The Vermont Statutes Online
The Statutes below include the actions of the 2024 session of the General Assembly.
NOTE: The Vermont Statutes Online is an unofficial copy of the Vermont Statutes Annotated that is provided as a convenience.
Title 26: Professions and Occupations
Chapter 38: Physical Therapists
§ 2081. Repealed. 1997, No. 40, § 27.
§ 2081a. Definitions
§ 2082. Prohibition; offenses
§ 2083. Exemptions from licensure
§ 2084. Construction
§ 2085. Repealed. 2007, No. 141 (Adj. Sess.), § 3(b).
§ 2086. Patient care management
- Subchapter 2: ADMINISTRATION
§ 2091. Director of the Office of Professional Regulation; duties
§ 2092. Advisor appointees
- Subchapter 3: LICENSURE
§ 2101. Eligibility
§ 2102. Application
§ 2103. Examination
§ 2104. Licensure by endorsement
§ 2105. Temporary licensure pending endorsement
§§ 2106, 2106a. Repealed. 1997, No. 59, § 65(1), eff. June 30, 1997.
§ 2106a. Repealed. 2005, No. 27, § 117(1).
§ 2107. Renewals
§ 2108. Reinstatement
- Subchapter 4: DISCIPLINE
§ 2121. Unprofessional conduct
§ 2131. Physical Therapy Licensure Compact; adoption
§ 2132. Purpose
§ 2133. Definitions
§ 2134. State participation in the Compact
§ 2135. Compact privilege
§ 2136. Active duty military personnel or their spouses
§ 2137. Adverse actions
§ 2138. Establishment of the Physical Therapy Compact Commission
§ 2139. Data system
§ 2140. Rulemaking
§ 2141. Oversight, dispute resolution, and enforcement
§ 2142. Date of implementation of the Interstate Commission for physical therapy practice and associated rules, withdrawal, and amendment
§ 2143. Construction and severability
§ 2144. State administration of the Compact