2023-2024 Session
Change SessionLegislative Committee on Administrative Rules (LCAR)
Proposed rules must go through a public hearing process before they become final proposed rules reviewed by LCAR. For notices of proposed rules postings, please visit the Secretary of State's Proposed Rules Postings website. When a rule is on the Committee's agenda, contact Emery Mattheis not later than 12:00 noon three business days in advance of the meeting if you want to testify. LCAR’s Procedural Rules § 3(a). Each document on the rule (including handouts, testimony, and proposals for change to the rule) must be submitted to Mr. Mattheis not later than 12:00 noon three business days in advance of the meeting. The submission should be sent electronically to Mr. Mattheis's email address. Documents not submitted to Committee staff by this deadline may not be considered. LCAR’s Procedural Rules § 3(e).
- Meeting Schedule
- January 9, 2025
- Agenda
- Previous Meetings
- Watch Online
- Livestream
Documents & Handouts
Browse documents below or use document search.
Materials posted on this page are for informational purposes only and may not include all material received by the Committee. The Committee is not responsible for the accuracy of posted material, and posting does not represent approval or endorsement by the Committee or the Vermont General Assembly.
- 22-E15 - Transitional Housing Program Emergenc Rules
- 22-P06 - Vermont Regulations for Control of Pesticides
- 22-P23 - Disability Services-Develpmental Services
- 22-P24 - Vermont Wetlands Rule
- Memo Regarding Delegation of Rulemaking; Legislative Intent
- 22-P22 - Rules Governing the Licensing of Educators and the Preparation of Education Professionals
- 23-E01 - Rules Governing Medication-Assisted Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder
- LCAR Rules of Procedure (Amended)
- 22-P37 - Liquor and Lottery, Administrative rules Update
- 22-P25 - Administrative Rules of the Board of Nursing
- 22-P34 - Transplantation Services
- 22-P31 - Telehealth
- 22-P32 - Prosthetic and Orthotic Devices
- 22-P35 - Independent External Review of Health Care Service Decisions
- 22-P36 - Rule 4.500 Safety of Hydroelectric Dams
- Memorandum on Rulemaking
- Document on Rulemaking Considerations
- 22-P30 - Licensing Regulations for Foster Homes in Vermont
- 23-E02 - Administrative Rules for Notaries
- 22-P42 - Radiological Health Rule
- 23-E03 - PUC Emergency Rule 2.500 Covid-19 Emergency Procedures
- LCAR Memo on Rulemaking Considerations
- LCAR Document on Rulemaking Considerations for Chairs
- 23-P01 - Privacy of Consumer Financial and Health Information
- 22-P28 - Vermont Residential Building Energy Standards (RBES) Amendments
- 23-E04 - Emergency Rule on Synthetic and Hemp-Derived Cannabinoids
- 23-P02 - STep Ahead Recognition System (STARS) Rules
- 22-P29 - Vermnt Commercial Building Energy Standards (CBES) Amendments
- 23-P05 - inflation Adjustment for Private Non-Medical Institutions
- 23-P10 - Rule Governing Outage Reporting Requirements for Originating Carriers
- 23-P08 - 10 V.S.A. Appendix § 141 Baitfish Regulation
- 23-P06 - Reach Up Eligibility Rules
- 23-P07 - Reach Up Services Rule
- 23-P04 - District Quality Standardes
- 22-P39 - Health Care Administrative Rules Definitions
- 22-P40 = Inpatient Hospital Services
- 22-P41 - Outpatient Hospital Services
- 23-E05 - Pandemic-Era General Assistance Emergency Housing Transition
- 22-P26 - Alternative Preparatory Paths for Funeral Dir. & Embalmers
- 22-E06 - Rules Governing Medication-Assisted Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder
- 22-P27 - Administrative Rules for Notary Public Continuing Education
- 23-P16 - Wastewater System and Potable Waste Supply Rules
- 23-P03 - Home Visiting Rule
- 23-E07 - Reportable and Communicable Diseases Rule
- 23-E08 - Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Registry (ALS) Rule
- 23-P14 - Vermont Medication Assistance Program Rule
- 23-E06 - Rules Governing Medication-Assisted Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder
- 23-P15 - 10 V.S.A. Appendix § 44, Furbearing Species
- 23-P11 - Rule 1. Licensing of Cannabis Establishments
- 23-P12 - Rule 2. Regulation of Cannabis Establishments
- 23-P13 - Rule 4. Compliance and Enforcement
- 23-P09 - 2022 Vermont Residential Rental Housing Health & Safety Code
- 23-E09 - Emergency Administrative Rules for Notaries and Remote Notarization
- 23-E10 - PUC Emergency Rule 2.500 COVID-19 Emergency Procedures
- 23-E11 - Expansion of Eligibility Criteria for Tempporary Housing Assistance
- 23-E12 - Emergency Housing Transition Benefits
- 23-P30 HBEE Rule, State Fair Hearings..... (Part 8)
- 23-P27 - HBEE Rules, Special Rules for Medicaid...(Part 4)
- 23-P25 - HBEE Rule, Eligibility Standards (Part 2)
- 23-P24 - HBEE, General Provisions (Part 1)
- 23-P26 - HBEE, Nonfinancial Eligibility (Part 3)
- 23-P28 - HBEE, Financial Methodologies (Part 5)
- 23-P29 - HBEE, EligibilityEnrollment Procedures (Part 7)
- 23-P32 - Child Support Guidelines
- 23-P20 - Rule 5.500 Interconnection Procedures for Proposed Electric Generation
- 23-P19 - 5.100 Rule Pertaining to Net-Metering Systems
- 23-P18 - Rule 5.400 Petitions to Construct Electric and Gas Facilities
- 23-P33 - Reporting of Offender Information
- 23-P34 - Suitability in Annuity Transactions (Reg. I-2023-01)
- 23-P36 - Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) Registry Rule
- 23-P23 - Water Supply Rule
- 23-P35 - Manufactured Food Rule
- 23-P42 - Investigation and Remediation of Contaminated Properties Rule
- 23-P17 - Vermont Use of Public Waters Rules
- 23-P38 - Children's Personal Care Services
- 23-P41 - Rule Governing the Prescribing of Opioids for Pain
- 24-E01 - Medication-Assisted Treatment for Opioid
- 23-P21 - Medicaid Coverage of Exception Requests
- 23-P39 - Rules of the Board of Medical Practice
- 24-E02 - Reportable and Communicable Diseases Rule
- 23-P17 – ANR’s Revised Rule
- 23-P48 - Vermont Fire Service Training Council
- 23-p47 - Rules Governing Medications for Opioid Use Disorder
- 23-P31 - Vermont Passenger Tramway Rules
- 23-P45 - Seasonal Fuel Assistance Rules
- 23-P46 - Crisis Fuel Assistance Rules
- 24-E03 - Emergency Administrative Rules for Notaries Public and Electronic and Remote Notarization
- 23-P40 - Council Rules
- 24-P06 - Nursing Home Reimbursement Rule Simplification
- 24-P05 - Private Nonmedical Institution Rules Simplification
- 24-E04 - Eligibility Criteria for Temporary Housing
- 24-E05 - Emergency Housing Transition Benefit
- 24-P03 - VPharm Coverage
- 23_P45 - Seasonal Fuel Assistance Rules (Refile)
- 24-P04 - Rules Governing the Importation of Domestic Animals, Inculding Livestock and Poultry
- 24-P01 - Regulations for Lead Control
- 23-P22 - Rule Series 2000 Education Quality Standards
- 23-P37 - Independent School Program Approval Rules
- 24-P08 - Reach First Rule
- 24-P09 - Reach Up Services Rule
- 24-P10 - Reach Up Eligibility Rules
- 24-P11 - Postsecondary Education Program Rule
- 24-P14 - Reportable and Communicable Diseasses Rule
- 24-P15 - Improved Tracking of Workplace Injuries and Illnesses
- 24-P13 - Unused Drug Repository Rule
- 24-P12 - Aboveground Storage Tank Rules
- 23-P43 - Vermont Low Emission Vehicle and Zero Emission Vehicle Rules
- 24-E06 - General Assistance Emergency Housing Assistance Emergency Rules
- 23-P44 - Residential Care Home and Assisted Living Residence Licensing Regulations
- 24-P16 - Rule 3.300 Disconnection of Residential Gas, Electric, and Water Services
- 24-P17 - Rule 3.400 Disconnection of Cable Television Services and Non-Residential Electric, Gas, and Water Services
- 24-P25 - Ambulance Services
- 24-P26 - Beneficiary Protections and Responsibilities
- 24-E07 - Emergency Administrative Rules for Notaries Public and Electronic and Remote Notarization
- 24-P29 - Vermont Saves Program Rule
- 24-P27 - Technical Service Provider Certification Rule
- 24-P28 - Best Management Practices Rule
- 24-P19 - 2024 Materials Management Plan
- 24-P22 - Vermont Workers' Compensation and Occupational Disease Rules 1-27
- 24-P18 - Rules Governing the Licensing of Educators and the Preparation of Education Professionals
- 24-P23 - Administration of Nonemergency Involuntary Psychiatric Medications
- 24-P31 - Health Benefits Eligibility and Enrollment Rule, Eligibility Standards (Part 2)
- 24-P32 - Health Benefits Eligibility and Enrollment Rule, Nonfinancial Eligibility Requirements (Part 3)
- 24-P33 – HBEE Rule (Part 7)
- 24-P34 - Marriage Ceremony for Incarerated Individuals
- 24-P45 - VT Criminal Justice Council Rules
- 24-P41 - Administrative Rules for Notaries Public
- 24-P38 - Medical and surgical Services of a Dentist
- 24-P39 - Orthodontic Treatment
- 24-P40 Chiropractic Services
- 24-P37 - Dental Services for Beneficiaries Under Age 21
- 24-P36 - Dental Services
- 24-E08 - General Assistance Emergency Housing Assistance Emergency Rule
- 24-P42 General Assistance Emergency Housing Assistance Rule
Bills In Legislative Committee on Administrative Rules (LCAR)
Bills that are currently in committee.
Regular Session 2023-2024
Bill | Title | Sponsor |
Bills Out of Legislative Committee on Administrative Rules (LCAR)
Bills sponsored by the committee, and bills reported out of committee. Includes bills where the committee has been relieved of responsibility.
Regular Session 2023-2024
Bill | Title | Sponsor | Act # | Year |
Bills Referred to Legislative Committee on Administrative Rules (LCAR)
Bills that were in committee at any time. Does not include bills sponsored by Committee.
Regular Session 2023-2024
Bill | Title | Sponsor | Act # | Year |
Legislative language and other materials posted on this page are subject to frequent change and may not reflect the Committee's most recent discussions or actions. Please check back often for updated materials.