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2009 Special Session

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Senate Committee on Government Operations (Room 4)


Previous Meetings - Full Report

Summary Report

Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
10:00 AM

Ideas Pertaining to the Stimulus Package

  • Karen Horn, Vermont League of Cities and Towns
10:30 AM

Ideas Pertaining to the Stimulus Package

  • Deborah Markowitz, Secretary of State
11:00 AM

Ideas Pertaining to the Stimulus Package

  • Thomas Murray, Department of Information & Innovation
11:30 AM

Ideas Pertaining to the Stimulus Package

  • David Herlihy, Commissioner, Department of Human Resources
  • Jes Kraus, Director, Vermont State Employee Association
  • Andy Miller, Attorney

Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
9:00 AM

Overview and Goals

  • Roger Marcoux, Sheriff, Sheriffs Department
11:00 AM

Ideas Pertaining to the Stimulus Package

Storm Warning Procedure

  • Barbara Farr, Director
  • James Matteau, Executive Director, Windham Regional Commission
11:30 AM

Ideas Pertaining to the Stimulus Package

  • Robert Greemore, Court Administrator, Court Administrator's Office

Thursday, January 15, 2009
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
9:00 AM

Committee Discussion

Confirmation Process

9:30 AM

Committee Discussion

Committee Protocol

10:00 AM

Ideas Pertaining to the Stimulus Package

  • Jeb Spaulding, Treasurer, State of Vermont
11:00 AM

Issues Pertaining to Unemployment Benefits

  • Pat Moulton Powden, Commissioner, Department of Labor

Friday, January 16, 2009
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
10:00 AM

Retirement Issues

Unclaimed Property

  • Albert LaPerle, Director, Unclaimed Property Division, Treasurer's Office
  • William Rice, Legal Director, Treasurer's Office
  • Cynthia Webster, Director, Treasurer's Office
11:15 AM

New Archives Facility

  • Greg Sanford, State Archivist, Secretary of State

Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
9:00 AM

Election Issues

  • Alison Kaiser, Town Clerk, Town of Stowe
  • Karen Lafayette, City Of Burlington
  • Deborah Markowitz, Secretary of State
  • Karen Richards, Town Clerk - Treasurer
  • Rob Roper, Republican Party
  • Rep. David Zuckerman, Burlington
10:30 AM

Election Issues

  • Paul Burns, Executive Director, Vermont Public Interest Resource Group
  • Dale Hackette, Citizen
  • Julia Knox, Common Cause
  • Nick Sherman, Kimbell Sherman & Ellis

Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
11:00 AM


  • Neale Lunderville, Secretary, Agency of Administration
11:15 AM

Confirmation of Governor's Appointment

  • Susanne Young, Legal Counsel, Executive Department

Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
9:00 AM


  • Betsy Bishop, Commissioner, Department of Economic Development
10:30 AM


  • Bob Hooper, Vermont State Employee Association
  • Jes Kraus, Director, Vermont State Employee Association
  • Randy Mercurio, Citizen Representing himself and job lost
  • Molly Paulger, Agency of Administration

Thursday, January 29, 2009
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
09-CD in H. Govt. Ops
Meeting Record
9:00 AM

Joint Meeting

With House Govt. Operations

  • Michael O'Grady, Office of Legislative Council

Friday, January 30, 2009
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
9:30 AM

S.25 - An act relating to the repeal or revision of certain state agency reporting requirements

  • Otto Trautz, Director, Department of Finance & Management

Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
10:00 AM

Committee Discussion

10:30 AM

Governance Accountability

  • Rep. Pat McDonald, Representative
  • Sen. Diane Snelling, Senator
  • Rep. Donna Sweaney, Representative

Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
9:00 AM

S.28 - An act relating to the regulation of landscape architects

  • Peter Boemoig
  • Jim Donovan, Landscape Architect
  • Gorden Hayward, Landscape Designer
  • Julie Moir Messervy
  • David Raphael
  • Chris Winters, Director, Office of Professional Regulation
  • Scott Wunderle
10:30 AM

Job Losses

  • David Herlihy, Commissioner, Department of Human Resources
  • Laura Pelosi, Commissioner, Department of Environmental Conservation
  • Harold Schwartz, Director of Administrative Services, Department of Human Resources

Thursday, February 5, 2009
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
9:00 AM

S.34 - An act relating to the agreement among the states to elect the president by national popular vote

  • Chris Pearson
  • Rob Roper, Republican Party
  • Gail Zatz, Common Cause
10:15 AM

S.35 - An act relating to campaign finance

10:30 AM

S.35 - An act relating to campaign finance

  • Paul Burns, Executive Director, Vermont Public Interest Resource Group
  • Rob Roper, Republican Party

Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
10:30 AM

S.38 - An act relating to requiring the Department of Finance and Management to annually publish on its website a report on grants issued by executive branch agencies

  • Rilla Murray, Commissioner, Department of Information & Innovation
  • James Reardon, Commissioner, Department of Finance & Management
  • Greg Sanford, State Archivist, Secretary of State

Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
9:00 AM

S.57 - An act relating to municipal regulation of water capacity

  • Karen Horn, Director, Vermont League of Cities and Towns
9:45 AM

Retired State Employees

  • Joe Healy, President, Retired State Employees
10:30 AM

S.59 - An act relating to approval of expenditures for gifts

  • Sen. William H. Carris, Senator
11:15 AM

Committee Bill

Unclaimed Property

  • Albert LaPerle, Director, Treasurer's Office

Thursday, February 12, 2009
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
9:00 AM

S.35 - An act relating to campaign finance

  • James Bopp, Attorney, Bopp, Coleson, Bostrom
  • Eve Jacobs-Carnahan, Attorney General's Office
  • Brian Leven, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
10:30 AM

S.35 - An act relating to campaign finance

  • Kathleen DeWolfe, Director of Elections and Campaign Finance, Secretary of State

Friday, February 13, 2009
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
9:30 AM

Campaign Finance

Mark up and vote

10:00 AM

S.57 - An act relating to municipal regulation of water capacity

Mark-up and vote

10:30 AM

S.59 - An act relating to approval of expenditures for gifts

Mark-up and vote

Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
10:30 AM

Campaign Finance

11:15 AM

S.34 - An act relating to the agreement among the states to elect the president by national popular vote

11:30 AM

S.28 - An act relating to the regulation of landscape architects

If there is time

Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
9:00 AM

Law Enforcement Report

  • Rick Gauthier, Chief, Bennington Police Department
10:00 AM

Government Day

House and Senate Government Operations Committees will meet in the Senate Chambers with citizens

Thursday, February 19, 2009
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
9:00 AM

S.59 - An act relating to approval of expenditures for gifts

  • Christine Werneke, Agency of Commerce and Community Development
10:30 AM

Joint Assembly

5:00 PM

Law Enforcement Report

Joint meeting Of House and Senate Government Operations in Room 10 of the State house

Friday, February 20, 2009
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
9:00 AM

S.59 - An act relating to approval of expenditures for gifts

Committee Vote

9:30 AM

Election Issues

  • Michael Fisher, Representative, Lincoln
  • Deborah Markowitz, Vermont Secretary of State, Secretary of State
  • Tim Price, Concerned Citizen
  • Nick Sherman, Kimbell Sherman & Ellis
11:00 AM

S.49 - An act relating to opening the polls up to four days prior to the day of a general election

  • Sen. Robert M. Hartwell, Senator, Bennington County

Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
10:30 AM

Restructuring Agency of Commerce and Community Development

  • Steven Cook, Agency of Commerce and Community Development
  • Kevin Dorn, Secretary, Agency of Commerce and Community Development

Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
9:00 AM

Restructuring Agency of Commerce and Community Development

  • Beth Bhutan
  • Betsy Bishop, Commissioner, Department of Economic Development
  • Carl Bohlen, Department of Housing & Community Affairs
  • Arthur Hamlin, Department of Housing & Community Affairs
  • Greg McGuire
  • John Taylor, Dept. of Tourism
  • Tom Torti, Executive Director, Lake Champlain Chamber of Commerce

Thursday, February 26, 2009
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
9:00 AM

S.28 - An act relating to the regulation of landscape architects

  • Jim Donovan, President, Landscape Architect
  • Brian Leven, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
  • Chris Winters, Director, Office of Professional Regulation
10:00 AM

Election Issues

  • Rep. Jason P. Lorber, Sponsor
10:30 AM

Election Issues

Committee Discussion

Friday, February 27, 2009
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
9:30 AM

S.25 - An act relating to the repeal or revision of certain state agency reporting requirements

  • Otto Trautz, Director, Department of Finance & Management
10:30 AM

H.69 - An act relating to approval of amendments to the charter of the city of Rutland

  • Rep. Dennis J. Devereux
11:00 AM

H.31 - An act relating to approval of amendments to the charter of the town of Williston

  • Rep. Ronald E. Hubert

Thursday, March 19, 2009
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
09-38, 39
Meeting Record
9:00 AM


  • Rep. David Zuckerman, Burlington
9:45 AM

Election Day Registrations

  • Donne Kinville, Town Clerk, South Burlington
  • Jonathan Nagler, Professor, New York University
10:30 AM

S.49 - An act relating to opening the polls up to four days prior to the day of a general election

  • Rep. Timothy R. Corcoran, Town Clerk, Bennington
  • Bill Dalton, Deputy Secretary, Secretary of State
  • Sen. Robert M. Hartwell, Bennington County
  • Alison Kaiser, Town Clerk, Town of Stowe
11:00 AM

S.38 - An act relating to requiring the Department of Finance and Management to annually publish on its website a report on grants issued by executive branch agencies

  • Susan Zeller, Department of Finance & Management
11:30 AM

S.97 - An act relating to a Vermont state employees’ cost-savings incentive program

  • Conor Casey, Legislative Counsel, Vermont State Employee Association
  • Sen. Harold Giard
11:45 AM

Election Day Registration

  • Bob Kiss, Mayor

Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
10:30 AM

S.111 - An act relating to legislative apportionment board appointments

  • Bill Dalton, Deputy Secretary, Secretary of State
  • Sen. Jeanette K. White

Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
8:30 AM

Joint Assembly

Judicial Retention

10:00 AM

Non-Standing Committee Proposal

  • Sen. Peter Shumlin, Senate President Pro Tempore, Windham County
10:30 AM

S.111 - An act relating to legislative apportionment board appointments

Mark up and vote

  • Judy Bevins, Democratic Party
  • Paul Burns, Executive Director, Vermont Public Interest Resource Group
  • Bill Dalton, Deputy Secretary, Secretary of State
  • Morgan Daybell, Progressive Party
  • Rick Hube, Sponsor
  • Michael Inners, Democratic Party
11:00 AM

S.117 - An act relating to the date of the primary election

mark up and vote

  • Michael Inners, Democratic Party
11:30 AM

S.97 - An act relating to a Vermont state employees’ cost-savings incentive program

  • Tom Ball, Director, Department of Human Resources

Thursday, March 26, 2009
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
9:00 AM

Loss of Jobs at Vermont Life

  • Laura Carlsmith, Board Member, Vermont Life
  • Jack Crowle, Board Member, Vermont Life
  • Kevin Dorn, Secretary, Agency of Commerce and Community Development
  • Bruce Hyde, Commissioner, Vermont Department of Tourism and Marketing
  • Tom Slayton, Former Editor, Vermont Life
  • Steven Wood, Chair, Vt. Life Advisory Board
10:30 AM

Restructuring Agency of Commerce and Community Development

  • Catherine Dimitruk, Executive Director, Northwest Regional Planning Commission
  • Jeff Lewis, RDC Windam County
  • Erhard Mahnke, Vermont Affordable Housing Coalition
  • Arthur Sanborn, RDC Lamoille County

Friday, March 27, 2009
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
10:15 AM

S.95 - An act relating to requiring accuracy in bid comparisons for state contracts

  • Gerry Myers, Commissioner, Department of Buildings & General Services
11:00 AM

S.97 - An act relating to a Vermont state employees’ cost-savings incentive program

  • Tom Ball, Department of Human Resources
  • Conor Casey, Legislative Counsel, Vermont State Employee Association

Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
11:15 AM

S.124 - An act relating to election day registration

11:45 AM

S.117 - An act relating to the date of the primary election


  • Bill Dalton, Deputy Secretary, Secretary of State
  • Karen Richards, Town Clerk - Treasurer

Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
9:00 AM

S.111 - An act relating to legislative apportionment board appointments


  • Rep. Timothy R. Corcoran, Town Clerk, Bennington
9:30 AM

S.122 - An act relating to recounts in elections for statewide offices

Committee Discussion

10:30 AM

Proposed Amendment to the Constitution

A person who will attain the age of 18 by the date of the general elestion shall have the right to vote in Primary Elections

11:15 AM

H.160 - An act relating to approval of the charter of the Town of Hartford

  • Rep. Larry Townsend, Randolph

Thursday, April 2, 2009
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
9:00 AM

S.97 - An act relating to a Vermont state employees’ cost-savings incentive program

  • Conor Casey, Legislative Counsel, Vermont State Employee Association
  • Sen. Harold Giard
10:30 AM

Restructuring Agency of Commerce and Community Development

  • Karen Horn, Director, Vermont League of Cities and Towns
  • Pat Moulton Powden, Commissioner, Department of Labor
11:30 AM

Citizen's Concerns

  • Ron Dreher, Citizen

Friday, April 3, 2009
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
9:00 AM

Retirement Issues

10:45 AM

H.131 - An act relating to the codification of and approval of an amendment to the charter of Cold Brook Fire District No. 1

11:30 AM

H.160 - An act relating to approval of the charter of the Town of Hartford

Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
11:00 AM

H.131 - An act relating to the codification of and approval of an amendment to the charter of Cold Brook Fire District No. 1

  • Roberta Carey
  • Rep. Ann Manwaring

Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
9:00 AM

H.431 - An act relating to miscellaneous adjustments to the public retirement systems

  • Bob Hooper, Vermont State Employee Association
  • Cynthia Webster, Director, Retirement Policy and Outreach
10:15 AM

Retirement Issues

  • Stephen Klein, Chief Legislative Fiscal Officer, Joint Fiscal Office
  • Jes Kraus, Director, Vermont State Employee Association
  • Ed Larson, Executive Director, Vermont Forest Products Association
11:00 AM

S.97 - An act relating to a Vermont state employees’ cost-savings incentive program

11:15 AM

H.160 - An act relating to approval of the charter of the Town of Hartford

  • Rep. Charles W. Bohi, White River Jct.

Thursday, April 9, 2009
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
8:30 AM

S.97 - An act relating to a Vermont state employees’ cost-savings incentive program

8:45 AM

H.160 - An act relating to approval of the charter of the Town of Hartford

9:00 AM

S.90 - An act relating to representative annual meetings

  • Frank Bryan, Professor, UVM
  • Susan Clark
  • Karen Horn, Director, Vermont League of Cities and Towns
9:45 AM

H.186 - An act relating to authorizing the department of fish and wildlife to administer polygraph examinations to applicants for law enforcement positions

  • Rep. Mark Higley
10:45 AM

Joint Meeting

Room 10 Economic Development, Housing and General Affairs

Friday, April 10, 2009
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
9:00 AM

H.86 - An act relating to the regulation of professions and occupations

  • Pamela Douglas , Accountant Board
  • Chris Winters, Director, Office of Professional Regulation
10:00 AM

H.205 - An act relating to reporting to the Vermont criminal justice training council

  • Rep. Larry Townsend, Randolph
10:30 AM

Job Losses

  • Conor Casey, Legislative Counsel, Vermont State Employee Association
11:00 AM

S.137 - An act relating to the Vermont recovery and reinvestment act of 2009

  • Karen Horn, Director, Vermont League of Cities and Towns

Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
H.11 put into S.S6
Meeting Record
9:00 AM

H.205 - An act relating to reporting to the Vermont criminal justice training council

  • Edward Miller, Attorney, Vermont Police Assoc. and Vermont Sheriffs
9:15 AM

H.86 - An act relating to the regulation of professions and occupations

To be considered for Summer Study
Estheticians Summer Study
Digital Forensic Summer Study

  • Allison Crowley Demag, Lobbyist, Apple, Inc.
  • Jim Johnston, Director, Vermont Funeral Directors Association
  • Peter Taylor, Executive Director, Vermont Dental Society
  • Chris Winters, Director, Office of Professional Regulation
10:30 AM

H.86 - An act relating to the regulation of professions and occupations

Nurses Education Criteria
Athletic Trainers
Funeral Directors

  • Allison Crowley Demag, Lobbyist, Apple, Inc.
  • Ty Handy, President, Vermont Technical College
  • Jonathan Wall, Lobbyist
  • Chris Winters, Director, Office of Professional Regulation
11:00 AM

H.11 - An act relating to the disposition of property upon death, transfer of interest in vehicle upon death, and homestead exemption

Put into S.26

  • Eric Benson, Attorney
  • Sen. John F. Campbell, Majority Leader
  • Alan Hodgins, Assistant Judge - Probate Judge, Orleans County
  • Michael Hoyt, Law Clerk, Office of Legislative Council
  • Sen. Vincent Illuzzi, Essex-Orleans County
  • Rob Kiener, Attorney, Judicial Conduct Board
  • Robert Paolini, Executive Director, Vermont Bar Association

S.26 - An act relating to recovery of profits from crime, the disposition of property upon death, transfer of interest in vehicle upon death, homestead exemption, unclaimed property, credit card fee disputes, and patient's privilege

Thursday, April 16, 2009
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
12:00 PM

H.86 - An act relating to the regulation of professions and occupations

  • Allison Crowley Demag, Lobbyist, Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers
  • Jacquelyn Hughes, Counsel
  • Larissa Snorek-Yates, Christian Science Nurses
  • Jonathan Wall, Lobbyist
  • Chris Winters, Director, Secretary of State's Office

Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
11:00 AM

Confirmation of Governor's Appointment

  • Thomas Murray, Commissioner, Department of Information & Innovation
  • James Reardon, Commissioner, Department of Finance & Management

Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
10:00 AM

H.86 - An act relating to the regulation of professions and occupations

10:30 AM

H.430 - An act relating to approval of an amendment to the charter of the town of St. Johnsbury

  • Warren Heidemann, School Board Member, St. Johnsbury
  • John Nelson, Executive Director, Vermont School Board Association
  • Lisa River, School Board Member, St. Johnsbury
  • Jim Rust, Selectman, St. Johnsbury
11:00 AM

H.433 - An act relating to approval of amendments to the charter of the town of Berlin

  • Rep. Pat McDonald, Assistant Minority Leader, Berlin

Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
11:30 AM

H.297 - An act relating to approval of the adoption of the charter of the Morristown Corners Water Corporation

  • Rep. Linda J. Martin
11:45 AM

H.430 - An act relating to approval of an amendment to the charter of the town of St. Johnsbury

  • Bill Dalton, Deputy Secretary, Secretary of State

Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
9:30 AM

Floor Convenes

11:00 AM

Deployment Update

Given for the House - Senators are welcome

  • Major Gen Michael D Dubie, Vermont Adjutant General, Vermont National Guard

Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
9:00 AM

Committee Plans

Thursday, January 7, 2010
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
9:00 AM

S.187 - An act relating to municipal financial audits

  • Sen. Randy Brock, Sponsor
10:00 AM

Information Briefing Session

Friday, January 8, 2010
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
10-02, 03
Meeting Record
8:30 AM


9:30 AM

Retirement Issues

  • Cynthia Webster, Director, Retirement Policy and Outreach

Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
9:30 AM


After Committee Chair's meeting approx. 10 a.m.

S.211 - An act relating to unorganized towns’ and gores’ appraisers and tax collections

  • Sen. Virginia "Ginny" Lyons, Senate Natural Resources and Energy Committee
10:30 AM

S.187 - An act relating to municipal financial audits

  • Fred Duplessis, Accountant, Sullivan and Powers
  • Steve Jeffrey, Executive Director, Vermont League of Cities and Towns
  • Wendy Wilton, Treasurer, City of Rutland

Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
10-05, 06
Meeting Record
9:00 AM

S.268 - An act relating to the building bright futures council

  • Stephen Dale, Commissioner, Department for Children & Families
  • Cynthia Greene, Regional Director, Building Bright Futures
  • Melissa Reigel-Garret, Executive Director, Building Bright Futures
  • Tim Volk, State Council Member, Building Bright Futures
10:00 AM

S.188 - An act relating to a postemployment restriction for commissioner of the department of public service

  • Sen. Tim Ashe
11:00 AM

S.146 - An act relating to municipal authority to regulate products in the municipal waste stream

  • Sen. Robert M. Hartwell, Senate Finance Committee
11:30 AM

S.255 - An act relating to an amendment to the charter of the Chittenden County Transportation Authority

  • Chris Cole, General Manager, Chittenden County Transportation Authority

Thursday, January 14, 2010
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
9:30 AM

H.792 - An act relating to implementation of challenges for change

Room 10

10:45 AM

S.90 - An act relating to representative annual meetings

mark up and vote

  • Susan Clark
  • Steve Jeffrey, Executive Director, Vermont League of Cities and Towns
11:30 AM

S.211 - An act relating to unorganized towns’ and gores’ appraisers and tax collections

  • Garret Mott

Friday, January 15, 2010
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
9:30 AM

S.187 - An act relating to municipal financial audits

Mark up and vote

  • Thomas Salmon, State Auditor, Vermont State Auditor's Office
10:45 AM

Committee Discussion

11:15 AM

S.146 - An act relating to municipal authority to regulate products in the municipal waste stream

mark up and vote

Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
9:30 AM


10:30 AM

S.90 - An act relating to representative annual meetings

mark up and vote and time permitting discussion on S. 146

11:00 AM

Open Records

Issue concerning Donor Reports

  • Rob Cioffi, Trustee, University of Vermont
  • Timothy Donovan, Chancellor, Vermont State College
  • Dan Fogel, President, University of Vermont
  • Allen Gilbert, Executive Director, American Civil Liberties Union

Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
9:00 AM

S.177 - An act relating to consolidation of health care administration

  • Peter Holman, Vt. Management Consulting Firm
  • Sen. Jane Kitchel, Senate Liaison for the Federal Stimulus Bill
  • Robin Lunge, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
  • Paulette Thabault, Commissioner, Department of Banking, Insurance, Securities and Health Care Administration
10:30 AM

Vermont Retired State Employees Association

10:45 AM

S.243 - An act relating to the creation of six regional centers to provide lifelong support to individuals with autism spectrum disorders and their families and to the creation of a Vermont council on autism spectrum disorders

  • Sen. Harold Giard, Addison County
11:15 AM

S.244 - An act relating to creating a pilot regional center on autism spectrum disorders to serve Chittenden County

  • Sen. Harold Giard, Addison County

Thursday, January 21, 2010
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
10-12, 13
Meeting Record
9:30 AM

Jobs Forum

Room 11

Friday, January 22, 2010
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
8:30 AM


9:00 AM

S.187 - An act relating to municipal financial audits

Mark up and vote

9:15 AM

H.792 - An act relating to implementation of challenges for change

  • Brendan Cosgrove, Policy Liaison, Agency of Natural Resources
  • Tom Evslin, Chief Recovery Officer, Office of Economic Stimulus & Recovery
  • Susan Zeller, Deputy Commissioner, Department of Finance & Management
10:45 AM


11:00 AM

S.268 - An act relating to the building bright futures council

  • Stephen Dale, Commissioner, Department for Children & Families
  • Barbara Postman, Voices for Vermont's Children
  • Melissa Riegel-Garrett, Vermont Association for the Education of Young Children

Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
10:30 AM

S.275 - An act relating to calculating normal retirement allowances

  • Cynthia Webster, Director, Retirement Policy and Outreach
11:15 AM

S.210 - An act relating to a defined contribution retirement plan for teachers

  • Sen. William H. Carris, Rutland County
11:30 AM

S.195 - An act relating to revenue and spending information

  • Sen. William H. Carris, Rutland County

Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
9:00 AM

H.792 - An act relating to implementation of challenges for change

committee discussion

10:15 AM

The impact of the Supreme Court Ruling on Campaign Finance

  • Bill Dalton, Deputy Secretary, Secretary of State
  • Mike McShane, Assistant Attorney General, Attorney General's Office
10:45 AM


11:00 AM

H.792 - An act relating to implementation of challenges for change

Joint meeting with the House Government Operations committee
Meeting in the House Govt. Ops. committee room

Thursday, January 28, 2010
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
9:00 AM

S.211 - An act relating to unorganized towns’ and gores’ appraisers and tax collections

  • Garret Mott
9:45 AM

Open Records

Donor Issues

we will look at H. 331 in connection with this issue

  • Francine Bazluke, Vice President and General Counsel, University of Vermont
  • Mike Donahue, Vt. Press Association
  • Allen Gilbert, Executive Director, American Civil Liberties Union
  • Michael O'Grady, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
  • Greg Sanford, State Archivist, Secretary of State
10:45 AM


11:00 AM

Judicial Restructuring

Joint meeting with Judiciary
Room 10

  • Thomas Clarke, Vice President, National Center of State Courts

Friday, January 29, 2010
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
10-19, 20
Meeting Record
9:00 AM

S.268 - An act relating to the building bright futures council

mark up and vote

  • Jennifer Carbee, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
9:45 AM

H.483 - An act relating to approval of the merger of the village of North Westminster and the Town of Westminster and the Charter of the Town of Westminster

mark up and vote

  • Rep. David L. Deen, House Committee on Fish, Wildlife and Water Resources
10:00 AM

S.199 - An act relating to the licensure of electronic life safety and property protection systems

  • Rod French, Vortec Security
  • Douglas Weinreich, President, Mountain View Security systems, Inc
  • Angela White, Vt. Alarm and Signal Assoc
11:00 AM

S.255 - An act relating to an amendment to the charter of the Chittenden County Transportation Authority

Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
after Floor

S.183 - An act relating to private activity bond authority

  • Sen. Vincent Illuzzi, Essex-Orleans County
10:45 AM

S.245 - An act relating to a tri-state telecommunications compact commission

  • Sen. Vincent Illuzzi, Essex-Orleans County
11:00 AM

S.90 - An act relating to representative annual meetings

  • Brian Leven, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council

Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
10-22, 23
Meeting Record
9:00 AM

S.177 - An act relating to consolidation of health care administration

  • Susan Besio, Director, Office of Vermont Health Access and Health Care Reform
  • Hans Hastensmith, Capitol Health Associates
  • Robert Hofmann, Secretary, Agency of Human Services
  • Jim Leddy, Former Senator, AARP Vermont
10:45 AM


11:00 AM

S.199 - An act relating to the licensure of electronic life safety and property protection systems

  • Marjorie Klark, Manager, Department of Public Safety
  • Kevin Leahy, Legal Counsel, Office of Professional Regulation
  • Stephen Monahan, Director Workers' Compensation and Safety Division, Department of Labor
  • Chris Winters, Director, Secretary of State's Office

Thursday, February 4, 2010
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
10-24, 25
Meeting Record
9:00 AM

Title 32 Form of Budget

  • Helessa Green, BGS
  • Gerry Myers, Commissioner, Department of Buildings & General Services
10:30 AM


10:45 AM

H.331 - An act relating to technical changes to the records management authority of the Vermont State Archives and Records Administration

  • Michael O'Grady, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
  • Greg Sanford, State Archivist, Secretary of State
11:15 AM

S.255 - An act relating to an amendment to the charter of the Chittenden County Transportation Authority

Friday, February 5, 2010
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
10:00 AM

No Committee Meeting Scheduled

Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
After Floor

S.255 - An act relating to an amendment to the charter of the Chittenden County Transportation Authority

  • Chris Cole, General Manager, Chittenden County Transportation Authority
  • Nancy Wasserman, Chair, Chittenden County Transportation Authority
11:15 AM

S.199 - An act relating to the licensure of electronic life safety and property protection systems

  • Andrew MacLean, Lobbyist
  • Cathy Voyer, Director, Associated General Contractors of Vermont
  • John Wood, Director, Department of Public Safety

Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
9:00 AM

S.294 - An act relating to identification in electioneering communications and penalties for campaign finance violations

  • Paul Burns, Executive Director, Vermont Public Interest Resource Group
  • Bill Dalton, Deputy Secretary, Secretary of State
  • Charles Merriman, Marks & Gillies Tarrant
  • Sen. Peter Shumlin, Senate President Pro Tempore, Windham County
10:15 AM


10:30 AM

S.226 - An act relating to medical marijuana dispensaries

  • Michele Childs, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
  • Melissa Milam, Former Director of New Mexico Dept of Health Mdical Cannabis Program
  • Ian Rhein, private citizen

Thursday, February 11, 2010
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
9:00 AM

Merger of UVM and State Colleges

  • Stephan Morse, Merger Committee member
10:15 AM

S.226 - An act relating to medical marijuana dispensaries

  • Steve McQueen, Chief, City of Winooski
  • Seth Pichette, Pharmacy Technician, The Hotel Pharmacy, Inc
10:45 AM


11:00 AM

S.226 - An act relating to medical marijuana dispensaries

  • William Goggins, Director of Enforcement, Department of Liquor Control
  • Michael Hogan, Commissioner, Department of Liquor Control
  • Nancy Lynch, Executive Director, Vermont Alliance for Intelligent Drug Laws

Friday, February 12, 2010
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
After Floor

S.275 - An act relating to calculating normal retirement allowances

  • Jeff Briggs, Legislative Committee Chair, Vermont State Employee Association
  • Kate Duffy, Deputy, Department of Human Resources
  • Jes Kraus, Director, Vermont State Employee Association
  • Ed Larson, Lobbyist, Retired State Employees
  • Cynthia Webster, Director, Retirement Policy and Outreach

Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
after floor and after chairs meeting

S.294 - An act relating to identification in electioneering communications and penalties for campaign finance violations

  • Eve Jacobs-Carnahan, Attorney General's Office
  • Mike McShane, Assistant Attorney General, Attorney General's Office

Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
10-33, 34
Meeting Record
9:00 AM

S.177 - An act relating to consolidation of health care administration

  • Janet Dermody, Deputy Director, Vermont Center for Independent Living
  • Christine Oliver, Deputy Commissioner, Health Care Administration, BISHCA
  • Sen. Douglas A. Racine, Chittenden County
10:30 AM


10:45 AM

S.226 - An act relating to medical marijuana dispensaries

  • Barbara Cimaglio, Deputy Commissioner, Department of Health
  • Edward Miller, Lobbyist, Vermont Police Association
  • Elizabeth Novotny, Counsel, Department of Public Safety
  • Thomas Tremblay, Commissioner, Department of Public Safety

Thursday, February 18, 2010
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
9:00 AM

S.205 - An act relating to the Revised Uniform Anatomical Gift Act

  • Daryl Arnold, Fletcher Allen Healthcare
  • Rich Cassidy, Attorney, Member Uniform Law Committee
  • Alexandra Glazier, Vice President and General Counsel, New England Organ Bank
10:30 AM

Joint Assembly - Election of Trustees - Vermont State Colleges Corporation

Friday, February 19, 2010
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
9:30 AM

H.517 - An act relating to approval of an amendment to the charter of the Village of Enosburg Falls

  • Rep. Ronald E. Hubert, House Committee On Government Operations
9:45 AM

S.177 - An act relating to consolidation of health care administration

Committee discussion

  • Robin Lunge, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council

Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
After Floor

S.117 - An act relating to the date of the primary election

  • Bill Dalton, Deputy Secretary, Secretary of State
11:00 AM

H.764 - An act relating to the state teachers’ retirement system of Vermont

  • Rep. Kenneth W. Atkins, House Committee On Government Operations
  • Joel Cook, Director, Vermont National Education Association
  • Cynthia Webster, Director, Retirement Policy and Outreach

Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
9:00 AM

Government Day

To be in the House Chamber

10:30 AM

Vermont Yankee

Vote in the Senate Chamber

Thursday, February 25, 2010
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
9:30 AM

S.226 - An act relating to medical marijuana dispensaries

Room 10

  • Paul Favreau, Vermont State Police
  • Tom Hanley, Middlebury Police
  • Roger Marcoux, Sheriff, Sheriffs Department
  • Adam Necrason, Lobbyist
  • Thomas Tremblay, Commissioner, Department of Public Safety

Friday, February 26, 2010
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
9:00 AM

S.117 - An act relating to the date of the primary election

  • Bill Dalton, Deputy Secretary, Secretary of State
  • Rep. Pat McDonald, Berlin
  • Sen. Robert Starr
  • Sen. Jeanette K. White, Senate Committee on Government Operations
  • Rep. David Zuckerman, House Ways & Means Committee
10:30 AM

H.331 - An act relating to technical changes to the records management authority of the Vermont State Archives and Records Administration

committe discussion

11:00 AM

S.205 - An act relating to the Revised Uniform Anatomical Gift Act

  • Jennifer Carbee, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council

Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
after floor

S.205 - An act relating to the Revised Uniform Anatomical Gift Act

  • Jennifer Carbee, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
  • Linda Snyder, Operations Division Director, Department of Motor Vehicles
  • Donald Swartz, MD, Vermont Department of Health
11:00 AM

S.177 - An act relating to consolidation of health care administration

  • Paulette Thabault, Commissioner, Department of Banking, Insurance, Securities and Health Care Administration (BISHCA)

Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
8:30 AM

S.226 - An act relating to medical marijuana dispensaries

  • Allen Gilbert, Executive Director, American Civil Liberties Union
  • Dr. Joseph McSherry, Physician, Fletcher Allen Health Care
10:00 AM


10:15 AM

S.226 - An act relating to medical marijuana dispensaries

  • Emily Bergquist, Director and Chief Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
  • Adam Necrason, Lobbyist
11:15 AM

S.294 - An act relating to identification in electioneering communications and penalties for campaign finance violations

committe discussion

Thursday, March 11, 2010
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
8:30 AM

S.117 - An act relating to the date of the primary election

  • Bill Dalton, Deputy Secretary, Secretary of State
  • Rep. David Zuckerman, House Ways & Means Committee
9:00 AM

S.226 - An act relating to medical marijuana dispensaries

mark up and vote

  • Michele Childs, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
  • Edward Miller, Attorney, Vermont Police Association
  • Adam Necrason, Lobbyist, Renewable Energy Vermont
  • Elizabeth Novotny, Counsel, Department of Public Safety
  • Dawn Philibort, Department of Health
  • Thomas Tremblay, Commissioner, Department of Public Safety
11:15 AM


11:30 AM

S.226 - An act relating to medical marijuana dispensaries

  • Michele Childs, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
5:00 PM

S.226 - An act relating to medical marijuana dispensaries


5:30 PM

S.205 - An act relating to the Revised Uniform Anatomical Gift Act


  • Jennifer Carbee, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council

Friday, March 12, 2010
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
9:00 AM

S.294 - An act relating to identification in electioneering communications and penalties for campaign finance violations

  • Paul Burns, Executive Director, Vermont Public Interest Research Group
  • Bill Dalton, Deputy Secretary, Secretary of State
  • Eve Jacobs-Carnahan, Attorney General's Office
  • Brian Leven, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council

Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
after floor

S.294 - An act relating to identification in electioneering communications and penalties for campaign finance violations

  • Paul Burns, Executive Director, Vermont Public Interest Research Group
  • Bill Dalton, Deputy Secretary, Secretary of State
  • Mike McShane, Assistant Attorney General, Attorney General's Office

Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
9:00 AM

S.294 - An act relating to identification in electioneering communications and penalties for campaign finance violations

committee discussion
mark up and vote

  • Bill Dalton, Deputy Secretary, Secretary of State
  • Mike McShane, Assistant Attorney General, Attorney General's Office
10:30 AM

H.539 - An act relating to amending the charter of the town of Hartford

  • Rep. Ronald E. Hubert, House Committee On Government Operations
10:45 AM

H.598 - An act relating to sorting early voter absentee ballots

  • Bill Dalton, Deputy Secretary, Secretary of State
  • Rep. Larry Townsend, Randolph

Thursday, March 18, 2010
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
8:30 AM

S.117 - An act relating to the date of the primary election


  • Mike McShane, Assistant Attorney General, Attorney General's Office
9:00 AM


10:30 AM

Joint Meeting of the House and Senate

Judicial Retention

Friday, March 19, 2010
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
8:15 AM

S.117 - An act relating to the date of the primary election

vote on amendment

8:30 AM


Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
after floor

H.764 - An act relating to the state teachers’ retirement system of Vermont

  • Joel Cook, Director, Vermont National Education Association
  • Jeb Spaulding, Treasurer, State of Vermont
  • Cynthia Webster, Director, Retirement Policy and Outreach

Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
8:45 AM

H.764 - An act relating to the state teachers’ retirement system of Vermont


9:00 AM

H.562 - An act relating to the regulation of professions and occupations

  • Chris Winters, Director, Office of Professional Regulation
10:15 AM


10:30 AM

H.539 - An act relating to amending the charter of the town of Hartford

  • Hunter Rieseburg, Town Manager, Hartford, VT
11:00 AM

H.764 - An act relating to the state teachers’ retirement system of Vermont

  • Joel Cook, Director, Vermont National Education Association
  • Cynthia Webster, Director, Retirement Policy and Outreach
1:30 PM

H.764 - An act relating to the state teachers’ retirement system of Vermont

  • Joel Cook, Director, Vermont National Education Association
  • Cynthia Webster, Director, Retirement Policy and Outreach

Thursday, March 25, 2010
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
9:00 AM

H.562 - An act relating to the regulation of professions and occupations

Included in discussion will be H. 88 and S. 199

  • Dan DaPolito OD, Member Board of Optometry
  • Tim Johnson MD, Optometrist, Vt. Optometric Association
  • Andrew MacLean, Lobbyist
  • Ami Milne-Allen, Chair, Board of Real Estate Appraisers
  • Stephannie Winters, Vermont Medical Society
  • Chris Winters, Director, Office of Professional Regulation
10:15 AM


10:30 AM

H.562 - An act relating to the regulation of professions and occupations


  • Kathy DeLucco, Dental Assistants
  • Andrew MacLean, Lobbyist
  • Megan O'Donnell, Assistant General Counsel, Fletcher Allen Health Care
  • Anthony Otis, Lobbyist, Vermont Pharmacists Association
  • Ed Pantzar, D.D.S.
  • Earl Pease, R. Ph.
  • Peter Taylor, Executive Director, Vermont Dental Society
  • Chris Winters, Director, Office of Professional Regulation

Friday, March 26, 2010
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
after floor

H.237 - An act relating to governance of the Vermont state hospital

  • Jennifer Carbee, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
  • Rep. Anne B. Donahue, Sponsor
  • Beth Tanzman, Deputy Commissioner, Department of Mental Health
  • Laura Ziegler, Concerned Citizen, Plainfield, VT

Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
after Floor

H.773 - An act relating to approval of amendments to the charter of the city of Burlington

  • Rep. Ronald E. Hubert, House Committee On Government Operations
  • Ken Schatz, City Of Burlington

Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
9:00 AM

H.562 - An act relating to the regulation of professions and occupations

  • Chris Winters, Director, Office of Professional Regulation
9:45 AM

H.237 - An act relating to governance of the Vermont state hospital

  • Wendy Bienner, AAG, Department of Mental Health
  • Jennifer Carbee, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
  • Beth Tanzman, Deputy Commissioner, Department of Mental Health
  • Laura Ziegler, Concerned Citizen, Plainfield, VT
10:30 AM


10:45 AM

H.792 - An act relating to implementation of challenges for change

  • Debbie Damore, BGS
  • Susan Zeller, Deputy Commissioner, Department of Finance & Management

Thursday, April 1, 2010
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
9:00 AM

H.237 - An act relating to governance of the Vermont state hospital

  • Jennifer Carbee, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
9:15 AM

Judicial Restructuring

  • Robert Greemore, Court Administrator, Court Administrator's Office
10:15 AM


10:30 AM

H.578 - An act relating to requiring all state law enforcement officers to serve under the direction and control of the commissioner of public safety

Friday, April 2, 2010
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
8:30 AM


committee was on floor all morning

Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
After Floor

S.294 - An act relating to identification in electioneering communications and penalties for campaign finance violations

Questions that others might have about the bill

  • Sen. Peg Flory
11:15 AM

Review of Report

Vermont Community Development Program

  • Karen Horn, Director, Vermont League of Cities and Towns
11:30 AM

H.527 - An act relating to municipal recovery of costs of fire department response

Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
9:00 AM

H.562 - An act relating to the regulation of professions and occupations

  • Hilde Ojibway
  • Donald Swartz, MD, Vermont Department of Health
10:15 AM


10:30 AM

H.778 - An act relating to amending miscellaneous provisions in Vermont’s public retirement systems

to include S. 275

  • Jim Dunn, Attorney, Professional Firefighters Association
  • Steve Jeffrey, Executive Director, Vermont League of Cities and Towns
  • Ed Larson
  • Matt Vinci, President, Professional Firefighters Association
  • Cynthia Webster, Director, Retirement Policy and Outreach

Thursday, April 8, 2010
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
9:00 AM

H.771 - An act relating to approval of amendments to the charter of the town of Stowe

  • Rep. Heidi E. Scheuermann, Stowe
9:15 AM

H.562 - An act relating to the regulation of professions and occupations

  • Madeleine Mongan, Vice-President, Vermont Medical Society
  • Hilde Ojibway
  • Donald Swartz, MD, Vermont Department of Health
  • Peter Taylor, Executive Director, Vermont Dental Society
  • Chris Winters, Director, Office of Professional Regulation
10:15 AM


11:30 AM


Friday, April 9, 2010
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
9:00 AM


Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
after floor

H.771 - An act relating to approval of amendments to the charter of the town of Stowe

  • Rep. Heidi E. Scheuermann, Stowe
10:45 AM

H.578 - An act relating to requiring all state law enforcement officers to serve under the direction and control of the commissioner of public safety

  • Rep. Pat McDonald, Berlin
  • Edward Miller, Attorney, Vermont Police Association
11:15 AM

H.527 - An act relating to municipal recovery of costs of fire department response

  • Joe Choquette, Lobbyist, Vermont Petroleum Association
  • Jamie Feehan, Lobbyist
  • Rep. Ernie Shand, Sponsor
  • Rep. Don Turner, House Committe on Commerce

Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
9:00 AM

H.562 - An act relating to the regulation of professions and occupations

9:15 AM

S.28 - An act relating to the regulation of landscape architects

  • Michael Sirotkin, Lobbyist
10:00 AM

H.760 - An act relating to the repeal or revision of certain boards and commissions

  • Otto Trautz, Director, Department of Finance & Management
10:30 AM


10:45 AM

H.778 - An act relating to amending miscellaneous provisions in Vermont’s public retirement systems

to include S. 275

  • Joel Cook, Director, Vermont National Education Association
  • Steve Jeffrey, Executive Director, Vermont League of Cities and Towns
  • Matt Vinci, President, Professional Firefighters Association
  • Cynthia Webster, Director, Retirement Policy and Outreach

Thursday, April 15, 2010
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
9:00 AM

No Committee Meeting Scheduled

afternoon committees are meeting in the morning

Friday, April 16, 2010
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
After floor

H.578 - An act relating to requiring all state law enforcement officers to serve under the direction and control of the commissioner of public safety

10:30 AM

H.760 - An act relating to the repeal or revision of certain boards and commissions

committtee discussion

11:00 AM

H.774 - An act relating to approval of amendments to the charter of the city of South Burlington

  • Rep. Debbie Evans
11:30 AM

H.770 - An act relating to approval of amendments to the charter of the city of Barre

  • Rep. Mark Higley, Lowell

Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
10:00 AM

No Meeting Scheduled

Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
9:00 AM

No Meeting Scheduled

Thursday, April 22, 2010
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
after floor

H.778 - An act relating to amending miscellaneous provisions in Vermont’s public retirement systems

To include discussion of S. 275

  • Kate Duffy, Deputy, Department of Human Resources
  • Sen. Vincent Illuzzi, Senate Committee on Economic Development, Housing and General Affairs
  • Jes Kraus, Director, Vermont State Employee Association
  • Ed Larson, Lobbyist, Retired State Employees
  • Cynthia Webster, Director, Retirement Policy and Outreach

Friday, April 23, 2010
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
9:00 AM

H.760 - An act relating to the repeal or revision of certain boards and commissions

  • Helen Riehle, Executive Director, Vermont Program for Quality in Health Care (VPQHC)
  • Otto Trautz, Director, Department of Finance & Management

Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
9:30 AM

H.760 - An act relating to the repeal or revision of certain boards and commissions

  • Sen. Tim Ashe, Chittenden County
  • Sen. Virginia "Ginny" Lyons, Chair, Senate Natural Resources and Energy Committee
  • Sen. Douglas A. Racine, Chittenden County
  • Helen Riehle, Executive Director, Vermont Program for Quality in Health Care (VPQHC)

Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
9:00 AM

H.760 - An act relating to the repeal or revision of certain boards and commissions

  • Sen. Ann Cummings, Washington County
  • Kevin Dorn, Secretary, Agency of Commerce and Community Development
  • Ken Goddard, Vice President, External Affairs Blue Cross Blue Sheild of Vermont
  • Steve Wark, Deputy Commissioner, Department of Public Service
10:30 AM

H.578 - An act relating to requiring all state law enforcement officers to serve under the direction and control of the commissioner of public safety

Discussion of amendments

  • Sen. Vincent Illuzzi, Senate Committee on Economic Development, Housing and General Affairs

Thursday, April 29, 2010
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
8:30 AM

S.268 - An act relating to the building bright futures council

9:00 AM

H.778 - An act relating to amending miscellaneous provisions in Vermont’s public retirement systems

Including S. 275

  • Steve Collier, Legal Counsel, Department of Human Resources
  • Jes Kraus, Director, Vermont State Employee Association
  • Mike McShane, Assistant Attorney General, Attorney General's Office
  • Mike O'Neil, Chief, Burlington Fire Department
  • Jeb Spaulding, Treasurer, State of Vermont
  • Matt Vinci, President, Professional Firefighters Association
  • Cynthia Webster, Director, Retirement Policy and Outreach

Friday, April 30, 2010
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
8:30 AM

H.760 - An act relating to the repeal or revision of certain boards and commissions

  • Conor Casey, Vermont State Employees Association
  • Brian Leven, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
9:45 AM

H.782 - An act relating to a voluntary school district merger incentive program, supervisory union duties, and other education issues

  • Steve Jeffrey, Executive Director, Vermont League of Cities and Towns
  • Jes Kraus, Director, Vermont State Employee Association
  • James Reardon, Commissioner, Department of Finance & Management
  • Matt Vinci, President, Professional Firefighters Association
  • Cynthia Webster, Director, Retirement Policy and Outreach

Monday, May 3, 2010
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
9:00 AM

H.778 - An act relating to amending miscellaneous provisions in Vermont’s public retirement systems

  • Kate Duffy, Deputy, Department of Human Resources
  • James Fannon, Vermont National Education Association
  • Steve Jeffrey, Executive Director, Vermont League of Cities and Towns
  • Jes Kraus, Director, Vermont State Employee Association
  • James Reardon, Commissioner, Department of Finance & Management
  • Matt Vinci, President, Professional Firefighters Association
  • Cynthia Webster, Director, Retirement Policy and Outreach

Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
9:00 AM

H.792 - An act relating to implementation of challenges for change

  • Wanda Minoli, Principal Assistant to the Commissioner, Department of Buildings & General Services
  • Thomas Sandretto, Deputy Commissioner, Department of Buildings & General Services
2:00 PM

H.792 - An act relating to implementation of challenges for change

  • Jason Gibbs, Commissioner, Department of Forests Parks and Recreation

Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
10-85, 86, 87, 88
Meeting Record
9:00 AM

H.778 - An act relating to amending miscellaneous provisions in Vermont’s public retirement systems

  • Jeff Fannon, VT National Education Association
  • Jes Kraus, Director, Vermont State Employee Association
  • Brian Leven, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
  • Gerry Myers, Commissioner, Department of Buildings & General Services
  • Sen. Alice W. Nitka, Senate Committee on Education
  • Matt Vinci, President, Professional Firefighters Association
10:30 AM

H.792 - An act relating to implementation of challenges for change

  • Brendan Cosgrove, Policy Liaison, Agency of Natural Resources
  • Sen. Vincent Illuzzi, Senate Committee on Economic Development, Housing and General Affairs
  • Pat Moulton Powden, Commissioner, Department of Labor
2:15 AM

H.778 - An act relating to amending miscellaneous provisions in Vermont’s public retirement systems

  • Steve Jeffrey, Executive Director, Vermont League of Cities and Towns
  • Sen. Alice W. Nitka, Senate Committee on Education
  • Thomas Salmon, State Auditor, Vermont State Auditor's Office
3:00 PM

S.205 - An act relating to the Revised Uniform Anatomical Gift Act

  • Rep. Michael Fisher, Lincoln
  • Rep. Patsy French, Sponsor
  • Rep. Francis "Topper" McFaun
3:30 PM

H.793 - An act relating to approval of amendments to the charter of the village of Essex Junction

  • Rep. Debbie Evans, House Committee On Government Operations
3:45 PM

H.794 - An act relating to approval of the merger of the town of Cabot and the village of Cabot

  • Rep. Linda J. Martin, Wolcott

Friday, May 7, 2010
Meeting Details
Hearing Type
Meeting Record
9:00 AM

H.780 - An act relating to approval of amendments to the charter of the city of St. Albans

  • Rep. Eileen "Lynn" Dickinson
  • Rep. Jeff Young, House Committee on Natural Resources and Energy