2013-2014 Session
Change SessionH.526 (Act 172)
An act relating to the establishment of lake shoreland protection standards
- Sponsor(s)
- Last Recorded Action
- House 5/10/2014 - Signed by Governor on June 5, 2014
Bill/Resolution Text
- Other Text
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An act relating to the establishment of lake shoreland protection standards
Detailed Status
2013 - 2014 Legislative Session
Body | Date | Journal | Calendar | Location | Full Status |
An act relating to the establishment of lake shoreland protection standards
Roll Call History
2013 - 2014 Legislative Session
Body | Date | Journal | Location | Full Status |
Although procedurally bills and resolutions are assigned to only one committee at a time, other committees may review the bill or resolution. This page contains results from both the assigned committee as well as other committees.
An act relating to the establishment of lake shoreland protection standards
Committee Meetings
2013 - 2014 Legislative Session
Meeting Date | Committee |
An act relating to the establishment of lake shoreland protection standards
Meeting Full List
2013 - 2014 Legislative Session
No meeting history found for H.526 in the 2013 - 2014 Legislative Session.
Committee Documents
An act relating to the establishment of lake shoreland protection standards
Witnesses Who Testified
2013 - 2014 Legislative Session
Committee of Conference
- Trey Martin, Senior Counsel for Government Affairs, Agency of Natural Resources
- Michael O'Grady, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
House Committee on Fish, Wildlife and Water Resources
- Sen. Robert M. Hartwell, Senate Committee on Natural Resources and Energy
- Rep. Bob Helm, Fair Haven
- Rep. William F. Johnson, Canaan
- Trey Martin, Policy Advisor, Department of Environmental Conservation
- Trey Martin, Senior Counsel for Government Affairs, Agency of Natural Resources
- Michael O'Grady, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
- Sen. Diane Snelling, Senate Committee on Natural Resources and Energy
Senate Committee on Finance
- Matthew Chapman, Counsel, Department of Environmental Conservation
- James Magoon, Citizen
- Sen. Kevin Mullin
- Michael O'Grady, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
- Sen. John Rodgers, Senator
- Susan Warren, Section Chief of Lakes & Ponds Management, Department of Environmental Conservation
Senate Committee on Natural Resources and Energy
- Richard Baker, Lake Scientist (retired), Maine Shoreline Protection Program
- Robert Beach , Owner, Basin Harbor Club
- Eric Benson, Attorney, Vermont Rail System
- Roy Bouchard, Manager, Lakes & Ponds Program, Maine Department of Environmental Protection
- Breck Bowden, Prof., UVM Professor of Watershed Science & Planning
- Gina Campoli, Environmental Policy Manager, Agency of Transportation
- Libby Chapin, Citizen, Lake Fairlee
- Matthew Chapman, Counsel, Department of Environmental Conservation
- David Coates, Citizen, Burlington
- Warren Coleman, Representing, VELCO
- Amy Davenport, Administrative Judge, Judiciary
- Cathy Davis, Director of Government & Media Relations, Lake Champlain Chamber of Commerce
- Rep. David L. Deen, Chair, House Committee on Fish, Wildlife and Water Resources
- John Echeverria, Professor, Vermont Law School
- Nicholas Ecker-Racz, Citizen, Glover
- Darlene Forst, Shoreland Program, N.H. Dept. of Environmental Services
- Ginny Garrison, Citizen, Hardwick
- Kim Greenwood, Staff Scientist, Vermont Natural Resources Council
- Don Hendrich, President, Lake Memphremagog Watershed Association
- Buzz Hoerr, Chair, Education & Outreach, Lake Champlain Basin Program
- John Hollar, Citizen, Peacham Pond
- Karen Horn, Director, Vermont League of Cities and Towns
- Anthony Iarrapino, Attorney, Conservation Law Foundation
- Melanie Kehne, Assistant General Counsel, Natural Resources Board
- Jim Leland, Director, Agency of Agriculture, Food & Markets
- Jim Leland, Director, Ag Resource Management, Agency of Agriculture, Food & Markets
- Jamie Longtin, President, Sunset Lake Association
- Erhard Mahnke, Executive Director, Vermont Affordable Housing Coalition
- Trey Martin, Senior Counsel for Government Affairs, Agency of Natural Resources
- Trey Martin, Senior Policy Advisor, Department of Environmental Conservation
- Chris McDonald, Director, Vermont Realtors
- Steve McLeod, Executive Director, Vermont Traditions Coalition
- David Mears, Commissioner, Department of Environmental Conservation
- Kellie Merrell, Aquatic Biologist, Agency of Natural Resources
- Julie Moore, Stone Environmental, Inc.
- Sharon Murray, Legislative Liaison, Vermont Planners Association
- Michael O'Grady, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
- Chip Paison, Lake Dunmore/Fern Lake Association
- Bob Pasco, President, Lake Iroquois Association
- Jeff Provost, President, The Dock Doctors, Ferrisburgh
- Chris Rice, Lobbyist, Vermont Home Builders
- Chris Rice, Lobbyist, Vermont Realtors
- Paul Saenger, Selectboard Member, Shoreham
- William Shouldice, Planning and Zoning Commission Member, Leicester
- Jackie Sprague, Chair, Federation of Lakes and Ponds
- Perry Thomas, Landowner, Lake Eden Association
- Susan Warren, Section Chief of Lakes & Ponds Management, Department of Environmental Conservation
- Miro Weinberger, Mayor, City Of Burlington
- David White, Assistant Director, City Of Burlington
- Peggy Willey, Citizen, West Fairlee Conservation Commission
- Mike Winslow, Staff Scientist, Lake Champlain Committee
- Mark Young, Treasurer, Lake Hortonia Property Owners Association
- Michael Zahner, Executive Director, Vermont Chamber of Commerce
Fiscal notes and materials available on this web page are provided for informational purposes only, and may not comprise all materials received by the Vermont Legislature or the final fiscal information related to a specific bill. The Legislature is not responsible for the accuracy of any information in these materials, and their posting does not constitute approval or endorsement by the Legislature.
No fiscal documents found for H.526 in the 2013 - 2014 Legislative Session.
An act relating to the establishment of lake shoreland protection standards
Committee of Conference Members
2013 - 2014 Legislative Session
An act relating to the establishment of lake shoreland protection standards
Committee of Conference Meetings
2013 - 2014 Legislative Session
Meeting Date | Committee |
An act relating to the establishment of lake shoreland protection standards
Committee of Conference Meeting Full List
2013 - 2014 Legislative Session
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
- Committee(s):
- Committee of Conference
- 4:30 PM
H.526 - An act relating to the establishment of lake shoreland protection standards
Michael O'Grady, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
Friday, March 21, 2014
- Committee(s):
- Committee of Conference
- 2:30 PM
H.526 - An act relating to the establishment of lake shoreland protection standards
Michael O'Grady, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
- Committee(s):
- Committee of Conference
- 9:00 AM
H.526 - An act relating to the establishment of lake shoreland protection standards
Committee of Conference in Senate Natural Resources & Energy Committee, Room 8
Michael O'Grady, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
- Committee(s):
- Committee of Conference
- 9:00 AM
H.526 - An act relating to the establishment of lake shoreland protection standards
Committee of Conference in Senate Natural Resources & Energy, Room 8
Michael O'Grady, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
Trey Martin, Senior Counsel for Government Affairs, Agency of Natural Resources
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
- Committee(s):
- Committee of Conference
- 12:30 PM
H.526 - An act relating to the establishment of lake shoreland protection standards
Committee of Conference in Senate Natural Resources and Energy Committee, Room 8
Michael O'Grady, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
Friday, April 11, 2014
- Committee(s):
- Committee of Conference
- 8:30 AM
H.526 - An act relating to the establishment of lake shoreland protection standards
Committee of Conference in Senate Natural Resources and Energy Committee, Room 8
Michael O'Grady, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
- Committee(s):
- Committee of Conference
- 9:00 AM
H.526 - An act relating to the establishment of lake shoreland protection standards
Committee of Conference Meeting #6, Senate Natural Resources & Energy Committee, Room 8
Michael O'Grady, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
Friday, April 25, 2014
- Committee(s):
- Committee of Conference
- 2:00 PM
H.526 - An act relating to the establishment of lake shoreland protection standards
Committee of Conference meeting #8 in Senate Natural Resources & Energy Committee, Room 8
Michael O'Grady, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
No committee of conference report found for H.526 in the 2013 - 2014 Legislative Session.
- Signed into law 6/5/2014
- As Enacted (ACT 172)
- Act Summary
An act relating to the establishment of lake shoreland protection standards
Statutes Affected
2013 - 2014 Legislative Session
Statute |
3 V.S.A. § 2822. Budget and report; powers |
10 V.S.A. § 1441. Purpose |
10 V.S.A. § 1442. Definitions |
10 V.S.A. § 1443. Individual permit requirements for impervious surface or cleared area in a protected shoreland area |
10 V.S.A. § 1444. Permit standards |
10 V.S.A. § 1445. Nonconforming parcels; permit standards |
10 V.S.A. § 1446. Registered projects; exemptions from permitting |
10 V.S.A. § 1447. Lake shoreland vegetation protection standards |
10 V.S.A. § 1448. Municipal delegation |
10 V.S.A. § 1449. Coordination of Agency of Natural Resources' permitting of activities in protected shoreland areas |
10 V.S.A. § 1450. Municipal zoning bylaw or ordinance |
10 V.S.A. § 1454. Transport of aquatic plants and aquatic nuisance species |
10 V.S.A. § 8003. Applicability |
10 V.S.A. § 8503. Applicability |