2019-2020 Session
Change SessionSenate Committee on Education (Room 28)
The Senate Committee on Education has jurisdiction over matters relating to education, libraries, and literary or scientific subjects.
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Documents & Handouts
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Materials posted on this page are for informational purposes only and may not include all material received by the Committee. The Committee is not responsible for the accuracy of posted material, and posting does not represent approval or endorsement by the Committee or the Vermont General Assembly.
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- Documents/2020/WorkGroups/Senate Education/Bills/H.39/Written Testimony
- Tuesday, March 26, 2019
- H.39: School merger map and graphic James DesMarais
- Friday, March 15, 2019
- H.39: Testimony-Woodbury School Board Patrick Flood
- Thursday, March 14, 2019
- H.39: Testimony Andy Davis
- H.39: Testimony-Westminster School Board Cheryl Charles
- H.39: Windham Northeast Supervisory Union Alternative Structure Proposal Cheryl Charles
- H.39: Testimony Devin Bachelder
- H.39: Testimony-Barre Supervisory Union John Pandolfo
- H.39: Montgomery Town School District Section 9 Proposal Mary Niles
- H.39: Testimony Mary Niles
- H.39: Testimony-VSBA Neil Odell
- H.39: Testimony-Huntington School Board Paul Susen
- H.39: Testimony Robert Berger
- H.39: Testimony Scott Thompson
- H.39: Washington Central Supervisory Union Alternative Governance Proposal Scott Thompson
- H.39: Testimony-Barre Elementary and Middle School Board Sonya Spaulding
- Wednesday, March 13, 2019
- H.39: Worcester School Board Allen Gilbert
- H.39: Testimony-Mt. Mansfield Modified Unified Union School District Andrew Pond
- H.39: Memo to Union School Districts Created by Merger Order Emily Simmons
- H.39: Testimony-AOE Emily Simmons
- H.39: Alternative Governance Committee letter 12-26-17 Kristina Naylor
- H.39: Programmatic Equity Chart Kristina Naylor
- H.39: Transcript of VPR Vermont Edition 9-26-2016 Kristina Naylor
- H.39: Windham Southeast Supervisory Union Alternative Governance Proposal Executive Summary Kristina Naylor
- Tuesday, March 12, 2019
- H.39: Stowe School Board Cara Zimmerman
- Wednesday, February 27, 2019
Bills In Senate Committee on Education
Bills that are currently in committee.
Regular Session 2019-2020
Bills Out of Senate Committee on Education
Bills sponsored by the committee, and bills reported out of committee. Includes bills where the committee has been relieved of responsibility.
Regular Session 2019-2020
Bills Referred to Senate Committee on Education
Bills that were in committee at any time. Does not include bills sponsored by Committee.
Regular Session 2019-2020
Bills Sponsored by Senate Committee on Education
Regular Session 2019-2020
Legislative language and other materials posted on this page are subject to frequent change and may not reflect the Committee's most recent discussions or actions. Please check back often for updated materials.