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2018 Special Session

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Adverse Childhood Experiences Working Group

This Working Group was established to analyze existing resources related to building resilience in early childhood and propose appropriate structures, including recommending legislation, for the most eveidence-based or evidence-informed and cost-effective approaches to serve children experiencing trauma.


Previous Meetings - Full Report

Summary Report

Friday, August 25, 2017
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
9:00 AM

Election of Chair

9:05 AM

Review of Committee Charge

  • Katie McLinn, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
9:30 AM

Adverse Childhood Events

Overview of Act 43 Report

  • Kathy Hentcy, Mental Health & Health Care Integration Director, Department of Mental Health
  • Martha Maksym, Deputy Secretary, Agency of Human Services

Act 43, sec. (3)(d)(2)(A)

A. Spreadsheet of programs or services that receive State or federal funds to provide intervention services for children and families and the eligibility criteria for each program and service

  • Charlie Biss, Director, Children and Family Services, Department of Mental Health
  • Charlie Biss, Director, Children and Family Services, Department of Mental Health
  • Charlie Biss, Director, Children and Family Services, Department of Mental Health
  • Amy Fowler, Deputy Secretary, Agency of Education
  • Amy Fowler, Deputy Secretary, Agency of Education
  • CJ Hebert, IT Support, Agency of Human Services
  • Kathy Hentcy, Mental Health & Health Care Integration Director, Department of Mental Health
  • Kathy Hentcy, Mental Health & Health Care Integration Director, Department of Mental Health
  • Breena Holmes, Director of Maternal and Child Health, Department of Health
  • Breena Holmes, Director of Maternal and Child Health, Department of Health
  • Breena Holmes MD, Director of Maternal and Child Health, Department of Health
  • Martha Maksym, Deputy Secretary, Agency of Human Services
  • Reeva Murphy, Deputy Commissioner, Department for Children and Families
  • Reeva Murphy, Deputy Commissioner, Department for Children and Families
  • Reeva Murphy, Deputy Commissioner, Department for Children and Families
11:45 AM

Committee Discussion

Next meeting dates and topics

12:00 PM


Friday, September 8, 2017
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
8:30 AM

Adverse Childhood Experiences


8:40 AM

Adverse Childhood Experiences

Overview of Trends

  • Paul Dragon, Director of Policy & Program Integration, Agency of Human Services
  • Kathy Hentcy, Mental Health & Health Care Integration Director, Department of Mental Health
  • Laurin Kasehagen, Senior Epidemioglogist, Vermont Department  of Health
  • Annie Ramniceanu, Mental Health Systems Director, Department of Corrections
10:25 AM


10:35 AM

Adverse Childhood Experiences

Discussion of trends in specific areas

  • Karin Edwards, Director, Integrated Support for Learning, Agency of Education
  • Rep. George Till
  • Amy Torchia, Children's Advocacy Coordinator, Vermont Network Against Domestic & Sexual Violence
  • Tracy Watterson, Multi-tiered System of Supports Program Manager, Agency of Education

Friday, September 29, 2017
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
10:00 AM

Convene and Welcome

  • Chloe Learey, Executive Director, Prouty Center
10:20 AM

Adverse Childhood Experiences

  • Martha Straus, Clinical Psychologist and Professor, Antioch of New England
10:50 AM

Windham South East Supervisory Union Staff

  • Tracy Binet-Perrin, Green St. School
  • Jeri Curry, Oak Grove School
  • Kathryn Mason, Oak Grove School
  • Andy Paciulli, Academy School
  • Judith Palermi, Academy School
  • Mark Speno, Green St. School
11:30 AM

Adverse Childhood Experiences

  • Debra Gas, Executive Director, Early Educational Services
12:00 PM


12:40 AM

Adverse Childhood Experiences

  • Peter Albert, Senior Vice President, Government Relations & Managed Service, Brattleboro Retreat
  • Audrey Garfield
  • Karl Jeffries, Child Psychiatrist, Brattleboro Retreat
  • Darah Kehnemuyi, Community Justice Center
  • Rita Ramirez, Guardian Ad Litem, Brattleboro Family Court
2:00 PM

Committee Discussion and Adjourn

Wednesday, October 4, 2017
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
9:00 AM

DULCE- Promoting Lifelong Health for Children and Families

  • Breena Holmes, Director of Maternal and Child Health, VDH Maternal Child Health
  • Scott Johnson, Executive Director, Lamoille Family Center
  • Carole Lang-Godin, Coordinator, Children's Integrated Services
9:20 AM

Project DULCE Team

  • Jenn Chittick, Family Specialist
  • Ashley Currier, Parent, DULCE
  • Alison Fischman, Parent, DULCE
  • Jean Murray, Vermont Legal Aid
  • Adrienne Pahl, Appleseed Pediatrics
9:50 AM

Healthy Lamoille Valley


  • Jessica Bickford, Coordinator, Healthy Lamoille Valley
  • Carol Maloney, Consultant, Healthy Lamoille Valley

Healthy Lamoille Valley

Community Partners

  • Daniela Caserta, Lamoille Family Center
  • Tricia Long, Director, Lamoille Restorative Center
  • Suzanne Masland, VDH Morrisville District Director
10:40 AM

Committee Discussion

  • Kathy Hentcy, Mental Health & Health Care Integration Director, Department of Mental Health

Thursday, October 12, 2017
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
12:30 PM

Intervening and Treating ACE's in an Educational Setting

  • Julie Benay, Principal, Mallots Bay School
  • Holly Morehouse, Executive Director, Vermont Afterschool
1:00 PM

Community Providers

  • Ben Jefka, Coordinator, Safe Babies Team
  • Tanya Osadchey, Director of Operations, Easter Seals-Vermont
  • Susan Reed, Director of Operations, Easter Seals-Vermont
1:45 PM

Testimony from People with Lived Experiences

  • Ryan Lane
  • Rep. James Masland
  • Paul O'Kane, Parent
  • Ericka Reil
3:00 PM

Addressing ACES as it relates to Mental Health

  • Laurel Omland, Operations Chief, Child, Adolescent and Family Unit
3:45 PM

Committee Discussion

4:30 PM


Friday, October 20, 2017
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
8:30 AM

Tri Branch Commission

  • Honorable Paul Reiber, Chief Justice, Vermont Supreme Court
9:00 AM

Addressing ACEs in Childcare/Elementary School Setting

  • Marybeth Morrissey, Third and Fourth Grade Teacher, Williston Central School
  • Sarah Squirrel, Executive Director, Building Bright Futures
9:30 AM

Agency of Human Services - Public Health Policy Plan

  • Paul Dragon, Director of Policy & Program Integration, Agency of Human Services
  • Kathy Hentcy, Mental Health & Health Care Integration Director, Department of Mental Health
10:15 AM

Addressing ACES in a Health Care Setting

  • Elsa Ingpen, PHD Student, UVM
  • Kim Pierce, Plainfield Health Center
11:00 AM

Community Providers

  • Chuck Myers PhD, Executive Director, NFI Vermont,Inc
  • Tom Rees, Founder and CEO, Resilience Transformation Partners
11:45 AM

Curriculum, Adverse Childhood Experiences

  • Rosemary Dale, Chair, UVM Nursing School
  • Jeremiah Dickerson, UVM College of Medicine
12:00 PM

Testimony from People with Lived Experiences

  • Mary Messier
12:15 AM


12:30 PM

Committee Discussion

1:30 PM
