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The Vermont Statutes Online

The Statutes below include the actions of the 2024 session of the General Assembly.

NOTE: The Vermont Statutes Online is an unofficial copy of the Vermont Statutes Annotated that is provided as a convenience.

Title 3 Appendix: Executive Orders

Chapter 029: Public Property and Supplies

  • Executive Order No. 29-1 (No. 38-79) [Transfer of Equipment and Property From Department of Public Safety to Vermont Criminal Justice Training Council]

    WHEREAS, the Vermont Criminal Justice Training Council, pursuant to section 2 of No. 57 of the Public Acts of 1979, is no longer attached to the Department of Public Safety for administrative purposes, and

    WHEREAS, the Department of Public Safety and the Vermont Criminal Justice Training Council, by its Executive-Director, have agreed on an inventory of equipment needed for training of criminal justice personnel at the Vermont Policy Academy at Pittsford, Vermont,

    NOW THEREFORE, I, Richard A. Snelling, as Governor of the State of Vermont, do hereby transfer all equipment and property of the State of Vermont presently utilized by the Council for training and training related purposes from the Department of Public Safety to the Vermont Criminal Justice Training Council, effective July 1, 1979.

    Dated August 30, 1979.

  • Executive Order No. 29-2 (No. 57-80) [Transfer of Property in Milton From Transportation Board to Agency of Environmental Conservation, Department of Fish and Game]

    WHEREAS, it appears that certain land and premises located in the Town of Milton, County of Chittenden, and State of Vermont, hereinafter described and presently under the jurisdiction and control of the Agency of Transportation are no longer necessary for State Highway purposes; and

    WHEREAS, the Agency of Environmental Conservation, Department of Fish and Game, desires the use of said land and premises for its purposes;

    NOW THEREFORE, I, Richard A. Snelling, by virtue of the powers vested in me as Governor of Vermont, do hereby transfer and set over from the State Transportation Board to the jurisdiction and control of the Agency of Environmental Conservation, Department of Fish and Game, for its purposes the following described land and premises, to wit:

    Parcel A:

    Being part of the same land and premises conveyed to State of Vermont by Sand Bar Bridge Company by Warranty Deed dated January 29, 1907 and recorded in Volume 23, Pages 912—915, of the Town of Milton Land Records, and being more particularly described as follows:

    All right, title and interest in and to a portion of the right-of-way of former U.S. Route #2 described as follows:

    Beginning at a point 54 feet distant northeasterly at right angle from approximate survey station 324 + 00 of the established centerline (centerline hereinafter referred to as CL) of Highway Project Milton-South Hero F 028-1 (1);

    thence 250 feet, more or less, easterly to a point 98 feet distant northeasterly radially from approximate survey station 321 + 66 of said CL;

    thence 68 feet, more or less, southerly and crossing former U.S. Route #2 to a point 33 feet distant northeasterly radially from approximate survey station 321 + 47 of said CL;

    thence 62 feet, more or less, northwesterly and crossing said former U.S. Route #2 to the point of beginning.

    Said parcel to contain 0.195 acre, more or less, as shown on a plat of Highway Project Milton-Colchester F 028-1 (3), which is attached hereto and made a part hereof.

    Parcel C:

    Being part of the same land and premises acquired by the Town of Milton for highway purposes by Court Decree of Chittenden County Court (1886 term) which was recorded October 24, 1890 in Milton Road Book, Pages 30-32, of the Town of Milton Land Records. This portion of highway was taken into the State Highway System on April 1, 1931 as a result of Legislative Act 61 of 1931, and being more particularly described as follows:

    Beginning at a point 218 feet distant northeasterly radially from approximate survey station 315 + 93 of the established centerline (centerline hereinafter referred to as CL) of Highway Project Milton-South Hero F 028-1 (1);

    thence 370 feet, more or less, southerly to a point 82 feet distant easterly radially from approximate survey station 311 + 90 of said CL;

    thence 367 feet, more or less, southerly and crossing former U.S. Route #2 to a point 33 feet distant easterly radially from approximate survey station 101 + 60 of the established centerline (centerline hereinafter referred to as CL) of Highway Project Milton-Colchester F 028-1 (3);

    thence 384 feet, more or less, northerly and parallel to said CL and recrossing said former U.S. Route #2 to a point 33 feet distant easterly radially from approximate station 312 + 16 of the aforesaid CL of said Highway Project;

    thence 455 feet, more or less, northerly to a point 174 feet distant northeasterly radially from approximate station 316 + 17 of said CL;

    thence 51 feet, more or less, easterly and recrossing former U.S. Route #2 to the point of beginning.

    Said parcel to contain 0.722 acre, more or less, as shown on said attached plat.

    Parcel D:

    Being part of the same land and premises conveyed to State of Vermont by Sanford H. Thompson and Sadie M. Thompson by Warranty Deed dated April 22, 1930 and recorded in Volume 28, Pages 21 and 22, of the Town of Milton Land Records, and being more particularly described as follows:

    Beginning at a point 218 feet distant northeasterly radially from approximate survey station 315 + 93 of the established centerline (centerline hereinafter referred to as CL) of Highway Project Milton-South Hero F 028-1 (1);

    thence 537 feet, more or less, southeasterly, southerly and southwesterly to a point 143 feet distant easterly radially from approximate survey station 313 + 58 of said CL;

    thence 15 feet, more or less, northwesterly to a point 130 feet distant easterly radially from approximate survey station 313 + 65 of said CL;

    thence 300 feet, more or less, southwesterly to a point 42 feet distant easterly radially from approximate survey station 101 + 60 of the established centerline (centerline hereinafter referred to as CL) of Highway Project Milton-Colchester F 028-1 (3);

    thence 312 feet, more or less, northerly and crossing former U.S. Route #2 to a point 82 feet distant easterly radially from approximate survey station 311 + 90 of the aforesaid CL of said Highway Project;

    thence 375 feet, more or less, northeasterly, northerly and northwesterly to a point 174 feet distant northeasterly radially from approximate survey station 315 + 10 of said CL;

    thence 103 feet, more or less, northerly and crossing former U.S. Route #2 to the point of beginning.

    Said parcel to contain 0.890 acre, more or less, as shown on said attached plat.

    Parcel E:

    All right, title and interest in and to a portion of the right-of-way of former U.S. Route #2 which was taken into the State Highway System on April 1, 1931 (as a result of Legislative Act 61 of 1931,) and being more particularly described as follows:

    Beginning at a point in the westerly right-of-way boundary of former U.S. Route #2, 66 feet distant westerly at right angle from approximate survey station 125 + 64 of the established centerline (centerline hereinafter referred to as CL) of Highway Project Milton-Colchester F 028-1 (3);

    thence 175 feet, more or less, southerly and parallel to said CL and crossing former U.S. Route #2 to a point in the easterly right-of-way boundary of former U.S. Route #2, 66 feet distant easterly at right angle from approximate survey station 127 + 35 of said CL;

    thence 1591 feet, more or less, southerly along said easterly right-of-way boundary of former U.S. Route #2 to a point 25 feet distant easterly at right angle from approximate survey station 103 + 70 of the former U.S. Route #2 centerline (centerline hereinafter referred to as CL) of said Highway Project;

    thence 50 feet, more or less, westerly and crossing said former U.S. Route #2 to a point in the westerly right-of-way boundary of former U.S. Route #2, 25 feet distant westerly at right angle from approximate survey station 103 + 70 of said former U.S. Route #2 CL;

    thence 1827 feet, more or less, northerly along said westerly right-of-way boundary of former U.S. Route #2 to the point of beginning.

    Said parcel to contain 1.931 acres, more or less, as shown on said attached plat.

    Parcel F:

    All right, title and interest in and to a portion of the right-of-way of former U.S. Route #2 which was taken into the State Highway System on April 1, 1931 as a result of Legislative Act 61 of 1931, and being more particularly described as follows:

    Beginning at a point in the northeasterly right-of-way boundary of former U.S. Route #2, 25 feet distant northeasterly at right angle from approximate survey station 83 + 75 of the former U.S. Route #2 centerline (centerline hereinafter referred to as CL) of Highway Project Milton-Colchester F 028-1 (3);

    thence 637 feet, more or less, southeasterly along said northeasterly right-of-way boundary of former U.S. Route #2 to a point in the westerly right-of-way boundary of Relocated U.S. Route #2, 124 feet distant westerly at right angle from approximate survey station 163 + 80 of the established centerline (centerline hereinafter referred to as CL) of said Highway Project;

    thence 65 feet, more or less, southerly and crossing former U.S. Route #2 to a point in the southwesterly right-of-way boundary of former U.S. Route #2, 120 feet distant westerly at right angle from approximate survey station 164 + 44 of said CL;

    thence 679 feet, more or less, northwesterly along said southwesterly right-of-way boundary of former U.S. Route #2 to a point 25 feet distant southwesterly at right angle from approximate survey station 83 + 75 of the aforesaid former U.S. Route #2 CL;

    thence 50 feet, more or less, northeasterly and crossing former U.S. Route #2 to the point of beginning.

    Said parcel contains 0.75 acre, more or less, as shown on said attached plat.

    Parcel G:

    Being part of the land and premises conveyed to State of Vermont by the following instruments:

    1. Warranty Deed from Howard H. Mayville and Ann B. Mayville dated October 26, 1972, and recorded in Book 48, Pages 372 and 373;

    2. Warranty Deed from Beatrice L. Bryant and Phillip P. Bryant, Jr. and Beatrice L. Bryant and Phillip P. Bryant, Sr. as Guardians of Crystal A. Bryant, Wendy J. Bryant, Paula E. Bryant and Phyllis P. Bryant, dated January 22, 1974, and recorded in Book 51, Pages 383-385;

    3. Warranty Deed from Adelore Peter Gravelle and Ida May Gravelle dated April 13, 1979, and recorded in Book 67, Pages 152-155; all of the Town of Milton Land Records and being more particularly described as follows:

    Beginning at a point in the westerly right-of-way boundary of Relocated U.S. Route #2, 120 feet distant westerly at right angle from approximate survey station 164 + 44 of the established centerline (centerline hereinafter referred to as CL) of Highway Project Milton-Colchester F 028-1 (3);

    thence 120 feet, more or less, southeasterly to a point 80 feet distant westerly at right angle from approximate survey station 165 + 60 of said CL;

    thence 104 feet, more or less, southeasterly to a point 25 feet distant westerly at right angle from approximate survey station 166 + 44 of said CL;

    thence 58 feet, more or less, southeasterly and crossing the Relocated U.S. Route #2 CL to a point 25 feet distant easterly at right angle from approximate survey station 166 + 74 of said CL;

    thence 90 feet, more or less, easterly to a point in the westerly right-of-way boundary of former U.S. Route #2, 115 feet distant easterly at right angle from approximate survey station 166 + 80 of said CL;

    thence 148 feet, more or less, southerly along said westerly right-of-way boundary of former U.S. Route #2 to a point on the northerly bank of the Lamoille River, 123 feet distant easterly at right angle from approximate survey station 168 + 26 of said CL;

    thence 1,118 feet, more or less, northwesterly along the northerly bank of the Lamoille River to a point 60 feet distant southeasterly at right angle from approximate survey station 83 + 75 of the former U.S. Route #2 centerline (centerline hereinafter referred to as CL) of said Highway Project;

    thence 35 feet, more or less, northeasterly to a point in the southwesterly right-of-way boundary of former U.S. Route #2, 25 feet distant southwesterly at right angle from approximate survey station 83 + 75 of said former U.S. Route #2 CL;

    thence 679 feet, more or less, northeasterly along said southwesterly right-of-way boundary of former U.S. Route #2 to the point of beginning.

    Said parcel contains 1.382 acres, more or less, as shown on said attached plat.

    There is excepted and reserved from this conveyance an easement to cross said Parcel G for highway purposes, by bridging, together with an easement to construct, reconstruct, replace, repair, and maintain said bridge.

    In the event facilities are constructed, maintained, or otherwise operated on the parcel of land herein conveyed for the accommodation of the traveling public or business users of any Federal-aid highway or any other member of the public in general (such as eating, sleeping, rest and recreation), the Agency of Environmental Conservation, Department of Fish and Game, agrees that it will not discriminate on the ground of race, color or national origin against such traveling public or highway users or others in their access to and use of the facilities and services so constructed, maintained or otherwise operated, and that it shall construct, maintain and operate such facilities and services in compliance with all other requirements imposed pursuant to Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Transportation, Subtitle A, Office of the Secretary of Transportation, Part 21 (49 C.F.R., Part 21) and as said Regulations may be amended.

    Dated December 5, 1980.

  • Executive Order No. 29-3 (No. 58-81) [Transfer of Property in Highgate From Agency of Environmental Conservation to Agency of Transportation]

    WHEREAS, it appears that certain land hereinafter described and located in the town of Highgate, County of Franklin and State of Vermont and presently under the jurisdiction and control of the Agency of Environmental Conservation, and is necessary for Agency of Transportation purposes; and

    WHEREAS, the Agency of Transportation desires the transfer of said hereinafter described land for the purpose of providing access for A. N. Deringer, Incorporated in common with others;

    NOW, THEREFORE, I, Richard A. Snelling, by virtue of the powers vested in me as Governor of Vermont, do hereby transfer and set over from the Agency of Environmental Conservation, to the jurisdiction and control of the Agency of Transportation for the aforesaid purpose the following described land, to wit:

    Being a portion of the same land and premises that was transferred from the Department of Highways to the Department of Forest and Parks by Executive Order #8-73, dated May 9, 1973 and recorded June 7, 1973 in Book 59, Page 15 in the office of the Clerk of the Town of Highgate.

    Reference is hereby made to the above mentioned conveyance and records thereof and to the following instrument of conveyance in aid of a more complete description and further chain of title.

    Quit-Claim Deed dated March 30, 1968 and recorded in Book 53, Page 190 of the aforesaid Town of Highgate Land Records, and being more particularly described as follows:

    Beginning at a point 312 feet distant northwesterly at right angle from approximate station 952 + 05 of the established Baseline (Baseline hereinafter referred to as BL) of Highway Project Highgate I 89-3 (6);

    thence 85 feet, more or less, northwesterly to a point 300 feet distant northwesterly at right angle from approximate station 952 + 85 of said BL;

    thence 264 feet, more or less, northerly to a point 410 feet distant northwesterly at right angle from approximate station 955 + 25 of said BL;

    thence 50 feet, more or less, easterly to a point 365 feet distant northwesterly at right angle from approximate station 955 + 45 of said BL;

    thence 284 feet, more or less, southerly to a point 250 feet distant northwesterly at right angle from approximate station 952 + 85 of said BL;

    thence 40 feet, more or less, southwesterly to a point 255 feet distant northwesterly at right angle from approximate station 952 + 45 of said BL;

    thence 80 feet, more or less, westerly to the point of beginning.

    Said parcel of land is shown on a plat entitled “State of Vermont, Agency of Transportation, Town of Highgate”, and dated January 19, 1981, which plat is attached hereto and made a part hereof.

    Dated March 4, 1981.

  • Executive Order No. 29-4 (No. 63-81) [Transfer of a Portion of Chimney Point State Park Land and Premises From Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation to Agency of Development and Community Affairs, Division for Historic Preservation]

    WHEREAS, it appears that certain lands and premises located in the Town of Addison, County of Addison, and State of Vermont owned by the State of Vermont, hereinafter described and presently under the jurisdiction and control of the Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation have become and are no longer necessary for purposes of the Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation; and

    WHEREAS, the Agency of Development and Community Affairs, Division for Historic Preservation desires the use of said land and premises for its purposes,

    NOW THEREFORE, I, Richard A. Snelling, by virtue of the powers vested in me as Governor of Vermont, do hereby transfer and set over from the Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation to the jurisdiction and control of the Agency of Development and Community Affairs, Division of Historic Preservation for its purposes, a portion of the Chimney Point State Park land and premises described as follows, to wit:

    Beginning at the south corner of the land deeded by Millard F. Barnes and Mary H. A. Barnes to the Lake Champlain Bridge Commission and Interstate Commission by Warranty Deed dated September 5, 1928 and recorded in Volume 25 Page 120 of the Addison Land Records.

    Said point being the low water mark of Lake Champlain and easterly at right angles 45 feet from the centerline of the Lake Champlain Bridge crossing from Chimney Point in Addison, Vermont to Crown Point, New York;

    thence on a true bearing of N 29° 23′ E 980 feet to a concrete monument 45 feet at right angles from the centerline of the Lake Champlain bridge extended;

    thence on a true bearing of N 12° 02′ W about 29 feet to the centerline of the highway which is Vermont Route #17;

    thence easterly along the centerline of Vermont Route #17 309.5 feet to a point which bears N 40° E (magnetic 1981) 51.7 feet from a one inch iron pipe standing in an old wire fence;

    thence S 40° W (magnetic 1981) 51.7 feet to said iron pipe;

    thence continuing S 40° W across the meadow 519.04 feet to one inch iron pipe standing between the beach and the meadow;

    thence continuing S 40° W across the beach at least 126 feet to the low water mark of Lake Champlain;

    thence westerly along the low water mark of Lake Champlain to the place of beginning containing 4.6 acres more or less.

    Included in this conveyance is the old tavern building, barn, small house, sheds and all other improvements.

    Included herein is the right to use the land deeded to the Lake Champlain Bridge Commission and Interstate Commission by Millard F. and Mary H. A. Barnes, September 5, 1928. The conditions governing the use of this land are described in said deed as follows:

    “The said Barnes and his successors and assigns (State of Vermont) shall have the right to use said land for his or their convenience and to prevent trespass thereon by others but such use and right shall not conflict with use or occupancy by said Bridge Commission, its successors or assigns nor be contrary to any rule or regulation made or to be made by said Commission, its successors or assigns, adopted for the proper management, control or protection of said bridge.”

    The Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation shall have the right of access to its remaining lands through the herein transferred property along and from the proposed roadway to be constructed by the Division of Historic Preservation from Vermont Route #17. The width shall be 50 feet and the location acceptable to both parties.

    Dated December 2, 1981.

  • Executive Order No. 29-5 (No. 63A-82) [Transfer of Land in South Hero From Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation to Department of Fish and Game]

    WHEREAS, it appears that certain land and premises in the Town of South Hero, County of Grand Isle, State of Vermont, owned by the State of Vermont, hereinafter described and presently under the jurisdiction and control of the Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation has become and is no longer necessary for state forest and park purposes; and

    WHEREAS, the hereinafter described parcels are more suitable for public fishing access to Lake Champlain;

    NOW THEREFORE, I, Richard A. Snelling, by virtue of the powers vested in me as Governor of Vermont, do hereby transfer and set over from the Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation to the jurisdiction and control of the Department of Fish and Game for its purposes the following described land and premises to wit:

    Parcel One:

    All of the former Rutland Railway Corporation land in South Hero conveyed to the State of Vermont on March 3, 1965 which lies between railroad centerline stations 6946 + 44 and 6991 + 60.

    Parcel Two:

    All of the former Rutland Railroad Corporation in South Hero conveyed to the State of Vermont on March 3, 1965 which lies between railroad centerline stations 7004 + 82 and 7012 + 08.

    Parcel Three:

    All of the public right-of-way interests reserved unto the State of Vermont in its conveyance of former Rutland Railway Corporation land to John K. Lambert on July 24, 1978 as recorded in Volume 36, Pages 469 and 470 of the South Hero land records. Said right-of-way lies between railroad centerline stations 6991 + 60 and 7004 + 82.

    Meaning hereby to transfer all right, title and interest in the former Rutland Railway Corporation land lying between centerline survey station 6946 + 44, which is the north abutment of the former draw bridge on the causeway between Colchester and South Hero, and centerline station 7012 + 08 which is the centerline of town highway 18 in said South Hero. Containing 6.7 acres.

    The herein transferred property is shown on Rutland Railroad Co. Track Maps #V2-132 and #V2-133.

    There is reserved from this transfer any rights that adjoining land owners may have to farm crossings or water lines, et cetera.

    Dated March 4, 1982.

  • Executive Order No. 29-6 (No. 64-82) [Transfer of Land in Barton From Agency of Environmental Conservation to Agency of Transportation]

    WHEREAS, it appears that certain land and premises located in the Town of Barton, County of Orleans and State of Vermont owned by the State of Vermont hereinafter described and presently under the jurisdiction and control of the Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation and Agency of Environmental Conservation has become and is now no longer necessary for the Agency purposes; and

    WHEREAS, the Agency of Transportation has expressed a need for the land for State Highway purposes;

    NOW THEREFORE, pursuant to the authority vested in me as Governor of Vermont, I, Richard A. Snelling, do by this, my order, hereby transfer and set over from the Agency of Environmental Conservation to the jurisdiction and control of the Agency of Transportation for its purposes the following land and premises, to wit:

    Being parts of the same land and premises conveyed to State of Vermont by Raymond A. McCoy by Warranty Deed dated November 25, 1953, recorded in Book 48, Page 361 of the Barton Land Records and more particularly described as follows:

    Those parcels identified in Executive Order #8-69 dated June 20th, 1969 as S.P. #27A: Beginning at a point in the northeasterly boundary of the present highway, U.S. Route #5, 165 feet distant northeasterly at right angle from approximate survey station 36 + 50 of the established centerline of Highway Project Barton FI 33 (2);

    thence 360 feet, more or less, northwesterly in said northeasterly highway boundary to a point 215 feet distant northeasterly at right angle from approximate survey station 40 + 20 of said established centerline;

    thence, 350 feet, more or less, westerly to a point in the believed property line between land of State of Vermont and land now or formerly owned by one Lord, 120 feet distant northeasterly radially from approximate survey station 43 + 68 of said established centerline;

    thence 60 feet, more or less, northeasterly in said believed property line to a point 180 feet distant northeasterly radially from approximate survey station 43 + 68 of said established centerline;

    thence 157 feet, more or less, northwesterly in said believed property line to a point 180 feet distant northeasterly radially from approximate survey station 45 + 25 of said established centerline;

    thence 130 feet, more or less, southwesterly in said believed property line to a point in the northeasterly boundary of the present highway, U.S. Route #5, aforesaid, 49.5 feet distant northeasterly radially from approximate survey station 45 + 25 of said established centerline;

    thence 410 feet, more or less, northwesterly in said highway boundary to a point in the believed property line between land of State of Vermont and land now or formerly of Jane Duke Estate, 49.5 feet distant northeasterly at right angle from approximate survey station 49 + 35 of said established centerline;

    thence 150 feet, more or less, northeasterly in said believed property line to a point 200 feet distant northeasterly at right angle from approximate station 49 + 35 of said established centerline;

    thence 50 feet, more or less, southeasterly in said believed property line to a point 200 feet distant northeasterly at right angle from approximate survey station 48 + 80 of said established centerline;

    thence 130 feet, more or less, northeasterly in said believed property line to a point 330 feet distant northeasterly at right angle from approximate survey station 48 + 80 of said established centerline;

    thence 340 feet, more or less, northeasterly to a point 670 feet distant northeasterly at right angle from approximate survey station 48 + 80 of said established centerline;

    thence 1200 feet, more or less, southeasterly to a point 605 feet distant northeasterly at right angle from approximate survey station 36 + 20 of said established centerline;

    thence 440 feet, more or less, southwesterly to the point of beginning. Said parcel to contain 11.8 acres, more or less.

    AND S.P. #27B:

    Beginning at a point 200 feet distant northeasterly at right angle from approximate survey station 58 + 40 of the established centerline of Highway Project Barton FI 33 (2):

    thence 550 feet, more or less, northwesterly to a point in the easterly boundary of the present highway, U.S. Route #5, 64 feet distant northeasterly radially from approximate survey station 63 + 82 of said established centerline;

    thence 400 feet, more or less, northwesterly in said highway boundary to a point 140 feet distant northeasterly at right angle from approximate survey station 68 + 85 of the said established centerline;

    thence 425 feet, more or less, northwesterly in said highway boundary to a point 66 feet distant northeasterly at right angle from approximate survey station 73 + 00 of said established centerline;

    thence 400 feet, more or less, northerly in said highway boundary to a point 66 feet distant northeasterly at right angle from approximate survey station 77 + 00 of said established centerline;

    thence 480 feet, more or less, northeasterly to a point 510 feet distant northeasterly at right angle from approximate survey station 78 + 70 of said established centerline;

    thence 1550 feet, more or less, southeasterly to a point 1200 feet distant northeasterly at right angle from approximate survey station 59 + 50 of said established centerline;

    thence 1000 feet, more or less, southwesterly to the point of beginning. Said parcel to contain 43.0 acres, more or less.

    Dated March 23, 1982.

  • Executive Order No. 29-7 (No. 68-82) [Transfer of Land From Agency of Administration, Division of State Buildings, to Agency of Transportation]

    WHEREAS, it appears that for State Highway purposes in connection with Highway Project Burlington M 5000 (1), it is necessary to acquire a certain piece of land located in the City of South Burlington, County of Chittenden and State of Vermont, and presently under the jurisdiction and control of the Agency of Administration, Division of State Buildings;

    WHEREAS, the State Transportation Board is charged with and has the responsibility for planning, constructing, and maintaining all such highway;

    NOW THEREFORE, I, Richard A. Snelling, by virtue of the power vested in me as Governor of Vermont, do hereby transfer and set over from the Agency of Administration, Division of State Buildings, to the jurisdiction and control of the Agency of Transportation for highway purposes the following described land, to wit:

    Being part of the same land and premises conveyed to the State of Vermont by General Properties, Inc. by Warranty Deed dated December 27, 1972 and recorded in Book 108, Pages 370-372 of the City of South Burlington Land Records and being more particularly described as follows:

    Being Parcel #18 consisting of 0.07 acre, more or less, land and rights therein, as shown on pages 41 and 42 of the plans of Highway Project Burlington M 5000 (1) as filed on the 9th day of August, 1982, in the office of the Clerk of the City of South Burlington and on any revisions thereto subsequently filed therein.

    In connection with the above parcel the following easements and/or rights conveyed:

    A temporary easement during the period of construction to enter upon land of the Agency of Administration, Division of State Buildings, for construction purposes, including the right to cut and dispose of all trees, down timber, stubs, brushes, and debris, in an additional area which contains 0.03 acre, more or less, and is located right of and between approximate survey stations 16 + 04 and 18 + 00 of the Ramp “A” centerline of said Highway Project.

    In consideration for the above transfer, the Agency of Transportation is hereby ordered and directed to pay to the Agency of Administration, Division of State Buildings, the sum of One and No/100 Dollars ($1.00).

    Dated December 22, 1982.

  • Executive Order No. 29-8 (No. 70-83) [Transfer of Land From Agency of Development and Community Affairs, Historic Preservation Division, to Agency of Transportation]

    WHEREAS, it appears that for State Highway purposes in connection with Highway Project New Haven HHS 019-3 (16), it is necessary to acquire a certain piece of land located in the Town of New Haven, County of Addison, and State of Vermont and presently under the jurisdiction and control of the Agency of Development and Community Affairs, Historic Preservation Division;

    WHEREAS, the State Transportation Board is charged with and has the responsibility for planning, constructing, and maintaining all such highway;

    NOW THEREFORE, I, Richard A. Snelling, by virtue of the power vested in me as Governor of Vermont, do hereby transfer and set over from the Agency of Development and Community Affairs, Historic Preservation Division, to the jurisdiction and control of the Agency of Transportation for highway purposes the following described land, to wit:

    Being part of the same land and premises conveyed to Historic Sites Division, Agency of Development and Community Affairs by Vermont Public Service Board by Executive Order #22, dated November 26, 1975, and recorded in Book 35, Pages 260-264, of the Town of New Haven Land Records and being more particularly described as follows:

    Being Parcel #5 consisting of 0.15 acre, more or less, land as shown on page 10 of the plans of Highway Project New Haven HHS 019-3 (16) as filed on the 2nd day of December, 1982, in the office of the Clerk of New Haven.

    In connection with the above parcel the following easements and/or rights are conveyed:

    A temporary easement during the period of construction to enter upon land of the Grantor herein to construct a drive right of and between approximate survey stations 228 + 10 and 289 + 35, of the established centerline of said Highway Project.

    In consideration for the above transfer, the Agency of Transportation is hereby ordered and directed to pay to the Agency of Development and Community Affairs, Historic Preservation Division, the sum of One dollar and No/100 ($1.00).

    Dated March 22, 1983.

  • Executive Order No. 29-9 (No. 72-83) [Transfer of Land and Premises in Town of Alburgh From Agency of Transportation to Agency of Environmental Conservation, Department of Forests and Parks]

    WHEREAS, it appears that certain land and premises located in the Town of Alburgh, County of Grand Isle, State of Vermont, owned by the State of Vermont and presently under the jurisdiction and control of the Agency of Transportation has become and is no longer necessary for State Agency of Transportation purposes.

    NOW THEREFORE, I, Richard A. Snelling, by virtue of the powers vested in me as Governor of Vermont, do hereby transfer and set over from the Agency of Transportation to the jurisdiction and control of the Agency of Environmental Conservation, Department of Forests and Parks for its purposes the following described land and premises, to wit:

    All and the same land and premises conveyed to the Agency of Transportation (then known as the Highway Department), by Executive Order from the Department of Forests and Parks dated January 19, 1967 and as shown on the accompanying plat entitled State of Vermont, Agency of Transportation to Agency of Environmental Conservation, Department of Forests and Parks.

    Excepting and reserving therefrom all existing highway rights-of-way that may be of record.

    These lands and premises are subject to the following leases, as shown on the plat, between the State of Vermont, acting through the Agency of Transportation, and:

    1. Alburgh Volunteer Fire Department, date of expiration December 14, 1984;

    2. P. J. Medor, Inc., date of expiration April 15, 1985;

    3. Village of Alburgh, date of expiration July 14, 1985;

    4. Alburgh Volunteer Fire Department, date of expiration September 29, 1985;

    5. Town of Alburgh, date of expiration December 31, 1985;

    6. Town of Alburgh, date of expiration January 29, 1986;

    7. Town of Alburgh, date of expiration July 14, 1991.

    These lands and premises are also subject to any utility rights-of-way and easements of record.

    Dated June 1, 1983.

  • Executive Order No. 29-10 (No. 73-83) [Transfer of Land in Town of Marshfield From Agency of Environmental Conservation, Fish and Game Department, to Agency of Transportation]

    WHEREAS, it appears that for State Highway purposes in connection with Highway Project Marshfield BRZ 1446 (10), it is necessary to acquire a certain piece of land located in the Town of Marshfield, County of Washington, and State of Vermont and presently under the jurisdiction and control of the Agency of Environmental Conservation, Fish and Game Department;

    WHEREAS, the State Transportation Board is charged with and has the responsibility for planning, constructing, and maintaining all such highways;

    NOW THEREFORE, I, Richard A. Snelling, by virtue of the powers vested in me as Governor of Vermont, do hereby transfer and set over from the Agency of Environmental Conservation, Fish and Game Department, to the jurisdiction and control of the Agency of Transportation for highway purposes the following described land, to wit:

    Being part of the same land and premises conveyed to the Agency of Environmental Conservation, Fish and Game Department by Norman C. Dix and Sally M. Dix by Warranty Deed dated June 21, 1976 and recorded in Book 31, Page 307 of the Town of Marshfield Land Records, and being more particularly described as follows:

    Being Parcel #2 consisting of 0.24 acre, more or less, land and rights therein, as shown on page 4 of the plans of Highway Project Marshfield BRZ 1446 (10) as filed on the 8th day of March, 1983, in the office of the Clerk of the Town of Marshfield.

    In connection with the above parcel the following easements and/or rights are conveyed:

    A temporary easement during the period of construction to enter upon land of the Grantor herein, for construction purposes, including the right to cut and dispose of all trees, down timber, stubs, brush, bushes, and debris, in an area which contains 0.11 acre, more or less, and is located left of and between approximate survey stations 20 + 82 of the established centerline and 23 + 23 of the revised centerline of said Highway Project.

    An easement in an area of 0.01 acre, more or less, to change and maintain, if necessary, the channel of a certain stream of water known locally as Winooski River now running on lands of the Agency of Environmental Conservation, Fish and Game Department, left of and between approximate survey stations 21 + 13 and 21 + 35 of the established centerline of said Highway Project.

    An easement to construct and maintain a drainage ditch located between approximate survey stations 21 + 19 and 21 + 39 of the established centerline of said Highway Project and thereby the right to discharge water through said drainage ditch onto the lands of the Agency of Environmental Conservation, Fish and Game Department.

    A temporary easement during the period of construction to enter upon land of the Grantor herein to construct a drive between a point left of approximate survey station 21 + 32 of the established centerline and a point left of approximate survey station 23 + 05 of the revised centerline of said Highway Project.

    An easement to extend highway slopes and embankments in a total area of 0.02 acre, more or less, as shown on page 4 of the plans of said Highway Project.

    The slopes and embankments may be extended at such an angle as will hold the material of said slopes in repose against ordinary erosion in accordance with the standard practice of highway construction. The State of Vermont shall have the right to remove all trees, logs, stumps, protruding roots, brush, duff and other objectionable materials, structures, growth and any other thing of whatever kind or nature from said slope areas.

    Dated June 10, 1983.

  • Executive Order No. 29-11 (No. 84-84) [Transfer of Land and Premises in Town of Bethel From Agency of Transportation to Agency of Environmental Conservation, Department of Fish and Wildlife]

    WHEREAS, it appears that certain land and premises located in the Town of Bethel, County of Windsor and State of Vermont, owned by the State of Vermont, hereinafter described and presently under the jurisdiction of the Agency of Transportation have become and are no longer necessary for state highway purposes; and

    WHEREAS, the Vermont Department of Fish and Wildlife desires the use of said land and premises for its purposes;

    NOW THEREFORE, I, Richard A. Snelling, by virtue of the powers vested in me as Governor of Vermont, do hereby transfer and set over from the Agency of Transportation to the jurisdiction and control of the Agency of Environmental Conservation, Department of Fish and Wildlife for its purposes the following described land and premises, to wit:

    All and the same land and premises conveyed to the State of Vermont by Fred L. Whitney by Warranty Deed dated January 3, 1952 and recorded in Volume 40, page 130 of the Bethel Land Records; and further described in said deed as follows:

    “Beginning on the southerly edge of the water in the White River as it now stands at its present height; thence S36°W 15 rods and 8 links to an iron pin at the lower side of an old farm road; thence N76°W 15 rods and 5 links to an iron pin with a pile of stone around it at the edge of the bank; thence N31°30′W 25 rods and 20 links to an iron pin at the base of a 16″ beech tree; thence by the nearest line to the water of the White River being about 3 rods; thence easterly down said river to the place of beginning.”

    Dated September 28, 1984.

  • Executive Order No. 29-12 (No. 23-86) [Transfer of Land and Premises in City of Rutland From Agency of Administration to Military Department]

    WHEREAS, it appears that certain land and premises located in the City of Rutland, County of Rutland and State of Vermont, hereinafter described and presently under the jurisdiction and control of the Agency of Administration, Department of State Buildings, has become and is no longer necessary for purposes of the Agency of Administration; and

    WHEREAS, the Military Department, State of Vermont, desires the use of said land and premises for its purposes;

    NOW THEREFORE, I, Madeleine M. Kunin, by virtue of the powers vested in me as Governor of Vermont, do hereby transfer and set over from the Agency of Administration to the jurisdiction and control of the Military Department for its purposes the following described land and premises, to wit:

    Being part of the same land and premises acquired by the State of Vermont from Evelyn Pierpoint, et al. by Warranty Deed dated June 29, 1897, and recorded in Book 36, Pages 657-658 of the City of Rutland Land Records and being more particularly described as follows:

    Beginning at a point marked with a stone bound on the easterly sideline of Pierpoint Avenue approximately 685 feet northerly of the center line of State Street, which now marks the division line between the lands of the State of Vermont and the Vermont National Guard, thence running northerly along a bearing of N 1° 13′09″ E a distance of 295.0 feet to an Iron Pin Set Flush (IPSF), thence running in a northerly direction along an arc of a circle with a radius of 692.05′ curving to the right an arc distance of 221.14 l.f. along the easterly boundary of Pierpoint Avenue, the chord of said arc running N 10° 22′21″ E for a distance of 220.19 feet, thence running N 19° 31′38″ E for a distance of 29.59 feet, thence continuing in a northerly direction along an arc of a circle with a radius of 1170.75 feet curving to the left an arc distance of 130.50 feet along the easterly boundary of Pierpoint Avenue, the chord of such arc running N 16° 19′59″ E for a distance of 130.43 feet to an Iron Pin Set Flush (IPSF), thence turning a sharp angle to the right and running S 35° 25′24″ E for a distance of 561.03 feet to a point in the East Creek, (this line is the division line of property deeded to the City of Rutland by the State, June 9, 1956 and recorded, BK 103, PG. 117 and land herein described), thence turning a sharp angle to the right and running S 32° 58′31″ W for a distance of 8.41 feet to a point in the East Creek, thence turning a slight angle to the left and running S 20° 20′40″ W for a distance of 194.37 feet to a point thence turning a slight angle to the left and running S 13° 52′20″ W for a distance of 25.00 feet more or less to a point in East Creek, thence turning a sharp angle to the right and running N 87° 37′40″ W for a distance of 340.0 feet more or less to the point of beginning.

    The parcel herein described contains approximately 4.15 acres, more or less.

    Dated May 31, 1986.

  • Executive Order No. 29-13 (No. 26-86) [Transfer of Land in Town of Wolcott From Agency of Transportation to Agency of Environmental Conservation, Department of Fish and Wildlife]

    WHEREAS, it appears that certain lands hereinafter described and located in the Town of Wolcott, County of Lamoille and State of Vermont and presently under the jurisdiction and control of the Agency of Transportation and is no longer necessary for Agency of Transportation purposes; and

    WHEREAS, the Agency of Environmental Conservation, Department of Fish and Wildlife desires the transfer of said hereinafter described land for the purpose of enhancing already existing recreational facilities;

    NOW THEREFORE, I, Madeleine M. Kunin, by virtue of the power vested in me as Governor of Vermont, do hereby transfer and set over from the Agency of Transportation to the jurisdiction and control of the Agency of Environmental Conservation, Department of Fish and Wildlife for the aforesaid purpose the following described land, to wit;

    Being part of the same land and premises conveyed to the State of Vermont by Richard C. Sargent and Robert F. McKenzie, Co-Trustees of the Estate of Denning Miller by Trustee’s Deed dated June 18, 1984 and recorded in Book 44, Pages 102-104 of the Town of Wolcott Land Records and being all of the same land and premises conveyed to the State of Vermont by Roger E. Miller and Alma M. Miller by Warranty Deed dated April 17, 1984 and recorded in Book 44, Pages 90 and 91 of the aforesaid Town of Wolcott Land Records and being more particularly described as follows:

    Being a certain parcel of land consisting of 2.48 acres, more or less, as shown on a plat entitled “State of Vermont, Agency of Transportation, Town of Wolcott, Project Wolcott FG-F-BRF 030-2 (4)”, dated February 13, 1986 and which plat is attached hereto and made a part hereof.

    The Agency of Transportation, however, excepts and reserves to the Town of Wolcott from this transfer, an easement to construct and maintain a drainage ditch located at or near and left of approximate survey station 271 + 28 of the revised centerline of Highway Project Wolcott FG-F-BRF 030-2 (4) and thereby the right to discharge water through said drainage ditch on to the hereinbefore described parcel of land.

    Dated July 14, 1986.

  • Executive Order No. 29-14 (No. 28-86) [Accessibility to Handicapped Persons of Buildings Used for Public Meetings Relating to State Government Business]

    Superseded and replaced by Executive Order No. 3-64 (codified as Executive Order No. 05-14), dated October 21, 2014.

  • Executive Order No. 29-15 (No. 41-87) [Transfer of Lands in City of Burlington From Agency of Transportation to Agency of Environmental Conservation, Fish and Wildlife Department]

    WHEREAS, it appears that certain lands hereinafter described and located in the City of Burlington, County of Chittenden and State of Vermont and presently under the jurisdiction and control of the Agency of Transportation; and

    WHEREAS, the Agency of Environmental Conservation, Fish and Wildlife Department, desires jurisdiction over certain lands of the Agency of Transportation, for the sole purpose of wildlife management and for perpetual conservation to replace wetland habitat permanently lost in the construction of the highways known as the Northern Connector and Southern Connector; and

    WHEREAS, the lands as described below in Exhibit “A” and Exhibit “B” compensate fully and exclusively for the natural values lost in the construction of the Northern and Southern Connectors and shall be managed and enhanced for wildlife habitat;

    NOW THEREFORE, I, Madeleine M. Kunin, by the power vested in me as Governor of Vermont, do hereby transfer and set over to the Agency of Environmental Conservation, Fish and Wildlife Department, jurisdiction over certain lands of the Agency of Transportation for the sole purpose of habitat development, wildlife management and the perpetual conservation of natural resources as hereinafter described as Exhibit “A” and Exhibit “B”.

    Exhibit “A”:

    Being a perpetual easement for maintaining and controlling a wetland habitat enhancement area on a certain parcel of land commonly referred to as the Howe Farm and described as follows:

    Beginning at a point shown on the plan of Burlington highway project M 5000 (3), sheet 47 of 48 and noted as “station 465 + 34, 242 feet right”; thence southwesterly about 92 feet to a point noted as “465 + 77, 150 feet right”; thence generally southerly and 150 feet parallel to the baseline of construction as shown on the plans to a point marked by a STATE OF VERMONT aluminum pipe monument stamped “ROW 1983” and set flush with the ground 150.0 feet right of station 442 + 35 as shown on plan sheet 41 of 48 and further identified by Vermont State Plane Coordinates y = 736,713.5, x = 306,363.6; thence continuing by grid distance and azimuths; 616.8 feet 48°58′12″ to a point located 150.0 feet 323°18′51″ from a STATE OF VERMONT aluminum pipe monument stamped “B 1983” set flush to the ground; thence 1313.4 feet 323°18′51″ to a STATE OF VERMONT aluminum pipe monument stamped “C 1983” set flush to the ground; thence 827.0 feet 323°18′50″ to a STATE OF VERMONT aluminum pipe monument stamped “D 1983” set flush to the ground; thence 1087.5 feet 10°09′20″ to a STATE OF VERMONT aluminum pipe monument stamped “E 1983” set flush with the ground near the southerly bank of a seasonally dry channel of the Winooski River; thence continue on the same azimuth to the southerly bank of the river; thence to the center of the river and the boundary between the City of Burlington and Colchester; thence down stream along the boundary between the City of Burlington and Colchester to a point opposite the point of beginning of this description; thence to the noted point of beginning. The land area enclosed by this description constitutes approximately 66 acres depending on the variable flow of the river and is all of the same land and premises conveyed to the State of Vermont by Roderick Whittier and Richard Farnham by Warranty Deed dated February 6, 1984, and recorded in Book 302, Pages 350-353 of the City of Burlington Land Records.

    Exhibit “B”:

    Being a perpetual easement for maintaining and controlling a wetland habitat enhancement area on a certain parcel of land commonly referred to as the Intervale Cattail Marsh and described as follows:

    Commencing at a point marking the southwest corner of land, conveyed to the State of Vermont by City of Burlington by Warranty Deed dated February 24, 1986, and recorded in Book 328, Page 593A of the City of Burlington Land Records, and which point is also along the boundary line of the existing railroad right-of-way of the Central Vermont Railway; thence proceeding in a northwesterly direction 725′ to a point; then continuing in a northwesterly direction 400′ to a point, which point is 250′ right of the point designated 335 on the survey line of the Burlington Beltline, so-called; then continuing in a northwesterly direction 500′ to a point, which point is 201′ right of the point designated 340 on the survey line of said Burlington Beltline; then continuing in a northwesterly direction for 375′ to a point which is the northwesterly corner of the property being herein conveyed; then turning to the right at an angle of 60°16′43″ and continuing in a northeasterly direction for 863.16′ to a point; then continuing at an angle of 64°26′04″ for 441.01′ to a point which constitutes the most northerly point of the land of the State of Vermont; thence turning to the right at an angle of 145°25′29″ and proceeding in a southeasterly direction for 546.01′ to a point, then continuing in a southeasterly direction at an angle of 145°27′51″ for a distance of 450.66′ to a point; then continuing in a southeasterly direction at an angle of 141°58′59″ for 68.01′ to a point; then continuing a southeasterly direction at an angle of 145°22′11″ for 464.73′ to a point; then turning to the left and proceeding in a northeasterly direction at an angle of 93°50′21″ for a distance of 833.29′ to a point; then turning to the right and proceeding in a southeasterly direction at an angle of 180°17′59″ for 471.95′ to a point; then turning to the left and proceeding in a southeasterly direction at an angle of 107°47′59″ for a 380.49′ to a point; then turning to the right and proceeding in a southwesterly direction at an angle of 193°46′23″ for 1009.21′ to a point; then continuing in a southwesterly direction at an angle of 196°17′19″ for a distance of 118.35′ to a point; then turning to the right and proceeding in a northwesterly direction at an angle of 282°40′56″ for 93.62′ to a point; then deflecting to the right and proceeding in a northwesterly direction at an angle of 328°04′50″ for 279.49′ to a point; then proceeding in a northwesterly direction at an angle of 282°25′02″ for 344.87′ to a point; then turning to the left and proceeding in a southwesterly direction at an angle of 215°47′48″ for a distance of 217.71′ to a point; then proceeding in a westerly direction at an angle of 282°31′51″ for 1470.25′ to a point; then continuing in a westerly direction at an angle of 282°03′38″ for 147.38′ to a point; then continuing in a westerly direction at an angle of 281°18′41″ for a distance of 122.46′ to the point or place of beginning. The land area enclosed by this description is 122 acres, more or less.

    Also included in this transfer is an easement over other lands, now or formerly of Roderick Whittier and Richard Farnham for the purposes of ingress and egress to and from the premises for maintaining a wetland habitat enhancement area, and laying and maintaining waterlines from the closest point of the Winooski River to said wetland habitat enhancement area and the use of said easement shall not interfere with the use of the land by Roderick Whittier and Richard Farnham, their heirs and assigns.

    The Agency of Environmental Conservation, Fish and Wildlife Department, upon this transfer, will assume the responsibility for all future, management, maintenance and construction outside the highway right-of-way line and assumes the responsibility of monitoring water levels to avoid encroachment on adjoining properties unless flowage easements are obtained.

    The Agency of Environmental Conservation, Fish and Wildlife Department also agrees to comply with all conditions imposed on the herein described areas by permits obtained by the Corps of Engineers, Vermont Act 250 and Agency of Environmental Conservation, Department of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering Dam Permit and all covenants and conditions included in the deeds transferring the herein described properties to the Agency of Transportation.

    Dated February 26, 1987.

  • Executive Order No. 29-16 (No. 54-87) [Transfer of Certain Premises in Town of Alburg From Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation to Department of Fish and Wildlife]

    WHEREAS, it appears that certain premises in the Town of Alburg, County of Grand Isle, State of Vermont, owned by the State of Vermont, hereinafter described and presently under the jurisdiction and control of the Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation has become and is no longer necessary for state forest and park purposes; and

    WHEREAS, the hereinafter described premises are more suitable for wildlife management purposes,

    NOW, THEREFORE, I, Madeleine M. Kunin, by virtue of the powers vested in me as Governor of the State of Vermont, do hereby transfer and set over from the Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation to the jurisdiction and control of the Department of Fish and Wildlife for its purposes, the following described premises, to wit:

    all that portion of the former Central Vermont Railway, Incorporated property, and all that portion of the former Rutland Railroad Corporation property which lies between the east shore of Lake Champlain at West Alburg, and the New York State border.

    The Central Vermont Railway, Incorporated property was conveyed to the State of Vermont by Quitclaim deed dated April 12, 1965, and is recorded in Book 38, page 204 of the Alburg Land Records, the Rutland Railway Corporation property was conveyed to the State of Vermont by Quitclaim deed dated March 3, 1965 and is recorded in Book 38, page 186 of the Alburg Land Records.

    Dated December 10, 1987.

  • Executive Order No. 29-17 (No. 64-88) [Transfer of Lands in Towns of Concord, Chester and Hardwick From Agency of Transportation to Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Fish and Wildlife]

    WHEREAS, it appears that certain lands hereinafter described and located in the Town of Concord, County of Essex, and State of Vermont, Town of Chester, County of Windsor, and State of Vermont, and Town of Hardwick, County of Caledonia and State of Vermont and all presently under the jurisdiction and control of the Agency of Transportation and are no longer necessary for Agency of Transportation purposes; and

    WHEREAS, the Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Fish and Wildlife desires the transfer of said hereinafter described land for the purpose of enhancing already existing recreational facilities;

    NOW, THEREFORE, I, Madeleine M. Kunin, by virtue of the power vested in me as Governor of Vermont do hereby transfer and set over from the Agency of Transportation to the jurisdiction and control of the Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Fish and Wildlife for the aforesaid purpose the following described lands, to wit:

    Parcel #1—Town of Concord

    Being part of the same land and premises conveyed to State of Vermont by Curtis A. Lanpher by Warranty Deed dated November 1, 1956, and recorded in Book 37, Page 223 of the Town of Concord Land Records, and being more particularly described as follows:

    Beginning at a point 100 feet distant northwesterly at right angle from approximate survey station 201 + 03 of the established centerline (established centerline hereinafter referred to as said CL) of Highway Project Concord F 208-4 (1);

    thence 1,155 feet, more or less, northeasterly along the Moose River to a point 350 feet distant northwesterly at right angle from approximate survey station 209 + 50 of said CL;

    thence 250 feet, more or less, southeasterly to a point, 100 feet distant, northwesterly at right angle from approximate survey station 209 + 50 of said CL;

    thence 820 feet, more or less, southwesterly to the point of beginning.

    The above described parcel of land consisting of 2.5 acres, more or less, as shown on the attached plat entitled “State of Vermont, Agency of Transportation, Town of Concord” dated January 19, 1988, and labeled “Exhibit A.”

    Excepting and reserving from this conveyance the right of the State of Vermont, Agency of Transportation to enter upon land of the State of Vermont, Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Fish and Wildlife to maintain two (2) culverts. The first running under existing U.S. Route #2 and through the above described parcel of land to the Moose River and located at or near and left of approximate survey station 203 + 99, more or less, of the established centerline of Highway Project Concord F 028-4 (1), and the second running under existing U.S. Route #2 onto the above described parcel of land and located at or near and left of approximate survey station 208 + 99 of the aforesaid established centerline, as shown on the attached plat labeled “Exhibit A.”

    Parcel #2—Town of Chester

    Being part of the same land and premises conveyed to the State of Vermont by Henry J. Chapman and Jennie W. Chapman by Condemnation Order dated October 11, 1969, and recorded in Book 39, Page 460 of the Town of Chester Land Records, and being more particularly described as follows:

    Beginning at a point in the Williams River 150 feet distant northwesterly at right angle from approximate survey station 45 + 90 of the established centerline (established centerline hereinafter referred to as said CL) of Highway Project Chester F 025-1 (8);

    thence 1,130 feet, more or less, northerly and northeasterly along the railroad right-of-way to a point 470 feet distant southwesterly radially from approximate survey station 61 + 65 of said CL;

    thence 350 feet, more or less, northeasterly to a point, 90 feet distant southwesterly radially from approximate survey station 62 + 25 of said CL;

    thence 890 feet, more or less, southerly and southwesterly and parallel to said CL to a point 90 feet distant northwesterly radially from approximate survey station 52 + 50 of said CL;

    thence 642 feet, more or less, southwesterly to the point of beginning.

    The above described parcel of land consists of 8.1 acres, more or less, as shown on the attached plat entitled “State of Vermont, Agency of Transportation, Town of Chester,” and dated January 25, 1988, and labeled “Exhibit B.”

    Parcel #3—Town of Hardwick

    Being all of the same land and premises conveyed to the State of Vermont by Carl Loura and Daisy G. Loura by Warranty Deed dated August 7, 1933, and recorded in Book 36, Page 354 of the Town of Hardwick Land Records, and being more particularly described as follows:

    Beginning at a point 24.75 feet distant southeasterly at right angle from approximate survey station 77 + 12 of the established centerline (established centerline hereinafter referred to as said CL) of Highway Project Hardwick S 8 (2), thence 309.4 feet, more or less, S 66°45′30″ E to a point, thence 368.1 feet, more or less, S 24°19′30″ W to a point, thence 319.2 feet, more or less, S 26°07′ W to a point, thence 366.6 feet, more or less, S 24°35′ W to a point, thence 156 feet, more or less, N 71°51′30″ W to a point, thence 27 feet, more or less, N 62°24′30″ W to a point 24.75 feet distant southeasterly at right angle from approximate survey station 66 + 36 of the aforesaid established centerline, thence 1,076 feet, more or less, northeasterly and parallel to said CL to the point of beginning.

    The above described parcel of land consists of 6.34 acres, more or less, as shown on the attached plat entitled “State of Vermont, Agency of Transportation, Town of Hardwick” dated February 17, 1988, and labeled “Exhibit C.”

    Dated August 18, 1988.

  • Executive Order No. 29-18 (No. 65-88) [Transfer of Certain Lands in Town of Groton From Agency of Transportation to Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation and Grant of Temporary Easement to Transportation Agency]

    WHEREAS, it appears that certain lands hereinafter described and located in the Town of Groton, County of Caledonia and State of Vermont and presently under the jurisdiction and control of the Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation, and

    WHEREAS, the Agency of Transportation desires the use of said land and premises for its purposes;

    NOW, THEREFORE, I, Madeleine M. Kunin, by virtue of the power vested in me as Governor of Vermont do hereby transfer and set over to the Agency of Transportation jurisdiction and control over certain lands of the Agency of Natural Resources; Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation for its purposes; said lands being more particularly described as follows:

    Being part of the same land and premises conveyed to the State of Vermont by Carroll R. Palmer and Joan A. Palmer by Quit-Claim Deed dated July 14, 1978 and recorded in Book 29, Pages 606-608 of the Town of Groton Land Records; said land being designated as Parcel #6 as shown on Pages 6, 10, and 14 of the plans of Highway Project Groton F 026-1 (27)S, a plat of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, and with reference to said plat being more particularly described as follows:

    Parcel #6:

    Beginning at a point in the existing southeasterly right-of-way boundary of U.S. Route #302, 26 feet distant southwesterly radially from approximate survey station 97 + 89 of the established centerline (established centerline hereinafter referred to said CL) of Highway Project Groton F 026-1 (27)S;

    thence 41 feet, more or less, southeasterly and parallel to said CL along the aforesaid existing southwesterly right-of-way boundary of U.S. Route #302 to a point 26 feet distant southwesterly radially from approximate survey station 98 + 30 of said CL;

    thence 21 feet, more or less, southeasterly, to a point 42 feet distant radially from station 98 + 43 of said CL;

    thence 41 feet, more or less, northwesterly and parallel to said CL to a point 42 feet distant radially from station 98 + 02 of said CL;

    thence 21 feet, more or less, northwesterly to the point of beginning.

    Said Parcel #6 contains 0.01 acre, more or less.

    Also included in this transfer are the following easements and/or rights required for the construction of Highway Project Groton F 026-1 (27)S:

    A temporary easement during the period of construction to extend highway slopes and embankments in an area of 40 square feet, more or less, as shown on Pages 5 and 14 of the plans of said Highway Project a plat of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof. The slopes and embankments may be extended at such an angle as will hold the material of said slopes in repose against ordinary erosion in accordance with the standard practice of highway construction. The Agency of Transportation shall have the right to remove all trees, logs, stumps, protruding roots, bush, duff and other objectionable materials, structures, growth and any other thing of whatever kind or nature from said slope areas.

    A temporary easement during the period of construction to enter upon land under the jurisdiction of the Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation for construction purposes including the right to cut and dispose of all trees, down timber, stubs, brush, bushes, and debris in an area which contains 280 square feet, more or less, and is located right of and between approximate survey stations 98 + 02 and 98 + 48 of the established centerline of said Highway Project, as shown on a plat which is attached hereto and made a part hereof.

    Dated August 18, 1988.

  • Executive Order No. 29-19 (No. 66-88) [Transfer of Certain Permanent Easement Located in City of Montpelier From Agency of Administration, Department of State Buildings to Agency of Transportation]

    WHEREAS, it appears that a certain permanent easement hereinafter described and located in the City of Montpelier, County of Washington and State of Vermont and presently under the jurisdiction and control of the Agency of Administration, Department of State Buildings, and

    WHEREAS, the Agency of Transportation desires the use of said permanent easement for its purposes:

    NOW, THEREFORE, I, Madeleine M. Kunin, by virtue of the power vested in me as Governor of Vermont do hereby transfer and set over to the Agency of Transportation jurisdiction and control over a certain permanent easement of the Agency of Administration, Department of State Buildings for its purposes; said permanent easement being more particularly described as follows:

    Being part of the same land and premises conveyed to the State of Vermont by William F. Corry, Frank C. Corry, Florence E. Corry, and Ruth Corry Lyman by Warranty Deed dated June 2, 1949, and recorded in Book 65, Pages 303-305 of the City of Montpelier Land Records; said permanent easement being designated as Parcel #18 as shown on Pages 8, 14 and 15 of the plans of Highway Project Montpelier M6400 (23), a plat of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, and with reference to said plat being more particularly described as follows:

    An easement to change and maintain, if necessary, the channel of a certain stream of water now running on land of the Agency of Administration, Department of State Buildings located left of and between approximate survey stations 552 + 62 and 552 + 83 of the revised centerline of said Highway Project, as shown on plat hereto and made a part hereof.

    Dated August 18, 1988.

  • Executive Order No. 29-20 (No. 72A-89) [Transfer Certain Permanent Easements in Town of Berlin from Board of Armory Commissioners to Agency of Transportation]

    WHEREAS, it appears that certain permanent easements hereinafter described and located in the Town of Berlin, County of Washington, and State of Vermont are presently under the jurisdiction and control of the Board of Armory Commissioners of the State of Vermont, and

    WHEREAS, the Agency of Transportation desires the use of said permanent easements for its purposes;

    NOW THEREFORE, I, Madeleine M. Kunin, by virtue of the power vested in me as Governor of Vermont do hereby transfer and set over to the Agency of Transportation jurisdiction and control over certain permanent easements of the Board of Armory Commissioners for its purposes, and being more particularly described as follows:

    Being part of the same land and premises conveyed to the State of Vermont by the City of Montpelier by Warranty Deed dated December 10, 1964 and recorded in Book 36, Page 59 of the Town of Berlin Land Records; said land being designated as Parcel #11 as shown on Pages 4 and 5 of the plans of Highway Project Berlin M 6200 (1)S, Section I and as Parcel #104 as shown on Pages 5, 7, and 8 of the plans of Highway Project Berlin M 6200 (1)S, Section II, and which plats are so designated and which are attached hereto and made a part hereof, and with reference to said plats being more particularly described as follows:

    Parcel #11:

    An easement for constructing, maintaining and servicing a highway, in an area of 0.01 acre, more or less, and located between a point right of approximate survey station 51 + 00 of the revised centerline of said Highway Project and a point right of approximate station 52 + 48 of the established centerline of said Highway Project, and being more particularly described as follows:

    Beginning at a point in the existing southwesterly right-of-way boundary of Town Highway #6 (Fisher Road) 25 feet distant southwesterly radially from approximate station 51 + 00 of the revised centerline (Revised centerline hereinafter referred to as REV. CL.) of Highway Project Berlin M 6200 (1)S, Section I;

    thence 146 feet, more or less, southeasterly along the aforesaid southwesterly right-of-way boundary of Town Highway #6 (Fisher Road) to a point 20 feet distant southwesterly radially from approximate station 52 + 46 of said REV. CL.;

    thence 5 feet, more or less, southwesterly to a point 25 feet distant southwesterly radially from approximate station 52 + 48 of the REV. CL.;

    thence 148 feet, more or less, northwesterly to the point of beginning.

    Also included in this transfer is the following easement and/or right required for the construction of Highway Project Berlin M 6200 (1)S, Section I;

    An easement to construct and maintain a drainage ditch between a point right of approximate survey station 52 + 48 of the revised centerline of said Highway Project and a point right of approximate survey station 52 + 58 of the established centerline of said Highway Project.

    Parcel #104:

    An easement for constructing, and servicing a highway, in an area of 0.08 acre, more or less, and located right of and between approximate survey stations 47 + 43 and 52 + 00 of the revised centerline of said Highway Project, and being more particularly described as follows:

    Beginning at a point in Town Highway #6 (Fisher Pond) 17 feet distant northeasterly at right angle from approximate station 45 + 31 of the revised centerline (revised centerline hereinafter referred to as REV. CL.) of Highway Project Berlin M 6200 (1)S; Section II;

    thence 211 feet, more or less southeasterly to a point in the centerline of Town Highway #6 (Fisher Pond) at centerline station 47 + 43 of said REV. CL.;

    thence 32 feet, more or less, southwesterly to a point 32 feet distant at right angle from station 47 + 43 of said REV. CL.;

    thence 143 feet, more or less, northwesterly and parallel to said REV. CL. to a point 32 feet distant, southwesterly at right angle from station 46 + 00 of said REV. CL.;

    thence 53 feet, more or less, southwesterly to a point 85 feet, distant southwesterly at right angle from station 46 + 00 of said REV. CL.;

    thence 84 feet, more or less, northwesterly to a point 105 feet distant southwesterly at right angle from station 45 + 18 of said REV. CL.;

    thence 123 feet, more or less, northeasterly to the point of beginning.

    Also included in this transfer are the following easements and/or rights required for the construction of Highway Project Berlin M 6200 (1)S, Section II;

    Easement to extend highway slopes and embankments in areas of 0.05 acre, more or less, and 0.01 acre, more or less, and a temporary easement during the period of construction to extend highway slopes and embankments in an area of 0.04 acre, more or less and shown on Pages 7 and 8 of the plans of said Highway Project, a plat of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof. The slopes and embankments may be extended at such an angle as will hold the material of said slopes in repose against ordinary erosion in accordance with the standard practice of highway construction. The Agency of Transportation shall have the right to remove all tree logs, stumps, protruding roots, brush, duff and any other objectionable materials, structures, growth and any other thing of whatever kind or nature from said slope areas.

    An easement in an area of 0.05 acre, more or less, to construct and maintain a ditch located right of and between approximate survey stations 47 + 43 and 50 + 82 of the revised centerline of said Highway Project.

    An easement to install and maintain a culvert located right of and between approximate survey stations 50 + 82 and 51 + 53 of the revised centerline of said Highway Project.

    A temporary easement during the period of construction to enter upon land of the Adjutant General to construct a drive located at or near and right of approximate survey station 51 + 18 of the revised centerline of said Highway Project.

    Dated March 16, 1989.

  • Executive Order No. 29-21 (No. 81-89) [Transfer of Lands in Town of Wilmington From Agency of Environmental Conservation, Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation, to Agency of Transportation]

    WHEREAS, it appears that certain lands hereinafter described and located in the Town of Wilmington, County of Windham and State of Vermont and presently under the jurisdiction and control of the Agency of Environmental Conservation; Forests, Parks and Recreation Department; and

    WHEREAS, the Agency of Transportation desires the use of said land and premises for its purposes;

    NOW THEREFORE, I, Madeleine M. Kunin, by virtue of the power vested in me as Governor of Vermont do hereby transfer and set over to the Agency of Transportation jurisdiction and control over certain lands of the Agency of Environmental Conservation; Forests, Parks and Recreation Department for its purposes; said lands being more particularly described as follows:

    Being part of the same land and premises conveyed to the State of Vermont by Olga Haslund by Warranty Deed dated August 5, 1940 and recorded in Book 31, Page 88 of the Town of Wilmington Land Records; said land being designated as Parcels #26A, 26B, and 26C as shown on Pages 15, 30 and 31 of the plans of Highway Project Wilmington F 010-1 (19), a plat of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, and with reference to said plat being more particularly described as follows:

    Parcel #26A: Beginning at a point in the existing southwesterly right of way boundary of Vermont Route #9, 90 feet distant northeasterly at right angle from approximate station 334 + 10 of the established centerline (established centerline hereinafter referred to as CL) of Highway Project Wilmington F 010-1 (19);

    thence 437 feet, more or less, southeasterly, easterly and southeasterly along the aforesaid existing southwesterly right of way boundary of Vermont Route #9 to a point 78 feet distant northeasterly, at right angle from approximate station 338 + 45 of said CL;

    thence 100 feet, more or less, southwesterly and crossing said CL to a point 5 feet distant southwesterly at right angle from approximate station 337 + 86 of said CL;

    thence 96 feet, more or less, southeasterly to a point 18 feet distant southwesterly at right angle from approximate station 338 + 80 of said CL;

    thence 105 feet, more or less, northeasterly and crossing said CL to a point in the aforesaid existing southwesterly right of way boundary of Vermont Route #9, 67 feet distant northeasterly at right angle from approximate station 339 + 43 of said CL;

    thence 309 feet, more or less, southeasterly along the aforesaid existing southwesterly right of way boundary of Vermont Route #9 and crossing said CL to a point 10 feet distant southwesterly at right angle from approximate station 342 + 40 of said CL;

    thence 55 feet, more or less, southwesterly to a point 65 feet distant southwesterly at right angle from approximate station 342 + 43 of said CL;

    thence 843 feet, more or less, northwesterly and parallel to said CL to a point 65 feet distant southwesterly at right angle from approximate station 334 + 00 of said CL;

    thence 155 feet, more or less, northeasterly and crossing said CL to the point of beginning.

    Said Parcel #26A contains 2.38 acres, more or less.

    Parcel #26B: Beginning at a point existing Vermont Route #9, 140 feet distant northeasterly at right angle from approximate station 334 + 10 of the established centerline (established centerline hereinafter referred to as CL) of Highway Project Wilmington F 010- (19);

    thence 439 feet, more or less, southeasterly to a point 106 feet distant northeasterly at right angle from approximate station 338 + 47 of said CL;

    thence 28 feet, more or less, southwesterly to a point in the existing southwesterly right of way boundary of Vermont Route #9, 78 feet distant northeasterly at right angle from approximate station 338 + 45 of said CL;

    thence 437 feet, more or less, northwesterly, westerly and northwesterly along the aforesaid existing southwesterly right of way boundary of Vermont Route #9 to a point 90 feet distant northeasterly at right angle from approximate station 334 + 10 of said CL;

    thence 50 feet, more or less, northeasterly to the point of beginning.

    Said Parcel #26B contains 0.34 acre, more or less.

    Parcel #26C: Beginning at a point in existing Vermont Route #9, 93 feet distant northeasterly at right angle from approximate station 339 + 47 of the established centerline (established centerline hereinafter referred to as CL) of Highway Project Wilmington F 010-1 (19);

    thence 313 feet, more or less, southeasterly to a point 20 feet distant northeasterly at right angle from approximate station 342 + 52 of said CL;

    thence 31 feet, more or less, southwesterly and crossing said CL to a point in the existing southwesterly right of way boundary of Vermont Route #9, 10 feet distant southwesterly at right angle from approximate station 342 + 40 of said CL;

    thence 309 feet, more or less, northwesterly along the aforesaid existing southwesterly right of way boundary of Vermont Route #9 and crossing said CL to a point 67 feet distant northeasterly at right angle from approximate station 339 + 43 of said CL;

    thence 26 feet, more or less, northeasterly to the point of beginning.

    Said Parcel #26C contains 0.21 acre, more or less.

    Also included in this transfer are the following easements and/or rights required for the construction of Highway Project Wilmington F 010-1 (19):

    A temporary easement during the period of construction to enter upon land under the jurisdiction of the Agency of Environmental Conservation; Forests, Parks and Recreation Department to construct a drive at or near and right of approximate survey station 338 + 62 of the established centerline of said Highway Project.

    A temporary easement during the period of construction to enter upon land under the jurisdiction of the Agency of Environmental Conservation; Forests, Parks and Recreation Department for construction purposes including the right to cut and dispose of all trees, down timber, stubs, brush, bushes, and debris in an area which contains 0.05 acre, more or less, and is located right of and between approximate survey stations 339 + 89 and 342 + 33 of the established centerline of said Highway Project.

    A temporary easement during the period of construction to extend highway slopes and embankments in a total area of 0.02 acre, more or less, as shown on Pages 15, 30 and 31 of the plans of said Highway Project a plat of which is attached hereto and made a part of. The slopes and embankments may be extended at such an angle as will hold the material of said slopes in repose against ordinary erosion in accordance with the standard practice of highway construction. The Agency of Transportation shall have the right to remove all trees, logs, stumps, protruding roots, brush, duff and other objectionable materials, structures, growth and any other thing of whatever kind or nature from said slope areas.

    Dated Dec. 28, 1989.

  • Executive Order No. 29-22 (No. 07-91) [Transfer of Certain Land in Town of Alburg from Agency of Transportation to Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Fish and Wildlife]

    WHEREAS, it appears that certain land hereinafter described and located in the Town of Alburg, County of Grand Isle, State of Vermont and presently under the jurisdiction and control of the Agency of Transportation, is no longer necessary for Agency of Transportation purposes; and

    WHEREAS, the Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Fish and Wildlife desires the transfer of said hereinafter described land for the purpose of enhancing already existing recreational facilities;

    NOW, THEREFORE, I, Richard A. Snelling, by virtue of the power vested in me as Governor of Vermont do hereby transfer and set over from the Agency of Transportation to the jurisdiction and control of the Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Fish and Wildlife for the aforesaid purpose the following described land, to wit:

    Beginning at a point in U.S Route 2, 44.0′ more or less left of and at right angles to the established centerline at approximate survey station 77 + 00, as shown on Project BRF 028-1(11) Fishing Access Plan; thence easterly and parallel to said center line 675′ more or less to a point, said point being 44.0′ left of and at right angles to approximate survey station 83 + 75 of said Project. Meaning to transfer all of the lands lying north of the above described line consisting of the Fishing Access Area as it presently exists and encompassing 1.77 acres, more or less. A plat depicting the above described parcel is attached hereto and made a part thereof.

    Being part of the land and premises conveyed to the State of Vermont by Quit-Claim Deed from the Lake Champlain Bridge Commission on September 16, 1987, and recorded in the Town of Alburg Land Records on November 13, 1987 in Book 57, Pages 137-140.

    This Executive Order takes effect upon signing.

    Dated June 7, 1991.

  • Executive Order No. 29-23 (No. 04-92) [Transfer of Certain Land in Town of Stockbridge From Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Fish and Wildlife to Agency of Transportation]

    WHEREAS, it appears that a portion of certain land in the Town of Stockbridge, County of Windsor, and State of Vermont which is presently under the jurisdiction and control of the Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Fish and Wildlife, is necessary for highway purposes in connection with Highway Project Stockbridge BRF 022-1 (13); and

    WHEREAS, the Agency of Transportation is charged with and has the responsibility for planning, constructing, and maintaining all such highways;

    NOW THEREFORE, I, Howard Dean, by virtue of the power vested in me as Governor of Vermont do hereby transfer and set over from the Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Fish and Wildlife, to the jurisdiction and control of the Agency of Transportation for the aforesaid purposes the following described lands and easements to wit:

    Being part of the same land and premises conveyed to the State of Vermont by Thomas G. Rabeck and Lauren S. Rabeck by Warranty Deed dated April 11, 1978 and recorded in Book 36, Pages 317-319, of the Town of Stockbridge Land Records, and being further described as Parcels #5A and 5B consisting of land and rights therein as shown on Pages 11 and 12 of the plans of Highway Project Stockbridge BRF 022-1 (13) as filed on the 7th day of August, 1991, in the office of the Clerk of the Town of Stockbridge. Said land and rights are more particularly described as follows:

    Parcel #5A:

    Beginning at a point in the existing southwesterly right-of-way boundary of Vermont Route 107, approximately 33 feet distant southwesterly at right angle from station 13 + 76 of the established centerline (established centerline hereinafter referred to as CL) of said Highway Project;

    thence 274 feet, more or less, southeasterly along said existing southwesterly right-of-way boundary of Vermont Route #107, to a point approximately 33 feet distant southwesterly radially from station 16 + 50 of said CL;

    thence 51 feet, more or less, northwesterly to a point 42 feet distant southwesterly radially from station 16 + 00 of said CL;

    thence 224 feet, more or less, northwesterly and parallel to said CL to a point 42 feet distant southwesterly at right angle from station 13 + 76 of said CL;

    thence 9 feet, more or less, northeasterly to the point of beginning;

    This parcel of land contains 0.05 acre, more or less.

    Parcel #5B:

    Beginning at a point in the existing southwesterly right-of-way boundary of Vermont Route #107, approximately 33 feet distant southwesterly at right angle from approximate station 11 + 07 of said CL;

    thence 55 feet, more or less, southeasterly along an irregular line to a point in the center of existing Vermont Route #107 at approximate station 11 + 50 on said CL;

    thence 575 feet, more or less, southeasterly along the center of existing Vermont Route #107 to a point at approximate station 17 + 25 on said CL;

    thence 33 feet, more or less, southwesterly to a point in the existing southwesterly right-of-way boundary of Vermont Route #107, approximately 33 feet distant southwesterly radially from approximate station 17 + 25 of said CL;

    thence 618 feet, more or less, northwesterly along the aforesaid existing southwesterly right-of-way boundary of Vermont Route #107 to the point of beginning.

    This parcel of land contains 0.45 acre, more or less, and is located within the existing right-of-way of Vermont Route #107.

    Also included in this transfer are the following described easements and/or rights:

    A temporary easement during the period of construction to enter upon land of the Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Fish and Wildlife, to construct a temporary bridge and detour in an area which contains 0.29 acre, more or less, and is located right of and between approximate stations 9 + 91 and 13 + 50 of said CL.

    An easement to extend highway slopes and embankments in an area of 0.08 acre, more or less, and a temporary easement during the period of construction to extend highway slopes and embankments in an area of 0.01 acre, more or less, as shown on Pages 11 and 12 of said filed Highway Project plans.

    The slopes and embankments may be extended at such an angle as will hold the material of said slopes in repose against ordinary erosion in accordance with the standard practice of highway construction. The Agency of Transportation shall have the right to remove all trees, logs, stumps, protruding roots, brush, duff and other objectionable materials, structures, growth and any other thing of whatever kind or nature from said slope areas.

    A temporary easement during the period of construction to enter upon land of the Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Fish and Wildlife, to construct a drive right of and between approximate stations 11 + 15 and 14 + 00 of said CL.

    Temporary easements during the period of construction to enter upon land of the Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Fish and Wildlife, for construction purposes, including the right to cut and dispose of all trees, down timber, stubs, brush, bushes, and debris, in an area which contains 0.03 acre, more or less, and is located right of and between approximate stations 14 + 03 and 15 + 40 of said CL; and in an area which contains 0.01 acre, more or less, and is located right of and between approximate stations 15 + 69 and 16 + 50 of said CL.

    Included in this transfer is all right, title, and interest the Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Fish and Wildlife, has in and to any land which is located within the existing right-of-way of Vermont Route #107 between the northerly boundary of Parcel #5B and the center of the Tweed River.

    Dated February 25, 1992.

  • Executive Order No. 29-24 (No. 07-93) [Transfer of Property in Grand Isle From Agency of Administration, Department of State Buildings to Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Fish and Wildlife]

    WHEREAS, it appears that certain land and premises located in the Town of Grand Isle, County of Grand Isle and State of Vermont, hereinafter described and presently under the jurisdiction and control of the Agency of Administration, Department of State Buildings, is no longer necessary for purposes of the Agency of Administration; and

    WHEREAS, the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Fish and Wildlife, desires the use of said land and premises for its purposes.

    NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT I, Howard Dean, by virtue of the power vested in me as Governor, do hereby transfer and set over from the Agency of Administration, Department of State Buildings, to the jurisdiction and control of the Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Fish and Wildlife, for its purposes the following described land and premises, to wit:

    Being all of the same land and premises with buildings thereon acquired by the State of Vermont from J. M. Harford a/k/a Jan Michael Harford and Ellen Harford formerly Ellen R. Rattee, husband and wife, by Warranty Deed dated June 15, 1989, and recorded in Book 45, Pages 2-4 of the Town of Grand Isle Land Records. Additionally, being all of the same land and premises with buildings thereon acquired by the State of Vermont from the J. & R. Williams Co., Inc., by Warranty Deed dated June 8, 1989, and recorded in Book 44, Pages 507-508 of the Town of Grand Isle Land Records.

    The parcels herein described, presently known as the Ed Weed Fish Culture Station, contain approximately 160 acres and are subject to the following conditions and encumbrances:

    1. Memorandum of Understanding between the Grand Isle Board of Selectmen and the Department of State Buildings dated November 13, 1989.

    2. Agriculture lease with Francis Dubuque dated January 23, 1992.

    3. 30-year lease to Lake Champlain Transportation for 1.15 acres and a 20-foot wide easement along Bell Hill Road to leased parcel dated March 15, 1991.

    4. 30-year lease to State of Vermont by Lake Champlain Transportation Company for a 0.09-acre parcel of shoreline property dated March 15, 1991.

    5. All Land Use Permits issued by the State of Vermont for the Fish Hatchery construction project.

    6. All conditions of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Permit #198901967 dated September 11, 1990, issued for the construction of the hatchery.

    This Executive Order shall take effect upon signing.

    Dated May 15, 1993.

  • Executive Order No. 29-25 (No. 12-93) [Transfer of Certain Lands and Rights in Charleston from Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Fish and Wildlife, to Agency of Transportation]

    WHEREAS, It appears that certain lands and rights hereinafter described and located in the Town of Charleston, County of Orleans, and State of Vermont are presently under the jurisdiction and control of the State of Vermont, Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Fish and Wildlife, and

    WHEREAS, the Agency of Transportation desires the use of said lands and rights for its purposes;

    NOW THEREFORE, I Howard Dean, by virtue of the power vested in me as Governor of Vermont do hereby transfer and set over from the Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Fish and Wildlife, to the Agency of Transportation, jurisdiction and control over certain lands and rights being more particularly described as follows:

    Being part of the same land and premises conveyed to the State of Vermont, Fish and Game Department by Warranty Deed from Hiram H. Hutchinson and Hazel M. Hutchinson dated April 16, 1965, and recorded in Book 27, Pages 65 and 66 of the Town of Charleston Land Records, and further described as Parcels #4A and 4B consisting of certain pieces of land and rights therein as shown on Page 9 of the plans of Highway Project Charleston BRF 034-3 (15) that have been revised and filed in the office of the Clerk of the Town of Charleston on the 14th day of December, 1992. Said lands and rights are described as follows:

    Parcel #4A:

    Beginning at a point in the existing easterly right-of-way boundary of Vermont Route #105, 28 feet distant easterly radially from approximate station 433+45 of the established centerline (established centerline hereinafter referred to as CL) of Highway Project Charleston BRF 034-3 (15);

    thence 90 feet, more or less, southeasterly to a point in the Clyde River, said point being 30 feet distant easterly radially from approximate station 434+33 of said CL;

    thence 23 feet, more or less, northwesterly in said Clyde River to a point in the aforesaid existing easterly right-of-way boundary of Vermont Route #105, 11 feet distant easterly radially from approximate station 434+22 of said CL;

    thence 80 feet, more or less, northerly along the aforesaid existing easterly right-of-way boundary of Vermont Route #105 to the point of beginning.

    The above described parcel of land designated Parcel #4A, consists of 0.02 acre, more or less.

    Parcel #4B:

    Beginning at a point in existing Vermont Route #105, 4 feet distant northeasterly radially from approximate station 432+58 of the aforesaid CL;

    thence 26 feet, more or less, southeasterly to a point in the existing easterly right-of-way boundary of Vermont Route #105, 26 feet distant easterly radially from approximate station 432+70 of said CL;

    thence 75 feet, more or less, southeasterly along the aforesaid easterly right-of-way boundary of Vermont Route #105, to a point 28 feet distant easterly radially from approximate station 433+45 of said CL;

    thence 80 feet, more or less, southerly along said existing easterly right-of-way boundary of Vermont Route #105, to a point in the Clyde River 11 feet distant easterly radially from approximate station 434+22 of said CL;

    thence 18 feet, more or less, northwesterly in the Clyde River to a point in existing Vermont Route #105, 5 feet distant westerly radially from approximate station 434+17 of said CL;

    thence 160 feet, more or less, northerly and northwesterly along existing Vermont Route #105 to the point of beginning.

    The above described parcel of land designated as Parcel #4B consists of 0.08 acre, more or less, and is located within the existing right-of-way of Vermont Route #105.

    Also included in this transfer are the following described easements and/or rights:

    A temporary easement during the period of construction, to extend highway slopes and embankments in an area of 0.03 acre, more or less, as shown on Page 9 of the aforementioned revised filed plans.

    The slopes and embankments may be extended at such an angle as will hold the material of said slopes in repose against ordinary erosion in accordance with the standard practice of highway construction. The State of Vermont, Agency of Transportation, shall have the right to remove all trees, logs, stumps, protruding roots, brush, duff and other objectionable materials, structures, growth and any other thing of whatever kind or nature from said slope areas.

    An easement, in an area of 0.01 acre, more or less, to change and maintain the channel of a certain stream of water, known locally as the Clyde River, now running on lands of the Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Fish and wildlife, left of and between approximate stations 433+56 and 433+90 of the established centerline of Highway Project Charleston BRF 034-3 (15).

    A temporary easement during the period of construction to enter upon land of the Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Fish and Wildlife, to construct and utilize a temporary detour, in an area which contains 0.11 acre, more or less, and is located left of and between approximate stations 432+90 and 434+55 of the said established centerline.

    Dated August 15, 1993.

  • Executive Order No. 29-26 (No. 01-95) [Transfer of Land and Easements From Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Fish and Wildlife, to Agency of Transportation]

    WHEREAS, it appears that certain land and easements in the Town of Roxbury, County of Washington, and State of Vermont which is presently under the jurisdiction and control of the Agency of Natural resources, Department of Fish and Wildlife, is necessary for highway purposes in connection with Highway Project Roxbury BRS 0187(3)S; and

    WHEREAS, the Agency of Transportation is charged with and has the responsibility for planning, constructing, and maintaining all such highways,

    NOW THEREFORE, I, Howard Dean, by virtue of the power vested in me as Governor of Vermont do hereby transfer and set over to the Agency of Transportation, jurisdiction and control over certain land and easements of the Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Fish and Wildlife, and being more particularly described as follows:

    Being part of the same land and premises conveyed to the State of Vermont by the following instruments:

    1. Quit-Claim Deed from Charles C. Warren dated November 30, 1894 and recorded in Book 16, Page 201, of the Town of Roxbury Land Records.

    2. Warranty Deed from Edward H. Thurston and Ola M. Thurston dated September 21, 1956 and recorded in Book 28, Pages 85-87, of said Town of Roxbury Land Records. A portion of the land conveyed in this deed was transferred from the jurisdiction and control of the Department of Highways to the jurisdiction and control of the Department of Fish and Game by Executive Order dated November 12, 1973 and recorded in Book 28, Page 531, of said Town of Roxbury Land Records.

    The land and easements transferred herein are further described as Parcel #1 as shown on Pages 9 and 11 of the plans of Highway Project Roxbury BRS 0187 (3)S as filed on May 11, 1993 in the office of the Clerk of the Town of Roxbury.

    The transfer includes all right, title, and interest which the Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Fish and Wildlife, has or may have in or to a parcel of land which contains approximately 0.51 acre and is located entirely within the existing right-of-way of Vermont #12A. Said parcel is further described as follows:

    Beginning at a point in the existing westerly right-of-way boundary of Vermont Route #12A, 50 feet distant westerly radiating from approximate station 118+00 of the established centerline (established centerline hereinafter referred to as CL) of Highway Project Roxbury BRS 0187 (3)S;

    thence 237 feet, more or less, northerly along said westerly right-of-way boundary of Vermont Route #12A, and crossing the Third Branch of the White River to a point 50 feet distant westerly at right angle from approximate station 120+43 of said CL;

    thence 33 feet, more or less, northeasterly along said westerly right-of-way boundary of Vermont Route #12A to a point 25 feet distant westerly at a right angle from approximate station 124+65 of said CL;

    thence 416 feet, more or less, northerly and easterly along said westerly right-of-way boundary of Vermont State Route #12A to a point 25 feet distant northwesterly at right angle from approximate station 124+65 of said CL;

    thence 25 feet, more or less, southeasterly to a point in Vermont Route # 12A, at approximate station 124+65 on said CL;

    thence 665 feet, more or less, southwesterly and southerly along Vermont #12A to a point at approximate station 118+00 on said CL;

    thence 50 feet, more or less, westerly to the point of beginning.

    Also included in this transfer are the following easements:

    A temporary easement during the period of construction to enter upon land of the Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Fish and Wildlife, to construct a temporary bridge detour, in an area which contains 0.10 acre, more or less, and is located left of and between approximate stations 119+85 and 122+24 of the aforesaid CL;

    A permanent easement to extend and maintain highway slopes and embankments in an area of 0.10 acre, more or less, and temporary easements during the period during the period of construction, to extend highway slopes and embankments in an area of 0.10 acre, more or less, and in an area of 0.06 acre, more or less, as shown on the aforesaid filed plans.

    The slopes and embankments may be extended at such an angle as will hold the material of said slopes in repose against ordinary erosion in accordance with the standard practice of highway construction. The State of Vermont, Agency of Transportation, shall have the right to remove all trees, logs, stumps, protruding roots, brush, duff and other objectionable materials, structures, growth and any other thing of whatever kind or nature from said slope areas.

    An easement, in an area of 0.10 acre, more or less, to change and maintain the channel of a certain stream of water, known locally as the Third Branch of the White River, now running on the lands of the Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Fish and Wildlife, left of and between approximate stations 120+45 and 120+73 of said CL;

    An easement to install and maintain a wingwall located left of and between approximate stations 120+69 and 120+80 of said CL;

    A temporary easement during the period of construction to enter upon land of the Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Fish and Wildlife, to reset two white pine trees located left of and between approximate stations 121+15 and 121+70 of said CL;

    A temporary easement during the period of construction to enter upon land of the Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Fish and Wildlife, to construct a drive at or near and left of approximate station 122+50 of said CL.

    Dated January 9, 1995.

  • Executive Order No. 29-27 (No. 07-99) [Transfer of Property in Essex to Agency of Administration, Department of State Buildings and General Services from Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation]

    WHEREAS, certain buildings and related land (the “property”) located in the Town of Essex, County of Chittenden and State of Vermont, herein after described, are presently under the jurisdiction and control of the Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation (ANR) and;

    WHEREAS, the ANR has no further use for the property; and

    WHEREAS, the Vermont Agency of Administration, Department of Buildings and General Services, desires the use of said buildings and related land for its purposes;

    NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT I, Howard Dean, M.D., by the power vested in me as Governor of the State of Vermont, do hereby transfer and set over to the Agency of Administration, Department of State Buildings and General Services, from the jurisdiction and control of the Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation, for its purposes, the following described land and premises, to wit:

    Being the buildings and related land located on east side of Old Colchester road so-called. The northerly part of said property being situated in the Town of Essex and the southerly part being situated in the Village of Essex Junction.

    Meaning hereby to transfer jurisdiction over the remaining part of the same premises and land conveyed to the State of Vermont by Charles E. Labelle and Lumina E. Labelle, husband and wife, by their Warranty Deed dated August 12, 1963. Said deed being of record in book 67 at page 449 of the Town of Essex Land Records.

    As an aid to the location of the herein transferred premises, reference is made to a land plat entitled “Old Colchester Road Nursery,” scale: 1″ = 200′, compiled by: M.E. Raboin, dated: February ’82, Drawing No. 000-7. Said plat being filed in the property records of the State of Vermont; Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation at Waterbury, Vermont. Attachment A attached hereto and incorporated herewith.

    Said property consists of certain buildings and structures which are more particularly described in Attachment B attached hereto and incorporated herewith, as well as approximately 99.1 acres, more or less, of related land. Said premises and land are subject to the following conditions and encumbrances:

    A certain lease entered into between the Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation and the Town of Essex and the Village of Essex Junction, dated June 30, 1998, and recorded in the Town of Essex Land Records at Book 388, Pages 706-713.

    A certain Fence Division Agreement between the State of Vermont, Department of Forests and Parks and Guy L. and Florence McGuin, dated November 3, 1958, and recorded in the Town of Essex Land Records at Book 65, Page 271.

    A certain Fence Division Agreement between the State of Vermont, Department of Forests and Parks and Lawrence and Katherine Thompson, dated February 7, 1962, and recorded in the Town of Essex Land Records at Book 65, Page 272.

    This Executive Order shall take effect upon execution.

    Dated June 14, 1999.

  • Executive Order No. 29-28 (No. 01-01) [Transfer of Property in Rutland from Military Department to Agency of Administration, Department of State Buildings and General Services]

    WHEREAS, it appears that certain land and premises located on Pierpoint Avenue in the City of Rutland, County of Rutland and State of Vermont, hereinafter described and presently under the jurisdiction and control of the Military Department, State of Vermont, currently used as a military maintenance facility; and

    WHEREAS, certain land was obtained by the Military Department, located in Fair Haven, Vermont, and the Military Department is in the process of constructing a new military maintenance facility at that location; and

    WHEREAS, once the Fair Haven Maintenance facility is completed, anticipated completion date to be by the end of year 2001, the land and premises located in the City of Rutland, County of Rutland, State of Vermont, will no longer be necessary for the purposes of the Military Department; and

    WHEREAS, the Agency of Administration, Department of State Buildings and General Services, desires the use of said land and premises for its purposes.

    NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that I, Howard Dean, by virtue of the power vested in me as Governor, do hereby transfer and set over from the Military Department to the jurisdiction and control of the Agency of Administration Department of Buildings and General Services for its purposes, the date of transfer of possession to be upon completion of the Fair Haven, Vermont, maintenance facility, the following described land and premises, to wit:

    Being part of the same land and premises acquired by the State of Vermont from Evelyn Pierpoint, et al. by Warranty Deed dated June 29, 1877, and recorded in Book 36, Pages 657-658 of the City of Rutland Land Records. It is also the same land and premises transferred from the Agency of Administration, Department of Buildings to the Military Department by Executive Order No. 23-86 and being more particularly described as follows:

    Beginning at a point marked with a stone bound on the easterly sideline of Pierpoint Avenue approximately 685 feet northerly of the center line of State Street, which now marks the division line between the lands of the State of Vermont and the land herein described, thence running northerly along a bearing of N 1°13′09″ E a distance of 295.0 feet to an Iron Pin set flush (IPSF), thence running in a northerly direction along an arc of a circle with a radius of 692.05′ curving to the right an arc distance of 221.14 l.f. along the easterly boundary of Pierpoint Avenue, the chord of said arc running N 10°22′21″ E for a distance of 220.19 feet, thence running N 19°31′38″ E for a distance of 29.59 feet, thence continuing in a northerly direction along an arc of a circle with a radius of 1170.75 feet curving to the left an arc distance of 130.50 feet along the easterly boundary of Pierpoint Avenue, the chord of such arc running N 16°19′59″ E for a distance of 130.43 feet to an Iron Pin Set Flush, thence turning a sharp angle to the right and running S 35°25′24″ E for a distance of 561.03 feet to a point in the East Creek (this line is the division line of property deeded to the City of Rutland by the State, June 9, 1956, and recorded in BK 103, PG. 117, and land therein described), thence turning a sharp angle to the right and running S 32°58′31″ W for a distance of 8.41 feet to a point in the East Creek, thence turning a slight angle to the left and running S 20°20′40″ W for a distance of 194.37 feet to a point, thence turning a slight angle to the left and running S 13°52′20″ W for a distance of 25.00 feet more or less to a point in East Creek, thence turning a sharp angle to the right and running N 87°37′40″ W for a distance of 340.0 feet more or less to the point of beginning.

    The parcel therein described contains approximately 4.15 acres, more or less.

    FURTHER, the Military Department shall remain responsible for maintenance and any expenses relating to the above described land and premises until such time as it vacates the property and turns possession over to the Agency of Administration Department of Buildings and General Services. In addition, the Military Department shall transfer all property records and files, relating to the above described land and premises, to the Agency of Administration Department of Buildings and General Services at the time possession of said property is transferred to that Agency.

    This Executive Order shall take effect upon execution.

    Dated January 8, 2001.

  • Executive Order No. 29-29 (No. 09-01) [Transfer of parcel of land from the Agency of Administration, Department of Buildings and General Services to the jurisdiction and control of the Agency of Transportation]

    WHEREAS, it appears that certain land and premises located in the Town of Colchester, County of Chittenden and State of Vermont, hereinafter described and presently under the jurisdiction and control of the Agency of Administration, Department of Buildings and General Services, State of Vermont, has become and is no longer necessary for purposes of the Agency of Administration, Department of Buildings and General Services; and

    WHEREAS, the Agency of Transportation, desires the use of said land and premises for its purposes;

    NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT I, Howard Dean, MD, by virtue of the powers vested in me as Governor of Vermont, do hereby transfer and set over from the Agency of Administration, Department of Buildings and General Services to the jurisdiction and control of the Agency of Transportation for its purposes the following described land and premises, to wit:

    Being part of the same land and premises acquired by the State of Vermont from Arbortech Inc. by Warranty Deed dated July 15, 1998, and recorded in Book 293 at Pages 226-229 of the Town of Colchester Land Records. The parcels are more particularly described as follows:

    Parcel A

    A parcel of land located in the Town of Colchester, County of Chittenden, State of Vermont, and more particularly described as follows:

    Beginning at an iron pipe found located in the northwest corner of said property, said iron pipe found also being located on the easterly right-of-way of U.S. Route 7, and on the Colchester-Milton Town Line; thence proceeding from the aforementioned iron pipe found S 62°-59′-48″ E for a distance of five hundred four and eighty hundredths feet (504.80′) to an iron pipe found; thence proceeding from said iron pipe found S 62°-45′-16″ E for a distance of two hundred five and eighty nine hundredths feet (205.89′) to an iron pipe found; thence proceeding from said iron pipe found S 0°-18′-22″ W for a distance of four hundred thirty and sixty eight hundredths feet (430.68′) to an iron pipe found; thence proceeding from said iron pipe found N 89°-51′-46″ W for a distance of four hundred sixty five and ninety two hundredths feet (465.92′) to an unmonumented point; thence proceeding from said unmonumented point N 0°-08′-14″ E for a distance of four hundred and zero hundredths feet (400.00′) to an unmonumented point; thence proceeding from said unmonumented point S 89°-51′-46″ E for a distance of forty and zero hundredths feet (40.00′) to an unmonumented point; thence proceeding from said unmonumented point N 0°-08′-14″ E one hundred thirty five and zero hundredths feet (135.00′) to an unmonumented point; thence proceeding from said unmonumented point N 89°-51′-46″ W for a distance of two hundred forty and forty six hundredths feet (240.46′) to an unmonumented point located on the easterly right-of-way of U.S. Route 7; thence proceeding from the aforementioned unmonumented point in and along the easterly right-of-way of U.S. Route 7 on a curve having a radius of one thousand three hundred ninety nine and sixty nine hundredths feet (R=1399.69′) and a length of two hundred twenty and forty three hundredths feet (L=220.43′) to the point or place of beginning.

    Said parcel contains 6.53 acres.

    Parcel B

    Beginning at an iron pipe found on the easterly right-of-way of US Route 7, and iron pipe found is also the northwesterly property corner of Arbortech, Inc. so called; thence proceeding from the aforementioned iron pipe found N 2°-34′-43″ W in and along the easterly right-of-way of US Route 7 for a distance of three hundred thirteen and ninety three hundredths feet (313.93′) to an iron pipe found; thence proceeding from said iron pipe found N 2°-34′-43″ W in and along the easterly right-of-way of US Route 7 for a distance of thirty four and fifty seven hundredths feet (34.57′) to an unmonumented point; thence proceeding from said unmonumented point in and along the easterly right-of-way of US Route 7 on a curve having a radius of one thousand three hundred ninety nine and sixty nine hundredths feet (R=1399.69′) and a length of one hundred eighty seven and zero four hundredths feet (L=187.04′) to an unmonumented point; thence proceeding from said unmonumented point S 89°-51′-46″ E for a distance of two hundred forty and forty six hundredths feet (240.46′) to an unmonumented point; thence proceeding from said unmonumented point S 0°-08′-14″ W for a distance of one hundred thirty five and zero hundredths feet (135.00′) to an unmonumented point; thence proceeding from said unmonumented point N 89°-51′-46″ W for a distance of forty and zero hundredths feet (40.00′) to an unmonumented point; thence proceeding S 0°-08′-14″ W for a distance of four hundred and zero hundredths feet (400.00′) to an unmonumented point; thence proceeding from said unmonumented point N 89°-51′-46″ W for a distance of one hundred eighty five and zero hundredths feet (185.00′) to the point or place of beginning.

    Said parcel contains 2.53 acres.

    Parcels A & B are depicted on mylar slide #355, filed in the Colchester Land Records on February 2, 2001.

    This Executive Order shall take effect upon execution.

    Dated October 5, 2001.

  • Executive Order No. 29-30 (No. 06-02) [Transfer of Certain Lands and Rights of the Agency of Transportation, located in the Town of Guilford, to the Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Forest, Parks, and Recreation]

    WHEREAS, certain lands and rights hereinafter described and located in the Town of Guilford, County of Windham, and State of Vermont, and known as the Guilford Welcome Center, are presently under the jurisdiction and control of the State of Vermont’s Agency of Transportation; and

    WHEREAS, the Agency of Transportation desires to transfer to the Agency of Natural Resources certain land and rights regarding mitigation for impact upon a deer wintering area in accordance with a Memorandum of Agreement dated April 4, 1996; and

    WHEREAS, the Agency of Natural Resources will, upon transfer, be responsible for the management of a designated deer wintering habitat area and associated forested habitat buffer zone.

    NOW THEREFORE, I, Howard Dean, M.D., by the power vested in me as Governor of Vermont, do hereby transfer and set over to the Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Forest, Parks, and Recreation, lands and rights of the Agency of Transportation, located in the Town of Guilford and being more particularly described as follows:

    Being part of the same land and premises conveyed to the State of Vermont, Agency of Transportation by Victoria George by Warranty Deed dated March 13, 1996, which is recorded in Book 87, Page 17 of the Town of Guilford Land Records, and being more particularly described as follows:

    Being a parcel of land consisting of 41.34 acres, more or less, of which 25.23 acres is designated as deer wintering habitat area and 16.11 acres is designated as a forested habitat buffer zone. The parcel of land is shown on a plat entitled “State of Vermont Agency of Transportation, Wildlife Habitat at Guilford Welcome Center, Date of Survey: May, 2001”, and which plat is dated April 16, 2002 and attached hereto and made a part hereof.

    The State of Vermont, Agency of Transportation reserves the right to maintain or replace a fence and drainage structures necessary for the Welcome Center, located on the land to be transferred herein.

    This transfer is subject to conditions stated in the Memorandum of Agreement between the Agency of Transportation and the Agency of Natural Resources, dated April 4, 1996.

    Dated June 27, 2002.

  • Executive Order No. 29-31 (No. 04-03) [Transfer of Land from Agency of Transportation to Agency of Natural Resources in Clarendon]

    WHEREAS, certain land hereinafter described and located in the Town of Clarendon, County of Rutland, and State of Vermont, is presently under the jurisdiction and control of the State of Vermont Agency of Transportation; and

    WHEREAS, the Agency of Transportation desires to transfer to the Agency of Natural Resources certain land no longer needed for transportation purposes; and

    WHEREAS, the Agency of Natural Resources has requested this land be transferred to it in order to provide a parking area and pedestrian path to access the swimming area in the “Lower Clarendon Gorge.”

    NOW THEREFORE, I, James H. Douglas, by the power vested in me as Governor of Vermont, do hereby transfer and set over to the Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation, land of the Agency of Transportation, located in the Town of Clarendon and being more particularly described as follows:

    Being part of the same land and premises acquired by the State of Vermont as part of the original US Route 7 which came into the State Highway System on April 1, 1931 and part of the segment of State Highway discontinued in accordance with 19 V.S.A. Sections 10 (14) and 771; such discontinuance is dated August 19, 2002 and is recorded in Book 108, Pages 119-126 of the Land Records of the Town of Clarendon, being further described as follows, viz:

    Beginning at a point in the centerline of the former U.S. Route 7 located on the east side of the present U.S. Route 7 constructed as Highway Project Wallingford-Clarendon AP 019-2 (2), said point being located in the westerly property line of land now or formerly owned by James H. Byrne;

    thence continuing in the above referenced centerline and property line the following courses and distances:

    S 05° 45″ W 113.3 feet;

    S 11° 18″ 45′ W 393.6 feet;

    S 13° 10″ 50′ W 264.3 feet;

    S 26° 17″ 20′ W 182.2 feet;

    S 28° 06″ 20′ W 218.2 feet;

    The above centerline is as shown on a survey plat dated September 2001 prepared by Tinker Surveys entitled, “Survey of Lands of James H. Byrne, Mill River Lower Gorge Area,” filed on January 15, 2002 in the office of the Town Clerk of the Town of Clarendon.

    The land being conveyed is located between the above centerline and a line located 24.75 feet westerly from and parallel to the centerline.

    This transfer is subject to conditions stated in the Memorandum of Agreement between the Agency of Transportation and the Agency of Natural Resources, dated March 19, 2003.

    Dated May 6, 2003

  • Executive Order No. 29-32 (No. 05-03) [Transfer of Land from Agency of Administration, Department of Buildings and General Services to Agency of Transportation in Waitsfield]

    WHEREAS, it appears that certain land and premises located in the Town of Waitsfield, County of Washington and State of Vermont, hereinafter described and presently under the jurisdiction and control of the State of Vermont, Agency of Administration, Department of Buildings and General Services, has become and is no longer necessary for purposes of the Department of Buildings and General Services; and

    WHEREAS, the Agency of Transportation, desires the use of said land and premises for its purposes;

    NOW THEREFORE, I, James H. Douglas, by virtue of the powers vested in me as Governor of Vermont, do hereby transfer and set over from the Agency of Administration, Department of Buildings and General Services to the jurisdiction and control of the Agency of Transportation for its purposes the following described land and premises, to wit:

    Being all the same land and premises conveyed to the State of Vermont by Warranty Deed of Patrick J. Collins dated February 12, 1997 and recorded in Book 77, Pages 59-64 of the Waitsfield Land Records.

    Being part of all and the same land and premises conveyed to Patrick J. Collins by Judgment and Decree of Foreclosure in the matter of Patrick J. Collins v. Robert C. Dowdell, Sandra L. Dowdell, Mariden Corporation d/b/a Solid Seal Systems, National Seal Company and Everett J. Prescott, Inc., Washington Superior Court, Docket No. 536-9-94 Wncvf dated March 20, 1995 and Certificate of Non-Redemption, in the above mentioned matter, dated April 28, 1995 and recorded May 3, 1995 in Book 10, Pages 645-650 of the Waitsfield Land Records.

    The land and premises are further described as being part of all and the same land and premises conveyed to Robert C. Dowdell and Sandra L. Dowdell by Warranty Deed of Patrick J. Collins and Richard Mazzella dated September 4, 1987 and recorded in Book 53, Pages 493-494 of the Waitsfield Land Records.

    The land and premises are further described as Lot #3 of Valley Park Subdivision as shown on a survey map entitled “Valley Park Subdivision” dated October 31, 1995 prepared by Gregory F. DuBois which survey is recorded on Slide #172 in the Waitsfield Land Records and more particularly described as follows:

    Beginning at an iron rod found at the southwesterly corner of Lot #3, thence;

    N 40° 31″ 25′ W 279.95 feet to a calculated point, thence;

    N 50° 42″ 18′ E 27.09 feet to a calculated point, thence;

    N 44° 32″ 06′ W 387.45 feet to a calculated point, thence;

    N 41° 11″ 06′ E 26.79 feet to a calculated point, thence;

    N 41° 11″ 06′ E 57.82 feet to a calculated point, thence;

    N 19° 38″ 00′ E 316.68 feet to a calculated point, thence;

    S 40° 54″ 00′ E 843.48 feet to an iron rod found, thence;

    S 50° 42″ 21′ W 364.02 feet to the point of beginning.

    There was included in said Warranty Deed of Patrick J. Collins dated February 12, 1997 and recorded in Book 77, Pages 59-64 of the Waitsfield Land Records a fifty foot wide right-of-way and easement in common over Lot 1 for the benefit of Lots 2 and 3 for all forms of transportation, utility and transmission purposes as shown on the above referenced survey map. Unless otherwise agreed, maintenance and repair of said right-of-way shall be shared equally.

    Said conveyance of Patrick J. Collins includes a right-of-way and easement for a sewer line over Lot 1 and to an existing and approved common septic system located on Lot 1 to be shared by Lots l, 2 and 3 (Lot 2 subject to state and local approval). By acceptance of this deed, the lot owners herein agree to pay the costs of maintaining and repairing the common septic system and appurtenant facilities. The easements provided for herein shall be subject to all state permit requirements and neither the Grantors herein nor the Grantees herein nor their respective heirs, successors or assigns, shall do anything in the easement areas herein provided for, which shall in any way infringe upon the use of the land for the septic system herein provided for. The easement areas included herein shall include sufficient lands surrounding the septic system and appurtenant facilities so that necessary construction, maintenance and repair work can be carried out, all work to be done in a good and workmanlike manner. Access to the easement areas shall be over Lot 1 for any construction, maintenance or repair of the septic system easement areas and appurtenant facilities.

    Maintenance of any common elements of the common septic system shall be shared equally by the users thereof. Lot owners shall be individually responsible for any portions and elements of said system which are not shared and are individually owned, and which shall be individually maintained.

    Said conveyance of Patrick J. Collins includes an undivided one-third interest in an existing drilled well located on Lot 1 to be shared by Lots 1, 2 and 3 (Lot 2 subject to state and local approval) including waterline easements for the purpose of supplying an adequate water supply to Lot 3 to comply with the requirements of Water Supply and Wastewater Disposal Permit WW-5-0327 dated October 22, 1991 and any amendments thereto and Subdivision Permit EC-5-2534 dated July 12, 1995 and including the right to enter upon Lot 1 to construct and maintain Lot 3’s portion of the water distribution system. The owner of Lot 1 shall be responsible for maintaining and repairing said well. Lot owners shall be individually responsible for any portions and elements of said system which are not shared and are individually owned, and which shall be individually maintained.

    Also included in said conveyance of Patrick J. Collins is the replacement easement as contained in the Easement Deed of Robert C. Dowdell and Sandra L. Dowdell to Patrick J. Collins dated February l, 1995 and recorded February 16, 1995 in Book 71, Pages 269-271 of the Waitsfield Land Records for the benefit of Lots 1, 2 and 3.

    Subject to Land Use Permit 5W0530 recorded April 22, 1979 in Book 33, Pages 296-297, 5W0530-1 recorded in Book 40, Pages 439-440, 5W0530-2 recorded in Book 61, Page 197-200, 5W0530-3 Revised recorded in Book 73, Page 44-46, 5W0530-5 recorded in Book 75, Page 492-494, Deferral of Permit DE-5-2917 recorded July 17, 1995 in Book 72, Pages 517-518, Water Supply and Wastewater Disposal Permits WW- 0629 recorded October 25, 1995 in Book 73, Page 355 and WW-5-0327 recorded October 25, 1995 in Book 73, Page 354 and SW-1-1215 recorded October 25, 1995 in Book 73, Pages 356-358, all in the Waitsfield Land Records. And also subject to Waitsfield Zoning Board of Adjustment Permit No. 2011.

    Subject to and with the benefit of all rights, easements, restrictions and rights-of-way of record.

    Reference is hereby made to the above-mentioned Deed, the Certificate of Non-Redemption and their records and to the Waitsfield Land Records for a more particular description of the land and premises.

    This Executive Order shall take effect upon execution.

    Dated June 16, 2003.

  • Executive Order No. 29-33 (No. 06-03) [Transfer of Land from Agency of Administration, Department of Buildings and General Services to Agency of Transportation in Brandon]

    WHEREAS, it appears that certain land and premises located in the Town of Brandon, County of Rutland and State of Vermont, hereinafter described and presently under the jurisdiction and control of the State of Vermont, Agency of Administration, Department of Buildings and General Services, has become and is no longer necessary for purposes of the Department of State Buildings and General Services; and

    WHEREAS, the Agency of Transportation, desires the use of said land and premises for its purposes;

    NOW THEREFORE, I, James H. Douglas, by virtue of the powers vested in me as Governor of Vermont, do hereby transfer and set over from the Agency of Administration, Department of Buildings and General Services to the jurisdiction and control of the Agency of Transportation for its purposes the following described land and premises, to wit:

    Being all the same land and premises conveyed by the Brandon Industrial Corporation to the State of Vermont by Limited Warranty Deed dated May 9, 1997 and recorded in the Land Records of the Town of Brandon at Book 128, Pages 210-212.

    Also being a portion of the lands and premises conveyed by the State of Vermont to Brandon Industrial Corporation by Warranty Deed dated June 30, 1993 and recorded in the Land Records of the Town of Brandon at Book 114, Pages 350-352 and being more particularly described as follows:

    Beginning at a point marked (or to be marked) by a capped rebar, which said point marks the northeasterly corner of said lands and premises conveyed by said State of Vermont to said Brandon Industrial Corporation and the northeasterly corner of the lands and premises hereby conveyed, which said point is located in the supposed westerly line of the right of way of State Aid Highway No. 7 (the Arnold District Road, so-called);

    thence proceeding in and along the supposed westerly line of the right of way of said State Aid Highway No. 7 S 10° 22″ 08′ E a distance of 360 feet to a point marked (or to be marked) by a capped rebar, which said point marks the southeast corner of the lands and premises hereby conveyed, which said point is located in the northerly line of a road or roadway (the “Park Drive”) constructed or to be constructed in the Edward K. Denecke Industrial Park, Brandon, Vermont;

    thence, proceeding in and along the northerly line of said Park Drive the following four courses and distances: S 79° 37″ 52′ W a distance of 198.03 feet to a point; S 83° 43″ 14′ W a distance of 91.41 feet; thence turning to the right in an arc with a radius of 318.19 feet a distance of 58.19 feet; thence N 68° 41″ 52′ W a distance of 85.19 feet to a point marked (or to be marked) by a capped rebar, which said point marks the southwest corner of the lands and premises hereby conveyed;

    thence, proceeding N 18° 00″ 27′ E a distance of 444.86 feet to a point marked (or to be marked) by a capped rebar, which said point is located in the line of lands now or formerly of Barbarise;

    thence, S 72° 09″ 37′ E a distance of 229.59 feet to the point and place of beginning.

    The parcel of land described above is said to contain 3.13 ± acres and is denominated Lot B on a plan by Bruno Associates, Inc., P.C. entitled “Lot Layout Plan for Brandon Industrial Corp. in Brandon, Vermont, scale 1 inch equals 150 feet, dated September 11, 1996”.

    The within conveyance is made subject to the sewer and water easements, the pump station and easements, and all other common elements, and the rights of others therein, shown on said Lot Layout Plan. The within conveyance also is made subject to the following:

    1. The Declaration of Protective Covenants for the Edward K. Denecke Industrial Park, Brandon, Vermont recorded in the Land Records of the Town of Brandon at Book 125, Page 610, as modified by the Modification to Declaration of Protective Covenants for Vermont Tubbs, Inc., dated May 21, 1996 and recorded in the Land Records of the Town of Brandon at Book 126, Page 30;

    2. State of Vermont, Subdivision Permit No. EC-1-1329-1, dated June 28, 1996;

    3. State of Vermont, Subdivision Permit No. EC-1-1329-2, dated June 28, 1996; which, by its terms, supersedes Subdivision Permit No. EC-1-1329 dated March 4, 1992;

    4. State of Vermont Subdivision Permit No. E.C.-1-1329-3, dated September 11, 1996;

    5. Land Use (Act 250) Permit No. 1R0712, as amended.

    Together with the right, in common with others, to use said Park Drive, the sewer and water lines and easements, the pump station and easements, and all other common elements, now existing or to be constructed, of, in and a part of said Edward K. Denecke Industrial Park and subject also to the rights of others to use all of same in common with the Brandon Industrial Corporation.

    This Executive Order shall take effect upon execution.

    Dated June 16, 2003.

  • Executive Order No. 29-34 (No. 07-03) [Transfer of Land from Agency of Administration, Department of Buildings and General Services to Agency of Transportation in Ludlow]

    WHEREAS, it appears that certain land and premises located in the Town of Ludlow, County of Windsor and State of Vermont, hereinafter described and presently under the jurisdiction and control of the State of Vermont, Agency of Administration, Department of Buildings and General Services, has become and is no longer necessary for purposes of the Department of Buildings and General Services; and

    WHEREAS, the Agency of Transportation, desires the use of said land and premises for its purposes;

    NOW THEREFORE, I, James H. Douglas, by virtue of the powers vested in me as Governor of Vermont, do hereby transfer and set over from the Agency of Administration, Department of Buildings and General Services to the jurisdiction and control of the Agency of Transportation for its purposes the following described land and premises, to wit:

    Being all and the same lands and premises as conveyed to the State of Vermont by Warranty Deed of Michael G. Rowe and Donna J. Rowe, dated May 10, 1995, and recorded in Book 155, Pages 24-25 of the Ludlow Land Records.

    Reference is hereby made to a survey entitled, “Survey of Lands of State of Vermont”, prepared by Courcelle Surveying Co. and dated, Sept. 9, 2002, and recorded on October 8, 2002, in File No. 164C of the Ludlow Land Records, and in said survey said land and premises are more particularly described as follows:

    Beginning at an iron pin set in the northwesterly line of Rt. 100, said pin marks the northeast corner of lands of Roger Danyew, and the southeast corner of the herein described parcel.

    Thence proceeding along the northerly line of said Danyew in the following courses:

    N 35°-29″-30′ W, a distance of 64.07 ft. to an iron pipe;

    N 27°-31″-15′ W, following a stonewall, a distance of 92.19 ft. to an iron pin set;

    S 58°-07″-30′ W, following a stonewall, a distance of 63.76 ft. to an iron pipe found;

    N 53°-46″-30′ W, a distance of 506.11 ft. to an iron pin set in a stonewall, said pin marks the northwest corner of said Danyew, the southwest corner of the herein described parcel and the easterly line of lands now or formerly J.P. Carrara & Sons.

    Thence proceeding along the east line of said Carrara, marked by a stonewall, in the following courses:

    N 29°-23″-45′ E, a distance of 190.35 ft. to a point;

    N 42°-47″-45′ of 109.33 ft. to a point;

    N 12°-36″-30′ E a distance of 147.41 ft. to an axle found in the intersection of a stonewall, said axle marks the northwest corner of the herein described parcel and the southerly line of lands of Theresa Pierce.

    Thence proceeding along the southerly line of said Pierce, marked by a stonewall, in the following courses:

    S 74°-45″-45′ E, a distance of 196.54 ft. to a point;

    N 89°-09″-45′ E, a distance of 27.37 ft. to a point;

    S 85°-43″-30′ of 42.11 ft. to a point;

    S 47°-08″-15′ E, a distance of 121.19 ft. to a point;

    S 37°-23″-45′ E, a distance of 55.61 ft. to a point;

    S 44°-09″-00′ E, a distance of 92.85 ft. to a point;

    S 26°-52″-30′ E, a distance of 93.95 ft. to a point;

    S 05°-49″-00′ E, a distance of 60.95 ft. to a point;

    S 06°-07″-15′ W, a distance of 29.74 ft. to a point;

    S 14°-34″-15′ W, a distance of 51.31 ft. to a point;

    S 43°-46″-45′ W, a distance of 64.41 ft. to a point;

    S 47°-11″-30′ W, a distance of 45.46 ft. to an iron pin set;

    Thence continuing along the southerly lines of said Pierce and the southerly lines of lands of Alston Springer a course of S 42°-27″-45′ E, a distance of 150.23 ft. to an iron pin set in the northwesterly line of the aforementioned Rt. 100, said pin marks the northeasterly corner of the herein described parcel.

    Thence proceeding along the northwesterly line of said Rt. 100 a course of S 50°-58″-00′ W, a distance of 206.00 ft. to the iron pin marking the point of beginning.

    The above-described parcel contains 7.4 acres of land, more or less.

    The above-described land and premises are subject to and benefited by any rights, easements or restrictions as may be of record and are specifically subject to and benefited by Land Use Permit 2S0936-1.

    This Executive Order shall take effect upon execution.

    Dated June 16, 2003.

  • Executive Order No. 29-35 (No. 09-03) [Transfer of part of Middlebury garage property, located along the Otter Creek, from the Agency of Transportation to the Agency of Natural Resources]

    WHEREAS, certain state-owned land (the “Property”) located in the Town of Middlebury, County of Addison and State of Vermont, described more particularly below, presently is under the jurisdiction and control of the Agency of Transportation; and

    WHEREAS, the Agency of Transportation has determined the Property to be surplus to its needs; and

    WHEREAS, the Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Fish and Wildlife desires to obtain jurisdiction and control of the Property for the purposes of habitat protection, wildlife management and perpetual conservation of wetland habitat;

    NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT I, James H. Douglas, by the power vested in me as Governor of Vermont, do hereby transfer and set over from the Agency of Transportation to the Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Fish and Wildlife, for the above purposes, jurisdiction and control of the following state-owned land:

    Being part of the same land and premises conveyed to the State of Vermont by Charles F. Rogers by his Warranty Deed dated October 30, 1939, which is recorded in the land records of the Town of Middlebury at Book 46, Page 574, having been received for record on November 10, 1939. The part to be transferred is more particularly described as follows:

    Being a strip of land that lies between the public highway known as Otter Creek Road (Town Highway #19) and the Otter Creek. This strip of land is believed to contain about six-tenths of an acre, more or less.

    In aid of the above description, reference may be had to a survey entitled, in part, as follows:

    Scale: 1′ = 50″

    A copy of this survey is on file in the property records of VTrans’ Division of Operations, located in Montpelier, Vermont.

    The remaining portion of the former Rogers property, located easterly of Otter Creek Road (Town Highway #19) shall remain under the jurisdiction and control of the Agency of Transportation.

    This executive order shall take effect upon execution.

    Dated June 12, 2003.

  • Executive Order No. 29-36 (No. 07-06) [Transfer of Certain Easements and Rights in Middlesex from the Agency of Natural Resources to the Agency of Transportation]

    WHEREAS, it appears that certain easements and/or rights on land hereinafter described and located in the Town of Middlesex, County of Washington, and State of Vermont are presently under the jurisdiction and control of the Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Environmental Conservation; and

    WHEREAS, the Agency of Transportation desires the use of said easements and/or rights on lands for its purposes in connection with the construction of Highway Project Middlesex BRF 0241 (32).

    NOW THEREFORE, I, James H. Douglas, by virtue of the power vested in me as Governor of the State of Vermont, do hereby transfer and set over to the Agency of Transportation jurisdiction and control over certain easements and/or rights on land of the Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Environmental Conservation for its purposes, said easements and/or rights being more particularly described as follows:

    Being part of the same land and premises conveyed to the State of Vermont by the following instruments:

    Warranty Deed from John A. Forbes and Sarah V. Forbes dated April 17, 1986, which is recorded in Book 21, Page 42; and

    Warranty Deed from Albert J. LaChapelle and Mattie K. LaChapelle dated July 22, 1933, which is recorded in Book 20, Page 163, both of the land records of the Town of Middlesex and being more particularly described as follows:

    Being Parcels #1A, 1B and 1C, consisting of easements and/or rights on land as shown on Pages 15, 16 and 17 of the plans for Highway Middlesex BRF 0241 (32) (“the Highway Project”) as filed on the 30th day of November, 2005 in the office of the clerk of the Town of Middlesex.

    In connection with the above parcels, the following easements are conveyed:

    Temporary easements during the period of construction to enter upon land of the grantor, for construction purposes, including, but not limited to, the right to cut and dispose of all trees, stubs, brush, bushes and debris and down timber; install erosion control barriers and project demarcation fence as necessary; and undertake general construction functions; in an area of 191.8 square meters (2,064 square feet), more or less, located left of and between approximate stations 2000+004.28 and 2000+067.93; in an area of 272.7 square meters (2,935 square feet), more or less, located right of and between approximate stations 1999+998.42 and 2000+068.24; in an area of 278.7 square meters (3,000 square feet), more or less, located right of and between approximate stations 2000+086.08 and 2000+211.64; and in an area of 382.8 square meters (4,006 square feet), more or less, located left of and between approximate stations 2000+084.67 and 2000+208.26; all stations are of the established centerline of the Highway Project.

    Permanent easements to extend and maintain highway slopes and embankments in areas of 44.8 square meters (482 square feet), more or less, 17.5 square meters (188 square feet), more or less, 331.9 square meters (3,573 square feet), more or less, and 258.1 square meters (2,778 square feet), more or less, as shown on the aforesaid Highway Project plans. The right to install temporary erosion control barriers may be included within the permanent slope easements as noted on the project plans, together with the right to keep the erosion control barriers clear of debris and functioning properly throughout the construction of the project.

    The slopes and embankments may be extended at such an angle as will hold the material of said slopes in repose against ordinary erosion, in accordance with the standard practice of highway construction. The State of Vermont shall have the right to remove all trees, logs, stumps, protruding roots, brush, duff, and other objectionable materials, structures, growth, and any other thing of whatever kind or nature from said slope areas.

    A temporary easement, in an area of 0.12 hectare (0.30 acre), more or less, to enter upon land of the grantor during the period of construction to construct and use a temporary two-way vehicular detour, right of and between approximate stations 2000+010.55 and 2000+142.74 of the established centerline of the Highway Project.

    Temporary easements to enter upon land of the grantor, during the period of construction to construct a wildlife path; in an area of 3.4 square meters (37 square feet), more or less, right of and between approximate stations 2000+060.94 and 2000+064.95; in an area of 0.5 square meters (5 square feet), more or less, right of and between approximate stations 2000+091.07 and 2000+092.84; and in an area of 1.5 square meters (16 square feet), more or less, left of and between approximate stations 2000+087.87 and 2000+090.76; all stations are of the established centerline of the Highway Project.

    This Executive Order shall take effect upon signing.

    Dated October 30, 2006.

  • Executive Order No. 29-37 (No. 02-07) [Transfer of Certain Land and Rights in Orange from the Agency of Natural Resources to the Agency of Transportation]

    WHEREAS, certain state-owned land (the “Property”) located in the Town of Orange, County of Orange and State of Vermont, described more particularly below, presently is under the jurisdiction and control of the State of Vermont, Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Environmental Conservation; and

    WHEREAS, the Agency of Natural Resources has determined the Property to be surplus to its needs; and

    WHEREAS, the State of Vermont, Agency of Transportation desires to obtain jurisdiction and control of the Property for the purposes of replacing the existing maintenance buildings currently on the site.

    NOW, THEREFORE, I, James H. Douglas, by virtue of the power vested in me as Governor of the State of Vermont, do hereby transfer and set over from the Agency of Natural Resources to the Agency of Transportation for the above purposes, jurisdiction and control of the following state-owned land:

    Being part of the same land and premises conveyed to the State of Vermont by Leroy E. Nelson by his Warranty Deed dated May 25, 1936, which is recorded in the land records of the Town of Orange in Book 22 Page 99, having been received for record on June 5, 1936.

    The Property herein transferred is a parcel of land containing 6.1 acres, more or less, and is bounded southerly by U.S Route 302 (AKA William Scott Memorial Highway); westerly by Town Highway No. 1 (AKA Reservoir Road); northerly and easterly by lands remaining under the jurisdiction and control of the Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Environmental Conservation. The herein transferred Property is more particularly described as follows:

    Beginning at the point of intersection of the northerly right-of-way limit of U.S. Route 302 and the easterly right-of-way limit of Town Highway No. 1. Said point of intersection having a Vermont State Plane Grid coordinate (VSPG) of 602,371.03 feet North and 1,658,746.05 feet East.

    Thence running in and along the easterly right-of-way limit of said Town Highway No 1 the following seven courses:

    1. N 25° 36′ 08″ W - 238.61 feet to VSPG coordinate 602,586.21 feet North and 1,658,642.95 feet East, which point is 24.75 feet east of centerline PT Station 109+74.53;

    2. 51.14 feet along a curve to the left with a delta of 4° 55’ 36‘ and a radius of 594.75 feet to VSPG coordinate 602,631.32 feet North and 1,658,618.89 feet East, which point is 24.75 feet east of centerline PC Station 109+25.52;

    3. N 30° 31′ 43″ W - 231.35 feet to VSPG coordinate 602,830.60 feet North and 1,658,501.37 feet East, which point is 24.75 feet east of PT Station 106+94.17;

    4. 110.61 feet along a curve to the right with a delta of 11° 41′ 31″ and a radius of 547.75 feet to VSPG coordinate 602,930.89 feet North and 1,658,455.15 feet East, which point is 24.75 feet east of centerline PC Station 105+77.33;

    5. N 18° 50′ 12″ W — 83.44 feet to VSPG coordinate 603,009.86 feet North and 1,658,428.21 feet East, which point is 24.75 feet east of PT Station 104+95.07;

    6. 393.54 feet along a curve to the right with a delta of 52° 00′ 00″ and a radius of 432.62 feet to VSPG coordinate 603,387.06 feet North and 1,658,475.62 feet East, which point is 24.75 feet east of centerline PC Station 100+79.06;

    7. N 33° 09′ 48″ E — 79.98 feet to VSPG coordinate 603,454.02 feet North and 1,658,519.37 feet East, which point is 24.75 feet east of POT Station 100+00.00, and is the northwest corner of the parcel herein transferred. Said point is to be marked by an Iron Pin to be set.

    Thence turning and running along land remaining under the jurisdiction and control of the Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Environmental Conservation, the following four courses:

    1. S 58° 57′ 26″ E — 271.47 feet to VSPG coordinate 603,314.02 feet North and 1,658,751.96 feet East, which point is to be marked by an Iron Pin to be set;

    2. S 11° 03′ 55″ W — 63.44 feet to VSPG coordinate 603,251.77 feet North and 1,658,739.79 feet East, which point is to be marked by an Iron Pin to be set;

    3. S 70° 59′ 49″ E — 50.00 feet along a fence to VSPG coordinate 603,314.02 feet North and 1,658,751.96 feet East, which point is to be marked by an Iron Pin to be set;

    4. S 00° 49′ 24″ E — 888.87 feet to VSPG coordinate 602,346.93 feet North and 1,658,799.80 feet East, which point is to be marked by an Iron Pin to be set in the northerly right-of-way limit of the aforementioned U.S. Route 302.

    Thence turning and running along in the northerly right-of-way limit of said U.S. Route 302, N 65° 48′ 36″ W — 71.18 feet to the point of beginning.

    Also transferred to the jurisdiction and control of the Agency of Transportation are any rights the Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Environmental Conservation, may have in and to those lands located between the existing centerlines of U.S. Route 302 and Town Highway No. 1, and the parcel herein described and transferred.

    In addition to the above described land, also transferred hereby is the right to enforce the conditions and restrictions contained in a certain Quitclaim Deed from the State of Vermont to the Town of Orange dated July 13, 2005 and recorded in Book 45 at Page 327 of the Orange Land Records.

    In aid of the above description, reference may be had to a survey entitled, in part, as follows:

    Scale: 1″ = 50′
    Date: 8/24/06

    A copy of this survey is on file in the property records of the Agency of Transportation, located in Montpelier, Vermont.

    The herein described parcel of land is transferred subject to all existing licenses, leases, and easements, including, but not limited to, the present agricultural use of a portion of the herein transferred parcel.

    The remaining portion of the former Leroy E. Nelson property shall remain under the jurisdiction and control of the Agency of Natural Resources.

    This Executive Order shall take effect upon execution.

    Dated March 28, 2007.

  • Executive Order No. 29-38 (No. 07-07) [Transfer of Land in Lowell from the Agency of Transportation to the Agency of Natural Resources]

    WHEREAS, certain state-owned land (the “Property”) located in the Town of Lowell, County of Orleans and State of Vermont, described more particularly below, presently is under the jurisdiction and control of the Agency of Transportation; and

    WHEREAS, the Agency of Transportation has determined the Property to be surplus to its needs; and

    WHEREAS, the Agency of Natural Resources desires to obtain jurisdiction and control of the Property for the purposes of using it in a legislatively approved land swap with the abutting property owner, Chip Percy.

    NOW THEREFORE, I, James H. Douglas, by virtue of the power vested in me as Governor of the State of Vermont, do hereby transfer and set over from the Agency of Transportation to the Agency of Natural Resources for the above purposes, jurisdiction and control of the following state-owned land:

    Being all of the same land and premises conveyed to the State of Vermont by Leo S. and Ruth S. Stearns by Warranty Deed dated June 26, 1958, which is recorded in the land records of the Town of Lowell in Book 23 Page 33, having been received for record on August 6, 1958, and therein more particularly described as follows:

    “Beginning at a point in the northwesterly boundary of the present highway Vermont Route 100, 85 feet distant measured at right angle from survey station 1194 + 10 of the established center line of Highway Project Lowell F 79(9);

    1. Thence 90 feet, more or less, N 33°-08′ W to a point,

    2. Thence 40 feet, more or less, N 46°-08′ W to a point;

    3. Thence 335 feet, more or less, N 57°-23′ W to a point;

    4. Thence 55 feet, more or less, N 26°-43′ W to a point;

    5. Thence 65 feet, more or less, N 00°-32′ E to a point;

    6. Thence 50 feet, more or less, N 50°-17′ E to a point;

    7. Thence 600 feet, more or less, N 62°-02′ E to a point;

    8. Thence 422 feet, more or less, N 52°-32′ E to a point;

    9. Thence 240 feet, more or less, N 45°-47′E to a point;

    10. Thence 44 feet, more or less, N 58°-47′ E to a point;

    11. Thence 55 feet, more or less, N 71°-32′ E to a point, said point believed to be in the property line between said grantors and Clayton H. and Florence E. Hoadley;

    12. Thence 250 feet, more or less, S 42°-38′ E in said believed property line to a point in the northwesterly boundary of the present highway Vermont Route 100 aforesaid, said point also being 70 feet distant northwesterly measured at right angle from survey station 1180 + 58 of said established center line;

    13. Thence 450 feet, more or less, S 43°-22′ W in said northwesterly highway boundary to a point 70 feet distant northwesterly measured at right angle from survey station 1185 + 00 of said established center line;

    14. Thence 215 feet, more or less, S 65°-22′ W to a point 150 feet, more or less, distant northwesterly measured at right angle from survey station 1187 + 00 of said established center line;

    15. Thence 712 feet, more or less, S 38°-52′ W to the point of beginning. Said parcel to contain 8 acres, more or less.”

    Excepted and reserved from this transfer is the right of the Agency of Transportation to construct, inspect, maintain, and replace culverts at or near stations 1181 + 50 and 1184 + 50 of the centerline of Vermont Route 100, as established by Highway Project Lowell F 79(9).

    Reference may be made to a plan entitled “Wayside Rest Area, Site No. 12-1, Lowell Vermont, Fund 25.12,” and to sheets 25 and 26 of 89 sheets of the plans for Highway Project Lowell F 79(9), on file in the property records of the Agency of Transportation and the Town of Lowell’s land records.

    The Property is a parcel of land known locally as “Fiddler’s Elbow” containing 8 acres, more or less, and is bounded northerly by the present Vermont Route 100 and otherwise bounded by the former Vermont Route 100.

    The fee simple absolute interest of the herein described parcel of land is transferred subject to the afore-mentioned culvert easements and all existing licenses, leases, and easements.

    This Executive Order shall take effect upon execution.

    Dated November 6, 2007.

  • Executive Order No. 29-39 (No. 02-08) [Transfer of Land in Bennington from the Agency of Transportation to the Agency of Natural Resources]

    WHEREAS, certain lands and rights hereinafter described and located in the Town of Bennington, County of Bennington, and State of Vermont, and known as Whipstock Hill, are presently under the jurisdiction and control of the State of Vermont, Agency of Transportation; and

    WHEREAS, the Agency of Transportation desires to transfer to the Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Fish and Wildlife, a certain parcel of land to be used as a deer wintering area; and

    WHEREAS, the Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Fish and Wildlife will, upon transfer, be responsible for the management of a designated deer wintering habitat area and associated forested habitat buffer zone, on the parcel described below;

    NOW THEREFORE, I, James H. Douglas, by the power vested in me as Governor of Vermont, do hereby transfer and set over to the Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Fish and Wildlife, a parcel of land, being more particularly described as follows:

    Being part of the same lands and premises conveyed to the State of Vermont, Agency of Transportation by Woodland Heights Realty Company by Warranty Deed dated March 16, 2000, which is recorded in Book 359, Page 155 of the Town of Bennington Land Records, and being more particularly described as follows:

    Being a parcel of land, as shown on a plat entitled “Bennington - Hoosick, NY D.P.I. 0146(1) Whipstock Hill Deer Mitigation Unit” date of Survey: November 15, 2005 and which plat is dated September 6, 2007 and attached hereto and made a part hereof.

    Being Parcel #1B2 consisting of 349.7 Acres, more or less, and Parcel #1B3 consisting of 75.1 Acres, more or less, land and rights therein, as shown on the aforementioned plans of said Highway Project Bennington - Hoosick, NY D.P.I. 0146(1) to be recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Town of Bennington.

    Reference also may be made to Parcel 1B as shown on pages 43-48 of the plans of Highway Project Bennington-Hoosick D.P.I. 0146(1) as filed in the office of the Clerk of the Town of Bennington in aid of a more complete description.

    Except and reserved from this transfer is the continued right on the part of the State of Vermont, Agency of Transportation to:

    — limit access, air, view and light, including all rights of ingress, egress and regress to, from, between and across the above described parcel and the limited-access highway facility known as Vermont Route 279.

    — limit building of any structures over a maximum elevation above sea level of 840 feet.

    Also excepted and reserved from this transfer are rights to build, maintain, and replace a certain air navigation beacon, along with a right-of-way to the beacon, all as more particularly described in a Warranty Deed dated March 8, 1973 from Ferdinand L. Mayer and Katherine D. Mayer to the State of Vermont Aeronautics Board, which is recorded in Book 0-201 and Page 174 of the land records of the Town of Bennington.

    In the event that the parcel of land transferred by this executive order is not used for the purposes described above, it will revert to the control of the Agency of Transportation.

    This Executive Order shall take effect upon execution.

    Dated April 10, 2008.

  • Executive Order No. 29-40 (No. 03-08) [Transfer of Land in Topsham from Agency of Transportation to Department of Public Safety]

    WHEREAS, certain state-owned land (the “Property”) located in the Town of Topsham, County of Orange and State of Vermont, described more particularly below, presently is under the jurisdiction and control of the Agency of Transportation; and

    WHEREAS, the Agency of Transportation has determined the Property to be surplus to its needs; and

    WHEREAS, the Department of Public Safety desires to obtain jurisdiction and control of the Property for the purposes of consolidating control over all radio tower properties used by the Department of Public Safety.

    NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT I, James H. Douglas, by the power vested in me as Governor of the State of Vermont, do hereby transfer and set over from the Agency of Transportation to the Department of Public Safety, for the above purposes, jurisdiction and control of the following state-owned land:

    Being all and the same land and premises conveyed by July 5, 1963 warranty deed of Hall, Rose, and John Peterson to the State of Vermont, which is recorded in the Topsham land records at Book 34, Page 338, having been received for record on July 5, 1963. This parcel, which contains 10.0 acres more or less, is more particularly described as follows:

    “Beginning at a point in the northerly boundary of a road (not a town highway but surveyed as referenced below), which point is approximately 0.24 mile westerly from Town Highway 38;

    1. Thence 385 feet, more or less, northerly and along a fence line to a point marked by an iron pin;

    2. Thence along a tangent N 80° 00′ W (magnetic) a distance of 576.84 feet to a point marked by an iron pin;

    3. Thence along a tangent N 10° 00′ E (magnetic) a distance of 100.00 feet to a point marked by an iron pin;

    4. Thence along a tangent N 80° 00′ W (magnetic) a distance of 200.00 feet to a point marked by an iron pin;

    5. Thence along a tangent S 10° 00 W (magnetic) a distance of 368.88 feet to a point marked by an iron pin;

    6. Thence along a tangent S 10° 00 W a distance of 426.18 feet to a point marked by an iron pin;

    7. Thence along a tangent S 10° 00 W to the northerly boundary of the present ancient road;

    8. Thence 860 feet, more or less, easterly in said northerly ancient road boundary to the point of beginning.”

    Also transferred to the jurisdiction and control of the Department of Public Safety are any rights the Agency of Transportation may have in and to those lands located between the existing Town Highway 38 and the parcel herein described and transferred.

    In aid of the above description, reference may be had to two surveys entitled, in part, as follows:


    Department of Highways Pierson Hill

    Town of Topsham Micro-wave relay station


    Project: Topsham 550-0713 By L. Carlson

    Scale: 1″ = 100′ May 1958

    Date: 9/10/1974

    Copies of these surveys are on file in the property records of Vermont Agency of Transportation’s Division of Operations, located in Montpelier, Vermont.

    Reference may also be had to a survey at Book 34, Pages 330-31 of the Topsham land records.

    The herein described parcel of land is transferred subject to all existing licenses, leases, and easements, including, but not limited to, a lease with Washington Electric Cooperative, Inc. for use of the tower to maintain an antenna.

    This Executive Order shall take effect upon execution.

    Dated June 27, 2008.

  • Executive Order No. 29-41 (No. 06-08) [Transfer of Right of Way in Okemo State Forest, Ludlow, from the Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation to the Department of Fish and Wildlife]

    WHEREAS, the Department of Fish and Wildlife has secured a right of way across the lands of Robin Anderson, in part with Federal funds received from the Wildlife Restoration Grant Program under Application for Federal Assistance W-58-L-1 administered by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, for access for itself and the Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation from Town Highway #14, aka Rod and Gun Club Road, to certain state-owned land known as the former “Yankee Parcel”, and

    WHEREAS, the southern portion of the former “Yankee Parcel” is now owned by the Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation and managed as part of Okemo State Forest, located in the Town of Ludlow, County of Windsor and State of Vermont; and

    WHEREAS, the northern portion of the former “Yankee Parcel” is now owned and managed by the Department of Fish and Wildlife as part of Tiny Pond Wildlife Management Area in the town of Ludlow, County of Windsor and State of Vermont; and

    WHEREAS, the right of way across the lands of Robin Anderson was acquired for the purpose of improving access for wildlife habitat management and lands administration on the Tiny Pond Wildlife Management Area; and

    WHEREAS, the southern portion of the “Yankee Parcel” contains existing wood roads that connect to Tiny Pond Wildlife Management Area; and

    WHEREAS, the Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation wishes to convey a right of way to the Department of Fish and Wildlife to cross the southern portion of the “Yankee Parcel” to access Tiny Pond Wildlife Management Area.

    NOW, THEREFORE, I, James H. Douglas, by virtue of the power vested in me as Governor of the State of Vermont, do hereby transfer and set over from the Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation to the Department of Fish and Wildlife, both in the Agency of Natural Resources, for the above purposes, a general right of way across the southern portion of the “Yankee Parcel” over Okemo State Forest for the purpose of accessing Tiny Pond Wildlife Management Area for wildlife habitat management and lands administration, to wit:

    Being part of the same land and premises conveyed to the State of Vermont, Agency of Natural Resources by the following instrument:

    Limited Warranty Deed from The Trust for Public Land d/b/a Trust for Public Land Inc., dated December 31, 2002, which is recorded in Book 230, Pages 577-581.

    This Executive Order shall take effect upon execution.

    Dated December 16, 2008.

  • Executive Order No. 29-42 (No. 04-09) [Transfer of Certain Land and Easements and Rights in the Town of Cornwall from the Agency of Natural Resources to the Agency of Transportation]

    WHEREAS, it appears that certain pieces of land and easements and/or rights on land hereinafter described and located in the Town of Cornwall, County of Addison, and the State of Vermont are presently under the jurisdiction and control of the Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Fish and Wildlife; and

    WHEREAS, the Agency of Transportation desires the use of said land and easements and/or rights on lands for its purposes in connection with the construction of Transportation Project Cornwall BRS 0172(6).

    NOW THEREFORE, I, James H. Douglas, by virtue of the power vested in me as Governor of Vermont, do hereby transfer and set over to the Agency of Transportation jurisdiction and control over certain land and easements and/or rights on land of the Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Fish and Wildlife for its purpose, said land and easements and/or rights being more particularly described as follows:

    Being part of the same land and premises conveyed to Vermont Department of Fish and Wildlife by U.S. Department of Agriculture, Farm Service Agency by Quit Claim Deed, dated February 18, 2004, which is recorded in Book 59, Pages 412-417 of the Town of Cornwall land records.

    Reference is hereby made to the above-mentioned conveyance and records thereof and to the following instruments of conveyance in aid of a more complete description and further chain of title:

    Certificate of Non-Redemption, dated July 22, 1996, certified July 25, 1996 and recorded in Book 42, Page 586; Decree of Foreclosure, dated June 12, 1996, certified July 25, 1996 and recorded in Book 42, Pages 587-590; and Compliant of Foreclosure dated January 11, 1995 and recorded in Book 42, Pages 178-310, all in the matter of United States of America v. Jack W. Whipple, Helen P. Whipple and the Merchants Bank, Docket No. 2:95cv14, United States District Court, District of Vermont;

    Warranty Deed from Margaret A. Payne to Jack Whipple and Helen Whipple, dated October 26, 1972, which is of record in Book 23, Pages 253-256;

    all of the Town of Cornwall land records, and being more particularly described as follows:

    • Being Parcels #1A-1E consisting of 0.483 hectare (1.20 acre), more or less, land and rights therein, as shown on right-of-way detail sheet 1 and right-of-way sheets 26, 27 and 30 of the plans of Transportation Project Cornwall BRS 0172(6) (“the Transportation Project”) to be filed in the office of the clerk of the Town of Cornwall, subsequently upon the execution of this instrument.

    In connection with the above parcels the following easements and/or rights are conveyed:

    Permanent easements, in an area of 319 square meters (3,434 square feet), more or less, located left of and between approximate stations 1+095.2 and 1+139.7 of the established centerline of the Transportation Project; in an area of 147 square meters (1,582 square feet), more or less, located right of and between approximate stations 2+045.9 and 2+117.8 of the Town Highway 33 centerline of the Transportation Project; to install, construct, reconstruct, operate, repair, maintain, replace, patrol and remove overhead or underground cable, lines, conduits, poles, guys, anchors, braces, fixtures, and appurtenances thereto, herein referred to as facilities, as necessary for the transmission of power and telecommunications under, upon, or across land of the grantor. These easements also include the perpetual right to cut, trim, and remove all trees, shrubs, bushes, underbrush, and other items, as determined necessary by the State of Vermont, for the safe and efficient operation and maintenance of the facilities. The grantor, its successors and assigns, will not, without the prior written permission of the State of Vermont, Agency of Transportation, erect or permit the erection of any building or any other structure; plant or permit the growth of any trees or bushes; change the grade or permit the change of grade, or fill or excavate within these easement areas which will adversely affect the maintenance and operation by the State of Vermont, its successors and assigns.

    A temporary easement, during the period of construction to enter upon land of the grantor, for construction purposes, including the right to cut and dispose of all trees, down timber, stubs, brush, bushes, and debris, install project demarcation fence, as necessary; and undertake general construction functions, in an area of 55 square meters (592 square feet), more or less, located right of and between approximate stations 1+165.2 and 1+190.4; in an area of 200 square meters (2,153 square feet), more or less, located right of and between approximate stations 2+023.6 and 2+103.0 of the established centerline of the Transportation Project.

    A temporary easement in an area of 0.2 square meters (2 square feet), more or less, to enter upon land of the grantor, during the period of construction, to construct and use a temporary vehicular detour right of and between approximate stations 1+165.2 and 1+190.4 of the established centerline of the Transportation Project.

    A temporary easement, during the period of construction, to extend highway slopes and embankments in an area of 150 square meters (1,615 square feet), more or less, as shown on the aforesaid Transportation Project plans.

    The slopes and embankments may be extended at such an angle as will hold the material of said slopes in repose against ordinary erosion in accordance with the standard practice of highway construction. The State of Vermont shall have the right to remove all trees, logs, stumps, protruding roots, brush, duff and other objectionable materials, structures, growth and any other thing of whatever kind or nature from said slope area.

    This Executive Order shall take effect upon signing.

    Dated June 17, 2009.

  • Executive Order No. 29-43 (No. 05-09) [Transfer of Land in Duxbury, Vermont from the Vermont Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation to the Vermont Department of Buildings and General Services]

    WHEREAS, certain state-owned land (the “Property”) located in the Town of Duxbury, County of Washington and State of Vermont, described more particularly below, presently is under the jurisdiction and control of the Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation; and

    WHEREAS, the Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation has determined the Property to be surplus to its needs; and

    WHEREAS, the Department of Buildings and General Services desires to obtain jurisdiction and control of the Property for the purposes of including the Property as part of the legislatively approved sale of abutting parcels of land known as the Duxbury State Farm.

    NOW THEREFORE, I, James H. Douglas, by virtue of the power vested in me as Governor of Vermont, do hereby transfer and set over from the Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation to the Department of Buildings and General Services for the above purposes, jurisdiction and control of the following state-owned land:

    Meaning to transfer only those lands easterly of Route 100B under the jurisdiction and control of the Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation pursuant to Executive Order #11 dated May 2, 1973 and signed by Governor Thomas P. Salmon and as depicted on the map attached thereto and incorporated by reference herein.

    Excepted and reserved from this transfer are all lands lying westerly of Route 100B under the jurisdiction and control of the Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation pursuant to said Executive Order #11 of 1973.

    This Executive Order shall take effect upon execution.

    Dated June 27, 2009.


    WHEREAS, it appears that certain land and premises located in the Town of Duxbury, County of Washington, State of Vermont, hereinafter described and presently under the jurisdiction of the VERMONT STATE HOSPITAL or the DIVISION OF STATE BUILDINGS, pursuant to Act #260, Section 51 of the Acts of 1971, has become and is no longer necessary to the Hospital for agricultural or woodland purposes:

    NOW, THEREFORE, pursuant to the authority vested in me as Governor of Vermont, I, Thomas P. Salmon, do by this my Order, transfer and set over from the VERMONT STATE HOSPITAL of the DIVISION OF STATE BUILDING to the jurisdiction of the DEPARTMENT OF FORESTS AND PARKS, a part of the Agency of Environmental Conservation for its use and purposes the following described land and premises to wit:

    All lands westerly of a line as shown on the map attached hereto and made a part of this transfer excepting therefrom any small areas of agricultural land presently under lease by the Division of State Buildings to Raphael M. and Joyce S. Lowe and such area as is needed for the State Hospital Summer camp. Any necessary right-of-way through the camp area to manage the woodland hereby conveyed shall have mutual agreement between the State Department using such right-of-way and a written agreement executed.

    Also the woodland as shown on said map lying southerly of the main farm land and easterly of State Route 100.

    In transferring this land to the Department of Forests and Parks said Department shall use reasonable care that snowmobiles and other motorized vehicles and their rubbish is diverted away from agricultural areas under lease.

    Dated May 2, 1973

  • Executive Order No. 29-44 (No. 03-10) [Inter-Agency Tenant Committee for State-Owned Space]

    WHEREAS, the State of Vermont currently owns and operates nearly four million square feet of space; and

    WHEREAS, Section 269 of No. 152 Acts of 2000 authorized the creation of a Facilities Operations Revolving fund to appropriately reflect total space costs within State agency budgets, allocating the expenses by means of a rental charge to tenant State agencies (a “fee-for-space”); and

    WHEREAS, the fee-for-space rates include maintenance and custodial services provided by the Department of Buildings and General Services to tenant agencies; and

    WHEREAS, tenant State agencies seek a voice in the operation of their respective buildings, including staffing and scheduled repairs and maintenance, as well as a vehicle to find and implement efficiencies in such operations; and

    WHEREAS, an on-going and collaborative effort with Department of Buildings and General Services and tenant agencies can result in space cost savings for tenant agencies;

    NOW THEREFORE, I, James H. Douglas, by virtue of the power vested in me as Governor, do hereby establish an Inter-Agency Tenant Committee for State-Owned Space (hereinafter the Tenant Committee).

    The Tenant Committee, appointed by respective agency and department heads, shall consist of representatives from tenant State agencies and departments to include the Agency of Administration, the Agency of Human Services; the Agency of Natural Resources; the Agency of Transportation; the Department of Corrections; the Department of Education; the Department of Public Safety; and the Judiciary. The Governor shall appoint the Chair.

    Administrative support to the Tenant Committee shall be provided by the Department of Buildings and General Services.

    The Tenant Committee shall be advisory to the Governor, and shall meet at least quarterly or at the call of the Chair. The Committee shall have the following functions and duties:

    1. To engage tenant State agencies directly in the operational and financial management of their respective buildings and oversight of the Facilities Operations Revolving Fund.

    2. To advise the Department of Buildings and General Services on the operation of state-owned buildings, including staffing and scheduled repairs and maintenance, in order to improve operations, save money and more fully meet the needs of tenant State agencies.

    3. To review annually, and make recommendations to the Commissioner on appropriate levels-of-service provided and fee-for-space rates charged to tenant State agencies.

    This Executive Order shall take effect upon execution and shall expire on June 30, 2014.

    Dated June 22, 2010.

  • Executive Order No. 29-45 (No. 05-10) [Transfer of Certain Easements and Rights in the Town of Cambridge from the Agency of Natural Resources to the Agency of Transportation]

    WHEREAS, it appears that certain easements and/or rights on land hereinafter described and located in the Town of Cambridge, County of Lamoille, and the State of Vermont are presently under the jurisdiction and control of the Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Fish and Wildlife (Grantor); and

    WHEREAS, the Agency of Transportation (VTrans) desires the use of certain easements and/or rights on Grantor’s lands for VTrans’ purposes in connection with the construction of Transportation Project Cambridge BRF 027-1 (4).

    NOW THEREFORE, I, James H. Douglas, by virtue of the power vested in me as Governor of the State of Vermont, do hereby transfer and set over to the Agency of Transportation jurisdiction and control of certain easements and/or rights on lands presently under the jurisdiction and control of the Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Fish and Wildlife, said easements and/or rights being more particularly described as follows:

    Being part of the same land and premises conveyed to State of Vermont, Fish and Wildlife Department by the Warranty Deed of Raymond R. Unsworth, dated December 23, 1985, which is recorded in Book 68, Page 503 of the Town of Cambridge land records, and being more particularly described as follows:

    Being Parcel #2 consisting of easements and/or rights on land, as shown on right-of-way sheets 23, 25 and 26 of the revised plans of Transportation Projects Cambridge BRF 027-1(4) and Cambridge STP 027-1(4) as filed on the 22rd day of June, 2010, in the office of the clerk of the Town of Cambridge.

    In connection with the above parcel the following easements and/or rights are conveyed:

    A permanent easement in an area of 1,057.65 square meters (0.26 acre), more or less, and located right of and between approximate stations 10+235.00 and 10+344.06 of the established centerline of Transportation Project Cambridge BRF 027-1(4) (“the Transportation Project”), to install, construct, reconstruct, operate, repair, maintain, replace, patrol and remove overhead or underground cable, lines, conduits, poles, guys, anchors, braces, fixtures, and appurtenances thereto, hereinafter referred to as facilities, as necessary for the transmission of power and telecommunications under, upon, or across land of the Grantor. This easement also includes the perpetual right to cut, trim, and remove all trees, shrubs, bushes, underbrush, and other items, as determined necessary by VTrans for the safe and efficient operation and maintenance of the facilities. The Grantor, its successors and assigns, will not, without the prior written permission of VTrans, erect or permit the erection of any building or any other structure; plant or permit the growth of any trees or bushes; change the grade or permit the change of grade, or fill or excavate within this easement area which will adversely affect the maintenance and operation by VTrans, its successors and assigns.

    A temporary easement during the period of construction to extend highway slopes and embankments in an area of 151.82 square meters (1,634 square feet), more or less, and a permanent easement to extend and maintain highway slopes and embankments in an area of 166.58 square meters (0.04 acre), more or less, as shown on the plans for the Transportation Project.

    VTrans may extend the slopes and embankments at such an angle as will hold the material of the slopes in repose against ordinary erosion in accordance with the standard practice of highway construction. VTrans shall have the right to remove all trees, logs, stumps, protruding roots, brush, duff, and other objectionable materials, structures, growth, and any other thing of whatever kind or nature from the slope areas.

    A temporary easement to enter upon land of the Grantor, during the period of construction, to install a barrier fence, right of and between approximate stations 10+259.55 and 10+344.06 of the established centerline of the Transportation Project.

    A temporary easement during the period of construction to enter upon land of the Grantor, for construction purposes, including the right to cut and dispose of all trees, down timber, stubs, brush, bushes, and debris, install erosion control barriers, as necessary and as noted on the project plans; and undertake general construction functions in an area of 78.72 square meters (847 square feet), more or less, right of and between approximate stations 10+260.00 and 10+344.06 of the established centerline of the Transportation Project.

    A temporary easement to enter upon land of the Grantor, during the period of construction, to install a sidewalk, in an area of 13.87 square meters (149 square feet), more or less, right of and between approximate stations 10+310.00 and 10+323.50 of the established centerline of the Transportation Project.

    A permanent easement to install and maintain a guy wire and anchor at or near and right of approximate station 10+343.42 of the established centerline of the Transportation Project.

    A permanent easement to install and maintain guardrail right of and between approximate stations 10+308.00 and 10+314.00 of the established centerline of the Transportation Project.

    A temporary easement to enter upon land of the Grantor, during the period of construction, to remove and reset a Department of Fish & Wildlife sign, at or near and right of approximate station 10+300.00 of the established centerline of the Transportation Project.

    A temporary easement to enter upon land of the Grantor, during the period of construction, to remove a picnic sign, at or near and right of approximate station 10+313.00 of the established centerline of the Transportation Project.

    Construction of the Transportation Project will eliminate the Grantor’s existing access located at or near and right of approximate station 10+309 of the established centerline of the Transportation Project. To mitigate elimination of the Grantor’s access to Vermont Route 108, VTrans will allow the Grantor the right to use an access to be located at or near and right of approximate station 10+470 of the established centerline of the Transportation Project and the existing parking area. VTrans also will construct a recreational path to connect land of VTrans and land of the Grantor, and provide further access to Grantor from the parking area to the adjacent land of the Grantor.

    This Executive Order shall take effect upon signing.

    Dated July 2, 2010.

  • Executive Order No. 29-46 (No. 11-10) [Transfer of Properties between the Department of Fish and Wildlife and the Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation]

    WHEREAS, certain state-owned land (the “Property”) located in the Town of Victory, County of Essex and State of Vermont, described more particularly below, presently is under the jurisdiction and control of the Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Fish and Wildlife; and

    WHEREAS, the Property was purchased solely with Department of Fish and Wildlife funds; and

    WHEREAS, the Property is completely surrounded by Victory State Forest; and

    WHEREAS, the Department of Fish and Wildlife has determined that the Property would be more efficiently managed as part of Victory State Forest by the Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation; and

    WHEREAS, the Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation desires to incorporate the Property into Victory State Forest and to hold, control and manage the Property consistent with 10 V.S.A. § 6301; and

    WHEREAS, the Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation is committed to managing the property for the purposes of a State Forest.

    NOW THEREFORE, I, James H. Douglas, by the power vested in me as Governor of Vermont, do hereby transfer and set over from the Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation to the Department of Fish and Wildlife, for the above purposes, jurisdiction and control of the following state-owned land:

    A portion of the same land and premises conveyed to the State of Vermont by New England Power Company, by their Quit Claim Deed dated November 12, 1969, which is recorded in the land records of the Town of Victory at Book 17, Page 190. The portion to be transferred is more particularly described as:

    “Lot No. 4 in the 9th Range”

    The parcel of land conveyed hereby is approximately 144.5 +/- acres and is surrounded by land owned by the State of Vermont and managed as Victory State Forest.

    Excluded from this executive order are the remaining parcels contained in the conveyance from New England Power Company to the State of Vermont in the above referenced Quit Claim Deed. These lots will remain under management of the Department of Fish and Wildlife as part of Victory Basin Wildlife Management Area.

    This Executive Order shall take effect upon execution.

    Dated November 29, 2010.

  • Executive Order No. 29-47 (No. 12-10) [Transfer of Properties between the Department of Fish and Wildlife and the Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation]

    WHEREAS, certain state-owned land (the “Property”) located in the Town of Victory, County of Essex and State of Vermont, described more particularly below, presently is under the jurisdiction and control of the Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation; and

    WHEREAS, the Property is adjacent to or surrounded by Victory Basin Wildlife Management Area; and

    WHEREAS, the Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation has determined that the Property would be more efficiently managed as part of Victory Basin Wildlife Management Area by the Department of Fish and Wildlife; and

    WHEREAS, the Department of Fish and Wildlife desires to incorporate the Property into Victory Basin Wildlife Management Area and to own, control and manage the Property for wildlife habitat consistent with 10 V.S.A. ch. 103; and

    WHEREAS, the Department of Fish and Wildlife is committed to managing the property for the purposes for which the property was acquired and manage as a Wildlife Management Area.

    NOW THEREFORE, I, James H. Douglas, by the power vested in me as Governor of Vermont, do hereby transfer and set over from the State of Vermont, Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation to the State of Vermont, Department of Fish and Wildlife, for the above purposes, ownership and control of the following state-owned land:

    A portion of the same land and premises conveyed to the State of Vermont by THE TRUST FOR PUBLIC LAND, d/b/a The Trust for Public Land, Inc., by their Warranty Deed dated September 9, 2005, which is recorded in the land records of the Town of Victory at Book 21, Page 525-532. The portion to be transferred is more particularly described as follows:

    A 76+/- acre parcel located in Lots 5 & 6 Range 11; also known as the “Bog Brook ” Lot

    An 80+/- acre parcel located in Lot 6 Range 14; also known as the “Lee’s Hill ” Lot

    A 270+/- acre parcel located in Lot 6 Range 16, in Lot 7 Ranges 15, 16 and 17 and in Lot 8 Ranges 15 and 16; also known as the “Hay’s Hill Brook ” Lot

    An 81+/- acre parcel located in Lot 10 Range 15 and in Lot 9 Range 15

    The parcels of land conveyed hereby are approximately 507 +/- acres.

    Excluded from this executive order are 7 +/- acres in two parcels located in Lot 5 Range 18; also known as the “Powerline Twins”, contained in the conveyance from the Trust for Public Land to the State of Vermont. These parcels will remain under the management of the Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation as part of Victory State Forest.

    This executive order shall take effect upon execution.

    Dated November 29, 2010.

  • Executive Order No. 29-48 (No. 13-10) [Transfer of Properties between the Department of Fish and Wildlife and the Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation]

    WHEREAS, certain state-owned land (the “Property”) located in the Town of Victory, County of Essex and State of Vermont, described more particularly below, presently is under the jurisdiction and control of the Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation; and

    WHEREAS, the Property was purchased with funds from the Vermont Housing and Conservation Board, for the purposes of conservation and sustainable management of forests resources, management of wildlife habitat and dispersed, pedestrian public access; and

    WHEREAS, the Property is subject to a Grant of Development Rights and Conservation Restrictions held by the Vermont Housing and Conservation Board that authorized the purchase of the Property by the Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation consistent with the goals set forth in 10 V.S.A. § 6301 to encourage and assist the maintenance of the present uses of Vermont’s agricultural, forest and other undeveloped land and to preserve and to enhance Vermont’s scenic natural resources; and

    WHEREAS, the Property is completely surrounded by Victory Basin Wildlife Management Area; and

    WHEREAS, the Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation has determined that the Property would be more efficiently managed as part of Victory Basin Wildlife Management Area by the Department of Fish and Wildlife; and

    WHEREAS, the Department of Fish and Wildlife desires to incorporate the Property into Victory Basin Wildlife Management Area and to own, control and manage the Property for wildlife habitat consistent with 10 V.S.A. ch. 103; and

    WHEREAS, the Department of Fish and Wildlife is committed to managing the property consistent with the purposes for which the property was acquired and managed as a Wildlife Management Area.

    NOW THEREFORE, I, James H. Douglas, by the power vested in me as Governor of Vermont, do hereby transfer and set over from the State of Vermont, Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation to the State of Vermont, Department of Fish and Wildlife, for the above purposes, ownership and control of the following state-owned land:

    A portion of the same land and premises conveyed to the State of Vermont by THE NATURE CONSERVANCY, by their Warranty Deed dated September 19, 1995, which is recorded in the land records of the Town of Victory at Book 19, Page 355-359. The portion to be transferred is more particularly described in the above referenced Warranty Deed as:

    “Parcel Two - Victory, Essex County Vermont”

    “Lot No. 6 in the 15th Range”

    The parcel of land conveyed hereby is approximately 105 +/- acres.

    Excluded from this executive order are the following parcels contained in the conveyance from The Nature Conservancy to the State of Vermont.

    Lots Nos. 11, 12, and 13 in the 13th Range

    Lot No. 11 in the 15th Range

    Lot Nos. 5, 10, 11, and 12 in the 14th Range

    Lot No. 5 in the 16th Range

    Lot Nos. 5 and 6 in the 17th Range

    These lots will remain under management of the Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation as part of Victory State Forest.

    This executive order shall take effect upon execution.

    Dated November 29, 2010.

  • Executive Order No. 29-49 (No. 09-12) [Transfer of Lands and Permanent Buffer Easement in Berkshire and Enosburgh from the Agency of Transportation to the Agency of Natural Resources]

    WHEREAS, it appears that certain lands and a permanent buffer easement which comprise the river corridor and riparian buffer zones for the Trout River herein described and located in the Towns of Berkshire and Enosburgh in the State of Vermont, in connection with the construction of Transportation Project Berkshire BRF RS 0283 (7) (Trout River Restoration), are presently under the jurisdiction and control of the Agency of Transportation (VTrans); and

    WHEREAS, VTrans has completed the required monitoring conditions under the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 404 permit for the aforementioned project, and does not consider continued VTrans jurisdiction and control of these lands and permanent buffer easement to be in the best public interest; and

    WHEREAS, the Agency of Natural Resources (ANR) has a goal of maintaining high quality riparian and river habitats, and providing angling opportunities for the public that would best be served by the transfer and control of the lands and permanent buffer easement from VTrans to ANR;

    NOW, THEREFORE, I, Peter Shumlin, by virtue of the power vested in me as Governor of the State of Vermont, do hereby transfer and set over to the Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Fish and Wildlife jurisdiction and control of certain lands and a permanent buffer easement for its purposes, said land and permanent buffer easement being more particularly described as follows:

    Being all of the same land and/or permanent buffer easement conveyed to State of Vermont, Agency of Transportation by the following instruments:

    1. Warranty Deed from Raymond G. Kinney and Virginia G. Kinney, dated April 21, 2003, which is recorded in Book 107 page 29 of the Enosburgh land records;

    2. Warranty Deed from Raymond G. Kinney and Virginia G. Kinney, dated April 21, 2003, which is recorded in Book 68 Pages 37-39 of the Berkshire land records;

    3. Warranty Deed of Easement from Daniel F. Kotorman and Holly H. Kotorman, dated April 21, 2003, which is recorded in Book 68, Pages 42 and 43 of the Berkshire land records;

    4. Warranty Deed from L.F. Hurtubise & Sons, Inc., dated April 21, 2003, which is recorded in Book 107, Page 31 of the Enosburgh land records; and being more particularly described as follows:

    Being part of Parcels #1E, 1F, 1G and 11 consisting of 15.80 acres, more or less, land, and all of Parcel # 2A consisting of a permanent buffer easement, as shown on right-of-way sheets 23, 25 and 26 of the plans of Transportation Project Berkshire BRF -RS 0283 (7) as filed on March 13th, 2003, in the offices of the clerks of Enosburgh and Berkshire.

    The buffer easement, described as Parcel 2A above, consists of 0.22 acre, more or less, and is located right of and between approximate stations 123+49 and 124+52.71 of the Trout River Restoration baseline of the aforementioned project and includes:

    (A) The right to change and maintain the channel of the Trout River including the installation of stone fill along the bank of the river; and

    (B) The right to plant and maintain trees in a buffer area above the bank to protect and stabilize the bank. None of the existing landscaping items either within or outside the easement area will be removed without the written permission of VTrans.

    ANR agrees to be responsible for and comply with the conditions or agreements which are associated with the lands and permanent buffer easement described above, and contained in the aforementioned deeds to State of Vermont.

    This Order shall take effect upon signing.

    Dated September 12, 2012.

  • Executive Order No. 29-50 (No. 14-12) [Transfer of Property in St. Johnsbury from Agency of Administration, Department of Buildings & General Services to Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Fish & Wildlife]

    WHEREAS, certain State-owned land. including a building formerly used as the Northeast Regional Library, in St. Johnsbury (“Property”). is presently under the jurisdiction and control of the Agency of Administration, Department of Buildings and General Services (“BGS”); and

    WHEREAS, BGS has no further use for the Property; and

    WHEREAS, the Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Fish and Wildlife (“ANR/DFW”), desires the use of the Property for its purposes: and

    WHEREAS, upon execution of the property transfer, ANR/DFW, will be responsible for the maintenance costs, security, heating costs, electrical costs, snow removal, grounds maintenance, overall conditions. Payments in Lieu of Taxes, State historic preservation requirements and all other costs associated with the administration, ownership and management of the Property:

    NOW, THEREFORE, I, Peter Shumlin, by the power vested in me as Governor, do transfer and set over to ANR/DFW, for its purposes, from BGS, the following described land and premises, to wit:

    The lands and premises conveyed to the State of Vermont by warranty deed of Gilbert D. Johnson and Betty B. Johnson on September 15, 1967, which is recorded in the St. Johnsbury land records at Book 131, Pages 15-17, and more fully described therein as:

    Beginning at an iron pipe located at the junction of the northwest corner of Town Highway #62 and U.S. Route 2; thence S 45° 27′ W 46.23 feet to a point; thence S 20° 03′ W 88.87 feet to a point; thence S 13° 23′ W 114.87 feet to an iron pipe; thence N 60° 02′ W 169.79 feet to a railroad rail located on the east side of town highway #61 (the Pumpkin Hill Road, so-called); thence N 27° 31′ E 293.06 feet to an iron pipe on the southwest side of U.S. Route 2; thence S 54° 25′ E 270.25 feet to a point; thence S 45° 16′ E 95.08 feet to the point of beginning.

    This Order shall take effect upon signing.

    Dated December 28, 2012.

  • Executive Order No. 29-51 (No. 08-13) [Transfer of Certain Land and Permanent Easements in the Town of Swanton from the Agency of Natural Resources to the Agency of Transportation]

    WHEREAS, the Agency of Transportation (“VTRANS”) has constructed Transportation Project Alburgh-Swanton BRF 036-1(1), which involved the replacement of the bridge carrying a state highway known as Vermont Route 78 over Lake Champlain’s Missisquoi Bay, and which affected land under the jurisdiction of the Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Fish and Wildlife (“ANR”); and

    WHEREAS, VTRANS and ANR desire to complete the transfer of the necessary exchange of land and/or rights and easements from ANR to VTRANS, as set forth in a Memorandum of Agreement between VTRANS and ANR dated December 11, 2003.

    NOW, THEREFORE, I, Peter Shumlin, by virtue of the power vested in me as Governor of the State of Vermont, do hereby transfer and set over to VTRANS jurisdiction and control of certain land and permanent easements over land of ANR for its purpose, said land and permanent easements being more particularly described as follows:

    Being part of the same land and premises conveyed to the State of Vermont, acting through its Department of Fish and Game of the Agency of Environmental Conservation by Warranty Deed of John A. Carman and Erma H. Carman, dated October 20, 1976, which is recorded in Book 89, Pages 230-232 of the Town of Swanton land records and is more particularly described as:

    Being Parcel #15 consisting of 0.12 hectare (0.30 acre), more or less, land and rights therein, as shown on right-of-way sheets 27, 35, 36, and 37 of the plans of Transportation Project Alburgh-Swanton BRF 036-1(1) (“the Transportation Project”) and filed on February 7, 2003, in the office of the clerk of the Town of Swanton.

    In connection with the above parcel the following easement and/or rights are conveyed:

    Permanent easements to discharge water on land of ANR as such water may hereafter be discharged or flow at or near and left of approximate stations 12+305.0 and 12+667.5 of the established centerline of the Transportation Project.

    A permanent easement in an area of 0.15 hectare (0.37 acre), more or less, and located left of and between approximate stations 12+535.1 and 12+764.0 of the established centerline of the Transportation Project; to install, construct, reconstruct, operate, repair, maintain, replace, patrol and remove overhead or underground cable, lines, conduits, poles, guys, anchors, braces, fixtures, and appurtenances thereto, hereinafter referred to as facilities, as necessary for the transmission of power and telecommunications under, upon, or across land of ANR. This easement also includes the perpetual right to cut, trim, and remove all trees, shrubs, bushes, underbrush, and other items, as determined necessary by VTRANS, for the safe and efficient operation and maintenance of the facilities. ANR and its successors and assigns will not, without the prior written permission of VTRANS, erect or permit the erection of any building or any other structure, plant or permit the growth of any trees or bushes, change the grade or permit the change of grade, or fill or excavate within this easement area which will adversely affect the maintenance and operation by VTRANS, its successors and assigns.

    Permanent easements to install and maintain guy wire at or near and left of approximate stations 12+545.9 and 12+763.7 of the established centerline of the Transportation Project.

    This Order shall take effect upon signing.

    Dated October 2, 2013.

  • Executive Order No. 29-52 (No. 04-15) [Transfer of Property in Duxbury from Agency of Administration, Department of Buildings and General Services to Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation]

    WHEREAS, certain State-owned land located in the Town of Duxbury, County of Washington, State of Vermont, westerly of Vermont State Route 100B, consisting of 32.3 acres and known as the “Father Logue’s Camp” parcel is presently under the jurisdiction and control of the Agency of Administration, Department of Buildings and General Services (“BGS”);

    WHEREAS, an adjacent parcel of State-owned land located in the Town of Duxbury, County of Washington, State of Vermont, westerly of Vermont State Route 100B and consisting of 137 acres is presently under the jurisdiction and control of the Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation (“FPR”);

    WHEREAS, the 137 acres under the jurisdiction and control of FPR and the 32.3 acres under the jurisdiction of BGS were formerly part of the Vermont State Hospital lands;

    WHEREAS, jurisdiction to the 137-acre parcel and other lands, excepting the 32.3-acre parcel and other parcels, was transferred from BGS to FPR by Executive Order #11 of 1973;

    WHEREAS, FPR has no further use for the 137-acre parcel and BGS has no further use for the 32.3-acre parcel;

    WHEREAS, FPR desires to convey the 137-acre parcel and the 32.3-acre parcel to the Town of Duxbury for use as a Town Forest, and a conservation easement encumbering these parcels to ensure use as a Town Forest in perpetuity to be conveyed to the Duxbury Land Trust;

    WHEREAS, the Town of Duxbury desires to accept such property for use as a Town Forest and the Duxbury Land Trust desires to accept such conservation easement encumbering these parcels to ensure use as a Town Forest in perpetuity; and

    WHEREAS, BGS is seeking an amendment to Act 250 Permit #5W1243-1 to remove any requirements or conditions that the 32.3-acre parcel continue to be used by the State as a Camp and to allow the 32.3-acre parcel to be conveyed to the Town of Duxbury for use as a Town Forest.

    NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that I, Peter Shumlin, by the power vested in me as Governor of the State of Vermont, do transfer and set over from BGS to FPR, effective upon the issuance of the Act 250 Permit amendment, for FPR’s purposes, the following described land and premises being more particularly described as follows:

    Being part of the former Vermont State Hospital lands located westerly of Vermont State Route 100B and consisting of 32.3 acres and known as the “Father Logue’s Camp” parcel adjacent to 137 acres currently under the jurisdiction and control of FPR. Not meaning to convey any other lands currently under the jurisdiction and control of BGS located westerly of Vermont State Route 100B, other than the 32.3-acre parcel.

    This Order shall take effect upon signing.

    Dated April 21, 2015

  • Executive Order No. 29-53 (No. 08-15) [Transfer of Property in Windsor from BGS to DFW]

    Superseded and replaced by Executive Order No. 3-80 (codified as Executive Order No. 08-17), dated March 13, 2017.

  • Executive Order No. 29-54 (No. 01-16) [Transfer of Certain Easements in the Town of Middlesex from BGS to VTrans]

    WHEREAS, the Agency of Transportation (“VTrans”) needs to construct Transportation Project Middlesex IM 089-2(41) (“the Transportation Project”), which involves the replacement of Bridge #55 carrying a federal highway known as U.S. Route 2 over Interstate 89 in Middlesex, Vermont, and which affects land under the jurisdiction of the Department of Buildings and General Services (“BGS”); and

    WHEREAS, VTrans and BGS desire to complete the transfer of the necessary easements and/or rights from BGS to VTrans.

    NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED I, Peter E. Shumlin, by virtue of the power vested in me as Governor of the State of Vermont, do hereby transfer and set over to VTrans jurisdiction and control of certain land and permanent easements of BGS, which are more particularly describes as follows:

    Being part of the same land and premises conveyed to the State of Vermont by the Warranty Deed of Jambro Associates, dated July 22, 1988, and recorded in Book 51, Page 577 of the Town of Middlesex Land Records and being more particularly described as:

    Being Parcel #2, rights and easements therein, as shown on right of way detail sheet 1 and right of way layout sheets 3-5 of the revised plans of the Transportation Project as filed on the 25th day of March, 2015, in the office of the Clerk of the Town of Middlesex.

    In connection with the above parcel, the following easements and/or rights are conveyed:

    Temporary easements to enter upon land of the grantor, during the period of construction, to extend highway slopes and embankments in areas of: 563 square feet, more or less; 200 square feet, more or less; and 2,799 square feet, more or less, as shown on the previously mentioned Transportation Project plans.

    The State of Vermont may extend the slopes and embankments at such an angle as will hold the material of said slopes in repose against ordinary erosion in accordance with the standard practice of transportation construction. The State of Vermont shall have the right to remove all trees, logs, stumps, protruding roots, brush, duff, and other objectionable materials, structures, growth, and any other things of whatever kind or nature from said slope area.

    Temporary easements during the period of construction to enter upon land of the grantor, for construction purposes, including the right to cut and dispose of all trees, down timber, stubs, brush, bushes, and debris, install project demarcation fence and erosion control barriers and to keep the erosion control barriers clear of debris and functioning properly, throughout the construction of the project, as necessary and as noted on the project plans; and undertake general construction functions: in an area of 586 square feet, more or less, right of and between approximate stations 20+42 and 21+88; in an area of 51 square feet, more or less, right of and between approximate stations 21+99 and 22+15; and in an area of 1,255 square feet, more or less, right of approximate stations 25+64 and 29+26.32; all stations are of the established centerline of the Transportation Project.

    A permanent easement to discharge water on land of the grantor as such water may hereafter be discharged or flow in an area of 0.52 acre (22,807 square feet), more or less, right of and between approximate stations 21+00.00 and 29+18.55 of the established centerline of the Transportation Project.

    A permanent easement to install, construct and maintain a culvert and drainage ditch, in an area of 27 square feet, more or less, right of and between approximate stations 22+00.52 and 22+12.39 of the established centerline of the Transportation Project, and thereby the right to discharge water through said culvert and drainage ditch onto the land of the grantor.

    A permanent easement to install, construct and maintain a culvert, including stone fill, in an area of 431 square feet, more or less, right of and between approximate stations 26+6.94 and 26+52.22 of the established centerline of the Transportation Project, and thereby the right to discharge water through said culvert and drainage ditch onto the land of the grantor.

    The herein conveyed rights and easements are subject to the terms and conditions of Vermont Operational Stormwater Discharge Permit #7145-INDS, as the same may be amended from time to time.

    This Order shall take effect upon signing.

    Dated February 9, 2016

  • Executive Order No. 29-55 (No. 06-18) [Transfer of Property in the Town of Cambridge from Vermont Agency of Transportation to the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources]

    WHEREAS, certain land located in the Town of Cambridge, County of Lamoille, and State of Vermont, as more particularly described herein (“the Property,”) is presently under the jurisdiction and control of the Vermont Agency of Transportation (“VTrans”) and is no longer necessary for VTrans purposes; and

    WHEREAS, the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Fish and Wildlife desires the transfer of the Property to better manage a significant stretch of the Lamoille River and a small developed site that provides access for non-motorized vessels and shore fishing opportunities, known as the Dorothy Smith Access Area.

    NOW THEREFORE, I, Philip B. Scott, by virtue of the power vested in me as Governor of the State of Vermont, do hereby transfer and set over from the Vermont Agency of Transportation to the jurisdiction and control of the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Fish and Wildlife for the aforesaid purpose, the Property being more particularly described as follows:

    Being part of the same land and premises conveyed to the State of Vermont by the Warranty Deed of Ray C. and Hazel G. Perkins, dated November 5, 1958 and recorded in Book 42, Page 371 of the Town of Cambridge land records and being more particularly described as follows:

    Beginning at a point believed to be in the property line between Ray C. and Hazel G. Perkins and land now or formerly of one M. Hawley, and in the easterly boundary of the present highway, Vermont Route 108, 1/2 rods from its centerline and 24.75 feet southeasterly at right angle from approximate survey station 19+31 of the established center line of Highway Project NRS 151, 1934; thence 880 feet, more or less, northeasterly and northerly in said easterly highway boundary to a point 30 feet easterly at right angle from survey station 28+00 of said established centerline; thence 20 feet, more or less, easterly to a point in the westerly bank of the Lamoille River, so-called, 50 feet easterly at right angle from survey station 28+00 of said established centerline; thence 1000 feet, more or less, southeasterly and southerly in said westerly river bank to a point believed to be in the property line between the aforesaid Perkins and Hawley, 80 feet southeasterly at right angle from approximate survey station 19+31 of said established centerline; thence 58 feet, more or less, northwesterly in said believed property line to the point of beginning.

    This Executive Order shall take effect upon execution.

    Dated August 17, 2018

  • Executive Order No. 29-56 (No. 10-19) [Transfer of Property in Plymouth from BGS to Division for Historic Preservation]

    WHEREAS, certain State-owned land located in the Town of Plymouth, County of Windsor (the “Property”), very near to one of Vermont’s premiere historic sites, the birthplace, boyhood home and site of Calvin Coolidge’s swearing in as 30th president of the United States, is presently under the jurisdiction and control of the Agency of Administration, Department of Buildings and General Services (“BGS”); and

    WHEREAS, in 2006, BGS and the Agency of Commerce and Community Development, Division for Historic Preservation (“DHP”), arranged for the installation of underground water storage tanks on the Property which are connected to water mains that lead to ten of the historic site buildings; and

    WHEREAS, this work facilitated the installation of the sprinkler system in the Museum & Education Center, the most visited museum owned by the State and the State’s only presidential archive; and

    WHEREAS, the DHP desires the use of the Property for the maintenance and control of the water tanks and the preservation of the viewshed from the historic site.

    NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that I, Philip B. Scott, by virtue of the power vested in me as Governor of the State of Vermont, do hereby transfer and set over to DHP for its purposes, from the jurisdiction and control of BGS, the following land and premises, to wit:

    Being all the lands and premises conveyed to the State of Vermont by the following:

    Being all and the same lands and premises conveyed to the State of Vermont by deed of Carol Jean Hoskison dated August 18, 2006 and recorded in Volume 102, Page 104 of the Plymouth Land Records. Said lands and premises are described in said deed as follows:

    “A portion of the same land and premises deeded to James E. and Vivian N. Blanchard by Edna A. Blanchard by Warranty deed dated September 29, 1945, and recorded in Vol. 25, page 165 of Plymouth Land Records. Said portion of said land herein conveyed is described as follows:

    ‘Beginning at the southeast corner of land of Azro Johnson on the northerly side of the highway leading from the Coolidge homestead to Azro Johnson’s, said corner being the southwesterly corner of the parcel of land herein conveyed; thence northerly along a stone wall and bounded westerly by land of Azro Johnson, approximately 460 feet to a corner, a granite post in the ground; thence generally southeasterly in a straight line approximately 500 feet to a corner, a granite post in the ground; thence southerly in a straight line a distance of approximately 300 feet to a corner on the northerly edge of the aforesaid highway, a granite post in the ground; thence westerly along the northerly edge of said highway approximately 445 feet to the point of beginning.

    ‘There is also conveyed to the herein grantees, their heirs and assigns, a right of way of sufficient width for vehicles, from the aforesaid highway, across other land of the herein grantors near to the parcel of land herein conveyed near the southeast corner of said parcel.

    ‘Reserving and excepting, however, by the herein grantors, their heirs and assigns a right of way of sufficient width for vehicles, across the parcel of land herein conveyed from the aforesaid highway to the sugar lot premises of the herein grantors which lie northerly of the parcel of land herein conveyed.

    ‘Reference is had to the aforesaid deed, the deed therein referred to and records thereof, and said Land Records of Plymouth for a more particular description.

    ‘Reference is also had to a quit claim deed from Charles H. Hoskison and Eliza M. Hoskison to the Carol Jean Hoskison, whereby Charles H. Hoskison and Eliza M. Hoskison conveyed, by quit claim deed, their 2/3 interest in the land to Carol Jean Hoskison. Said quit claim deed is dated and recorded March 17, 1980 in Volume 40, Page 8 of the Plymouth Land Records.”

    This Executive Order shall take effect upon execution.

    Dated December 3, 2019

  • Executive Order No. 29-57 (No. 07-21) [Transfer of Property in Plymouth from Division for Historic Preservation to Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation]

    WHEREAS, one of Vermont’s premiere historic sites, the birthplace and boyhood home of Calvin Coolidge, also the site of President Coolidge’s swearing in as 30th president of the United States (the “Coolidge Homestead”), is under the jurisdiction and control of the Agency of Commerce and Community Development, Department of Housing and Community Development, Division for Historic Preservation (“DHP”); and

    WHEREAS, John Coolidge, the son of Grace and Calvin Coolidge, deeded 386 acres of the Wilder Farm Property that lies easterly of Route 100-A to DHP on December 4, 1985, via deed recorded at Vol. 49, Pages 246-248, in the Town of Plymouth Land Records (the “Wilder Farm Property”), thereby protecting the scenic viewshed of the Coolidge Homestead; and

    WHEREAS, the Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation (“FPR”) maintains 21,500 acres designated as Coolidge State Forest, established in 1925, a significant portion of which abuts the Wilder Farm Property to the east, and is managed for its recreational and natural resources; and

    WHEREAS, DHP and FPR have agreed it is in the best interest of the Coolidge Homestead and the Wilder Farm Property to transfer the ownership, control and management jurisdiction of the Wilder Farm Property from DHP to FPR, to add the Wilder Farm Property to the Coolidge State Forest, thereby improving forest management and conservation, public access, recreational opportunities, and management of the Wilder Farm Property’s natural resources for Vermonters, while still ensuring preservation of the viewshed for the Coolidge Homestead.

    NOW THEREFORE, I, Philip B. Scott, by virtue of the power vested in me as Governor of the State of Vermont, do hereby transfer and set over from the the jurisdiction and control of DHP, to FPR for its purposes, the following land and premises:

    Being all and the same lands and premises conveyed to the State of Vermont, Division for Historic Preservation by deed of John Coolidge dated December 4, 1985, and recorded in Volume 49, Page 246-248 of the Plymouth Land Records. Said lands and premises are described in said deed as follows:

    “Parcel No. 1: Being all the same lands and premises conveyed to the said John Coolidge by deed of James E. Blanchard and Vivian Blanchard dated October 2, 1967 and recorded in Vol. 30, Page 254 of Plymouth Land Records.

    “Parcel No. 2: Being that portion of the same lands and premises conveyed to John Coolidge by deed of James E. Blanchard and Vivian Blanchard dated January 31, 1964 and recorded in Vol. 30, Page 55. The portion of said premises being conveyed hereby are all of the premises lying easterly of Route 100-A in said Town of Plymouth as conveyed by said deed.

    The premises conveyed hereby may be described as follows:

    “Beginning at an iron pin which iron pin lies in the southerly line of lands now or formerly of Mott and which iron pin marks the northeasterly corner of lands now or formerly of Orth; said iron pin also marks the northwesterly corner of the parcel herein conveyed; thence running S 85° 54’ E along lands of Mott and partially following a stonewall a distance of 1614.2 ft. to an iron pin, a corner; thence running S 05° 53′ W along lands now of the State of Vermont a distance of 995.7 ft. to a concrete post; thence continuing S 06° 52’ W along lands now or formerly of the Town of Plymouth a distance of 2028.5 ft. to an iron pin; thence continuing S 06° 21′ W along lands now or formerly of Sailer Brothers a distance of 2352.7 ft. to an iron pin, the southeasterly corner of the parcel herein conveyed; thence running N 67° 22′ W along lands now or formerly of Szostak a distance of 285.6 ft. to an iron pin; thence continuing along lands of Szostak S 74° 17′ W a distance of 653.2 ft. to an iron pin; thence running N 86° 09′ W along lands now or formerly of Ormsby a distance of 983.7 ft. to an iron pin; thence running S 82° 29′ W along lands of Ormsby a distance of 413.5 ft. to an iron pin, a corner; thence running S 06° 57′ W along lands of Ormsby a distance of 697.6 ft. to an iron pin, a corner; thence running N 83° 24′ W along a wire fence and stonewall a distance of 518.2 ft. to a stonewall corner; thence running N 9° 13′ W along the stonewall and wire fence and lands now or formerly of Bryant a distance of 576.1 ft. to an iron pin; thence running N 43° 24′ W a distance of 288.3 ft. to an iron pin; thence running N 85° 45′ W along a wire fence and stonewall and lands now or formerly of the State of Vermont a distance of 537.8 ft. to the end of said stonewall in the easterly right of way limits of Route 100-A, a corner; thence running generally northerly, northeasterly and easterly along the easterly right of way limits of Route 100-A to an iron pin marking the northwesterly corner of lands now or formerly Olson; thence running S 02° 10′ E along the westerly line of Olson a distance of 142.0 ft. to an iron pin, a corner; thence running N 87° 50′ E along lands of Olson a distance of 350.0 ft. to an iron pin, a corner; thence running N 02° 10′ W along lands of Olson a distance of 142.0 ft. to an iron pin in the southeasterly right of way limits of Route 100-A; thence running generally northeasterly and northerly along the right of way limits of Route 100-A to an iron pin marking the southwesterly corner of lands now or formerly of Orth, a corner; thence running S 63° 41′ E a distance of 143.7 ft. and along lands of Orth to an iron pin in a stonewall, a corner; thence running N 10° 49′ E and partially following a stonewall and lands now or formerly of Orth a distance of 722.5 ft. to an iron pin, the point or place of beginning. Parcel contains 386.0 acres, be the same more or less.”

    Meaning and intending to convey hereby all that portion of the former Wilder Farm, so- called, which lies easterly of Route 100-A which were conveyed to the Grantor by the two separate deeds which James E. Blanchard and Vivian Blanchard referred herein.”

    This Executive Order shall take effect upon execution.

    Dated October 27, 2021

  • Executive Order No. 29-58 (No. 01-22) [Transfer of Property in Williston from the Department of Buildings and General Services to Agency of Transportation]

    WHEREAS, certain State-owned land located in the Town of Williston, County of Chittenden, herein “the “Property,” is presently under the jurisdiction and control of the Agency of Administration, Department of Buildings and General Services (“BGS” or “Grantor”); and

    WHEREAS, the Agency of Transportation (“VTrans” or “Grantee”) requires jurisdiction and control of certain permanent and temporary easements over the Property for the construction of a park and ride off of Vermont Route 2A known as Transportation Project Williston CMG PARK (29).

    NOW THEREFORE, I, Philip B. Scott, by virtue of the power vested in me as Governor of the State of Vermont, do hereby transfer and set over to VTrans’ jurisdiction and control the following temporary and permanent easements for its purposes, from the jurisdiction and control of BGS, to wit:

    Being part of the same land and premises conveyed to the State of Vermont, by and through BGS, by the Warranty Deed of Exit 12 Realty LLC, dated July 24, 2017, and recorded in Book 546, Pages 427 and 428 of the Town of Williston land records and being more particularly described as follows:

    Being Parcel #1 consisting of 2,376 square feet, more or less, land and rights therein, as shown on right of way detail sheet 1 and right of way layout sheets B1 and 1 of the plans of Transportation Project Williston CMG PARK (29) (“the Transportation Project”) to be filed in the office of the Clerk of the Town of Williston.

    In connection with the above parcel the following easements and/or rights are conveyed:

    All of Grantor’s right, title and interest in and to: stones, left of and between approximate stations 98+98.34 and 99+96.91 of the established centerline of the Transportation Project; and a fence, left of and between approximate stations 20+68.79 and 20+74± of the Frontage Road centerline of the Transportation Project.

    A permanent easement to discharge water on land of the Grantor as such water may hereafter be discharged or flow at or near and left of approximate station 98+04± of the established centerline of the Transportation Project. This easement is subject to the terms and conditions of Stormwater Discharge Permit No. 7394-9015, as the same may be amended from time to time.

    A permanent easement to construct and maintain a culvert and a drainage ditch in an area of 0.19 acres (8,382 square feet), more or less, left of and between approximate stations 98+04± and 102+37.30 of the established centerline of the Transportation Project.

    A permanent easement to extend and maintain highway slopes and embankments in an area of 3,007 square feet, more or less, between a point at or near and left of approximate station 98+04± of the established centerline of the Transportation Project and a point at or near and left of approximate station 14+87.19 of the Frontage Road centerline of the Transportation project.

    The slopes and embankments may be extended at such an angle as will hold the material of said slopes in repose against ordinary erosion in accordance with the standard practice of highway construction. The State of Vermont shall have the right to remove all trees, logs, stumps, protruding roots, brush, duff, and any other objectionable materials, structures, growth, and any other thing of whatever kind or nature from said slope area.

    Temporary easements, during the period of construction, to enter upon land of the Grantor, for construction purposes, including the right to cut and dispose of all trees, down timber, stubs, brush, bushes, and debris, install project demarcation fence, drive apron and utility installation, slope work and undertake general construction functions: in an area of 2,545 square feet, more or less, between a point at or near and left of approximate station 98+04± of the established centerline of the Transportation Project and a point at or near and left of approximate station 15+65 of the Frontage Road centerline of the Transportation Project; in an area of 288 square feet, more or less, left of and between approximate stations 99+83 and 101+00 or the established centerline of the Transportation Project; in an area of 223 square feet, more or less, left of and between approximate stations 16+01 and 16+42 of the Frontage Road centerline of the Transportation Project; in an area of 1,113 square feet, more or less, left of and between approximate stations 16+88 and 18+36 of the Frontage Road centerline of the Transportation Project; in an area of 2,737 square feet, more or less, left of and between approximate stations 19+45 and 20+28 of the Frontage Road centerline of the Transportation Project; and in an area of 625 square feet, more or less, left of and between approximate stations 102+28 and 102+44 of the established centerline of the Transportation Project.

    A permanent easement to enter upon land of the Grantor, during the period of construction, to construct an access to provide ingress and egress over a paved road, including utilities, in an area of 0.96 acres (41,742 square feet), more or less, between a point at or near and right of approximate station 14+64.89 of the Frontage Road centerline of the Transportation Project and a point at or near and left of approximate station 104+41± of the established centerline of the Transportation Project.

    A permanent easement in an area of 0.27 acres (11,747 square feet), more or less, between a point at or near and right of approximate station 15+39.10 of the Frontage Road centerline of the Transportation Project and a point at or near and left of approximate station 104+42± of the established centerline of the Transportation Project, to install, construct, reconstruct, operate, repair, maintain, replace, patrol and remove overhead or underground cable, lines, conduits, poles, guys, anchors, braces, fixtures, and appurtenances thereto, hereinafter referred to as facilities, as necessary for the transmission of power and telecommunications under, upon, or across land of the Grantor. This easement also includes the perpetual right to cut, trim, and remove all trees, shrubs, bushes, underbrush, and other items, as determined necessary by the Grantee, for the safe and efficient operation and maintenance of the Transportation Project. The Grantor, its successors and/or assigns, will not, without the prior written permission of the Grantee: erect or permit the erection of any building or any other structure; plant or permit the growth of any trees or bushes; change the grade or permit the change of grade, or fill or excavate within this easement area which will adversely affect the maintenance and operation by the Grantee, its successors and assigns.

    This Executive Order shall take effect upon execution.

    Dated January 20, 2022