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2013-2014 Session

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Vermont Child Poverty Council

Report submitted Annually


Previous Meetings - Full Report

Summary Report

Friday, September 20, 2013
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
13-1, 2, 3
Meeting Record
1:00 PM


1:20 PM

Election of Chair and Vice Chair

or Election of Co-chairs

1:25 PM

Review of Council Charge

  • Jennifer Carbee, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
1:45 PM

Review of Minutes and Reoprt

Minutes and Report from last meeting

  • Jennifer Carbee, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
2:45 PM

Council Discussion and Next Steps

3:45 PM

Public Comment

4:00 PM


Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
13-4, 5, 6
Meeting Record
9:00 AM

Progress on Eliminating Child Poverty in Vermont

Update on Council's 2009 Recommendations, background of AHS work on child poverty, AHS recommendations for future work

  • Doug Racine, Secretary, Agency of Human Services
11:00 AM

Progress on Eliminating Child Poverty in Vermont

Description of organization's work on child poverty in Vermont in response to Council’s 2009 Recommendations

  • Sarah Carpenter, Director, Vermont Housing Finance Agency
  • Barbara Donovan, Public Transit Administrator, Agency of Transportation
  • Lisa Gosselin, Commissioner, Department of Economic Development
  • Jennifer Hollar, Deputy Commissioner, Department of Economic, Housing & Community Development
12:00 PM

Committee Discussion

Next steps and division of action items

12:30 PM


Thursday, November 14, 2013
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
13-7, 8, 9
Meeting Record
9:00 AM

Briefing on the Day's Agenda

  • Tess Taylor, Chair, Vermont Child Poverty Council
9:15 AM

Governor's Early Childhood Framework

Overview and Opportunities for Collaboration with Council

  • Kim Friedman, Summit Planner, Governor's Early Childhood Summit
  • Aly Richards, Dir. of Special Projects & Intergovernmental Affairs, Office of the Governor
10:10 AM

Subcommittee Report

Report of the Transportation Subcommittee

11:00 AM

Subcommittee Report

Report of the Housing/ Homelessness Subcommittee

  • Diana Arnell, Law Clerk, Office of Legislative Council
10:15 AM

Subcommittee Report

Report of the Health Subcommittee

10:30 AM

Subcommittee Report

Report of the Workforce & Education Subcommittee

10:50 AM

Subcommittee Report

Report of the Child Care Subcommittee

12:00 PM


Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
13-10, 11, 12
Meeting Record
9:00 AM

Traffic Fines

Payment alternatives for traffic fines

  • Willa Farrell, Court Diversion Director, Vermont Court Diversion
  • Helena Gardner, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
  • Gabrielle Lapointe, Clerk of the Court, Judicial Bureau
  • Michael Pratt, Chief Hearing Officer, Judicial Bureau
10:00 AM

H.208 - An act relating to absence from work for health care and safety

  • Daniel Barrow, Public Policy Manager, Vermont Businesses for Social Responsibility
  • Tasha Wallis, Executive Director, Vermont Retail Association
10:20 AM

Childhood Homelessness

Review of Draft Policy Resolution in Ending Childhood Homelessness

  • Diana Arnell, Law Clerk, Office of Legislative Council
10:40 AM

S.35 - An act relating to establishing and regulating licensed dental practitioners

  • Vaughn Collins, Executive Director, Vermont State Dental Association
  • Ellen Grimes, Vermont Technical College
  • Peter Youngbaer, The People's Health & Wellness Clinic
11:40 AM

Council Charge

Review of Draft Bill on Amending the Council's Charge

  • Katie McLinn, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
11:45 AM

Committee Discussion

Legislative Priorities, Council Actions re: credit repair and asset building program

12:00 PM


Friday, May 2, 2014
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
12:00 PM

Council Discussion

Council Elections


Legislative Update

Update on the Council's recommendations to the Legislature

Tuesday, July 1, 2014
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
14-2, 3, 4
Meeting Record
9:00 AM

Review Recommendations

Legislative actions taken on 2013 Council recommendations

  • Katie McLinn, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
9:50 AM

Act 166. An act relating to providing access to publicly funded prekindergarten education.

Overview of Act 166

  • Donna Russo-Savage, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
10:15 AM


10:30 AM

S.35 - An act relating to establishing and regulating licensed dental practitioners

Overview and strategies for next session

  • Carlen Finn, Director, Voices for Vermont's Children
  • BetsyAnn Wrask, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
11:00 AM

Universal Children's Savings Account

  • Paul Dragon, Chief Administrator, Office of Econ. Opportunity, Office of Economic Opportunity, Department for Children and Families
  • Sarah Phillips, Community Services Administrator, Office of Economic Opportunity
  • Anthony Poore, Senior Community Development Analyst, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
  • Richard Westman, Director of College Investment Plan, Vermont Student Assistance Corporation
12:00 PM

Vermont Child Poverty Council Subcommittees

Overview and discussion of current subcommittees

12:45 PM

Future Meeting Planning

12:50 PM


Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
14-5, 6, 7
Meeting Record
8:30 AM

Subcommittee Meetings

Housing Subcommittee- Room 7 (Senate Institutions)
Nutrition Subcommittee- Room 17 (Senate Health and Welfare)

9:30 AM

Children in Poverty

Vermont Poverty Law Fellowship and Low-income Education in Vermont

  • Jay Diaz, Poverty Law Project Fellow, Vermont Legal Aid
10:00 AM

Dental Therapists

Overview of Minnesota's Dental Therapist Program

  • Christy Jo Fogarty, Advanced Dental Therapist, Children's Dental Services, Minnesota
  • Beth Nolan, Outreach and Project Coordinator, Voices for Vermont Children
  • Emily Pietig, D.D.S., Children's Dental Services
  • Mark Schoenbaum, Director, Office of Rural Health and Primary Care, Minnesota Department of Health
10:45 AM

Earned Sick Days

  • Mary Claire Carroll, Member, Vermont Paid Sick Days Coalition
  • Carlen Finn, Director, Voices for Vermont's Children
11:00 AM

Nutrition Assistance

Childhood Nutrition and the School Lunch Program

  • Paul Dragon, Chief Administrator, Office of Econ. Opportunity, Office of Economic Opportunity & Temporary Aid to Needy Families, Agency of Human Services
  • Marissa Parisi, Executive Director, Hunger Free Vermont
11:30 AM

Subcommittee Meetings

Economic Security and Empowerment Subcommittee- Room 17 (Senate Health and Welfare)
Education Subcommittee- Room 7 (Senate Institutions)

12:45 PM


Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
14-8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Meeting Record
12:30 PM

Subcommittee Meetings

Housing and Homelessness Subcommittee , Room 7 (Senate Institutions)
Topics TBD

Health and Nutrition Subcommittee, Room 17 (Senate Health and Welfare)
Topics TBD

1:30 PM

Runaway Youth and Homelessness

  • Amanda Churchill, Director, Youth Development Program, Washington County Youth Services Bureau/Boys and Girls Club
  • Dana Lawrence, Department for Children and Families
  • Sarah Phillips, Community Services Administrator, Office of Economic Opportunity
  • Kreig Pinkham, Director, Washington County Youth Services Bureau/Boys and Girls Club
  • Calvin Smith, Director, Vermont Coalition of Runaway and Homeless Youth Programs
2:30 PM

Workforce Development

Boys and Girls Club Vergennes

  • Danielle Kane, At-Risk Youth Case Manager, Department of Labor
  • Rose Lucenti, Workforce Development Director, Department of Labor
3:00 PM

Prekindergarten Education

Act 166 Rulemaking Update

  • Karin Edwards, Director, Student Support, Agency of Education
  • Manuela Fonseca, School Support/Early Education Coordinator, Agency of Education
  • Reeva Murphy, Deputy Commissioner, Child Development Division, Department for Children & Families
3:30 PM

Subcommittee Meetings

Economic Security and Empowerment Subcommittee- Room 17 (Senate Health and Welfare)
Topics TBD

Education Subcommittee- Room 7 (Senate Institutions)
Topics TBD

4:30 PM


Friday, October 17, 2014
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
14-13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19
Meeting Record
12:30 PM

Subcommittee Meetings

1:30 PM

Asset Development

  • Denise Mason, Director, Economic Development Program, Southeastern Vermont Community Action
  • Sarah Phillips, Community Services Administrator, Vermont Office of Economic Opportunity
  • Jim White, Director Financial Futures Program, Champlain Valley Office of Economic Opportunity
2:30 PM

Financial Literacy

  • Beth Pearce, State Treasurer, Office of the State Treasurer
3:00 PM

Runaway Youth and Homelessness

  • Mark Redmond, Executive Director, Spectrum Youth and Family Services
3:30 PM

Subcommittee Meetings

Friday, November 21, 2014
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
14-20A, 20B, 21
Meeting Record
12:15 PM

Subcommittee Meetings

1:15 PM

Disciplinary Standards

  • Jay Diaz, Poverty Law Project Fellow, Vermont Legal Aid
  • Tracy Harris, Agency of Education
  • Karen Price, Family Support Director, Vermont Family Network
2:15 PM

Access to Services for Youth Aging Out of Foster Care

  • Charlie Biss, Director of the Children, Adolescent and Family Unit, Department of Mental Health
  • Dana Lawrence, Family Services Practice and Policy Specialist, Department for Children and Families
2:45 PM

Let's Grow Kids

  • Robyn Freedner-Maguire, Campaign Director, Let's Grow Kids
3:00 PM

Vermont Child Poverty Council Report

  • Linda Ryan, Co-Chair, Pathways From Poverty
3:15 PM

Subcommittee Meetings

4:15 PM


Tuesday, December 16, 2014
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
14-22, 23
Meeting Record
9:30 AM

Subcommittee Reports

Housing and Homelessness Subcommittee
Education Subcommittee
Economic Security and Empowerment Subcommittee
Health and Nutrition Subcommittee

11:30 AM

Committee Discussion

12:30 PM
