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Searching 2025-2026 Session

The Vermont Statutes Online

The Statutes below include the actions of the 2024 session of the General Assembly.

NOTE: The Vermont Statutes Online is an unofficial copy of the Vermont Statutes Annotated that is provided as a convenience.

Title 30: Public Service

Chapter 073: Provisions Applicable to Express and Telegraph Companies

  • § 2601. Names of members; filing and record

    Every foreign express or telegraph company shall keep on file and have recorded in the town clerk’s office in each town where such express or telegraph company has a place of business a statement of the names and residences of the persons constituting such express or telegraph company.

  • § 2602. Charges restricted to tariff rate; excess recoverable

    A telegraph or express company shall be restricted in its charges to the tariff of rates filed as provided by law. When a greater sum than its established rates is paid, the person paying the same may recover the amount so paid above such rates, with 12 percent interest thereon from the time of payment, with full costs, in an action on this statute.

  • § 2603. Lien on goods restricted

    An express company shall not have a lien on goods or property transported by it, after the payment or tender of the amount embraced in the tariff of rates.

  • § 2604. Noncompliance; effect

    An express or telegraph company shall not make contracts within the State, or enforce in the State contracts made out of it, unless such company has complied with the provisions of sections 2601-2603 of this title.