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The Vermont Statutes Online

The Statutes below include the actions of the 2024 session of the General Assembly.

NOTE: The Vermont Statutes Online is an unofficial copy of the Vermont Statutes Annotated that is provided as a convenience.

Title 10: Conservation and Development

Chapter 024: Vermont Climate Council and Climate Action Plan

  • § 590. Definitions

    As used in this chapter:

    (1) “Adaptation” means reducing vulnerability and advancing resilience through planned and implemented enhancements to, or avoiding degradation of, natural and built systems and structures.

    (2) “Greenhouse gas” has the same meaning as in section 552 of this title.

    (3) “Mitigation” means reduction of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions, and preservation and enhancement of natural systems to sequester and store carbon, in order to stabilize and reduce greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

    (4) “Resilience” means the capacity of individuals, communities, and natural and built systems to withstand and recover from climatic events, trends, and disruptions. (Added 2019, No. 153 (Adj. Sess.), § 4, eff. Sept. 22, 2020.)

  • § 591. Vermont Climate Council

    (a) There is created the Vermont Climate Council (Council). The Council shall be composed of the following members:

    (1) the Secretary of Administration, who shall serve as the Chair of the Council;

    (2) the Secretary of Natural Resources or designee;

    (3) the Secretary of Agriculture, Food and Markets or designee;

    (4) the Secretary of Commerce and Community Development or designee;

    (5) the Secretary of Human Services or designee;

    (6) the Secretary of Transportation or designee;

    (7) the Commissioner of Public Safety or designee;

    (8) the Commissioner of Public Service or designee;

    (9) the following members who shall be appointed by the Speaker of the House:

    (A) one member with expertise and professional experience in the design and implementation of programs to reduce greenhouse gas emissions;

    (B) one member to represent rural communities;

    (C) one member to represent municipal governments;

    (D) one member to represent distribution utilities;

    (E) one member to represent a statewide environmental organization;

    (F) one member to represent the fuel sector;

    (G) one member with expertise in climate change science; and

    (H) one member to represent Vermont manufacturers.

    (10) the following members who shall be appointed by the Committee on Committees:

    (A) one member with expertise in the design and implementation of programs to increase resilience to and respond to natural disasters resulting from climate change;

    (B) one member to represent the clean energy sector;

    (C) one member to represent the small business community;

    (D) one member to represent the Vermont Community Action Partnership;

    (E) one member to represent the farm and forest sector;

    (F) one youth member; and

    (G) one member of a Vermont-based organization with expertise in energy and data analysis.

    (b) The Council shall:

    (1) Identify, analyze, and evaluate strategies and programs to reduce greenhouse gas emissions; achieve the State’s reduction requirements pursuant to section 578 of this title; and build resilience to prepare the State’s communities, infrastructure, and economy to adapt to the current and anticipated effects of climate change, including:

    (A) creating an inventory of all existing programs that impact greenhouse gas emissions and their efficacy;

    (B) evaluating and analyzing the technical feasibility and cost-effectiveness of existing strategies and programs and identifying, evaluating, and analyzing new strategies and programs that are based upon emerging scientific and technical information;

    (C) analyzing each source or category of sources of greenhouse gas emissions and identifying which strategies and programs will result in the largest greenhouse gas emissions reductions in the most cost-effective manner;

    (D) identifying, analyzing, and evaluating public and private financing strategies to support the transition to a reduced greenhouse gas emissions economy and a more resilient State; and

    (E) evaluating and analyzing existing strategies and programs that build resilience, and identifying, evaluating, and analyzing new strategies and programs to prepare the State’s communities, infrastructure, and economy to adapt to the current and anticipated effects of climate change.

    (2) On or before December 1, 2021, adopt the Vermont Climate Action Plan (Plan) and update the Plan on or before July 1 every four years thereafter. The Plan shall set forth the specific initiatives, programs, and strategies that the State shall pursue to reduce greenhouse gas emissions; achieve the State’s reduction requirements pursuant to section 578 of this title; and build resilience to prepare the State’s communities, infrastructure, and economy to adapt to the current and anticipated effects of climate change.

    (3) Identify the means to accurately measure:

    (A) the State’s greenhouse gas emissions and progress towards meeting the reduction requirements pursuant to section 578 of this title, including publishing emissions data in a timely manner;

    (B) the effectiveness of the specific initiatives, programs, and strategies set forth in the Plan and updates to the Plan in reducing greenhouse gas emissions;

    (C) the effect of climate change on the State’s climate, wildlife, and natural resources; and

    (D) the existing resilience of the State’s communities, infrastructure, and economy and progress towards improving resilience to adapt to the current and anticipated effects of climate change.

    (4) Provide guidance to the Secretary of Natural Resources concerning the form, content, and subject matter of rules to be adopted pursuant to section 593 of this chapter.

    (c) The Council shall create the subcommittees listed in this subsection and may also create other subcommittees to advise the Council, assist in preparing the Plan, and carry out other duties. The Council may appoint members of the Council to serve as members of subcommittees and may also appoint individuals who are not members of the Council to serve as members of subcommittees.

    (1) Rural Resilience and Adaptation Subcommittee. The Rural Resilience and Adaptation Subcommittee shall focus on the pressures that climate change adaptation will impose on rural transportation, electricity, housing, emergency services, and communications infrastructure, and the difficulty of rural communities in meeting the needs of its citizens. The Subcommittee shall:

    (A) develop a municipal vulnerability index to include factors measuring a municipality’s population, average age, employment, and grand list trends; active public and civic organizations; and distance from emergency services and shelter;

    (B) develop best practice recommendations specific to rural communities for reducing municipal, school district, and residential fossil fuel consumption; fortifying critical transportation, electricity, and community infrastructure; and creating a distributed, redundant, storage-supported local electrical system;

    (C) recommend a means of securely sharing self-identified vulnerable residents’ information with State and local emergency responders and utilities;

    (D) recommend tools for municipalities to assess their climate emergency preparedness, evaluate their financial capacity to address infrastructure resilience, and prioritize investment in that infrastructure; and

    (E) utilize Vermont Emergency Management biennial reports to recommend program, policy, and legislative changes that will enhance municipal resilience to increased hazards presented by climate change.

    (2) Cross-Sector Mitigation Subcommittee. This subcommittee shall focus on identifying the most scientifically and technologically feasible strategies and programs that will result in the largest possible greenhouse gas emissions reductions in the most cost-effective manner.

    (3) Just Transitions Subcommittee. This subcommittee shall focus on ensuring that strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and to build resilience to adapt to the effects of climate change benefit and support all residents of the State fairly and equitably. This subcommittee shall ensure that strategies consider the disproportionate impact of climate change on rural, low-income, and marginalized communities and that programs and incentives for building resilience are designed to be accessible to all Vermonters and do not unfairly burden any groups, communities, geographic locations, or economic sectors. This subcommittee may adopt a measurement tool to assess the equitability of programs and strategies considered by the Council.

    (4) Agriculture and Ecosystems Subcommittee. This subcommittee shall focus on the role Vermont’s natural and working lands play in carbon sequestration and storage, climate adaptation, and ecosystem and community resilience. This subcommittee will seek to understand current initiatives in the agricultural and forestry sectors and the businesses that depend on them and to develop actions and policies that restore wetlands; increase carbon stored on agricultural and forest land and in forest products; and support healthy agricultural soils and local food systems.

    (d) The Council shall recommend necessary legislation to the General Assembly concerning:

    (1) adopting market-based or alternative compliance mechanisms as part of the State’s greenhouse gas emissions reduction strategies;

    (2) changes to land use and development, including to chapter 151 of this title and 30 V.S.A. § 248, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote resilience in response to climate change;

    (3) statutory authority necessary to implement the Plan; and

    (4) any other matter the Council deems appropriate.

    (e) The Council shall have the administrative, technical, and legal assistance of the Agency of Natural Resources and the Department of Public Service and may request the assistance of any Executive Branch Agency and Department.

    (f) A majority of the sitting members of the Council shall constitute a quorum, and action taken by the Council may be authorized by a majority of the members present and voting at any meeting at which a quorum is present. The Council may permit any or all members to participate in a meeting by, or conduct the meeting through the use of, any means of communication, including electronic, telecommunications, and video- or audio-conferencing technology, by which all members participating may simultaneously or sequentially communicate with each other during the meeting. A member participating in a meeting by this means is deemed to be present in person at the meeting. The Council shall meet at the call of the Chair or a majority of the members of the Council, and the Council may elect officers and adopt any other procedural rules as it shall determine necessary and appropriate to perform its work.

    (g) Members of the Council and members of subcommittees who are not State employees shall be entitled to per diem compensation and reimbursement of expenses for each day spent in the performance of their duties, as permitted under 32 V.S.A. § 1010. These payments shall be made from monies appropriated to the Agency of Natural Resources.

    (h) The members of the Council appointed pursuant to subdivision (a)(9) of this section shall be appointed to initial terms of two years, and members appointed pursuant to subdivision (a)(10) of this section shall be appointed to initial terms of three years. Thereafter, each appointed member shall serve a term of three years or until his or her earlier resignation or removal. A vacancy shall be filled by the appointing authority for the remainder of the unexpired term. An appointed member shall not serve more than three full consecutive three-year terms.

    (i) On or before January 15, 2021 and every January 15 thereafter, the Council shall submit a written report to the General Assembly concerning the Council’s activities and the State’s progress towards meeting the greenhouse gas reduction requirements pursuant to section 578 of this title. On or before November 1, 2021 and every second November 1 thereafter, the Director of Vermont Emergency Management shall file a report with the Council concerning Vermont’s overall municipal resilience to increased hazards presented by climate change that shall include hazard mitigation plans, local emergency management plans, and survey results as deemed appropriate by the Director. Subsequent reports shall include updates to document progress in local resilience. The report shall inform Council recommendations on policies to address gaps in local resilience. (Added 2019, No. 153 (Adj. Sess.), § 4, eff. Sept. 22, 2020; amended 2021, No. 3, § 58, eff. March 2, 2021; 2021, No. 20, §§ 46, 47.)

  • § 592. The Vermont Climate Action Plan

    (a) On or before December 1, 2021, the Vermont Climate Council (Council) shall adopt the Vermont Climate Action Plan (Plan) and update the Plan on or before July 1 every four years thereafter.

    (b) The Plan shall set forth the specific initiatives, programs, and strategies, including regulatory and legislative changes, necessary to achieve the State’s greenhouse gas emissions reduction requirements pursuant to section 578 of this title and build resilience to prepare the State’s communities, infrastructure, and economy to adapt to the current and anticipated effects of climate change. The Plan shall include specific initiatives, programs, and strategies that will:

    (1) reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the transportation, building, regulated utility, industrial, commercial, and agricultural sectors;

    (2) encourage smart growth and related strategies;

    (3) achieve long-term sequestration and storage of carbon and promote best management practices to achieve climate mitigation, adaption, and resilience on natural working lands;

    (4) achieve net zero emissions by 2050 across all sectors;

    (5) reduce energy burdens for rural and marginalized communities;

    (6) limit the use of chemicals, substances, or products that contribute to climate change; and

    (7) build and encourage climate adaptation and resilience of Vermont communities and natural systems.

    (c) The analysis, development, and selection of the specific initiatives, programs, and strategies contained in the Plan and updates to the Plan shall be based upon:

    (1) the Council’s analysis and evaluation of strategies and programs pursuant to subdivision 591(b)(1) of this chapter;

    (2) reports, plans, and information pertaining to greenhouse gas emissions reduction and climate resilience strategies from the Agency of Natural Resources, the Department of Public Service, other State agencies and departments, and, where appropriate, the State Comprehensive Energy Plan prepared pursuant to 30 V.S.A. § 202b and the 2018 Vermont Climate Action Commission Report to the Governor; and

    (3) other reports, plans, and information.

    (d) The specific initiatives, programs, and strategies contained in the Plan and updates to the Plan shall further the following objectives:

    (1) to prioritize the most cost-effective, technologically feasible, and equitable greenhouse gas emissions reduction pathways and adaptation and preparedness strategies informed by scientific and technical expertise;

    (2) to provide for greenhouse gas emissions reductions that reflect the relative contribution of each source or category of source of emissions;

    (3) to minimize negative impacts on marginalized and rural communities and upon individuals with low and moderate income;

    (4) to ensure that all regions of the State benefit from greenhouse gas emissions reductions, including sharing in the resulting economic, quality-of-life, and public health benefits;

    (5) to support economic sectors and regions of the State that face the greatest barriers to emissions reductions, especially rural and economically distressed regions and industries;

    (6) to support industries, technology, and training that will allow workers and businesses in the State to benefit from greenhouse gas emissions reduction solutions;

    (7) to support the use of natural solutions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase resilience, including the use of working lands to sequester and store carbon and protect against severe weather events; and

    (8) to maximize the State’s involvement in interstate and regional initiatives and programs designed to reduce regional greenhouse gas emissions and build upon state, national, and international partnerships and programs designed to mitigate climate change and its impacts.

    (e) The Plan shall form the basis for the rules adopted by the Secretary of Natural Resources pursuant to section 593 of this chapter. If the Council fails to adopt the Plan or update the Plan as required by this chapter, the Secretary shall proceed with adopting and implementing rules pursuant to subsection 593(j) of this chapter to achieve the greenhouse gas emissions reductions requirements pursuant to section 578 of this title. (Added 2019, No. 153 (Adj. Sess.), § 4, eff. Sept. 22, 2020.)

  • § 593. Rules

    (a) The Secretary of Natural Resources shall adopt rules pursuant to 3 V.S.A. chapter 25 consistent with the Vermont Climate Action Plan (Plan). In adopting rules pursuant to this section the Secretary shall:

    (1) Ensure that the rules are consistent with the specific initiatives, programs, and strategies set forth in the Plan and updates to the Plan; follow the Vermont Climate Council’s guidance provided pursuant to subdivision 591(b)(4) of this chapter; and further the objectives pursuant to subsection 592(d) of this chapter.

    (2) Develop a detailed record containing facts; data; and legal, scientific, and technical information sufficient to establish a reasonable basis to believe that the rules shall achieve the State’s greenhouse gas emissions reductions requirements pursuant to section 578 of this title. This detailed record shall be included with the rule and filed with the Secretary of State pursuant to 3 V.S.A. § 838.

    (b) On or before December 1, 2022, the Secretary shall adopt and implement rules consistent with the specific initiatives, programs, and strategies set forth in the Plan and achieve the 2025 greenhouse gas emissions reduction requirement pursuant to section 578 of this title.

    (c) The Secretary shall conduct public hearings across the State concerning the proposed rules. The Secretary shall conduct a portion of these hearings in areas and communities that have the most significant exposure to the impacts of climate change, including disadvantaged, low-income, and rural communities and areas.

    (d) The Secretary shall, on or before July 1, 2024, review and, if necessary, update the rules required by subsection (b) of this section in order to ensure that the 2025 greenhouse gas emissions reduction requirement pursuant to section 578 of this title is achieved. In performing this review and update, the Secretary shall observe the requirements of subsection (c) of this section.

    (e) On or before July 1, 2026, the Secretary shall adopt and implement rules consistent with the specific initiatives, programs, and strategies set forth in the Plan and updates to the Plan and achieve the 2030 greenhouse gas emissions reduction requirement pursuant to section 578 of this title. The Secretary shall observe the requirements of subsection (c) of this section.

    (f) The Secretary shall, at his or her discretion, but not less frequently than once every two years between 2026 and 2030, review and, if necessary, update the rules required by subsection (e) of this section in order to ensure that the 2030 greenhouse gas emissions reduction requirement pursuant to section 578 of this title is achieved. In performing this review and update, the Secretary shall observe the requirements of subsection (c) of this section.

    (g) On or before July 1, 2040, the Secretary shall adopt and implement rules consistent with the specific initiatives, programs, and strategies set forth in the Plan and updates to the Plan and achieve the 2050 greenhouse gas emissions reduction requirement pursuant to section 578 of this title.

    (h) The Secretary shall, at his or her discretion, but not less frequently than once every two years between 2040 and 2050, review and, if necessary, update the rules required by subsection (g) of this section in order to ensure that the 2050 greenhouse gas emissions reduction requirement pursuant to section 578 of this title is achieved. In performing this review and update, the Secretary shall observe the requirements of subsection (c) of this section.

    (i) The Secretary may establish alternative reduction mechanisms to be used by sources of greenhouse gas emissions, if necessary, to achieve net zero emissions after 2050.

    (1) The use of alternative reduction mechanisms shall account for not more than 20 percent of statewide greenhouse gas emissions estimated as a percentage of 1990 emissions. The use of a mechanism must offset a quantity of greenhouse gas emissions equal to or greater than the amount of greenhouse gasses emitted.

    (2) The Secretary shall verify that any greenhouse gas emissions offset projects authorized as alternative reduction mechanisms represent equivalent emissions reductions or carbon sequestration that are real, additional, verifiable, enforceable, and permanent.

    (j) If the Council fails to adopt the Plan or update the Plan as required by section 592 of this chapter, the Secretary shall adopt and implement rules pursuant to 3 V.S.A. chapter 25 to achieve the greenhouse gas emissions reductions requirements pursuant to section 578 of this title.

    (k) Nothing in this section shall be construed to limit the existing authority of a State agency, department, or entity to regulate greenhouse gas emissions or establish strategies or adopt rules to mitigate climate risk and build resilience to climate change.

    (l) The General Assembly may repeal, revise, or modify any rule or amendment to any rule, and its action shall not be abridged, enlarged, or modified by subsequent rule. (Added 2019, No. 153 (Adj. Sess.), § 4, eff. Sept. 22, 2020.)

  • § 594. Cause of action

    (a) Any person may commence an action based upon the failure of the Secretary of Natural Resources to adopt or update rules pursuant to the deadlines in section 593 of this chapter.

    (1) The action shall be brought pursuant to Rule 75 of the Vermont Rules of Civil Procedure in the Civil Division of the Superior Court of Washington County.

    (2) The complaint shall be filed within one year after expiration of the time in which the Secretary of Natural Resources was required to adopt or update rules pursuant to section 593 of this chapter. However, a person shall not commence an action under this subsection until at least 60 days after providing notice of the alleged violation to the Secretary.

    (3) If the court finds that the Secretary has failed to adopt or update rules pursuant to the deadlines in section 593 of this chapter, the court shall enter an order directing the Secretary to adopt or update rules. If the court finds that the Secretary is taking prompt and effective action to adopt or update rules, the court may grant the Secretary a reasonable period of time to do so.

    (b) Any person may commence an action alleging that rules adopted by the Secretary pursuant to section 593 of this chapter have failed to achieve the greenhouse gas emissions reductions requirements pursuant to section 578 of this title.

    (1) The action shall be brought in the Civil Division of the Superior Court of Washington County.

    (2) The complaint shall be filed within one year after the Vermont Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventory and Forecast published pursuant to section 582 of this title indicates that the rules adopted by the Secretary have failed to achieve the greenhouse gas emissions reductions requirements pursuant to section 578 of this title. However, a person shall not commence an action under this subsection until at least 60 days after providing notice of the alleged violation to the Secretary.

    (3) If the court finds that the rules adopted by the Secretary pursuant to section 593 of this chapter are a substantial cause of failure to achieve the greenhouse gas emissions reductions requirements pursuant to section 578 of this title, the court shall enter an order remanding the matter to the Secretary to adopt or update rules that achieve the greenhouse gas emissions reductions requirements consistent with this chapter. If the court finds that the Secretary is taking prompt and effective action to comply, the court may grant the Secretary a reasonable period of time to do so.

    (c) In an action brought pursuant to this section, a prevailing party or substantially prevailing party:

    (1) that is a plaintiff shall be awarded reasonable costs and attorney’s fees unless doing so would not serve the interests of justice; or

    (2) that is a defendant may be awarded reasonable costs and attorney’s fees if the action was frivolous or lacked a reasonable basis in law or fact.

    (d) Nothing in this section shall be construed to limit the rights, procedures, and remedies available under any law, including the Vermont Administrative Procedure Act pursuant to 3 V.S.A. chapter 25. (Added 2019, No. 153 (Adj. Sess.), § 4, eff. Sept. 22, 2020.)