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Searching 2025-2026 Session

The Vermont Statutes Online

The Statutes below include the actions of the 2024 session of the General Assembly.

NOTE: The Vermont Statutes Online is an unofficial copy of the Vermont Statutes Annotated that is provided as a convenience.

Title 5 : Aeronautics and Surface Transportation Generally

Chapter 013 : Operation of Aircraft

Subchapter 002 : RESTRICTIONS

(Cite as: 5 V.S.A. § 425)
  • § 425. Killing birds or animals

    While in flight within this State, an airman or passenger who intentionally kills or attempts to kill a bird or animal shall be fined not more than $50.00 or imprisoned for not more than 60 days, or both. (Added 1985, No. 222 (Adj. Sess.), § 2.)