2023-2024 Session
Change SessionSenator Nader Hashim

- District
- Windham District
- Party
- Democrat
- Seat Number
- 16
- nhashim@leg.state.vt.us
- Phone
- (802) 828-2228
- Home Address
- 115 State St, Montpelier, VT 05633
- Committees
- Senate Committee on Education
- Senate Committee on Judiciary, Vice Chair
- Senate Panel on Ethics, Vice Chair
- Joint Legislative Justice Oversight Committee
- Joint Legislative Management Committee
- Judicial Rules Committee
- Judicial Nominating Board
- Special Committee on State House Improvements, ex officio
- Vermont Sentencing Commission
- Coordinated Justice Reform Advisory Council
- Biography
- NADER HASHIM moved to Vermont in 2011 to begin a career with the Vermont State Police after earning his degree from Clark University in Political Science & International Relations. During his time as a trooper, he served in the Brattleboro Barracks and then the Westminster Barracks. Throughout his service, he was a member of the Fair & Impartial Policing Committee and also was a member of the Drug Recognition Expert team. In 2019, Nader ran and served as a state representative for one term on the Judiciary Committee. He currently serves in the senate on the Judiciary Committee and Education Committee. Outside of the legislature he works at a private law firm in Brattleboro as a paralegal and investigator. His hobbies include writing, music, painting, and hiking.
Member of the House of Representatives: 2019 - 2020.
Member of the Senate: 2023 - present.
Bills and Resolutions Sponsored by Senator Hashim
Regular Session 2023-2024
Bill | Title | Act # |
Roll Call Votes by Senator Hashim
Regular Session 2023-2024
Bill | Question | Vote | Pass/Fail | Details |