The Vermont Statutes Online
The Statutes below include the actions of the 2024 session of the General Assembly.
NOTE: The Vermont Statutes Online is an unofficial copy of the Vermont Statutes Annotated that is provided as a convenience.
Title 16 Appendix: Education Charters and Agreements
§ 2-1. Meetings and elections
(a) The first Tuesday in March shall be the date for the annual election of School District officers and for voting upon all questions to be decided by Australian ballot. Polls shall be open no less than nine consecutive hours. The School Board may designate one or more polling places within the District for voting and may provide for the use of any mechanical or computer type devices for voting or counting votes, consistent with the requirements of law. However, the voters at any annual election may designate a different date, time, or place for subsequent annual elections.
(b)(1) Special School District meetings or elections:
(A) may be called by a majority of the School Board; or
(B) shall be called by the School District Clerk upon receipt by him or her of a petition signed by at least ten percent of the voters, specifying the business to be transacted at such meeting.
(2) The meeting shall be held within 60 days from the date the petition is filed with the Clerk.
(c) Budget preparation process:
(1) At such time as may be prescribed by the School Board, the School Superintendent shall submit a line itemized estimate of the income and expenditures required for the operation of the School District for the next ensuing fiscal year.
(2) The School Board, with a committee of not less than five voters appointed by them, shall review the proposed school budget publicly and prepare it for presentation to the voters at the annual School District election. Sufficient copies shall be available to the voters not less than ten days prior to the election, at the five public places required by subsection 2(a) of this chapter and the warning shall state the availability of the proposed budget.
(d) Budget adoption process: The budget proposal shall be submitted to the electorate at the annual election. If this proposal fails, the School Board shall warn another election at which a revised budget shall be submitted to the voters and decided by Australian ballot. If the School Board’s second or subsequent budget proposals fail, the Board shall continue to warn special elections and submit revised budget proposals to the voters until a budget is adopted by the voters by Australian ballot.
§ 2-2. Warnings
(a) Public notice of every annual or special School District meeting or election shall be given by a warning posted in at least five public places in the District at least 12 days prior to the meeting; and published two times, on the same day of the week for two consecutive weeks, in a newspaper having general circulation in the district. The first such publication shall be at least ten days prior to the date of the meeting.
(b) The warning shall:
(1) state the date, time, and place of the annual meeting as well as the date, time, and place of any informational hearing required to be held by virtue of the use of the Australian ballot system of voting;
(2) be signed by a majority of the School Board;
(3) specifically indicate by separate articles what business is to be transacted at the meeting;
(4) contain any article approved by the School Board;
(5) contain any article requested by petition signed by at least ten percent of the voters and filed with the School District Clerk at least 45 days prior to the day of the meeting; and
(6) state that copies of the School Board’s proposed budget shall be available as required by subsection 1(d) of this chapter.
§ 2-3. Reconsideration of actions taken on the budget
Reconsideration of actions, as applied to the budgetary process, shall not be permitted.