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2009 Special Session

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Commission on Higher Education Funding


Previous Meetings - Full Report

Summary Report

Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
09-1, 2
Meeting Record
4:05 PM

Report of the Critical Needs Committee (Changes to Compact)

Compact with the State of Vermont: a Ten-Year Target for Academic and Economic Vitality; Executive Summary (new draft document)

4:15 PM

Review and Potential Approval of the Critical Needs Subcommittee's Proposed Funding Recommendations

for FY 2010

4:20 PM

Committee Discussion - Higher Education Trust Fund Distributions

  • David Minot, Director, Treasurer's Office
4:30 PM

Discussion Regarding Recent Developments

5:30 PM


Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
1:00 PM

Convene, review and approve minutes

Minutes of February 4, 2009

1:05 PM

Election of Officers

1:10 PM

Report on the Vermont Higher Education Endowment Trust Fund, Title 16, Chapter 90, Sec. 2885

  • Stephen Wisloski, Director of Investment & Debt Management, Treasurer's Office
1:25 PM

Commission Vote: Release and amount of VT Higher Education Endowment Trust Funds: UVM, VSC and VSAC

1:30 PM

Committee Discussion - 2009-2010 Work Plan

(1) Federal Funding and ARRA; (2) Governor's Higher Education Task Force; (3) Act 38 (H.40) - Pre-Kindergarted to 12 and Higher Education Partnerships

2:20 PM

Committee Discussion - Update on Work of Critical Needs Subcommittee

Reappointment of Members of Critical Needs Subcommittee

2:40 PM

Committee Discussion

Status of the Compact with the State of Vermont

2:50 PM

Setting dates for next meeting

3:00 PM


Friday, October 16, 2009
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
09-4, 5
Meeting Record
9:30 AM

Historical Overview for New Members

  • Sally Fox, Vermont State Colleges
  • Donna Russo-Savage, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
10:00 AM

Approval of minutes

From September 25, 2009

10:05 AM

Treasurer's Office Update

Response to questions raised at the September 15th meeting

  • Jeb Spaulding, Treasurer, State of Vermont
10:35 AM

Partnerships Between the Higher Education community and the Pre-K-12 System

Update by the Act 38 Working Group

  • Susan Stitely, President, Association Vermont Independent Colleges
10:45 AM

Critical Needs

Subcommittee Report

  • Timothy Donovan, Vermont State College
11:00 AM

ARRA and Grant Application Update

Review Grant Application Matrix (submitted, awarded, denied)

  • Timothy Donovan, Vermont State College
  • Karen Meyer, Vice President, University of Vermont
11:15 AM

Federal Legislation and VSAC


  • Tom Little, Vice-President and General Counsel, Vermont Student Assistance Corporation
11:30 AM

The Future of Higher Education

Including the impact of technology on long-range planning - Commission to develop an agenda to be addressed at a future meeting

11:45 AM

Other Business

Date for Next Meeting

Monday, December 7, 2009
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
09-6, 7
Meeting Record
9:30 AM

Approval of minutes of October 16, 109 Meeting

9:35 AM

Federal Legislation - Update from UVM, VSC, and VSAC

  • Donald Vickers, President, Vermont Student Assistance Corporation
9:45 AM

Critical Needs Subcommittee - Public Presentation of the Compact

  • Timothy Donovan, Chancellor, Vermont State College
9:55 AM

Partnerships Between the Higher Education community and the Pre-K-12 System

Update from the Act 38 (H.405) Working Group

  • Karrin Wilks, Executive Vice President, Vermont State Colleges
10:50 AM

Committee Discussion

Keeping CHEF Relevant in the 21st Century

11:30 AM

Committee Discussion

Agenda for February 1st Meeting

12:00 PM


Monday, February 1, 2010
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
9:30 AM

To Be Announced

9:35 AM

Compact Roll Out

9:45 AM

Federal Legislation - Update from UVM, VSC, and VSAC

1. VSAC social networking, 2. Op-ed on VSAC and Direct Lending

10:10 AM

Review the Governor's higher education funding recommendation

Clarify FY10 one-time move of $5 million to base

10:15 AM

Pending legislation

10:45 AM

Upcoming events

11:00 AM


Monday, April 5, 2010
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
9:00 AM

To Be Announced