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Searching 2023-2024 Session

The Vermont Statutes Online

The Vermont Statutes Online does not include the actions of the 2024 session of the General Assembly. We expect them to be updated by November 1st.

NOTE: The Vermont Statutes Online is an unofficial copy of the Vermont Statutes Annotated that is provided as a convenience.

Title 16 : Education

Chapter 039 : Vermont Student Apprenticeship Program

(Cite as: 16 V.S.A. § 1604)
  • § 1604. State Board responsibilities

    The State Board of Education shall:

    (1) Establish standards of operation for a student apprenticeship program. Standards shall ensure that a program prepares students to meet labor market standards and needs, and that a student shall receive relevant and quality work experience.

    (2) Establish standards for entrance into a student apprenticeship program.

    (3) Establish a process for termination of a student from a student apprenticeship program.

    (4) In collaboration with related business or trade organizations, establish academic and occupation-specific industry competency standards for each occupation-specific student apprenticeship program offered in the State. The standards shall be those to be met in order to earn an industry competency certificate.

    (5) Establish guidelines for preparation of worksite mentors.

    (6) Certify those who graduate from a student apprenticeship program as meeting industry competency standards for entrance into the trade or profession the student has studied. The State Board shall maintain a record of certificates issued under this subdivision. (Added 1993, No. 155 (Adj. Sess.), § 1, eff. May 17, 1994.)