Betsy D. Hoyt, deceased.

    (9) Thence westerly, in the aforesaid Hoyt south line and its continuation, to such a point as would be intersected by producing northerly the westerly line of the land owned or formerly owned by Louis DeGoesbriand, which land is commonly called Calvary cemetery.

    (10) Thence southerly, in the west line of said Calvary cemetery lot and its continuations to the north end and to the south 2,173 feet, and seven inches.

    (11) Thence westerly, 748 feet, to a stake.

    (12) Thence southerly, 406 feet to a stake in the center of the main line of the Central Vermont Railway Company.

    (13) Thence westerly along the main line of the Central Vermont Railway Company, a distance of 229 feet to a stake.

    (14) Thence southerly in a straight line to a stake in the south line of Lake Street, being at the northeast corner of land owned or formerly owned by Mrs. Mary L. Stickney.

    (15) Thence southerly, in said Stickney’s east line and the continuation thereof, to a stake set at the point in said line last mentioned that would be intersected by continuing westerly the north line of land owned or formerly owned by Mrs. Mary McGrath.

    (16) Thence easterly in the said McGrath’s north line and its continuation westerly 1,969 and five-twelfths feet to a stake.

    (17) Thence southerly at right angles to the last course 896 and one-third feet to a stake in the line between land lately owned by Michael McMahon, deceased, and land owned or formerly owned by B. F. Rugg.

    (18) Thence easterly in the north line of said Rugg’s land and the continuation thereof, 1,128 and one-sixth feet to a stake in the easterly line of the Central Vermont Railroad Company’s right of way, being also the northwest corner of land lately owned by Talmadge B. Hall, deceased, and now owned or formerly owned by George C. Story.

    (19) Thence southerly, in the westerly line of said Hall land and of land lately formerly owned by Henry Tanner, deceased, being also the easterly line of the said railroad right of way, 342 and one-twelfth feet to a stake at the southwest corner of said Tanner land.

    (20) Thence, easterly in the south line of the aforesaid Tanner land, to a stake at the north corner of land owned or formerly owned by Mrs. Lydia Judd.

    (21) Thence southerly, in the westerly line of said Judd’s land and its continuation southerly to a stake at the point in said line that would be intersected by continuing westerly the south line land owned or formerly owned by Mrs. Emily C. Edson.

    (22) Thence easterly, in said Edson’s south line, and its continuation, to the west line of South Main Street.

    (23) Thence southerly, in the said west line of South Main Street, to a stake in the line between land owned or formerly owned by B. F. Rugg and land owned or formerly owned by Mrs. Sarah C. Foster.

    (24) Thence westerly, in said last mentioned line, 200 feet to a stake.

    (25) Thence southerly in a line parallel to, and 200 feet west from the west line of South Main Street 879 and three-eighths feet to a stake on land owned or formerly owned by Mrs. Emerette Dean.

    (26) Thence easterly at right angles to the preceding course, 103 feet to a stake, thence southerly at right angles to the preceding, 70 and two-thirds feet to a stake, thence westerly at right angles to the preceding, 103 feet to a stake in the line as aforesaid parallel to Main Street.

    (27) Thence southerly, in the continuation of the line parallel to South Main Street and 200 feet west of the west line thereof, 814 and eleven-twelfths feet to a stake on land owned or formerly owned by Mrs. Florette B. Maynard, being in line with the south line of Parsons Avenue, if produced westerly.

    (28) Thence easterly, in said south line of Parsons Avenue and its continuation to the west, 492 and seven-eighths feet to a stake north of Nelson F. Hazard’s house, now or formerly, being 200 feet east of the east line of South Main Street.

    (29) Thence northerly, in a course parallel to the east line of South Main Street and 200 feet east of said east line, to a stake in the south line of the lot owned and occupied or formerly owned by Chas. H. Clark.

    (30) Thence easterly, in said Clark’s south line, to the southeast corner of the lot aforesaid.

    (31) Thence northerly, in the east line of the aforesaid Clark’s lot and in the continuation thereof, to a stake in the south line of land now or formerly occupied by M. D. Downey.

    (32) Thence easterly, in the south line of said land occupied by M. D. Downey, to the southeast corner thereof.

    (33) Thence northerly, in the east line of land occupied by said Downey and in the east line of land now or formerly occupied by Dan’l Beeman, to a stake in the south line of land now or formerly occupied by S. S. Allen.

    (34) Thence easterly, in the said south line of land now or formerly occupied by S. S. Allen, to the southeast corner thereof.

    (35) Thence northerly, in the east line of the land occupied as aforesaid by S. S. Allen and in the continuation of the last mentioned line, to a stake in the south line of lands of the St. Albans Cemetery Association.

    (36) Thence easterly in said last mentioned line, to a stake in the southeast corner of the aforesaid Cemetery Association land.

    (37) Thence northerly, in the easterly line of the aforesaid Cemetery Association land and of H. H. Farnsworth’s land in the westerly line of B. F. Rugg’s land, to a stake 200 feet south from the south line of easterly continuation of Upper Welden Street.

    (38) Thence easterly, parallel to and 200 feet from the south line of the continuation of Upper Welden Street as aforesaid, to a stake in the west line of Thorpe Avenue, as now fenced.

    (39) Thence northerly in said west line of Thorpe Avenue and its continuation to a stake in the north line land now or formerly of B. F. Rugg.

    (40) Thence easterly in said B. F. Rugg’s north line 463 and three-fourths feet to a stake.

    (41) Thence northerly 926 feet to a stake in the north line of Fairfield Street.

    (42) Thence northerly to an iron stake at the southeast corner of land now or formerly occupied by Dr. W. Standford Stevens.

    (43) Thence northerly in the east line of land occupied by said Stevens, to an iron stake at the northeast corner thereof, and again continuing the last mentioned line until it intersects the south line of land formerly owned by John Gregory Smith, deceased.

    (44) Thence northerly to a point in the north line of Congress Street, being 495 feet easterly along the said north line of Congress Street from the southeast corner of land leased by John Gregory Smith to Edward Curtis Smith February 18, 1889.

    (45) Thence northerly to the place of beginning. It is to be understood throughout this description that the word “line” shall mean “a straight line”, and the word “continuation” shall mean “continuation in a straight line”.

    (46) Commencing at a point in the City boundary of the City of St. Albans along the 38th line described in the description of boundaries included in the charter of the City of St. Albans, Vermont, said point being more explicitly described as lying in the center of Grice Brook and is the southern extremity of the westerly boundary of Burnell Terrace as deeded to the City of St. Albans and approximately 1,145 feet south of the southerly line of Upper Welden Street, thence running northerly along the city boundary to a point 200 feet south of the south line of Upper Welden Street, thence easterly, parallel to and 200 feet from the said south line of Upper Welden Street to the west line of Thorpe Avenue; thence northerly in said west line of Thorpe Avenue and its extension to a point marked by an iron pipe at the northwesterly corner of property of Robert Hill; thence in an easterly direction a distance of 463 and 75 one-hundredths feet to a point marked by an iron pipe; thence northerly a distance of 926 feet to a point in the northerly boundary of Fairfield Street; the lines thus far described being along the present boundary of said City of St. Albans; thence running easterly along the northerly boundary of Fairfield Street, a distance of 60 and seven-tenths feet to a point in the extension of the easterly boundary of land now or formerly of Leo Pudvah; thence in a southerly direction across Fairfield Street and along the easterly boundary of Leo Pudvah’s property to a point marked by an iron pipe at the northwest corner of property now or formerly of John Labounty; thence in an easterly direction along the northerly boundary of the John Labounty property thence in a southerly direction along the easterly boundary of John Labounty’s property and extension thereto to a point in the southerly boundary of Upper Welden Street; thence in the southerly boundary of Upper Welden Street to a point that is the northwesterly corner of land now or formerly owned by Kemper F. Peabody and Ethel M. Peabody; thence in a southerly direction along the westerly boundary of land of said Peabody, a distance of 435 and six-tenths feet to land now or formerly of Beverlee R. and Maritta T. Demeritt; thence easterly a distance of 285 and six-tenths feet to a point which is the northeasterly corner of land of said Demeritt; thence in a southerly direction along boundary of said Peabody to the southeast corner of property now or formerly of Malcolm and Mildred Baker; thence westerly along the southerly boundary of land of said Baker to a point in the easterly line of Thorpe Avenue; thence continuing in a westerly direction along Grice Brook to the point of beginning.

    (47) Beginning at a point in the south line of Fairfield Street which marks the intersection of the present easterly boundary of the City of St. Albans and the southerly line of said Fairfield Street, thence extending along the southerly line of Fairfield Street and the southerly and westerly line of the so-called Fairfax Road to a point in the westerly line of Fairfax Road that marks the intersection of the southerly line of the extension of Upper Welden Street so-called and the westerly line of the Fairfax Road; thence continuing westerly long the southerly line of the extension of said Upper Welden Street to a point that marks the intersection of the southerly line of the extension of Upper Welden Street and the easterly boundary line of the City of St. Albans; thence turning and running in a northerly direction along the easterly boundary of said City of St. Albans to a point at the north-westerly corner of the premises of one Howard King that marks the intersection of the easterly boundary of the City of St. Albans and a southerly boundary of the present Town of St. Albans; thence westerly along a northerly boundary line of the City of St. Albans to an easterly boundary line of the City of St. Albans; thence northerly along the easterly boundary of the City of St. Albans to a point in the southerly line of Fairfield Street marking the point of beginning. (Amended 2009, No. M-23 (Adj. Sess.), § 3, eff. May 20, 2010.)