2025-2026 Session
Change SessionHouse Committee on Environment (Room EA)
The House Committee on Environment considers matters related to conservation and development; climate change mitigation; land resources, air, water, fish, and wildlife; solid waste management; and other similar policies.
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- Week of March 9 Agenda
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Documents & Handouts
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Materials posted on this page are for informational purposes only and may not include all material received by the Committee. The Committee is not responsible for the accuracy of posted material, and posting does not represent approval or endorsement by the Committee or the Vermont General Assembly.
- H.70 - An act relating to the inclusion of use value appraisal land in the conserved land inventory
- H.73 - An act relating to the zoning requirements for group homes
- H.86 - An act relating to establishing the Chloride Contamination Reduction Program at the Agency of Natural Resources
- H.94 - An act relating to events at accessory on-farm businesses
- H.113 - An act relating to lakes in crisis and requirements for designation
- H.119 - An act relating to the beverage container redemption system
- H.132 - An act relating to the taking of furbearers
- H.142 - An act relating to requiring inspection of wastewater systems
- H.146 - An act relating to administration and enforcement of agricultural water quality requirements in the State
- H.147 - An act relating to establishing the Recreational Trails Compensation Study Committee
- H.152 - An act relating to the permitting of pilot or demonstration projects to treat or destroy emerging contaminants
- H.157 - An act relating to Act 250 exemptions and delegation of stormwater permitting
- H.162 - An act relating to repealing the three-acre stormwater permit
- H.166 - An act relating to establishing requirements for hunting with dogs
- H.204 - An act relating to the collection and recycling of waste motor vehicle tires
- H.217 - An act relating to prohibiting geoengineering
- H.231 - An act relating to technical corrections to fish and wildlife statutes
- H.236 - An act relating to authorizing the use of State waters by hydroelectric generation facilities
- H.238 - An act relating to the phaseout of consumer products containing added perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances
- H.272 - An act relating to development on slopes
- H.276 - An act relating to the designation of State wildlands
- H.280 - An act relating to the siting of an expanded polystyrene foam densifier in the State
- H.283 - An act relating to delegation of authority to regulate use of State waters
- H.286 - An act relating to drinking water standards for perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances
- H.292 - An act relating to the land application and sale of biosolids containing PFAS
- H.303 - An act relating to the use of septage, sludge, and biosolids
- H.319 - An act relating to miscellaneous environmental subjects
- H.328 - An act relating to compliance with the environmental justice State policy
- H.345 - An act relating to prohibiting the sale or distribution of glitter containing intentionally added synthetic polymers
- H.400 - An act relating to housing appeals
- H.412 - An act relating to land use and housing development
- H.422 - An act relating to testing of groundwater samples from contaminated sites at the State Agricultural and Environmental Laboratory
- H.425 - An act relating to the regional management of the disposition of septage, sludge, and biosolids
- H.434 - An act relating to requiring covenants on conservation lands funded by the Vermont Housing and Conservation Board
- H.453 - An act relating to amending stormwater management to facilitate high-density development
- H.468 - An act relating to flood response and assistance programs for flood resilient infrastructure improvements
- H.469 - An act relating to flood response and the duties of the Agency of Natural Resources
Bills In House Committee on Environment
Bills that are currently in committee.
Regular Session 2025-2026
Bill | Title | Sponsor |
Bills Out of House Committee on Environment
Bills sponsored by the committee, and bills reported out of committee. Includes bills where the committee has been relieved of responsibility.
Regular Session 2025-2026
Bill | Title | Sponsor | Act # | Year |
Bills Referred to House Committee on Environment
Bills that were in committee at any time. Does not include bills sponsored by Committee.
Regular Session 2025-2026
Bill | Title | Sponsor | Act # | Year |
Bills Sponsored by House Committee on Environment
Regular Session 2025-2026
Bill | Title | Act # |
Legislative language and other materials posted on this page are subject to frequent change and may not reflect the Committee's most recent discussions or actions. Please check back often for updated materials.