2018 Special Session
Change SessionJoint Legislative Child Protection Oversight Committee
Previous Meetings - Full Report
Summary ReportTuesday, October 16, 2018
Meeting Details
- Hearing Type
- Standard
Meeting Record
- 10:00 AM
Opening Remarks and Election of Chair
- 10:10 AM
Child Advocacy Centers: 10 Year Anniversary Update
Geographic Consistency,Law Enforcement Participation,Workloads, SIUs
William Bohnyak, Sheriff, Orange County Sheriff's Department
Lance Burnham, Department of Public Safety
John Campbell, Executive Director, Department of State's Attorneys & Sheriffs
Cara Cookson, Public Policy Director and Victim Assistance Program Coordinator, Vermont Center for Crime Victims Services
Brad Ferland, Deputy Secretary, Agency of Administration
Frank Koss, Chief of Police, Hinesburg
Wendy Loomis, Executive Director, Vermont Children’s Alliance
Marc Mateyer, SIU Grants Program Manager, Department of State's, Sheriff's and Special Investigative Units
David Scherr, Assistant Attorney General, Vermont Attorney General's Office
Karen Shea, Deputy Commissioner, Family Services Division, Department for Children and Families
William Bohnyak, Sheriff, Orange County Sheriff's Department
- 12:00 PM
- 1:00 PM
Update on Child Welfare System
Action plan regarding opioid crisis and child welfare
John Campbell, Executive Director, Department of State's Attorneys & Sheriffs
Courtney Farrell, Director, Lund Residential and Community Services
Brian Grearson, Chief Superior Judge, Vermont Superior Court
Jolinda LaClair, Director of Drug Prevention Policy, Governor's Opioid Coordination Council
Marshall Pahl, Appellate and Juvenile Defender, Defender General's Office
Karen Shea, Deputy Commissioner, Family Services Division, Department for Children and Families
John Campbell, Executive Director, Department of State's Attorneys & Sheriffs
- 2:45 PM
Update on Act 11 CHINS system-wide reform group meetings
Brian Grearson, Chief Superior Judge, Vermont Superior Court
Marshall Pahl, Appellate and Juvenile Defender, Defender General's Office
James Pepper, Deputy State's Attorney, Department of State's Attorneys & Sheriffs
Ken Schatz, Commissioner, Department for Children and Families
Brian Grearson, Chief Superior Judge, Vermont Superior Court
- 3:10 PM
Thursday, November 8, 2018
Meeting Details
- Hearing Type
- Standard
Meeting Record
- 10:00 AM
Joint Meeting with Justice Oversight Committee
Act 201, Sec 12 Report: Expanding Juvenile Justice
Lindy Boudreau, Juvenile Justice Director, Department for Children and Families
John Campbell, Executive Director, Department of State's Attorneys & Sheriffs
Dale Cook, Field Services Director, Department of Corrections
Brian Grearson, Chief Superior Judge, Vermont Superior Court
Marshall Pahl, Appellate and Juvenile Defender, Defender General's Office
Dawn Sanborn, Trial Court Operations Program Manager, Court Administrator's Office
Karen Vastine, Senior Advisor to the Commissioner, Department for Children and Families
Lindy Boudreau, Juvenile Justice Director, Department for Children and Families
- 12:00 PM
Wednesday, December 12, 2018
Meeting Details
- Hearing Type
- Standard
Meeting Record
- 1:00 PM
CHINS Cases System Wide Reform
Act 11 Sec C 106 Report
Hon Brian Grearson, Chief Superior Judge, Court Administrator's Office
Erica Marthage, State's Attorney, Bennington County
Marshall Pahl, Appellate and Juvenile Defender, Defender General's Office
James Pepper, Deputy State's Attorney, Department of State's Attorneys & Sheriffs
Karen Vastine, Senior Advisor to the Commissioner, Department for Children and Families
Hon Brian Grearson, Chief Superior Judge, Court Administrator's Office
- 2:00 PM
Tuesday, January 8, 2019
Meeting Details
- Hearing Type
- Standard
Meeting Record
- 1:00 PM
CHINS Reform Work Group Report
Larry Crist, Executive Director, Vermont Parent Representation Center
Hon Brian Grearson, Chief Superior Judge, Court Administrator's Office
Rep. Michael Mrowicki, Case Aide, DSC-Family Services Division
Marshall Pahl, Appellate and Juvenile Defender, Defender General's Office
James Pepper, Deputy State's Attorney, Department of State's Attorneys & Sheriffs
Karen Vastine, Senior Advisor to the Commissioner, Department for Children and Families
Larry Crist, Executive Director, Vermont Parent Representation Center
- 4:00 PM