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The Vermont Statutes Online

The Statutes below include the actions of the 2024 session of the General Assembly.

NOTE: The Vermont Statutes Online is an unofficial copy of the Vermont Statutes Annotated that is provided as a convenience.

Title 32: Taxation and Finance

Chapter 129: Grand Tax Lists

  • Subchapter 001: INVENTORIES
  • § 4001. Inventory forms

    (a) Annually on April 1, at the expense of the State, the Director shall furnish to the several town clerks and boards of appraisers for unorganized towns and gores inventory forms sufficient in number to meet the requirements of this chapter. Such forms shall be formulated by the Director and, among other things, shall contain suitable interrogatories requiring each taxpayer to furnish therein a brief statement of all of each taxpayer’s taxable property, real and personal, and such other information, including income and expense information with respect to any income-producing properties, as will enable the listers or appraisers to appraise such part thereof as is required by law to be by them appraised, and to make up the abstract of individual lists and grand list in the manner prescribed by law.

    (b) The Director shall include in the blank inventories furnished pursuant to subsection (a) of this section sufficient space for describing the personal property of the taxpayer. This information may be furnished by schedules to be attached to the inventories.

    (c) Listers shall obtain detailed inventory information respecting real and personal property only in such cases as in their judgment is necessary to ascertain the fair market value of property that is subject to an appraisal or reappraisal. (Amended 1977, No. 105, § 14(a); 1999, No. 49, § 25, eff. June 2, 1999; 2005, No. 38, § 5, eff. June 2, 2005.)

  • § 4002. Oath

    Such form shall contain the following:

    I do solemnly swear (or affirm), under the pains and penalties of perjury, that, to my best knowledge and belief, the foregoing inventory by me subscribed is a full, true, and correct list and description of all taxable property, both real and personal, which should be set in the list to me.


    Sign here

    Listers may administer all oaths prescribed in this chapter other than such as are required to be administered to listers.

  • § 4003. Distribution of inventories

    Inventory forms and printed copies of the law prepared as provided in subdivision 3411(6) of this title shall be delivered by the town clerk or listers to all taxpayers requesting the same. At the expense of the town, listers shall forward by mail such inventories and copies to such foreign corporations and nonresidents who are taxable therein, except those taxable for real estate only, as shall be known to them, and the listers or town clerk in like manner may furnish such copies to any taxpayer. Failure on the part of the listers or town clerk to mail or otherwise to furnish such copies, or of the aforesaid persons or corporations to receive the same, shall not in any manner affect or invalidate a grand list prepared and filed according to law. (Amended 1993, No. 49, § 3, eff. May 28, 1993.)

  • § 4004. Return of inventories by individuals

    On or before April 20, unless otherwise required, every taxable person shall procure such inventory form, make full answers to all interrogatories therein, subscribe the same, make oath thereto, and deliver or forward the same to one of the listers in the town wherein such person owns or possesses property required by law to be set to him or her in the grand list. When notice in writing to file, deliver, or forward such inventory on or before a given date is delivered by one of the listers to a person, or mailed postage prepaid to him or her at his or her last known post office address, such person, within the time therein specified, shall properly fill out such inventory and deliver or forward the same to one of the listers, notwithstanding he or she may not own or possess property subject to taxation. Persons taxable only for real estate shall not be required to file such inventory unless notified so to do as herein provided. (Amended 2013, No. 73, § 31, eff. July 1, 2014.)

  • § 4005. Return by corporations, estates, or fiduciaries

    The officer of a corporation on whom service of process may be made shall procure such form and the same shall be executed by its president or other principal officer and the same shall be delivered or forwarded to one of the listers. The person who has charge of the property of a trust, or the property of an estate of a decedent or of a ward or of the property of another person, shall procure and deliver or forward such form to one of the listers.

  • § 4006. Failure to return inventory

    Failure of a taxpayer to make and return a signed, sworn to, or affirmed inventory within 45 days after the mailing of such inventory by the town listers shall bar the taxpayer from any statutory appeal under this chapter or chapter 131 of this title, unless such failure is due to factors beyond the taxpayer’s control. In addition, a taxpayer who fails to submit an inventory within the time and in the form prescribed may be fined not more than $100.00 for each violation. (Amended 1965, No. 194, § 10, eff. July 1, 1965, operative Feb. 1, 1967; 1999, No. 49, § 28, eff. June 2, 1999.)

  • § 4007. Final disposition of inventories

    Inventories filled out by taxpayers shall be lodged by the listers in the town clerk’s office on or before June 1, shall be maintained in a manner reasonably calculated to protect the confidentiality of the information contained in the inventories, and shall be retained therein for a period of not less than three years. (Added 1999, No. 49, § 26, eff. June 2, 1999.)

  • § 4008. Willful destruction

    A person who willfully destroys or removes an inventory from the office of the town clerk during the time the same is required to be preserved, except in obedience to process, shall be fined $500.00.

  • § 4009. Examination of inventories

    (a) Any inventory collected pursuant to section 4001 or 4452 of this title that is in the custody of the town clerk shall be available for inspection, tabulation, and copying by any commission authorized to do so by the General Assembly, a member of such commission, the Attorney General, the Director, the State’s Attorney of the county, and any person designated in writing by the commission, or by any officials listed in this section.

    (b) Listers, selectboard members, treasurers, collectors of taxes, attorneys for the town, and any person designated by the town to assist the town in appraising, as required under section 4041 of this title, the fair market value of the property identified on the inventory form may examine any inventory that they name, and the taxpayer, or the taxpayer’s administrator or executor, may examine the taxpayer’s inventory.

    (c) Town clerks shall upon request furnish a certified copy of an inventory to an official or person entitled to examine the same and, upon subpoena for that purpose, shall produce in court any inventory in the clerk’s custody.

    (d) Copies or abstracts so taken or furnished and any data or information obtained by such examination or contained in such abstracts or copies shall not be disclosed in any manner that will reveal the name or identity of the person making such inventory, except for official use.

    (e) Except as provided in this chapter, the town clerk shall not allow a person to examine such inventories.

    (f) An official or person entitled to examine an inventory or any other person possessing such information by or through the town offices other than the reporting taxpayer, who, in a manner not provided for in this chapter, discloses any information so possessed shall be fined not more than $100.00. (Amended 1977, No. 105, § 14(a); 1999, No. 49, § 27, eff. June 2, 1999; 2017, No. 93 (Adj. Sess.), § 27.)

  • § 4010. Inventories in unorganized towns and gores

    Persons liable to pay taxes in unorganized towns or gores, except as otherwise provided, shall be subject to the same provisions in regard to making out and returning inventories of property to which taxpayers in organized towns are subject; and in taking the list for taxation in unorganized towns and gores, the appraisers therefor, except as otherwise provided, shall be governed by the provisions of this chapter.

  • Subchapter 002: APPRAISALS
  • § 4041. Examination of property; appraisal

    On April 1, the listers shall proceed to take up such inventories and make such personal examination of the property that they are required to appraise as will enable them to appraise it at its fair market value. When a board of listers is of the opinion that expert advice or assistance is needed in making any appraisal required by law, it may, with approval of selectboard or by vote of the town, employ such assistance.

  • § 4041a. Reappraisal [Effective until January 1, 2025; see also 32 V.S.A. § 4041a effective January 1, 2025 set out below]

    (a) A municipality shall be paid $8.50 per grand list parcel per year from the General Fund to be used only for reappraisal and costs related to reappraisal of its grand list properties and for maintenance of the grand list.

    (b) If the Director of Property Valuation and Review determines that a municipality’s education grand list has a coefficient of dispersion greater than 20, the municipality shall reappraise its education grand list properties. If the Director orders a reappraisal, the Director shall send the municipality written notice of the decision. The municipality shall be given 30 days to contest the finding under procedural rules adopted by the Director or to develop a compliance plan, or both. If the Director accepts a proposed compliance plan submitted by the municipality, the Director shall not order commencement of the reappraisal until the municipality has had one year to carry out that plan.

    (c) If a municipality fails to submit an acceptable plan or fails to carry out the plan, pursuant to subsection (b) of this section, the State shall withhold the education, transportation, and other funds from the municipality until the Director certifies that the town has carried out that plan.

    (d) [Repealed.]

    (e) The Director shall adopt rules necessary for administration of this section. (Added 1997, No. 60, § 46, eff. Jan. 1, 1998; amended 2005, No. 38, § 8; 2005, No. 215 (Adj. Sess.), § 284; 2015, No. 134 (Adj. Sess.), § 6, eff. May 25, 2016; 2019, No. 51, § 24; 2021, No. 20, § 265; 2023, No. 68, § 1, eff. July 1, 2023; 2023, No. 144 (Adj. Sess.), § 1, eff. June 3, 2024.)

  • § 4041a. Reappraisal [Effective January 1, 2025; see also 32 V.S.A. § 4041a effective until January 1, 2025 set out above]

    (a) A municipality shall be paid $8.50 per grand list parcel per year from the General Fund to be used only for reappraisal and costs related to reappraisal of its grand list properties and for maintenance of the grand list.

    (b) If the Director of Property Valuation and Review determines that a municipality’s education grand list has a coefficient of dispersion greater than 20 or that a municipality has not timely reappraised pursuant to subsection (d) of this section, the municipality shall reappraise its education grand list properties. If the Director orders a reappraisal, the Director shall send the municipality written notice of the decision. The municipality shall be given 30 days to contest the finding under procedural rules adopted by the Director or to develop a compliance plan, or both. If the Director accepts a proposed compliance plan submitted by the municipality, the Director shall not order commencement of the reappraisal until the municipality has had one year to carry out that plan.

    (c) If a municipality fails to submit an acceptable plan or fails to carry out the plan, pursuant to subsection (b) of this section, the State shall withhold the education, transportation, and other funds from the municipality until the Director certifies that the town has carried out that plan.

    (d) Each municipality shall commence a full reappraisal not later than six years after the commencement of the municipality’s most recent full reappraisal unless a longer period of time is approved by the Director.

    (e) The Director shall adopt rules necessary for administration of this section. (Added 1997, No. 60, § 46, eff. Jan. 1, 1998; amended 2005, No. 38, § 8; 2005, No. 215 (Adj. Sess.), § 284; 2015, No. 134 (Adj. Sess.), § 6, eff. May 25, 2016; 2019, No. 51, § 24; 2021, No. 20, § 265; 2023, No. 68, § 1, eff. July 1, 2023; 2023, No. 144 (Adj. Sess.), § 1, eff. June 3, 2024; 2023, No. 68, § 2, eff. January 1, 2025.)

  • §§ 4042, 4043. Repealed. 1957, No. 219, § 4, eff. July 1, 1961.

  • § 4044. Appraisal of personalty on April 1

    Unless otherwise provided, the taxable personal estate contained in the inventory shall be appraised by the listers at its fair market value on April 1.

  • § 4045. Appraisal on other than April 1

    If any business is normally operated for a period less than 12 consecutive months and is not in operation on April 1, an inventory shall be filed with the listers at least 15 days prior to the anticipated annual suspension of such business and the stock in trade shall be appraised for the period of operation so as to represent an average of values of such property during that period in which the business has been carried on.

  • § 4046. Notice

    The listers shall notify the taxpayer in writing within five days after the filing of such inventory of the appraised value of such property.

  • § 4047. Amending tax list

    If no appeal is taken within the time allowed under section 4403 of this title, or if an appeal is taken, upon determination of such appeal, the listers shall amend the grand list and make a certificate thereon of that fact.

  • § 4048. Evaluating real estate of nonresidents

    When the last owner of record of real estate is a nonresident and not taxable for personal estate in the town where the real estate is situated, it shall be set to such owner at the same valuation as if he or she had made a legal inventory.

  • § 4049. Appraisal of orchard lands

    Upon the request of the listers of a town wherein orchard lands lie or upon the request of an owner of orchard lands, the Director shall provide expert advice and assistance to the listers in making reappraisals of such lands. (Amended 1957, No. 219, § 3, eff. July 1, 1961; 1977, No. 105, § 14(a).)

  • § 4050. Appraisal in unorganized towns and gores

    As soon as may be after March 31 next succeeding their appointment, the appraisers shall, in the respective unorganized towns and gores for which they are appointed, perform the same duties as are prescribed by law for listers in towns, and be subject to the same liabilities.

  • § 4051. Basis for appraisals

    The appraisals made under section 4050 of this title shall be the only appraisals for taxation in unorganized towns and gores. In making such appraisals, the appraisers shall appraise and set in the list, apart from the taxable real estate, lands sequestered for public, pious, or charitable uses and paying an annual rent.

  • § 4052. Contract appraisals; assessor qualifications [Effective until January 1, 2026; see also 32 V.S.A. § 4052 effective January 1, 2026 set out below]

    (a) No municipality shall employ or contract a person, firm, or corporation to perform appraisals of real property for the purpose of property taxation unless approved by the Director of Property Valuation and Review as qualified under this section.

    (b) No person shall conduct the work of an assessor employed or contracted by a municipality pursuant to 17 V.S.A. § 2651c(b) unless the person meets the training requirements established by the Director of Property Valuation and Review under this section.

    (c) The Director shall establish by rule reasonable qualifications for approval and training requirements, which shall include successful completion of educational and training courses approved by the Director and, in the case of an appraiser hired to do a townwide reappraisal, at least one year’s experience with an appraiser who has satisfactorily completed townwide reappraisals.

    (d) This section shall not apply to elected or appointed officials of any town but shall apply to an assessor employed or contracted by a municipality pursuant to 17 V.S.A. § 2651c(b). (Added 1985, No. 264 (Adj. Sess.), § 1; amended 1987, No. 101; 1989, No. 264 (Adj. Sess.), § 5; 1995, No. 169 (Adj. Sess.), § 8, eff. May 15, 1996; 2023, No. 68, § 7, eff. July 1, 2023.)

  • § 4052. Contract appraisals; assessor and lister qualifications [Effective January 1, 2026; see also 32 V.S.A. § 4052 effective until January 1, 2026 set out above]

    (a) No municipality shall employ or contract a person, firm, or corporation to perform and no elected lister or board of listers shall perform appraisals of real property for the purpose of property taxation unless approved by the Director of Property Valuation and Review as qualified under this section.

    (b) No person shall conduct the work of an elected lister, board of listers, or assessor employed or contracted by a municipality pursuant to 17 V.S.A. § 2651c(b) unless the person meets the training requirements established by the Director of Property Valuation and Review under this section. An elected lister or board of listers who does not meet the training requirements of this section at the time of election shall have one year after entering into the duties of the office of lister to comply with this section.

    (c) The Director shall establish by rule reasonable qualifications for approval and training requirements, which shall include successful completion of educational and training courses approved by the Director and, in the case of an appraiser hired to do a townwide reappraisal, at least one year’s experience with an appraiser who has satisfactorily completed townwide reappraisals.

    (d) [Repealed.] (Added 1985, No. 264 (Adj. Sess.), § 1; amended 1987, No. 101; 1989, No. 264 (Adj. Sess.), § 5; 1995, No. 169 (Adj. Sess.), § 8, eff. May 15, 1996; 2023, No. 68, § 7, eff. July 1, 2023; 2023, No. 68, § 8, eff. January 1, 2026.)

  • Subchapter 003: INDIVIDUAL LISTS
  • § 4081. Procedure when inventory properly completed

    When an inventory is properly filled out, sworn to, and delivered and, in the opinion of the listers, contains full, true, and correct answers to all the interrogatories therein that such taxpayer is required to answer, and a full, true, and correct statement of all the items of property for which the taxpayer filling out such inventory is taxable, the listers shall complete the list of such taxpayer as provided in this chapter.

  • § 4082. Taxpayer’s grand list

    One percent of the listed value of the real estate taxable to a person shall be added to one percent of the listed value of his or her personal estate, and the sum so obtained shall constitute his or her grand list.

  • § 4083. Repealed. 1957, No. 219, § 4, eff. July 1, 1961.

  • § 4084. Procedure upon failure to return correct inventory

    When a person willfully omits to make, swear to, and deliver an inventory, or to answer any interrogatory therein as required by this chapter, or makes a false answer or statement therein, or if the listers believe that an inventory does not contain a full, true, and correct statement of the taxable property of such person, the listers shall ascertain as best they can the amount of the taxable property of such person and appraise the same at its fair market value. When, in the opinion of the listers, the amount so obtained is less than the amount of the taxable property of such person, they shall further appraise his or her property at a sum that will, in their judgment, equal the difference between the amount of such appraisal and the amount of his or her taxable property. When taxable property of such person is not ascertainable by the listers, they shall appraise the property of such person at a sum that, in their judgment, is the fair market value of all the taxable property owned by him or her. The amount so obtained, multiplied by the percent of fair market value that is used by the listers in the town in which the property is situated shall be the listed value, one percent of which shall constitute the grand list of such person.

  • § 4085. Notice to taxpayers on nonreturn of inventory

    When the list of a person has been made under the provisions of section 4084 of this title, he or she shall be notified thereof by the listers on or before 14 days from the day fixed by law on or before which abstracts of individual lists shall be completed and lodged in the town clerk’s office by a written notice delivered to him or her personally, or by certified mail or left at his or her last and usual place of abode, if a resident, or if a nonresident, mailed to him or her at his or her last known residence. The notice to a corporation shall be delivered personally or by certified mail to the officer whose duty it is to make the inventory. (Amended 1973, No. 104, § 1, 1983, No. 85, § 1.)

  • § 4086. Omissions in inventory

    When, prior to December 15, the listers learn that real or personal estate is omitted from the inventory of a person returned in such year or that a person has failed to return an inventory for such year, they shall notify such person in writing. If such person fails to return an inventory within ten days thereafter, the listers shall act as provided in section 4084 of this title. Taxes shall be assessed and collected upon such grand list as is provided for the assessment and collection of other taxes.

  • § 4087. Notice to taxpayer of list prepared under preceding section

    When the list of a person has been made under the provisions of section 4086 of this title, he or she shall be notified thereof by the listers on or before 14 days from the day on which the listers will meet to hear grievances of such persons by a written notice delivered to him or her personally, or left at his or her last usual place of abode, if a resident, or if a nonresident, mailed to his or her last known residence. (Amended 1983, No. 85, § 2.)

  • § 4088. Contents

    The notice to a corporation shall be delivered or mailed to the officer whose duty it is to make the inventory. Such notice shall be in writing and signed by the listers, setting forth their doings in respect thereof, and the time and place at which they will thereafter meet to hear the taxpayer therein named who is aggrieved by any of their actions relating to his or her list. Unless cause to the contrary is shown within the time named in such notice, such list will become the grand list of such person for the year beginning on the first day of the preceding April.

  • § 4111. Abstracts of individual lists

    (a) Subject to the provisions of section 4341 of this title, on or before May 5, the listers shall arrange in alphabetical order, in a book or books required by law to be furnished for the abstract of individual lists and the grand lists, the names of the various taxpayers and all the data mentioned in section 4152 of this title. The listed valuation of all real and personal estate shall first be set in the appropriate columns therefor marked “valuation.”

    (b) Such books shall also contain a certificate, signed by the listers, that according to their best knowledge, information, and belief they have therein set down the listed valuation of all taxable real and personal estate of each person therein named.

    (c) Such book shall contain a notice in writing signed by the listers that the contents thereof will become the grand list of such town and of each person therein named, unless cause to the contrary is shown, and that, on or before May 20, as extended by section 4341 of this title, the listers will meet at some place therein designated by them to hear all grievances and make corrections in such list.

    (d) Subject to the provisions of section 4341 of this title, on or before May 5, such book shall be lodged in the office of the town clerk for the inspection of the taxpayers in such town. The town clerk shall endorse thereon the time when the book was so lodged in his or her office. Such book when so lodged shall be the abstract of individual lists.

    (e) When the listers return the grand list book to the town clerk, they shall notify by first-class mail, on which postage has been prepaid and that has been addressed to their last known address, all affected persons listed as property owners in the grand list book of any change in the appraised value of such property or any change in the allocation of value to the homestead as defined under subdivision 5401(7) of this title or the housesite as defined under subdivision 6061(11) of this title, and also notify them of the amount of such change and of the time and place fixed in the public notice hereinafter provided for, when persons aggrieved may be heard. No notice shall be required for a change solely to reflect a new use value set by the Current Use Advisory Board or the adjustment of that value by the common level of appraisal. Notices shall be mailed at least 14 days before the time fixed for hearing. Such personal notices shall be given in all towns and cities within the State, anything in the charter of any city to the contrary notwithstanding. At the same time, the listers shall post notices in the town clerk’s office and in at least four other public places in the town or, in the case of a city, in such other manner and places as the city charter shall provide, setting forth that they have completed and filed such book as an abstract and the time and place of the meeting for hearing grievances and making corrections. Unless the personal notices required hereby were sent by registered or certified mail, or unless an official certificate of mailing of the same was obtained from the post office, in the case of any controversy subsequently arising, it shall be presumed that the personal notices were not mailed as required.

    (f) If the listers discover any error or omission in such abstract, they shall correct the same and shall forthwith give notice thereof in writing by mail, postage prepaid, or by personal delivery to the taxpayer whose list is thus changed, unless such change was made in his or her presence.

    (g) A person who feels aggrieved by the action of the listers and desires to be heard by them shall, on or before the day of the grievance meeting, file with them his or her objections in writing and may appear at such grievance meeting in person or by his or her agents or attorneys. No grievance shall be allowed for a change solely to reflect a new use value set by the current use advisory board or the adjustment of that value by the common level of appraisal. Upon the hearing of such grievance, the parties thereto may submit such documentary or sworn evidence as shall be pertinent thereto.

    (h) Failure on the part of the listers so to arrange the names of taxpayers in alphabetical order or to perform any of the requirements hereinbefore provided touching the form of the aforesaid abstract of individual lists and grand lists shall not in any manner affect or invalidate the list of any taxpayer, provided it shall contain data which, upon inspection thereof, together with the inventory of the taxpayer, shall disclose taxable property whereon such taxpayer is liable for a tax lawfully laid or assessed. (Amended 1959, No. 87, eff. April 1, 1959; 1971, No. 73, § 6, eff. April 16, 1971; 1983, No. 85, § 3; 1997, No. 71 (Adj. Sess.), § 65, eff. March 11, 1998; 1999, No. 49, § 22b, eff. June 2, 1999; 2003, No. 76 (Adj. Sess.), § 10, eff. Feb. 17, 2004; 2007, No. 205 (Adj. Sess.), § 8.)

  • § 4112. Legalizing defective or invalid abstracts

    If an abstract of individual lists is not lodged in the town clerk’s office or is not lodged therein within the time prescribed by section 4111 of this title; or if a defective abstract is lodged therein within the time so prescribed or subsequent thereto; or if a defective notice or no notice is given under the provisions of section 4111 of this title; or if such abstract is otherwise defective or invalid; or if the listers do not meet at the time and place specified in such notice on or before February 1 next ensuing, they shall make in proper form and lodge in the town clerk’s office a valid abstract or correct any defective one theretofore lodged therein, or perform any act theretofore omitted that is necessary to render such abstract valid.

  • § 4113. Certificate to amended abstract

    The listers shall add to such abstract so lodged or amended a certificate setting forth the particulars wherein it was defective or invalid, their doings in respect thereto, and the date whereon such abstract was so lodged or amended. Failure on the part of the listers to incorporate in such certificate one or more particulars wherein such abstract was defective or invalid shall not in any manner invalidate their doings touching such abstract.

  • § 4114. Certificate of clerk

    When such abstract is so lodged or amended, the town clerk shall affix thereto his or her certificate showing the date whereon it was so lodged with him or her, or such amendments were added to one theretofore filed. Thereupon such abstract shall become lawful and valid and of the same force and effect as if the same had been filed within the time prescribed by law.

  • § 4115. Notice by listers

    The listers shall attach thereto a notice in writing signed by them setting forth their doings in respect thereto and the time and place at which they will thereafter meet to hear all taxpayers therein named who are aggrieved by any of their actions relating to such abstract thus filed or amended and that, unless cause to the contrary is shown within the time named in such notice, it will become the grand list of the town wherein the same is lodged for the year beginning on the first day of the preceding April. The date so fixed for hearing shall not be less than 15 days from and after the date of such notice.

  • § 4116. Notices posted and published; mail to nonresidents

    (a) The listers shall forthwith post copies of such notice in the town clerk’s office and in five or more public places within the town and shall, at the expense thereof, publish such notice for two weeks successively in one or more newspapers printed or circulating therein, to be selected by the clerk thereof, the last publication to be at least three days prior to the date of such hearing. A certificate signed by such clerk specifying the names and dates of the newspapers wherein such notice was so published and the public places wherein such copies of notice were so posted shall be prima facie evidence thereof.

    (b) Nonresident taxpayers shall receive notice by first-class mail on which postage has been prepaid and addressed to their last known address. (Amended 1983, No. 85, § 4.)

  • Subchapter 004: GRAND LIST OF TOWN
  • § 4151. Grand list of town

    (a) Subject to the provisions of section 4341 of this title, on or before June 25, the listers shall make all corrections in the abstracts and shall lodge such completed book in the office of the town clerk.

    (b) Subject to the provisions of section 4341 of this title, each lister shall, on or before June 25, attach to such lists thus completed the following oath:

    “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that according to my best knowledge, information and belief the foregoing list contains a true statement of the listed valuation of all real estate and taxable personal estate, within the town of .................... . So help me God.” (or “under the pains and penalties of perjury.”)

    (c) The town clerk shall certify upon such list the time at which such oath was taken by each lister and the date when the completed grand list was so filed and thereupon such list so lodged, certified, and sworn to shall become the grand list of such town, subject, however, to any and all corrections or additions therein or thereto as otherwise provided by law.

    (d) When by notice from the taxpayer or otherwise the listers are informed of the presence within the town of personal property of the nature described in section 3603 of this title, they shall within 15 days of receipt of such knowledge correct the list of the owner of said property to show the assessed value thereof and shall give notice to the taxpayer of such change in the taxpayer’s list in accordance with sections 4087 and 4088 of this title. Copies of said notice shall be transmitted by the listers to the town clerk and treasurer. Within 18 days of receiving said notice the town treasurer, in the event of no appeal on the part of the taxpayer, shall send the taxpayer an amended statement of taxes due, payable not less than 30 nor more than 90 days from the date thereof. In the event of an appeal by the taxpayer, such notice of taxes due shall be sent within 10 days of the termination of said appeal. Collection of such taxes shall be in accordance with the provisions of chapter 133 of this title. (Amended 1983, No. 85, § 5; 2003, No. 70 (Adj. Sess.), § 37, eff. March 1, 2004.)

  • § 4152. Contents

    (a) When completed, the grand list of a town shall be in such form as the Director prescribes and shall contain such information as the Director prescribes, including:

    (1) In alphabetical order, the name of each real property owner and each owner of taxable personal property.

    (2) The last known mailing address of all such owners.

    (3) A brief description of each parcel of taxable real estate in the town. “Parcel” means all contiguous land in the same ownership, together with all improvements thereon.

    (4) The listed valuation of such owner’s personal estate taxable in the town and, for property exempted under the provisions of sections 3834, 3836, 3837, and 3838 of this title, what the full listed value of the property would be absent the exemption, the statutory authority for granting such exemption, the year in which the exemption became effective, and the year in which it ends.

    (5) The listed valuation of each parcel that is not exempt.

    [Subdivision (a)(6) effective until July 1, 2037; see also subdivision (a)(6) effective July 1, 2037 set out below.]

    (6) For those parcels that are exempt, the insurance replacement value reported to the local assessing officials by the owner under section 3802a of this title or what the full listed value of the property would be absent the exemption and the statutory authority for granting such exemption and, for properties exempt pursuant to a vote, the year in which the exemption became effective and the year in which the exemption ends; provided that, for parcels exempt under chapter 125, subchapter 3 of this title, the insurance replacement value shall not be substituted for the full listed value of the property absent the exemption and the grand list shall indicate whether the exemption applies to the State property tax or both the State and municipal property taxes.

    [Subdivision (a)(6) effective July 1, 2037; see also subdivision (a)(6) effective until July 1, 2037 set out above.]

    (6) For those parcels that are exempt, the insurance replacement value reported to the local assessing officials by the owner under section 3802a of this title or what the full listed value of the property would be absent the exemption and the statutory authority for granting such exemption and, for properties exempt pursuant to a vote, the year in which the exemption became effective and the year in which the exemption ends.

    (7) For those parcels appraised under the provisions of section 3607a, subdivisions 3832(1), (6), and (7), and section 3836, 3840, 3845, or 3847 of this title, the value that reflects the taxes to be paid on the property, the full listed value absent such appraisal, the statutory authority for granting such appraisal, the year in which such appraisal became effective, and the year in which it ends.

    (8) The full listed value and the stabilization value agreed to by an owner and a town pursuant to 24 V.S.A. § 2741 or section 3843 or 3846 of this title, the year in which the stabilization agreement became effective, and the year in which it ends.

    (9) Separate columns that will show the listed valuations of homesteads as defined in subdivision 5401(7) of this title and housesites as defined under subdivision 6061(11) of this title.

    (b) When the grand list of a town contains a description of a mobile home, whether or not the mobile home is considered real or personal property, the description shall include, if available, the name of the manufacturer, the model number, the serial number, and the dimensions of the home.

    (c) When the grand list of a town describes exempt property, the grand list shall identify if the value provided is the insurance replacement cost provided under section 3802a of this title or the full listed value under subdivision (a)(6) of this section. (Amended 1975, No. 215 (Adj. Sess.), § 2; 1977, No. 105, § 14(a); 1995, No. 169 (Adj. Sess.), § 9, eff. May 15, 1996; 1997, No. 60, § 47, eff. Jan. 1, 1998; 1997, No. 71 (Adj. Sess.), § 63, eff. March 11, 1998; 1999, No. 49, § 22c, eff. June 2, 1999; 2003, No. 76 (Adj. Sess.), § 11, eff. Feb. 17, 2004; 2013, No. 73, § 30, eff. July 1, 2014; 2023, No. 181 (Adj. Sess.), § 81, eff. June 17, 2024; 2023, No. 181 (Adj. Sess.), § 83, eff. July 1, 2037.)

  • § 4153. Repealed. 1995, No. 169 (Adj. Sess.), § 10, eff. May 15, 1996.

  • § 4154. Endorsement of time of reception

    When a grand list is completed and lodged in the office of the town or city clerk, such clerk shall duly endorse thereon the time of its reception and place the same with the permanent files of the office.

  • § 4154a. State-owned land

    At least two months prior to each annual town meeting, the listers of each municipality in which the Agency of Natural Resources or one of its subdivisions holds title to lands and premises shall report to the selectboard of the municipality regarding the percentage of acreage within the municipality that is owned or otherwise controlled by the Agency. (Added 2003, No. 63, § 56, eff. June 11, 2003.)

  • § 4155. Certificate and attestation—No appeal or suit pending

    When no statutory appeal as provided by law from the appraisal of the listers and no suit to recover taxes paid under protest is pending on the first Tuesday of February following such lodgment, the selectboard and listers of a town or the mayor and assessors of a city shall endorse a certificate to that effect upon the grand list and the same shall be attested by the town or city clerk with the date of such attestation.

  • § 4156. After appeal and suit determined

    When any such appeal or suit is then pending, such certificate shall be made as soon as such appeal or suit has been finally determined.

  • § 4157. Effect of such certificate

    From the date of endorsing such certificate upon the grand list as aforesaid to the effect that no such appeal or suit is pending, when offered in evidence in any court in this State, such list shall be received as a legal grand list of such town or city and its validity shall not be put in issue by any party to any action in any hearing or trial in any court.

  • § 4158. Loss or destruction of grand list

    When the grand list of a town becomes lost or destroyed, the listers shall at once make a new appraisal of all taxable property in such town and return the same to the office of the town clerk within 60 days from such appraisal in the manner provided for the appraisal of real and personal estate.

  • § 4159. Unorganized towns and gores

    The lists of unorganized towns and gores shall be made up by the boards of appraisers therefor in the form prescribed by this chapter and deposited in the offices of the clerks of the counties in which such unorganized towns or gores are respectively situated, on or before June 15 next following the making up of the same. At least 14 days prior to the date set for hearing grievances, the appraisers for unorganized towns and gores shall notify each taxpayer in writing by first-class mail, on which postage has been prepaid and addressed to the last known address, of any change in the appraisal value of property. During such month, sitting at the places where the lists have been deposited, the appraisers shall hear and decide upon the applications of the persons aggrieved, and the appraisers shall not be required to give notice of hearings other than to fix the time therefor upon application. Changes shall not be made in the lists after July 7. (Amended 1983, No. 85, § 6.)

  • § 4181. Form and deposit of abstract

    Annually, on or before June 15, listers shall make and deposit with the town clerk an abstract of the grand list of such town. Annually, on or before July 5, a like abstract shall be made by the appraisers for unorganized towns and gores and deposited by them with the county clerk. Abstracts shall contain information prescribed by rule of the Commissioner of Taxes that is reasonably needed for the proper execution of his or her duties. (Amended 1987, No. 84, § 9.)

  • § 4182. False abstracts

    When a lister or appraiser knowingly makes or returns an incorrect abstract, he or she shall be fined not more than $500.00.

  • § 4183. Certification by clerk

    The clerk to whom such abstract is returned shall compare the same with the grand list and, if he or she finds it correct in every particular, shall so certify on the abstract; and if he or she finds that it is not correct, he or she shall so certify and state wherein and the changes necessary to make it conform to the grand list.

  • § 4184. Neglect

    A town or county clerk who fails to make such certificate, or transmit such abstract, or knowingly makes a false certificate or statement on such abstract, shall be fined not more than $500.00.

  • § 4185. Repealed. 2001, No. 63, § 283(c), eff. July 1, 2003.

  • § 4186. Repealed. 2007, No. 190 (Adj. Sess.), § 9, eff. June 6, 2008.

  • § 4221. Time and notice of hearings

    On or before May 20, the listers shall meet at the place so designated by them and on that day and from day to day thereafter shall hear persons aggrieved by their appraisals or by any of their acts until all questions and objections are heard and decided. Listers shall add to the aforesaid abstract certificates setting forth such corrections therein as they shall determine and shall forward to each taxpayer a copy of any certificate relating to his or her list. Such hearings shall not be held later than June 2. (Amended 1983, No. 85, § 7.)

  • § 4222. Procedure

    The listers shall meet at the time and place designated in such notice to hear all persons aggrieved as aforesaid who have filed their objections in writing and on that day, and from day to day thereafter, shall hear those appearing in person or by agents or attorneys until all such objections have been heard and considered. All objections filed in writing with the board of listers at or prior to the time fixed for hearing appeals shall be determined by the board notwithstanding that the person filing the objections fails to appear in person, or by agent or attorney, and proper notification of the listers determination shall be sent to the taxpayer. (Amended 1973, No. 86, § 1, eff. for the tax year beginning April 1, 1974, and thereafter.)

  • § 4223. Evidence; voluntary payment

    A person so objecting may submit such evidence under oath or in documentary form as shall be pertinent thereto. Nothing herein contained shall permit the filing of objections by a person who has theretofore, without protest, voluntarily paid his or her taxes assessed on a defective or invalid grand list for that year.

  • § 4224. Amendment; certificate; notice

    When all objections so stated have been determined by the listers, they shall amend such abstract relating to the persons so aggrieved, if they shall so determine, and shall add thereto a certificate signed by them setting forth such amendments. By June 9, notice in writing of such amendments therein made shall be forthwith delivered or mailed postage prepaid to each of the persons filing such objections. The notice shall inform the taxpayer that he or she may appeal from this decision to the board of civil authority by lodging his or her appeal with the town clerk within 14 days of the mailing of the written notice of amendments. Unless the personal notices required by this section were sent by registered or certified mail, or unless an official certificate of mailing of the same was obtained from the post office, in the case of any controversy subsequently arising, it shall be presumed that the personal notices were not mailed as required. (Amended 1983, No. 85, § 8; 1993, No. 49, § 23, eff. May 28, 1993.)

  • § 4261. Correcting omission from grand list

    When real or personal estate is omitted from the grand list by mistake or an obvious error is found, the listers, with the approval of the selectboard, on or before December 31, may supply such omissions or correct such errors and make a certificate thereon of the fact; provided, however, the listers may make a correction resulting from the filing or rescission of a homestead declaration without approval of the selectboard. (Amended 2005, No. 38, § 14, eff. June 2, 2005; 2019, No. 175 (Adj. Sess.), § 1, eff. Oct. 8, 2020.)

  • § 4262. Legalizing defective or invalid grand list

    When the listers fail to subscribe and attach to the grand list the oath prescribed in section 4151 of this title within the time required, or fail to lodge the grand list within the time prescribed in such section, or if a defective or invalid grand list is lodged within the time so prescribed, or if such grand list is otherwise defective or invalid, on or before February 15 next ensuing, the listers shall correct any defective grand list theretofore lodged in the town clerk’s office, subscribe and append thereto the oath prescribed, and perform any act theretofore omitted that is necessary to render such grand list valid.

  • § 4263. Listers’ certificate

    The listers shall add to such grand list so amended and corrected a certificate setting forth their doings in respect thereto and the date whereon such amendments or corrections were made or the date whereon such list was lodged in the town clerk’s office.

  • § 4264. Clerk’s certificate

    When such grand list is so amended or corrected, the town clerk shall affix thereto his or her certificate showing the date whereon such amendments were added or whereon such grand list was lodged in his or her office, and thereupon the same shall become the grand list of the town wherein the same is lodged for the year beginning on the first day of the preceding April and shall be valid and of the same force and effect as if the same had been filed within the time prescribed in this chapter.

  • § 4265. When grand list not filed within time

    In case an abstract or grand list is invalid solely on account of the failure of the listers to lodge such abstract or grand list in the office of the town clerk within the time required by law or to return the appraisal within such time, they shall add a certificate thereto setting forth the date whereon the same was so lodged or returned. Thereupon such proceedings shall be had as are hereinbefore provided for legalizing abstracts, grand lists, or appraisals otherwise defective or invalid. (Amended 1957, No. 219, § 2, eff. July 1, 1961.)

  • Subchapter 007: OTHER TAX LISTS
  • § 4301. Basis for county taxes

    (a) The equalized municipal property tax grand lists for each town, unorganized town and gore, and the unified towns and gores of Essex County shall be the basis of taxation for county purposes.

    (b) Annually, on or before January 1, the Director shall provide to each county treasurer the equalized municipal property tax grand list for each town, unorganized town, and gore within the county, and the unified towns and gores of Essex County. “Equalized municipal property tax grand list” in this section shall mean the equalized education property tax grand list as defined in chapter 135 of this title plus inventory, machinery, and equipment subject to municipal tax in that municipality at its grand list value. (Amended 1971, No. 73, § 7; 1977, No. 105, § 14(a); 1977, No. 105, § 14(a); 1999, No. 49, § 5, eff. June 2, 1999; 2011, No. 143 (Adj. Sess.), § 35, eff. May 15, 2012.)

  • § 4302. Repealed. 1999, No. 49, § 6(a), eff. June 2, 1999.

  • § 4303. Repealed. 1999, No. 49, § 6(b), eff. June 2, 1999.

  • § 4304. Fire district list

    In a town where a fire district is organized after the listers of such town have completed their grand list and in a town where a fire district has previously been organized and the listers have neglected to designate the list of such fire district as provided by law, upon the application of three legal voters of such fire district, the listers shall make such designation upon the grand list of the town and such list shall be valid.

  • Subchapter 008: EXTENSIONS OF TIME
  • § 4341. Generally

    The several dates fixed by law on or before which: (1) abstracts of individual lists shall be completed and lodged in the town clerk’s office; (2) meetings of listers may be held to hear grievances; (3) hearings upon such grievances shall be closed; (4) meetings of the board of civil authority shall be held to consider the same; (5) hearings upon such appeal shall be closed; (6) the grand list shall be completed and deposited in the town clerk’s office; (7) listers shall lodge inventories of taxpayers with the town clerk; and (8) abstracts of the grand list shall be filed with the town clerk shall be extended as follows: In towns of fewer than 5,000 inhabitants, 30 days; in towns of 5,000 or more inhabitants, 50 days. Nothing contained in this section shall in any manner change the date fixed in a municipal charter whereon any of the aforesaid acts or things are therein required to be done or performed. (Amended 1977, No. 105, § 14(a); 1979, No. 177 (Adj. Sess.), § 1; 1993, No. 49, § 4, eff. May 28, 1993; 1995, No. 169 (Adj. Sess.), § 11, eff. May 15, 1996.)

  • § 4342. Extensions by the Director

    On written application therefor made by the listers or assessors of any town, with the approval of the selectboard of the town or mayor of the city, the several dates fixed by law and extended by section 4341 of this title or the charter of any municipal corporation, on or before which certain acts must be done relating to duties of listers and assessors, may be further extended by the Director and such extensions shall be in writing. (Amended 1977, No. 105, § 14(a), eff. July 1, 1977; 1993, No. 49, § 5, eff. May 28, 1993; 2019, No. 175 (Adj. Sess.), § 2, eff. Oct. 8, 2020.)