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The Vermont Statutes Online

The Vermont Statutes Online does not include the actions of the 2024 session of the General Assembly. We expect them to be updated by November 1st.

NOTE: The Vermont Statutes Online is an unofficial copy of the Vermont Statutes Annotated that is provided as a convenience.

Title 21 : Labor

Chapter 013 : Apprenticeship

(Cite as: 21 V.S.A. § 1113)
  • § 1113. Vermont Registered Apprenticeship Program

    (a) Purpose.

    (1) The Vermont Registered Apprenticeship Program shall develop and regulate apprenticeship programs, pre-apprenticeship, and youth apprenticeship programs that are industry-driven, high-quality career pathways in partnership with employers to attract, train, and develop talent.

    (2) The Vermont Registered Apprenticeship Program shall coordinate with State and local workforce development entities that serve individuals seeking employment and shall partner with State and local education and economic development leaders to expand the use of apprenticeship programs as a workforce and economic development strategy.

    (b) Administration. The Vermont Registered Apprenticeship Program shall be administered by the Department and shall employ a Director of Apprenticeship who shall serve as the primary point of contact with the federal Office of Apprenticeship and who shall have overall responsibility for the administration of the Vermont Registered Apprenticeship Program.

    (c) Operation. The Vermont Registered Apprenticeship Program shall:

    (1) develop, register, monitor, and maintain records of program standards for apprenticeship programs, pre-apprenticeship programs, and youth apprenticeship programs;

    (2) promote and provide technical support to employers, sponsors, education and training providers, workforce and economic development providers, jobseekers, and apprentices related to apprenticeship programs;

    (3) develop and support strategies that promote diversity, equity, accessibility, and inclusion in apprenticeship programs;

    (4) expand the number of apprenticeship programs and opportunities to meet employer and worker needs;

    (5) administer apprenticeship programs and apprenticeship agreements, including issuing certificates of program registration, certificates of completion, interim credentials, and apprentice registration cards to comply with intra-and interstate requirements;

    (6) maintain a publicly available list and information about apprenticeship programs and sponsors;

    (7) determine, evaluate, and approve standards for the registration of an apprenticeship program;

    (8) perform quality assurance assessments and monitor programs;

    (9) maintain records related to program registration and deregistration, apprentices enrollment and completion, compliance reviews and investigations, and any other matters required by State or federal law;

    (10) report on program outcomes;

    (11) deregister programs that are not in compliance with the requirements of this chapter;

    (12) develop and submit regular strategic and implementation plans, including the State Plan for Equal Employment Opportunity in Apprenticeship, as required by 29 C.F.R. Part 30;

    (13) promote and develop reciprocity agreements with other states to support the recognition of apprenticeship programs and enable portability of credentials;

    (14) assist in the adoption and implementation of National Guideline Standards or National Program Standards;

    (15) coordinate alignment in apprenticeship program development and implementation with employers, sponsors, education and training providers, and other stakeholders; and

    (16) maximize available State and federal funding to expand the availability of apprenticeship programs to Vermont employers and workers.

    (d) Powers and duties.

    (1) The Commissioner shall:

    (A) adopt rules to implement the Vermont Registered Apprenticeship Program, ensuring that it complies with State and federal regulations;

    (B) promote equality of opportunity in apprenticeship programs pursuant to the State Plan for Equal Employment Opportunity in Apprenticeship as required by 29 C.F.R. Part 30;

    (C) support the integration of apprenticeship programs into the education, workforce, and economic development systems in the State;

    (D) establish journey-worker to apprentice ratios and procedures for variance requests for ratios in accordance with section 1116, ratios, of this title, except that the ratio in a youth apprenticeship programs shall not exceed 1:1;

    (E) safeguard the rights of employers and apprentices engaged in an apprenticeship program; and

    (F) direct the distribution of funds to support apprentices and apprenticeship programs.

    (2) The Director shall:

    (A) advise the Commissioner on the adoption of rules concerning the Vermont Registered Apprenticeship Program;

    (B) approve new apprenticeable occupations in consultation with the Board;

    (C) approve and oversee the development, registration, monitoring, and maintenance of program standards for apprenticeship, pre-apprenticeship, and youth apprenticeship programs; and

    (D) approve and oversee the registration of apprentices, maintenance of apprenticeship agreements, and issue certificates of completion and interim credentials.

    (e) Strategic planning and reporting. The Vermont Registered Apprenticeship Program shall:

    (1) develop and disseminate a strategic plan once every five years, beginning on July 1, 2024;

    (2) prepare and submit to the Vermont General Assembly an annual report on the status of the Vermont Registered Apprenticeship Program on or before December 1 of each year that includes:

    (A) general program statistics, including a list of programs by county;

    (B) an analysis of apprentices in the program disaggregated by age, race, sex, gender identity, New American status, Veteran status, disability, industry, and education status, including participation in career and technical education;

    (C) nontraditional occupations by gender and race;

    (D) new occupations approved;

    (E) an analysis of the average starting and ending wage by occupation;

    (F) new sponsors, employers, or industries involved with programs over the previous period;

    (G) a summary of how allocated funds were used and analysis of the impact of those funds; and

    (H) summary of significant activities of the program. (Added 2023, No. 55, § 1, eff. July 1, 2023.)