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2021 Special Session

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Task Force on Affordable, Accessible Health Care

Explore opportunities to make health care more affordable for Vermont residents and employers.


Previous Meetings - Full Report

Summary Report

Thursday, August 19, 2021
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
10:00 AM

Organization - Election of Co-Chairs

  • Jennifer Carbee, Deputy Chief Counsel, Office of Legislative Counsel
10:05 AM

Charge to Committee and Time Lines for Meetings

  • Jennifer Carbee, Deputy Chief Counsel, Office of Legislative Counsel
10:30 AM

Committee Discussion of Goals and Priorities

12:00 PM

Lunch Break

1:00 PM

Update on Citizen Survey of Health Care Issues

  • Michael Fisher, Chief Health Care Advocate, Office of the Health Care Advocate, Vermont Legal Aid
2:30 PM

Committee Discussion: Dates for Future Meetings

Wednesday, September 29, 2021
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
10:00 AM

Introductory Remarks by Task Force Co-Chairs, Introduction of Consultant: Health Systems Transformation, LLC

  • William Lippert, Co-Chair
  • Senator Virginia Lyons, Co-Chair
  • Joshua Slen, President, Health System Transformation
10:30 AM

Discussion - Principles of Affordability

Committee discussion

  • Joshua Slen, President, Health System Transformation
11:00 AM

Discussion - Principles of Accessibility

Committee discussion

  • Joshua Slen, President, Health System Transformation
11:30 AM

Consultant Presentation - Overview of Options List

  • Tim Hill, Health System Transformation
  • Joshua Slen, President, Health System Transformation
  • Beth Waldman, Health System Transformation
12:30 PM

Lunch Break

1:30 PM

Discussion - Task Force response to options list. Identify priorities and next step for further research by HST

Committee discussion

2:45 PM

Review Task Force Schedule and Timeline

3:00 PM

Meeting Adjourned

Thursday, October 28, 2021
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
11:00 AM

Introductory Remarks by Task Force Co-Chairs

  • William Lippert, Co-Chair
  • Senator Virginia Lyons, Co-Chair
11:30 AM

Health System Transformation, LLC Discussion of Current Priority Options

  • Tim Hill, Health System Transformation
  • Joshua Slen, President, Health System Transformation
  • Beth Waldman, Health System Transformation
12:30 PM

Lunch Break

1:30 PM

Continuation of Health System Transformation, LLC overview of current priority options follow by response and discussion with the Task Force

  • Tim Hill, Health System Transformation
  • Joshua Slen, President, Health System Transformation
  • Beth Waldman, Health System Transformation
3:45 PM

Review Task Force Schedule and Timeline

4:00 PM

Meeting Adjourned

Wednesday, December 15, 2021
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
10:00 AM

Introductory Remarks by Task Force Co-Chairs

  • William Lippert, Co-Chair, Task Force on Affordable, Accessible Health Care
  • Senator Virginia Lyons, Co-Chair, Task Force on Affordable, Accessible Health Care
10:30 AM

Health System Transformation , LLC overview of priority options followed by response and discussion with the Task Force

  • Tim Hill, Health System Transformation
  • Joshua Slen, President, Health System Transformation
  • Beth Waldman, Health System Transformation
12:00 PM

Lunch Break

1:00 PM

Demonstration of Population Identification and Stratification

Clarify Health Solutions, Inc.

1:30 PM

Continuation of Health System Transformation, LLC overview of priority options followed by response and discussion with the Task Force

  • Tim Hill, Health System Transformation
  • Joshua Slen, President, Health System Transformation
  • Beth Waldman, Health System Transformation
2:45 PM

Closing Remarks by Task Force Co-Chairs

  • William Lippert, Co-Chair, Task Force on Affordable, Accessible Health Care
  • Senator Virginia Lyons, Co-Chair, Task Force on Affordable, Accessible Health Care
3:00 PM

Meeting Adjourned

Thursday, January 20, 2022
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
12:00 PM

Discussion, Possible Edits, and Vote on the Final Report

  • Joshua Slen, President, Health System Transformation