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Searching 2025-2026 Session

The Vermont Statutes Online

The Statutes below include the actions of the 2024 session of the General Assembly.

NOTE: The Vermont Statutes Online is an unofficial copy of the Vermont Statutes Annotated that is provided as a convenience.

Title 8 : Banking and Insurance

Chapter 165 : Interstate Insurance Product Regulation Compact

(Cite as: 8 V.S.A. § 8511)
  • § 8511. Compacting states; effective date and amendment

    (a) Any state is eligible to become a compacting state.

    (b) The compact shall become effective and binding upon legislative enactment of the compact into law by two compacting states; provided the Commission shall become effective for purposes of adopting uniform standards for, reviewing, and giving approval or disapproval of, products filed with the Commission that satisfy applicable uniform standards only after 26 states are compacting states or, alternatively, by states representing greater than 40 percent of the premium volume for life insurance, annuity, disability income, and long-term care insurance products, based on records of the NAIC for the prior year. Thereafter, it shall become effective and binding as to any other compacting state upon enactment of the compact into law by that state.

    (c) Amendments to the compact may be proposed by the Commission for enactment by the compacting states. No amendment shall become effective and binding upon the Commission and the compacting states unless and until all compacting states enact the amendment into law. (Added 2005, No. 70, § 2.)