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2013-2014 Session

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Health Care Oversight Committee

Formerly the Health Access Oversight Committee, changed July 1, 2012

The Health Care Oversight Committee shall monitor, oversee, and provide a continuing review of health care and human services programs in Vermont when the General Assembly is not in session, including programs and initiatives related to mental health, substance abuse treatment, and health care reform.


Previous Meetings - Full Report

Summary Report

Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
13-1, 2, 3, 4
Meeting Record
11:00 AM

Election of Chair and Vice Chair

11:05 AM

Health Care Delivery Systems

Context, update, and critique; Integration with substance abuse and mental health needs
Handout: Vermont Blueprint for Health: Community Networks of Health Services
Handout: Vermont Blueprint for Health 2012 Annual Report

  • Brian Erickson, MA, Attending Physician, Center for Pain Medicine, Fletcher Allen Health Care
  • Penrose Jackson, Director, Community Health Improvement, Fletcher Allen Health Care
  • Craig Jones, Director, Blueprint for Health, Department of Vermont Health Access (DVHA)
12:00 PM

Payroll System Tutorial

12:15 PM


1:00 PM

Review of Committee Charge

  • Jennifer Carbee, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
1:10 PM

Health Care Oversight Committee Report

Review of past 2 years' recommendations
HANDOUT: Summary of Recommendations from 2011 HAOC Report and 2012 HCOC Report

  • Jennifer Carbee, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
  • Paul Harrington, Executive Vice-President, Vermont Medical Society
  • Nolan Langweil, Senior Fiscal Analyst, Joint Fiscal Office
1:30 PM

Health Benefit Exchange

Review of populations purchasing through the Exchange, coverage, and financial assistance available; Information for Small Businesses; Readiness for October 2013; Review of DII evaluation and role
Handout: Vermont Health Connect Update (powerpoint)
Handout: 11 Quick Facts about Health Insurance for Small Businesses in Vermont
Handout: For Employers: How to Count to 50
Handout: Employer Responsibility Penalty
Handout: Standardized Plan Designs Preliminary Rates 4/1/2013 DRAFT
Handout: Statewide Navigator Organizations

  • Richard Boes, Commissioner, Department of Information & Innovation
  • Michael Costa, Deputy Director of Health Care Reform- Finance, Agency of Administration
  • Paul Harrington, Executive Vice-President, Vermont Medical Society
  • Robin Lunge, Director of Health Care Reform, Agency of Administration
3:00 PM

Payment Reform

Cost saving measures, progress update, plans, expectations vs. realized savings
Handout: Update on Payment Reform and State Innovation Model Project

  • Georgia Maheras, Executive Director, Green Mountain Care Board
  • Anya Rader Wallack, Chair, Green Mountain Care Board
4:00 PM

Future Meeting Planning

Topics for next agendas:
1) Choices for Care/Long term care
2) Dual Eligibles Project
3) Substance Abuse Treatment
4) Developmental Services Programs
5) Adult Protective Services
6) New Office of Health Care Advocate

4:15 PM


Thursday, August 8, 2013
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
13-5, 6, 7, 8
Meeting Record
9:00 AM

Committee Business

Committee Information Page and iPads

  • Albert Coccagna, User Support Specialist, Office of Legislative Council
  • Jonathan Dao, User Support Specialist, Office of Legislative Council
9:15 AM

Health Benefit Exchange

Public outreach; Eligibility Determinations; Federal Compliance

  • Mark Larson, Commissioner, Department of Vermont Health Access (DVHA)
10:15 AM

Dual Eligible Project

Dual Eligible Project Update and Relationship to Payment Reform

  • Al Gobeille, Chair, Green Mountain Care Board
  • Mark Larson, Commissioner, Department of Vermont Health Access (DVHA)
10:45 AM

Green Mountain Care Board

Board Update

  • Al Gobeille, Chair, Green Mountain Care Board
  • Georgia Maheras, Executive Director, Green Mountain Care Board
11:45 AM

Health Care Ombudsman - Report and Update

Handout: April-June 2013 Quarterly Report

  • Trinka Kerr, Health Care Ombudsman, Office of Health Care Ombudsman
12:00 PM


1:00 PM

Adult Protective Services

Update- 2012 HCOC recommendations; Act 46 reporting requirements
Handout: H.105- Quarterly Report Memo for April thru June 2013
Handout: H.105- FY13 4th Quarter Report

  • Jennifer Carbee, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
  • Veda Lyon, Adult Protective Services Chief, Department of Disabilities, Aging & Independent Living
  • Jackie Majoros, Long Term Care Ombudsman, Vermont Legal Aid
  • Susan Wehry, Commissioner, Department of Disabilities, Aging & Independent Living
2:00 PM

Choices for Care

Review of 2013 legislation; Update from DAIL

  • Katie McLinn, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
  • Susan Wehry, Commissioner, Department of Disabilities, Aging & Independent Living
2:30 PM

Public Comment

  • Dale Hackett, Consumer
  • Michael Sirotkin, Lobbyist, Patient Choices Vermont
2:45 PM

Future Meeting Planning

1) Substance Abuse Treatment (including NCSL Substance Abuse Council)
2) Public and Community Health
3) General Assistance and Reach Up
4) Health Benefit Exchange Update
5) Green Mountain Care Board Update
6) Health Care Ombudsman Update

3:00 PM


Thursday, September 12, 2013
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
13-9, 10, 11, 12, 13
Meeting Record
8:30 AM

I-pad Training Follow-up

  • Albert Coccagna, User Support Specialist, Office of Legislative Council
9:00 AM

Health Benefit Exchange

Exchange Readiness

  • Mark Larson, Commissioner, Department of Vermont Health Access (DVHA)
9:45 AM

Public Health

Prevention activities, substance abuse treatment/prevention

  • Barbara Cimaglio, Deputy Commissioner, Alcohol and Drug Abuse Program, Dept. of Health
  • Tracy Dolan, Deputy Commissioner, Department of Health
  • Karen Garbarino, Director, Children's Integrated Services, Agency of Human Services
  • Kate O'Neill, Tobacco Use Prevention Education Program Coordinator, Agency of Education
11:45 AM

Public Comment

  • Todd Centybear, Director, HowardCenter
  • David Mickenberg, Lobbyist, Drug Policy Alliance Network
  • Julie Tessler, Director, Vermont Council of Developmental and Mental Health Services
12:00 PM


1:00 PM

Choices for Care

  • Sue Chase, Vermont Association of Adult Day Services (VAADS)
  • Peter Cobb, Director, VT Assembly of Home Health and Hospice Agencies
  • Judy Peterson, President and CEO, Visiting Nurse Association of Chittenden and Grand Isle Counties
  • Sandy Rousse, President and CEO, Central Vermont Home Health and Hospice
  • Susan Wehry, Commissioner, Department of Disabilities, Aging & Independent Living
2:15 PM

Adult Protective Services

  • Jackie Majoros, Long Term Care Ombudsman, Vermont Legal Aid
  • Ed Paquin, Director, Disability Rights Vermont
  • Barbara Prine, Attorney, Vermont Legal Aid
  • Susan Wehry, Commissioner, Department of Disabilities, Aging & Independent Living
3:00 PM

Committee Discussion

General discussion, agendas for future meetings

3:15 PM


Thursday, October 3, 2013
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
13-14, 15, 16, 17, 18
Meeting Record
9:00 AM

Payment Reform

Payment reform overview, SIM Grant, Medicare ACO, Medicaid ACO
Handout: Proposed Medicaid Shared Savings ACO Program Requirements-Anya Radar Wallack
Handout: September 25th Medicaid ACO letter-Sen. Lyons and Rep. Krowinski
Handout: September 25th Medicaid ACO letter response-Anya Radar Wallack
Handout: Vermont SIM Grant Governance-Anya Radar Wallack
Handout: Powerpoint- Update on Payment Reform Activities, State Innovation Model Project and Medicaid Payment Reforms-Gobeille, Wallack and Larson

  • Al Gobeille, Chair, Green Mountain Care Board
  • Mark Larson, Commissioner, Department of Vermont Health Access (DVHA)
  • Robin Lunge, Director of Health Care Reform, Agency of Administration
  • Georgia Maheras, Executive Director, Green Mountain Care Board
  • Richard Slusky, Director of Payment Reform, Green Mountain Care Board
  • Anya Rader Wallack, Ph.D, Chair, Vermont State Innovation Model (SIM) Core Team
11:15 AM

Health Benefit Exchange

Handout: Health Care Oversight Presentation-Mark Larson

  • Mark Larson, Commissioner, Department of Vermont Health Access (DVHA)
  • Robin Lunge, Director of Health Care Reform, Agency of Administration
11:45 AM

Public Comment

  • Trinka Kerr, Health Care Ombudsman, Office of Health Care Ombudsman
12:00 PM


1:00 PM

Choices for Care

Handout: Choices for Care written testimony- Susan Wehry

  • Susan Wehry, Commissioner, Department of Disabilities, Aging & Independent Living
1:30 PM

Blueprint for Health

Handout: Blueprint Update Presentation October 2013- Craig Jones

  • Craig Jones, Director, Blueprint for Health, Department of Vermont Health Access (DVHA)
  • Beth Tanzman, Assistant Director, Blueprint for Health, Department of Vermont Health Access
2:30 PM

Future Meeting Planning

Preparation for joint meeting with Mental Health Oversight Committee on November 8th
Handout: HCOC and MHOC joint meeting charge-Katie McLinn

  • Katie McLinn, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
2:45 PM

Committee Discussion

3:00 PM


Thursday, November 14, 2013
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
13-19, 20, 21, 22, 23
Meeting Record
9:00 AM

Health Care Reform Financing Plan

Avalere Report

  • Bob Atlas, Vice President, Avalere Health, LLC
  • Bea Grause, President and CEO, Vermont Association of Hospitals and Health Systems
  • Eric Hammelman, Avalere Health, LLC
  • Paul Harrington, Executive Vice-President, Vermont Medical Society
10:00 AM

Vermont Information Technology Leaders (VITL)

  • John Evans, CEO, Vermont Information Technology Leaders (VITL)
  • Dr. Kate McIntosh, Medical Director, Vermont Information Technology Leaders (VITL)
11:00 AM

Health Benefit Exchange

  • Mark Larson, Commissioner, Department of Vermont Health Access (DVHA)
12:00 PM


1:00 PM


Agency errors, recoupment, federal cuts to SNAP and federal sanctions

  • Richard Giddings, Deputy Commissioner, Department for Children and Families
  • David Yacovone, Commissioner, Department for Children and Families
2:00 PM

Health Care Oversight Committee Report

Committee Discussion

  • Jennifer Carbee, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council

Public Comment

3:30 PM


Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
13-24, 25, 26, 27
Meeting Record
9:00 AM

Health Benefit Exchange

  • Richard Boes, Commissioner, Department of Information & Innovation
  • Mark Larson, Commissioner, Department of Vermont Health Access (DVHA)
9:45 AM

Joint Committee Report

Health Care Oversight and Mental Health Oversight Committee Report

  • Katie McLinn, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
10:30 AM

Tobacco Trust Fund

  • Stephanie Barrett, Associate Fiscal Officer, Joint Fiscal Office
  • Stephen Morabito, Administrator, Vermont Tobacco Evaluation and Review Board
  • Rebecca Ryan, Director, Health Promotion and Public Policy, American Lung Association of the Northeast
  • Rhonda Williams, Department of Health
11:15 AM

Health Care Oversight Committee Report

Topics covered during the Legislative Interim

  • Jennifer Carbee, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
12:00 PM


1:00 PM

Health Care Oversight Committee Report

Committee Discussion


Public Comment

3:30 PM


Thursday, June 12, 2014
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
14-1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Meeting Record
9:00 AM

Committee Charge and Discussion

Review of Health Care Oversight Committee, Health Reform Oversight Committee, Child Protection Committee and Vermont Child Poverty Committee charges

  • Jennifer Carbee, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
10:00 AM

Legislative Update

Review of reports due to Health Care Oversight Committee & Bills Passed in 2014

  • Jennifer Carbee, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
10:15 AM

Green Mountain Care Board

  • Al Gobeille, Chair, Green Mountain Care Board
11:15 AM

SIM Grant

  • Georgia Maheras, Project Director, Vermont Health Care Innovation Project
12:00 PM


1:00 PM

Department for Children and Families

Reach Up caseload savings; 3Squares Vermont; Integrated Family Services

  • Sean Brown, Deputy Commissioner, Department for Children and Families
  • Andy Lange, Fraud Unit Chief, Department for Children and Families
  • David Yacovone, Commissioner, Department for Children and Families
2:15 PM

Health Benefit Exchange

  • Nolan Langweil, Senior Fiscal Analyst, Joint Fiscal Office
  • Lawrence Miller, Senior Advisor to the Governor, Chief of Health Care Reform
  • Lindsey Tucker, Deputy Commissioner for the Exchange, Department of Vermont Health Access (DVHA)
3:00 PM

Public Comment


Future Meeting Planning

Agenda topics and meeting dates

3:30 PM


Thursday, July 24, 2014
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
14-6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Meeting Record
9:00 AM


  • Catherine Benham, Associate Fiscal Officer, Joint Fiscal Office
  • Joyce Manchester, Joint Fiscal Office
9:10 AM

Health Care Reform Economic Analysis


  • Stephen Klein, Chief Legislative Fiscal Officer, Joint Fiscal Office
  • Robin Lunge, Director of Health Care Reform, Agency of Administration
9:30 AM

Vermont Health Care Claims Uniform Reporting and Evaluation System (VHCURES)

Vermont State Auditor's Report

  • Al Gobeille, Chair, Green Mountain Care Board
  • Doug Hoffer, State Auditor, State Auditor's Office
  • Jill Olson, Vice President of Policy & Legislative Affairs, Vermont Association of Hospitals and Health Systems
  • Andrew Stein, Executive Assistant, State Auditor's Office
10:15 AM

Reach Up

Budget for Caseload Savings

  • David Yacovone, Commissioner, Department for Children and Families
10:45 AM

Protecting Children from Abuse and Neglect

Network of Protection

  • Dixie Henry, Deputy Secretary, Agency of Human Services
  • Erin Maguire, Executive Director of Student Support Services, Chittenden Central Supervisory Union
  • Karen Shea, Child Protection & Field Operations Director, Department for Children and Families
11:30 AM

Office of Health Care Advocate

Quarterly Report

  • Trinka Kerr, Chief Health Care Advocate, Office of the Health Care Advocate
12:00 PM


1:00 PM

Adult Protective Services

Quarterly Reports

  • Susan Wehry, Commissioner, Department of Disabilities, Aging & Independent Living
2:00 PM


Introduction of New Vice President at MVP Healthcare

  • Andrew Garland, Vice President, MVP Healthcare
2:15 PM

Committee Recommendations

Act 179 of 2014 Health Care Oversight Committee Charge

  • Nolan Langweil, Senior Fiscal Analyst, Joint Fiscal Office
  • Katie McLinn, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
  • Sen. Michael Sirotkin

Public Comment

3:30 PM


Thursday, September 18, 2014
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
14-11, 12, 13, 14
Meeting Record
9:00 AM

Health Benefit Exchange

Timeline and Status Update

  • Lawrence Miller, Senior Advisor to the Governor, Chief of Health Care Reform
9:45 AM

Health Benefit Exchange

Access to Health Care

  • Paul Harrington, Executive Vice-President, Vermont Medical Society
  • Trinka Kerr, Chief Health Care Advocate, Office of the Health Care Advocate
10:30 AM

Protecting Children from Abuse and Neglect

  • Sen. Claire Ayer
  • Joe Hagan, M.D., clinical Professor in Pediatrics, University of Vermont College of Medicine and the Vermont Children’s Hospital
  • Sheila Reed, Associate Director, Voices for Vermont's Children
  • Kenneth Schatz, Commissioner, Department for Children and Families
12:00 PM


1:00 PM

Agency of Human Services

Transition and Budget Update

  • Harry Chen, Acting Secretary, Agency of Human Services
2:00 PM

Wellness for Vermonters

  • Harry Chen, Acting Secretary, Agency of Human Services
2:30 PM

Support and Services at Home (SASH)

  • Molly Dugan, Director, Support and Services at Home (SASH)
3:15 PM

Public Comment


Committee Discussion

3:30 PM


Thursday, October 16, 2014
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
14-15, 16, 17, 18
Meeting Record
9:30 AM

Choices for Care

  • Jackie Majoros, Long Term Care Ombudsman, Vermont Legal Aid
  • David Mickenberg, Lobbyist, COVE
  • Susan Wehry, Commissioner, Department of Disabilities, Aging & Independent Living
11:00 AM

Medical Malpractice

  • Robin Lunge, Director of Health Care Reform, Agency of Administration
11:15 AM

SIM Grant

  • Erin Flynn, Senior Policy Advisor, Vermont Health Care Innovation Project
  • Georgia Maheras, Project Director, Vermont Health Care Innovation Project
11:45 AM

Health Benefit Exchange

  • Lawrence Miller, Senior Advisor to the Governor, Chief of Health Care Reform
12:15 PM


1:00 PM

Health Care Oversight Committee Report

  • Jennifer Carbee, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
2:00 PM

Health Care Oversight Committee

  • Sen. Claire Ayer, Vice Chair, Mental Health Oversight Committee
  • Jennifer Carbee, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
  • Katie McLinn, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council

Public Comment

2:30 PM


Thursday, November 20, 2014
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
14-19, 20, 21, 22, 23
Meeting Record
10:00 AM

Emergency Preparedness

  • Chris Bell, Vermont Emergency Medical Services Director, Department of Health
  • Tracy Dolan, Acting Commissioner, Department of Health
  • Patsy Kelso, Ph.D, State Epidemiologist, Department of Health
10:45 AM

Toxin Free Families Act

  • David Englander, Senior Policy and Legal Advisor, Department of Health
11:15 AM

Reach Ahead and 3SquaresVT

  • Sean Brown, Deputy Commissioner, Economic Services Division, Department for Children and Families
  • Andy Lange, Fraud Unit Chief, Department for Children and Families
  • Heidi Moreau, Policy Analyst, Department for Children and Families
  • Kenneth Schatz, Commissioner, Department for Children and Families
  • Tricia Tyo, Reach Up Director, Department for Children and Families
12:00 PM


1:00 PM

Substance Abuse Treatment

  • Barbara Cimaglio, Deputy Commissioner, Alcohol and Drug Abuse Program, Dept. of Health
  • T.J. Donovan, Vermont State's Attorney, Chittenden County State's Attorneys
  • Aaron French, Deputy Commissioner, Health Services and Managed Care, Department of Vermont Health Access
  • Penrose Jackson, Director of Community Health Improvement, University of Vermont Medical Center
  • Javad Mashkuri, M.D., Emergency Department Physician, Central Vermont Medical Center
  • Michael E. Schirling, Chief of Police, Burlington Police Department
2:00 PM

Health Care Oversight Committee

  • Jennifer Carbee, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
2:30 PM

Health Benefit Exchange

  • Lawrence Miller, Senior Advisor to the Governor, Chief of Health Care Reform
3:30 PM

Public Comment

  • Trinka Kerr, Chief Health Care Advocate, Office of the Health Care Advocate
3:45 PM


Thursday, December 11, 2014
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
14-24, 25
Meeting Record
9:00 AM

Health Benefit Exchange

Update- open enrollment and change of circumstance

  • Lawrence Miller, Senior Advisor to the Governor, Chief of Health Care Reform
10:00 AM

Health Care Oversight Committee Report

  • Jennifer Carbee, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council

Public Comment

  • Peter Cobb, Director, VT Assembly of Home Health and Hospice Agencies
  • John Michael Hall, Executive Director, Champlain Valley Area Agency on Aging
12:00 PM


1:00 PM

Health Care Oversight Committee Report

  • Jennifer Carbee, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
3:00 PM
