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The Vermont Statutes Online

The Statutes below include the actions of the 2024 session of the General Assembly.

NOTE: The Vermont Statutes Online is an unofficial copy of the Vermont Statutes Annotated that is provided as a convenience.

Title 8 : Banking and Insurance

Chapter 149 : Pet Insurance [Effective July 1, 2025]

(Cite as: 8 V.S.A. § 7153)
  • § 7153. Definitions [Effective July 1, 2025]

    (a) If a pet insurer uses any term defined in this section in a policy of pet insurance, the pet insurer shall use the definition of the term provided in this section and include the definition of the term in the policy. The pet insurer shall also make the definition available through a clear and conspicuous link on the main page of the website of either the pet insurer or the pet insurer’s program administrator.

    (b) Nothing in this chapter shall in any way prohibit or limit the types of exclusions pet insurers may use in their policies or require pet insurers to have any of the limitations or exclusions defined in this section.

    (c) As used in this chapter:

    (1) “Chronic condition” means a condition that can be treated or managed, but not cured.

    (2) “Congenital anomaly or disorder” means a condition that is present from birth, whether inherited or caused by the environment, which may cause or contribute to illness or disease.

    (3) “Hereditary disorder” means an abnormality that is genetically transmitted from parent to offspring and may cause illness or disease.

    (4) “Orthopedic” refers to conditions affecting the bones, skeletal muscle, cartilage, tendons, ligaments, and joints. It includes elbow dysplasia, hip dysplasia, intervertebral disc degeneration, patellar luxation, and ruptured cranial cruciate ligaments. It does not include cancers or metabolic, hemopoietic, or autoimmune diseases.

    (5) “Pet insurance” means a property insurance policy that provides coverage for accidents and illnesses of pets.

    (6)(A) “Preexisting condition” means any condition for which any of the following are true within 180 days prior to the effective date of a pet insurance policy or during any waiting period:

    (i) a veterinarian provided medical advice;

    (ii) the pet received previous treatment; or

    (iii) based on information from verifiable sources, the pet had signs or symptoms directly related to the condition for which a claim is being made.

    (B) A condition for which coverage is afforded on a policy cannot be considered a preexisting condition on any renewal of the policy.

    (7) “Renewal” means to issue and deliver at the end of an insurance policy period a policy that supersedes a policy previously issued and delivered by the same pet insurer or affiliated pet insurer and that provides types and limits of coverage substantially similar to those contained in the policy being superseded.

    (8) “Veterinarian” means an individual who holds a valid license to practice veterinary medicine from the appropriate licensing entity in the jurisdiction in which the veterinarian practices.

    (9) “Veterinary expenses” means the costs associated with medical advice, diagnosis, care, or treatment provided by a veterinarian, including the cost of drugs prescribed by a veterinarian.

    (10) “Waiting period” means the period of time specified in a pet insurance policy that is required to transpire before some or all of the coverage in the policy can begin. A waiting period may not be applied to a renewal of existing coverage.

    (11) “Wellness program” means a subscription or reimbursement-based program that is separate from an insurance policy that provides goods and services to promote the general health, safety, or well-being of the pet. If any wellness program meets the definition of insurance in section 3301a of this title and does not qualify for any exclusion, it is transacting in the business of insurance and is subject to the applicable insurance laws and rules. This definition is not intended to classify a contract directly between a service provider and a pet owner that only involves the two parties as being “the business of insurance,” unless other indications of insurance also exist. (Added 2023, No. 110 (Adj. Sess.), § 28, eff. July 1, 2025.)