2015-2016 Session
Change SessionH.361 (Act 46)
An act relating to making amendments to education funding, education spending, and education governance
- Sponsor(s)
- Last Recorded Action
- House 5/16/2015 - Signed by Governor on June 2, 2015
Bill/Resolution Text
- Other Text
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An act relating to making amendments to education funding, education spending, and education governance
Detailed Status
2015 - 2016 Legislative Session
Body | Date | Journal | Calendar | Location | Full Status |
An act relating to making amendments to education funding, education spending, and education governance
Roll Call History
2015 - 2016 Legislative Session
Body | Date | Journal | Location | Full Status |
Although procedurally bills and resolutions are assigned to only one committee at a time, other committees may review the bill or resolution. This page contains results from both the assigned committee as well as other committees.
An act relating to making amendments to education funding, education spending, and education governance
Committee Meetings
2015 - 2016 Legislative Session
Meeting Date | Committee |
An act relating to making amendments to education funding, education spending, and education governance
Meeting Full List
2015 - 2016 Legislative Session
No meeting history found for H.361 in the 2015 - 2016 Legislative Session.
Committee Documents
An act relating to making amendments to education funding, education spending, and education governance
Witnesses Who Testified
2015 - 2016 Legislative Session
Committee of Conference
- Peter Griffin, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
- Rebecca Holcombe, Secretary, Agency of Education
- Brad James, Education Finance Manager, Agency of Education
- Mark Perrault, Senior Fiscal Analyst, Joint Fiscal Office
- Donna Russo-Savage, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
House Committee on Appropriations
- Rep. James Condon, Reporter, House Ways & Means Committee
- Rep. David Sharpe, Reporter, House Committee on Education
House Committee on Corrections and Institutions
- Catherine Benham, Associate Fiscal Officer, Joint Fiscal Office
- Rep. Ann Manwaring, House Committee on Education
- Rep. David Sharpe, Chair, House Committee on Education
- Rebecca Wasserman, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
House Committee on Education
- Fran Bisselle, Head of School, Maple Street School, Manchester Center
- Rep. William Botzow
- Aaron Brodeur, Education Finance Manager, Agency of Education
- Rep. Cynthia Browning, Sponsor of amendment
- Rep. Sarah E. Buxton
- JoAn Canning, Superintendent, Addison Northwest Supervisory Union
- Paul Cillo, President, Public Assets Institute
- Susan Clark, Steering Committee Member, Vermonters for Schools and Community
- Stephen Dale, Executive Director, Vermont School Boards Association
- Cathy Davis, Director of Government & Media Relations, Lake Champlain Chamber of Commerce
- Rep. Susan Davis
- Rep. Alyson Eastman, Sponsor of amendment
- Rep. Alice M. Emmons, Sponsor of amendment
- Jeff Francis, Executive Director, Vermont Superintendents Association
- Lachlan Francis, Graduate, Brattleboro Union High School
- Ken Fredette, Board Member, Wallingford Elementary School
- Grant Geisler, President, Vermont Association of School Business Officials
- Greg Glennon, General Counsel, Agency of Education
- Eli Goldman, Student, Vergennes Union High School
- Peter Griffin, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
- Rebecca Holcombe, Secretary, Agency of Education
- Victoria Howard, Student, Bellows Free Academy Fairfax
- Brad James, Education Finance Manager, Agency of Education
- Steve Jeffrey, Executive Director, Vermont League of Cities and Towns
- Rep. Mitzi Johnson, Sponsor of amendment
- Richard Kehne, Board Member, Calais Elementary School
- Rep. Patricia Komline, Sponsor of amendment
- Todd LeBlanc, Vice President, Vermont Assessors & Listers Association
- Margaret Maclean, Steering Committee Member, Vermonters for Schools and Community
- Dan Marchetti, Head of School, The Grammar School, Putney
- Phoebe Martell-Crawford, Student, Bellows Free Academy, St. Albans
- William Mathis, Member, Vermont State Board of Education
- Rep. Curt McCormack, Sponsor of amendment
- Kendal Melvin, Government Affairs Specialist, Vermont Chamber of Commerce
- Mill Moore, Executive Director, Vermont Independent Schools Association
- Stephan Morse, Chair, State Board of Education
- Rep. Linda K. Myers
- Rep. Oliver Olsen
- Rep. Oliver Olsen, Sponsor of amendment
- Rep. Christopher Pearson, Sponsor of amendment
- Rick Pembroke, Chief Financial Officer, Southwest Vermont Supervisory Union
- Mark Perrault, Senior Fiscal Analyst, Joint Fiscal Office
- Mary Peterson, Commissioner, Department of Taxes
- Donna Russo-Savage, Legal Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
- Donna Russo-Savage, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
- Brigid Scheffert, Superintendent, Washington West Supervisory Union
- Rep. Heidi E. Scheuermann
- Mary Schwartz, Project Manager, Vermont Business Roundtable
- Rep. Butch Shaw, Sponsor of amendment
- Rep. Laura Sibilia, Sponsor of amendment
- Marty Strange, Steering Committee Member, Vermonters for Schools and Community
- Scott Thompson, Board Member, Union-32
- Rep. George W. Till, Sponsor of amendment
- Chris Tormey, Steering Committee Member, Vermonters for Schools and Community
- Brian Townsend, Director of Information Systems, Agency of Education
- Tom Vickery, Board of Directors, Vermont Assessors & Listers Association
- Randy Viens, Member, Vermont Assessors & Listers Association
- Rebecca Wasserman, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
- Tracy Wrend, Superintendent, Lamoille South Supervisory Union
- David Young, Superintendent, South Burlington School District
House Committee on Ways and Means
- Rep. Sarah E. Buxton, House Committee on Education
- Stephen Dale, Executive Director, Vermont School Boards Association
- Jeff Fannon, General Counsel, NEA
- Jeff Francis, Executive Director, Vermont Superintendents Association
- Grant Geisler, Former President, Vermont Association of School Business Officials
- Peter Griffin, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
- Rebecca Holcombe, Secretary, Agency of Education
- Brad James, Education Finance Manager, Agency of Education
- Steve Jeffrey, Executive Director, Vermont League of Cities and Towns
- Thomas Pelham, Co-Founder, Campaign for Vermont
- Rick Pembroke, President, Vermont Association of School Business Officials
- Mark Perrault, Senior Fiscal Analyst, Joint Fiscal Office
- Donna Russo-Savage, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
- Rep. Heidi E. Scheuermann
- Rep. David Sharpe, Chair, House Committee on Education
- Tom Vickery, Board of Directors, Vermont Assessors & Listers Association
- Rebecca Wasserman, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
Senate Committee on Appropriations
- Peter Griffin, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
- Brad James, Education Finance Manager, Agency of Education
- Mark Perrault, Senior Fiscal Analyst, Joint Fiscal Office
- Donna Russo-Savage, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
Senate Committee on Education
- John Alberghini, Superintendent, Chittenden East Supervisory Union
- Vaughn Altemus, Education Finance Manager, Agency of Education
- Alison Anand
- Alison Anand, School Board Member, Richmond
- Sen. Tim Ashe
- David Baker, Superintendent, Windsor Southeast Supervisory Union
- Clyde Baldwin, Charlotte
- Brett Blanchard, Principal, Fair Haven Union High School
- David Brandt, Underhill
- Joanne Breidenstein, Middlesex
- Betsy Brigham, Teacher, Marshfield
- Carol Brigham, School Board Member, Whiting
- Peter Burrows, Superintendent, Addison Central Supervisory Union
- Russell Caffry, Shelburne
- Victoria Capitani, Vice Chair, Dover Select Board
- Bill Cobb, Newark
- Wendell Coleman, Londonderry
- Gail B. Conley, Retired Superintendent, Huntington
- Joel Cook, Director, Vermont National Education Association
- Nancy Cornell, School Board Member, Starksboro
- Stephen Dale, Executive Director, Vermont School Boards Association
- Steve Dale, Executive Director, Vermont School Boards Association
- Ed Deegan, East Montpelier
- Michael Deweese, Retired Superintendent, Bakersfield
- Brooke Dingledine , School Board Member, Randolph
- Susan Edgerton, Member, Readsboro School Board
- Jeff Fannon, General Counsel, Vermont National Education Association
- Amy Fowler, Deputy Secretary for Educator Quality, Agency of Education
- Jeff Francis, Executive Director, Vermont Superintendents Association
- Lachlan Francis, Graduate, Putney
- Marilyn Fredericks, Business Manager, Lamoille North Supervisory Union
- David Giddings, Readsboro, VT
- Peter Griffin, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
- Jon Guiffre, School Board Member and Chair, Roxbury
- Clarence Haynes, School Board Member and Chair, Middletown Springs
- Steve Hier, Business Manager, Springfield School District
- Rebecca Holcombe, Secretary, Agency of Education
- Beth Holtzman, Steering Committee Member, Vermonters for Schools and Community
- Geo Honsigford, School Board Member, Royalton
- Krista Huling, Vermont State Board of Education
- Craig Hutt Vater, Principal, Mount Holly
- Brad James, Education Finance Manager, Agency of Education
- Aaron Kaigle, Executive Staff Assistant, Department of Taxes
- Andrea Kane, Parent, Peacham
- Brent Kay, Superintendent, Orleans Southwest Supervisory Union
- Helen Keith, Early Education Services, Huntington
- Kathleen Kesson, Barre Town
- Jessica Little, Essex Town
- Erin Maguire, Executive Director of Student Support Services, Vermont Council of Special Education Administrators
- Bob Mason, Vermont Association of School Board Associations
- William Mathis, Vermont State Board of Education
- William Mathis, Chair, Legislative Committee, Vermont State Board of Education
- Erica McLaughlin, Principal, Orange SouthWest Supervisory Union
- Erica McLaughlin, Principal, Randolph Elementary School
- Stephan Morse, Chair, Vermont Board of Education
- Jay Nichols, Superintendent, Franklin Northeast Supervisory Union
- Lisa Olson, School Board Member, Cabot
- Steve Owens, Secretary/Treasurer, Calais/VT National Education Association
- Ken Page, Executive Director, Vermont Principals Association
- Thomas Pelham, Commissioner
- Peter Peltz
- Mark Perrault, Senior Fiscal Analyst, Joint Fiscal Office
- Mark Perrin, Board Member, Middlebury
- Andrew Pond, Bolton resident
- Molly Pratt, Pittsford
- Jenny Prosser, Office of Legislative Council
- Jill Remick, Communications Director, Agency of Education
- Sen. John Rodgers, Senator
- Donna Russo-Savage, Legal Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
- Donna Russo-Savage, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
- Rama Schneider, Board Member, Williamstown
- David Schoales, Member, Brattleboro Town School Board
- Rick Scott, Administrator, Bridport
- Lee Sease, Retired Superintendent, Randolph
- Rep. David Sharpe, Sponsor, House Committee on Education
- Jerome Shedd, Board Member, Middlebury, VT
- Laura Sibilia, School Board Member, Dover
- Annie Sproston, Peacham
- Debra Stoleroff, Plainfield
- Paul Stone, Orwell
- Marty Strange, Randolph
- Marty Strange, Vermonters for Schools and Community
- William Talbott, Deputy Commissioner, Agency of Education
- Phil Taylor, School Board Member, Twin Valley Joint Contract School
- Scott Thompson, Board Member, Union-32
- Chris Tormey, Steering Committee Member, Vermonters for Schools and Community
- Lisa Ventriss, President, Vermont Business Roundtable
- Richard Werner, Chair, Dover School Board
Senate Committee on Finance
- Eliza Anderson, Parent, Westford School
- Sen. Philip Baruth
- Sen. Ann Cummings
- Steve Dale, Executive Director, Vermont School Boards Association
- Jeff Fannon, General Counsel, Vermont National Education Association
- Jeff Francis, Executive Director, Vermont Superintendents Association
- Robert Gensburg, Lead Attorney, ACLU Brigham Education Funding Lawsuit
- Devon Green, Special Counsel for Tax Legislation, Department of Taxes
- Peter Griffin, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
- Martha Heath, Clerk, Westford School Board
- Brad James, Education Finance Manager, Agency of Education
- William Mathis, Vermont State Board of Education
- Morgan McIver, Student Member, Vermont State Board of Education
- Mill Moore, Executive Director, Vermont Independent Schools Association
- Peter Moskovites, School Board Member, NCUHS
- Cam Page, Stowe School Board
- Thomas Pelham, Campaign for Vermont
- Laura Pelosi, Lobbyist, St. Johnsbury Academy
- Mark Perrault, Senior Fiscal Analyst, Joint Fiscal Office
- Sen. John Rodgers
- Donna Russo-Savage, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
- Rep. David Sharpe, Sponsor
- Marty Strange, Steering Committee Member, Vermonters for Schools and Communities
- Chris Tormey, Steering Committee Chair, Vermonters for Schools and Communities
- Sen. David Zuckerman, Senator
Fiscal notes and materials available on this web page are provided for informational purposes only, and may not comprise all materials received by the Vermont Legislature or the final fiscal information related to a specific bill. The Legislature is not responsible for the accuracy of any information in these materials, and their posting does not constitute approval or endorsement by the Legislature.
No fiscal documents found for H.361 in the 2015 - 2016 Legislative Session.
An act relating to making amendments to education funding, education spending, and education governance
Committee of Conference Members
2015 - 2016 Legislative Session
An act relating to making amendments to education funding, education spending, and education governance
Committee of Conference Meetings
2015 - 2016 Legislative Session
Meeting Date | Committee |
An act relating to making amendments to education funding, education spending, and education governance
Committee of Conference Meeting Full List
2015 - 2016 Legislative Session
Monday, May 11, 2015
- Committee(s):
- Committee of Conference
- 5:00 PM
H.361 - An act relating to making amendments to education funding, education spending, and education governance
Donna Russo-Savage, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
- Committee(s):
- Committee of Conference
- 12:30 PM
H.361 - An act relating to making amendments to education funding, education spending, and education governance
Rm 28
Donna Russo-Savage, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
- 7:00 PM
H.361 - An act relating to making amendments to education funding, education spending, and education governance
Rm 28
Donna Russo-Savage, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
- Committee(s):
- Committee of Conference
- 11:30 AM
H.361 - An act relating to making amendments to education funding, education spending, and education governance
Rm 28
Brad James, Education Finance Manager, Agency of Education
Peter Griffin, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
Mark Perrault, Senior Fiscal Analyst, Joint Fiscal Office
Donna Russo-Savage, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
- 1:00 PM
H.361 - An act relating to making amendments to education funding, education spending, and education governance
Donna Russo-Savage, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
Rebecca Holcombe, Secretary, Agency of Education
- 4:30 PM
H.361 - An act relating to making amendments to education funding, education spending, and education governance
Donna Russo-Savage, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
Brad James, Education Finance Manager, Agency of Education
Thursday, May 14, 2015
- Committee(s):
- Committee of Conference
- 10:30 AM
H.361 - An act relating to making amendments to education funding, education spending, and education governance
Rm 28
- 5:00 PM
H.361 - An act relating to making amendments to education funding, education spending, and education governance
Next meeting expected to be at 5:00 in rm 28 but please monitor this website for any changes
No committee of conference report found for H.361 in the 2015 - 2016 Legislative Session.
- Signed into law 6/2/2015
- As Enacted (ACT 46)
- Act Summary
An act relating to making amendments to education funding, education spending, and education governance
Statutes Affected
2015 - 2016 Legislative Session
Statute |
16 V.S.A. § 43. Federal education aid funds; administration; local education agency |
16 V.S.A. § 165. Education quality standards; equal educational opportunities; independent school meeting education quality standards |
16 V.S.A. § 261. Organization and adjustment of supervisory unions |
16 V.S.A. § 261a. Duties of supervisory union board |
16 V.S.A. § 563. Powers of school boards; form of vote |
16 V.S.A. § 722. Amendments to articles of agreement |
16 V.S.A. § 827. Designation of a public high school or an approved independent high school as the public high school of a school district |
16 V.S.A. § 1801. Definitions |
16 V.S.A. § 1802. Transition of employees to newly created employer |
16 V.S.A. § 1803. Vermont Municipal Employees' Retirement System |
16 V.S.A. § 4001. Definitions |
16 V.S.A. § 4010. Determination of weighted long-term membership and per pupil education spending |
16 V.S.A. § 4015. Merger support for merged districts |
16 V.S.A. § 4031. Unorganized towns and gores |
32 V.S.A. § 5401. Definitions |
32 V.S.A. § 5402. Education property tax liability |
32 V.S.A. § 5402b. Statewide education tax yields; recommendation of the Commissioner [Effective until July 1, 2025; see also 32 V.S.A. § 5402b effective July 1, 2025 set out below] |
32 V.S.A. § 5402b. Statewide education tax yields; recommendation of the Commissioner [Effective July 1, 2025; see also 32 V.S.A. § 5402b effective until July 1, 2025 set out above] |
32 V.S.A. § 6066. Computation of property tax credit and renter credit |