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The Vermont Statutes Online

The Statutes below include the actions of the 2024 session of the General Assembly.

NOTE: The Vermont Statutes Online is an unofficial copy of the Vermont Statutes Annotated that is provided as a convenience.

Title 12 : Court Procedure

Chapter 213 : Judicial Forms

Subchapter 001 : WRITS AND OTHER FORMS

(Cite as: 12 V.S.A. § 5912)
  • § 5912. Restitution

    Writ of Restitution in Case of Forcible Entry and Detainer

    STATE OF VERMONT, To any sheriff or constable in

    ......................... County, ss. the State or to ......................... ,

    } an indifferent person,


    Whereas A. B. of, etc., at a court of inquiry of forcible entry and detainer, held at ................................................. in the county of ....................................... , on the ....................................... day of ....................................... A.D. 20 ...... , before E. F. and G. H., justices of the peace in and for the county of ................................... , by the consideration of the said court recovered a judgment against C. D. of ................................... , to have restitution of (here describe the premises as in the complaint)

    Therefore, by the authority of the State of Vermont, you are hereby commanded forthwith to remove the said C. D. from the premises, and to cause the said A. B. to have peaceable restitution thereof. You are also hereby commanded, that of the goods, chattels or lands of the said C. D., within your precinct, you cause to be levied, and, the same being disposed of according to law, paid and satisfied to the said A. B., the sum of ......................... dollars, being the costs taxed against the said C. D. for the said A. B., by the court aforesaid, together with ......................... cents for this writ, and thereof also satisfy yourself for your own fees.

    Fail not, but service and return make within .................... days from the date hereof.

    Dated at .............................. in the county of ......................... , the ......................... day of ......................... A.D. 20 ........

    E. F., Justice of the Peace.

    G. H., Justice of the Peace.