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2011-2012 Session

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Biomass Energy Development Working Group

Report delivered on January 17, 2012


Previous Meetings - Full Report

Summary Report

Thursday, February 17, 2011
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Report to Legislature-House Chamber
Meeting Record
9:00 AM

Report to the Legislature

Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
11-07, 08, 09
Meeting Record
1:00 PM


1:00 Convene; review and approve previous meetings' Minutes
1:15 Report of recent harvest practices research (in N. New England and New York)-Bill Keeton
2:15 Update on the Dept. of Public Service’s Comprehensive Energy Plan-George Nagle
2:45 Discussion of subcommittees’ work plans
3:45 Review of report time line; scheduling of future meetings

Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
11-10, 11
Meeting Record
12:10 PM

Review Unassigned issues from 2011 interim report

memo from Legislative Counsel dated May 24, 2011

  • Aaron Adler, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
12:30 PM

Sub-group update

12:45 PM

Comprehensive Energy Plan

  • George Nagle, Department of Public Service
1:00 PM

Joint Meeting

This meeting will provide an opportunity for stakeholders to present comments to the Working Group and the DPS on issues related to biomass, including energy conversion efficiency standards for biomass facilities and the role of woody biomass in the DPS Comprehensive Energy Plan.

  • Barry Bernstein, Better World Systems LLC
  • Carl Bielenberg, Gazogen, Inc.
  • Peter Condaxis, Montpelier
  • Ed Delhagen, Facilitator and Energy Programs Specialist, Department of Public Service
  • David Ellenbogen, Vice Chair, Sierra Club, Vermont Chapter
  • Tom Emero, Co-Founder, Beaver Wood Energy
  • Jeff Forward, Forward Thinking Consultants, LLC
  • David Frank, Founder, SunWood Biomass Systems
  • Tim Maker, Community Biomass Systems
  • William Moomaw, Director, Center for International Environment and Resource Policy, Tufts University
  • Netaka White, Biofuels Director, Vermont Sustainable Jobs Fund
3:30 PM


Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
11-12, 13
Meeting Record
1:05 PM

Comprehensive Energy Plan


  • George Nagle, Department of Public Service
1:15 PM

Subcommittee Updates

Enhancement and development committee work plan, update, and draft recommendations to date

  • Nick Dubois, Avatar Energy
  • Tom Emero, Co-Founder, Beaver Wood Energy
  • Chris Recchia, Deputy Secretary, Agency of Natural Resources
2:00 PM

Subcommittee Updates

Forest health subcommittee update and draft recommendations on items 1 through 3 of its work plan

  • Tom Emero, Co-Founder, Beaver Wood Energy
  • Jamey Fidel, Forest Program Director, Vermont Natural Resources Council
  • Paul Frederick, Forest, Parks and Recreation
  • Bill Kropelin
  • Michael Snyder, Commissioner, Forest, Parks and Recreation
2:45 PM

Subcommittee Updates

Modeling committee update and draft recommendations on items 1 and 2 of its work plan

  • Robert Turner
3:30 PM

Final Report/Future Meetings

Timeline and scheduling of future meetings

4:00 PM


Thursday, August 25, 2011
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
11-14, 15, 16
Meeting Record
1:00 PM

Presentations from Industry Representatives

  • John Bootle, Renewable Energy Resources
  • Nick Dubois, Avatar Energy
  • Chris Flinn, Renewable Energy Resources
  • Jake Gross, Avatar Energy
  • Tom Tailer, Vermont Sustainable Heating Initiative
2:30 PM

Comprehensive Energy Plan Update

  • George Nagle, Department of Public Service
3:00 PM

Subcommittee Updates and Draft Recommendations

Enhancement and Development - 30 minutes; Forest Health - 30 minutes; Modeling - 30 minutes

  • Jamey Fidel, Member, Forest Health subcommittee
  • Bill Kropelin, Member, Forest Health subcommittee
  • Sam Miller, Member, Enhancement and Development subcommittee
  • Chris Recchia, Member, Enhancement and Development subcommittee
  • Robert Turner, Member, Modeling subcommittee
3:30 PM

Biomass Energy Committee Timelines

Scheduling of future meetings; public hearings; final report preparation

  • Aaron Adler, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
4:15 PM


Thursday, September 15, 2011
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
11-17, 18, 19
Meeting Record
1:00 PM

Convene, review and approve minutes

1:05 PM

Modeling Presentation

  • Robert Turner, Consulting Forester, Working Group member, Working Group Member
1:45 PM

Subcommittee Reports; discussion of recommendations to date

  • Bill Kropelin, Member, Forest Health subcommittee
  • Sam Miller, Member, Enhancement and Development subcommittee
3:15 PM

Discussion of Report's approach, if any, on greenhouse gas issues

  • Aaron Adler, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
4:00 PM


Thursday, October 6, 2011
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
11-14, 15, 16
Meeting Record
1:00 PM

Convene, review and approve minutes

1:05 PM

Subcommittee Recommendations

Enhancement and Development

  • Sam Miller, Member, Enhancement and Development subcommittee
1:55 AM

Subcommittee Recommendations

Forest Health

  • Bill Kropelin, Member, Forest Health subcommittee
2:45 PM

Subcommittee Recommendations


  • Robert Turner, Member, Modeling subcommittee
3:15 PM


Report preparation
1) Role of 2011 interim report
2) Format of 2012 report
3) Role of Greenhouse gas issue in report, if any
4) Summary

4:15 PM


Thursday, November 3, 2011
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
11-17, 18 and 19
Meeting Record
1:00 PM

Discussion of Draft Report

4:00 PM


Thursday, November 10, 2011
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
11-20, 21, 22, 23
Meeting Record
11:00 AM

Discussion of Draft Report

3:30 PM

Committee Discussion

Public Hearing Details

4:00 PM


Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
11-24, 25, 26
Meeting Record
1:00 PM

Discussion of Draft Report

CHP/other efficieny issues

1:45 PM

Discussion of Draft Report

Appendix A/Pros and Cons

2:15 PM


2:45 PM

Discussion of Draft Report

Review Enhancement and Development Section

3:00 PM

Discussion of Draft Report

Review recommendations

3:30 PM

Committee Discussion

Proposal to send report to the public- prepare for public hearings- Randolph or Montpelier

4:00 PM


Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Public Hearing
Meeting Record
7:00 PM

Public Comment

  • Barry Bernstein, Calais
  • Karl Bissex, Plainfield, VT
  • Putnam Blodgett, Waterbury
  • Lou Cadwell, Vershire
  • Greg Chase
  • Jesse-Ruth Corkins
  • David Frank, Fayston
  • Schuyler Gould
  • Steve Hardy
  • Steve Harvey
  • Rob Hollard
  • Ann Ingerson
  • Tim Maker, Community Biomass Systems
  • Mollie Matteson, Richmond
  • Josh Schlossberg, East Montpelier
  • Amy Schullenberger
  • Claire Stanley, Fair Haven
  • Claire Stanley
  • George Stannard, Fair Haven
  • Phil Stannard, Sr., Phil, Fair Haven
  • Phil Stannard, Sr., Phil
  • Tom Taylor, Essex
  • Ted Verrill, Fair Haven
  • Jonathan Wood, Cambridge
  • Jonathan Wood
  • Irene Wrenner, Essex
  • Scott Zambon

Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
11-29, 30, 31
Meeting Record
10:00 PM

Convene, review and approve minutes

1:05 PM

Discussion of Draft Report

In light of Comments from Public Hearing of December 6, 2011

3:00 PM

Committee Discussion

4:00 PM


Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
12-1, 2, 3
Meeting Record
1:00 PM

Draft Report

Committee Discussion

Thursday, February 16, 2012
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
12-4, 5
Meeting Record
8:30 AM

Report to the Legislature

ROOM 11; Joint Hearing with Senate and House Natural Resources and Energy; House and Senate Agriculture Committees


Introduction and Welcome

  • Sen. Virginia "Ginny" Lyons, Co-Chair, Biomass Energy Development Working Group
8:35 AM

The Legislative Charge Given to the Biomass Energy Working Group

  • Aaron Adler, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
8:40 AM

Report Summary and Subgroup Introductions

  • Chris Recchia, Co-Chair, Biomass Energy Development Working Group
8:50 AM

Modeling Subgroup

  • Robert Turner, Member, Biomass Energy Development Working Group
9:00 AM

Forest Health Subgroup

  • Jamey Fidel, Member, Biomass Energy Development Working Group
  • Bill Kropelin, Member, Biomass Energy Development Working Group
9:10 AM

Enhancement and Development Subgroup

  • Chris Recchia, Co-Chair, Biomass Energy Development Working Group
9:20 AM

Questions and Answers

10:15 AM
