2025-2026 Session
Change SessionHouse Committee on Education (Room M103)
The House Committee on Education considers matters relating to education, libraries, literary and scientific subjects, and other similar policies.
- Meeting Schedule
- Week of March 9 Agenda
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Documents & Handouts
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Materials posted on this page are for informational purposes only and may not include all material received by the Committee. The Committee is not responsible for the accuracy of posted material, and posting does not represent approval or endorsement by the Committee or the Vermont General Assembly.
- DR 25-0959
- DR25-0937
- H.37 - An act relating to the consolidation of Vermont’s school districts to align with career and technical education service regions
- H.53 - An act relating to counteracting federal discriminatory mandates
- H.54 - An act relating to cell phone-free schools
- H.68 - An act relating to expanding the National Guard Tuition Benefit Program
- H.87 - An act relating to raising awareness of military-related postsecondary opportunities
- H.89 - An act relating to school choice for all Vermont students
- H.100 - An act relating to creating a Department and Commissioner of Education
- H.101 - An act relating to the role and structure of the Agency of Education
- H.122 - An act relating to the sustainable realignment of Vermont’s school districts
- H.129 - An act relating to the State Aid for School Construction Program
- H.130 - An act relating to expanding the membership and duties of the Advisory Council on Harassment, Hazing, and Bullying Prevention in Schools
- H.139 - An act relating to requiring licensed athletic trainers at secondary school athletic events and practices
- H.148 - An act relating to creating a statewide school district
- H.165 - An act relating to funding inclusive schools
- H.168 - An act relating to protecting academic freedom for prekindergarten through grade 12 educators
- H.170 - An act relating to University of Vermont and State Agricultural College residential living space
- H.179 - An act relating to the membership of the State Board of Education and the reestablishment of the Vermont Department of Education
- H.180 - An act relating to the closure of an elementary school
- H.194 - An act relating to high-capacity, gender-neutral restrooms in schools
- H.198 - An act relating to the reconstitution of the University of Vermont Board of Trustees
- H.199 - An act relating to tuition charged by public schools
- H.209 - An act relating to intranasal epinephrine in schools
- H.246 - An act relating to supports to help students experiencing homelessness and students exiting the foster care system succeed in postsecondary educational institutions
- H.247 - An act relating to cardiac emergency response plans in schools
- H.297 - An act relating to the creation of the Free Degree Promise Grant Program for the Community College of Vermont
- H.310 - An act relating to education on the evolving nature of antisemitism
- H.312 - An act relating to the appointment of members of the State Board of Education and the Secretary of Education
- H.316 - An act relating to the governance of the Vermont State Colleges Corporation and the University of Vermont
- H.318 - An act relating to computer science in Vermont’s public schools
Bills In House Committee on Education
Bills that are currently in committee.
Regular Session 2025-2026
Bill | Title | Sponsor |
Bills Out of House Committee on Education
Bills sponsored by the committee, and bills reported out of committee. Includes bills where the committee has been relieved of responsibility.
Regular Session 2025-2026
Bill | Title | Sponsor | Act # | Year |
Bills Referred to House Committee on Education
Bills that were in committee at any time. Does not include bills sponsored by Committee.
Regular Session 2025-2026
Bill | Title | Sponsor | Act # | Year |
Bills Sponsored by House Committee on Education
Regular Session 2025-2026
Bill | Title | Act # |
Legislative language and other materials posted on this page are subject to frequent change and may not reflect the Committee's most recent discussions or actions. Please check back often for updated materials.