2018 Special Session
Change SessionCommission on Act 250: The Next 50 years
The Commission on Act 250: the Next 50 Years is a six-member legislative committee that is to examine and report by December 15, 2018 on a broad list of issues relating to the State land use law known as Act 250, originally passed in 1970 and codified at 10 V.S.A. chapter 151.
- Meeting Schedule
- No meeting is currently scheduled
- Previous Meetings
Documents & Handouts
Browse documents below or use document search.
Materials posted on this page are for informational purposes only and may not include all material received by the Committee. The Committee is not responsible for the accuracy of posted material, and posting does not represent approval or endorsement by the Committee or the Vermont General Assembly.
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- Documents/2018.1/WorkGroups/Act250/Commission Meeting 12.13.17
- Thursday, December 14, 2017
- Wednesday, December 13, 2017
- Billy Coster: Act 250 and DEC Permits
- Billy Coster: Forest Economy Challenges and Benefits
- Billy Coster: Forest Products Processing and Act 250
- Billy Coster: Resource Based Jurisdiction
- Billy Coster: Tactical Appeals
- Billy Coster: Wind Turbines on Ridgeline from PUC to Act 250
- Chris Cochran: State Designations
- Diane Snelling: Testimony on Public Outreach
- Elizabeth Courtney: PowerPoint
- Elizabeth Courtney: Testimony
- Karen Horn: Act 250 Jursidiction Overlapping with Other Laws
- Karen Horn: Permit Information
- Stephanie Smith: NRB Memo CPartridge
- Stephanie Smith: Rural Landscapes and Working Lands
- Susan Clark: Public Agenda Public Engagement in VT Guide
- Susan Clark: Public Agenda Public Engagement in VT Handout
- Susan Clark: Public Engagement
- Susan Clark: Public Participation Spectrum
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Bills In Commission on Act 250: The Next 50 years
Bills that are currently in committee.
2018 Special Session
Bill | Title | Sponsor |
Bills Out of Commission on Act 250: The Next 50 years
Bills sponsored by the committee, and bills reported out of committee. Includes bills where the committee has been relieved of responsibility.
2018 Special Session
Bill | Title | Sponsor | Act # | Year |
Bills Referred to Commission on Act 250: The Next 50 years
Bills that were in committee at any time. Does not include bills sponsored by Committee.
2018 Special Session
Bill | Title | Sponsor | Act # | Year |
Legislative language and other materials posted on this page are subject to frequent change and may not reflect the Committee's most recent discussions or actions. Please check back often for updated materials.