2011-2012 Session
Change SessionSenate Committee on Economic Development, Housing and General Affairs (Room 27)
- CDs
- 11 - 020
- Public Record
Meeting Record
Friday, February 11, 2011
- 8:30 AM
11-0193 - An act relating to exempting from public disclosure records related to tribal recognition
Introductory Review
- Michael Hoyt, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
- 9:00 AM
H.86 - An act relating to recognition of the Elnu Abenaki tribe as a Native American Indian tribe
Public Comment by Vermont Residents on Recognition of Vermont Tribes
- Richard "Skip" Bernier, Newport
- 9:30 AM
S.78 - An act relating to the advancement of cellular, broadband and other technology infrastructure in Vermont
Committee Discussion
- Maria Royle, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council