2011-2012 Session
Change SessionH.21 (Act 84)
An act relating to the mutual benefit enterprise act
- Sponsor(s)
- Last Recorded Action
- House 4/20/2012 - Signed by Governor on 4/20/2012
Bill/Resolution Text
- Other Text
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An act relating to the mutual benefit enterprise act
Detailed Status
2011 - 2012 Legislative Session
Body | Date | Journal | Calendar | Location | Full Status |
An act relating to the mutual benefit enterprise act
Roll Call History
2011 - 2012 Legislative Session
Body | Date | Journal | Location | Full Status |
Although procedurally bills and resolutions are assigned to only one committee at a time, other committees may review the bill or resolution. This page contains results from both the assigned committee as well as other committees.
An act relating to the mutual benefit enterprise act
Committee Meetings
2011 - 2012 Legislative Session
Meeting Date | Committee |
An act relating to the mutual benefit enterprise act
Meeting Full List
2011 - 2012 Legislative Session
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
- Committee(s):
- House Committee on Commerce and Economic Development
- 2:30 PM
H.21 - An act relating to the mutual benefit enterprise act
Rep. Eileen "Lynn" Dickinson, Sponsor
Peter Langrock, Attorney, Uniform Commercial Code Commission
David Hall, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
Thursday, January 20, 2011
- Committee(s):
- House Committee on Commerce and Economic Development
- After Adj.
H.21 - An act relating to the mutual benefit enterprise act
Possible Interested Parties testimony time permitting
David Hall, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
Tom Candon, Deputy Commissioner, Division of Banking; Securities, BISHCA
Bill Dalton, Secretary of State's Office
Friday, January 21, 2011
- Committee(s):
- House Committee on Commerce and Economic Development
- After Training/1:00
H.21 - An act relating to the mutual benefit enterprise act
Continuation of Interested Parties testimony and possible vote
David Hall, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
Laddie Lushin, Attorney, Randolph
Donald Kreis, Associate Director & Assistant Professor, Institute for Energy & Environment, VT Law School
Ellen Kahler, Executive Director, Vermont Sustainable Jobs Fund
Jane Clifford, Lobbyist, Green Mountain Dairy Farmers Cooperative, Inc.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
- Committee(s):
- House Committee on Commerce and Economic Development
- 11:00 AM
H.21 - An act relating to the mutual benefit enterprise act
Diane Bothfeld, Deputy Secretary, Agency of Agriculture, Food & Markets
Diane Zamos, Staff Attorney, Agency of Agriculture, Food & Markets
- 3:00 PM
H.21 - An act relating to the mutual benefit enterprise act
Tom Candon, Deputy Commissioner, Division of Banking; Securities, BISHCA
Kari Bradley, General Manager, Hunger Mountain Coop
Lawrence Miller, Secretary, Agency of Commerce and Community Development
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
- Committee(s):
- House Committee on Commerce and Economic Development
- After Adj.
H.21 - An act relating to the mutual benefit enterprise act
Committee discussion and vote
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
- Committee(s):
- House Committee on Commerce and Economic Development
- 9:00 AM
H.21 - An act relating to the mutual benefit enterprise act
Committee Discussion
- 2:00 PM
H.21 - An act relating to the mutual benefit enterprise act
David Hall, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
Thursday, March 31, 2011
- Committee(s):
- House Committee on Commerce and Economic Development
- 9:15 AM
H.21 - An act relating to the mutual benefit enterprise act
Peter Langrock, Attorney, Uniform Law Commission
- 1:30 PM
H.21 - An act relating to the mutual benefit enterprise act
Bill Dalton, Secretary of State's Office
David Hall, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
Friday, April 1, 2011
- Committee(s):
- House Committee on Commerce and Economic Development
- 11:30 AM
H.21 - An act relating to the mutual benefit enterprise act
Committee vote
Thursday, April 7, 2011
- Committee(s):
- House Committee on Ways and Means
- 9:30 AM
H.21 - An act relating to the mutual benefit enterprise act
Rep. Eileen "Lynn" Dickinson, Reporter
Rep. Paul Ralston, House Committee on Commerce and Economic Development
Friday, April 8, 2011
- Committee(s):
- House Committee on Ways and Means
- After
H.21 - An act relating to the mutual benefit enterprise act
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
- Committee(s):
- House Committee on Commerce and Economic Development
- 9:00 AM
H.21 - An act relating to the mutual benefit enterprise act
Amendment from Rep. Betty Nuovo
Rep. Betty A. Nuovo, Sponsor
Friday, February 10, 2012
- Committee(s):
- Senate Committee on Finance
- -
H.21 - An act relating to the mutual benefit enterprise act
Peter Langrock, Attorney, Uniform Commercial Code Commission
Rep. Paul Ralston, House Committee on Commerce and Economic Development
Rep. Eileen "Lynn" Dickinson, St Albans
David Hall, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
Friday, February 17, 2012
- Committee(s):
- Senate Committee on Finance
- -
H.21 - An act relating to the mutual benefit enterprise act
Donald Kreis, Associate Director & Assistant Professor, Institute for Energy & Environment, VT Law School
Laddie Lushin, Attorney, Randolph
Jane Clifford, Lobbyist, Representing Dairy Producers and Cooperatives
Lawrence Miller, Secretary, Agency of Commerce and Community Development
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
- Committee(s):
- Senate Committee on Finance
- -
H.21 - An act relating to the mutual benefit enterprise act
Committee Discussion
David Hall, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
Friday, March 2, 2012
- Committee(s):
- Senate Committee on Finance
- 1:30 PM
H.21 - An act relating to the mutual benefit enterprise act
Hon. James Condos, Secretary of State
David Hall, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
- Committee(s):
- Senate Committee on Finance
- -
H.21 - An act relating to the mutual benefit enterprise act
Committee Discussion & Possible Vote
David Hall, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
- Committee(s):
- Senate Committee on Agriculture
- 15 Minutes after Floor
H.21 - An act relating to the mutual benefit enterprise act
David Hall, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
Rep. Eileen "Lynn" Dickinson, House Committee on Commerce and Economic Development
Rep. Paul Ralston, House Committee on Commerce and Economic Development
Jane Clifford, Lobbyist, Green MT. Dairy Farmers Cooperative Federation, Inc
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
- Committee(s):
- House Committee on Commerce and Economic Development
- After
H.21 - An act relating to the mutual benefit enterprise act
Senate amendment - committee discussion
David Hall, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
No committee documents found for H.21 in the 2011 - 2012 Legislative Session.
An act relating to the mutual benefit enterprise act
Witnesses Who Testified
2011 - 2012 Legislative Session
House Committee on Commerce and Economic Development
- Diane Bothfeld, Deputy Secretary, Agency of Agriculture, Food & Markets
- Kari Bradley, General Manager, Hunger Mountain Coop
- Tom Candon, Deputy Commissioner, Division of Banking; Securities, BISHCA
- Jane Clifford, Lobbyist, Green Mountain Dairy Farmers Cooperative, Inc.
- Bill Dalton, Secretary of State's Office
- Rep. Eileen "Lynn" Dickinson, Sponsor
- David Hall, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
- Ellen Kahler, Executive Director, Vermont Sustainable Jobs Fund
- Donald Kreis, Associate Director & Assistant Professor, Institute for Energy & Environment, VT Law School
- Peter Langrock, Attorney, Uniform Commercial Code Commission
- Peter Langrock, Attorney, Uniform Law Commission
- Laddie Lushin, Attorney, Randolph
- Lawrence Miller, Secretary, Agency of Commerce and Community Development
- Rep. Betty A. Nuovo, Sponsor
- Diane Zamos, Staff Attorney, Agency of Agriculture, Food & Markets
House Committee on Ways and Means
- Rep. Eileen "Lynn" Dickinson, Reporter
- Rep. Paul Ralston, House Committee on Commerce and Economic Development
Senate Committee on Agriculture
- Jane Clifford, Lobbyist, Green MT. Dairy Farmers Cooperative Federation, Inc
- Rep. Eileen "Lynn" Dickinson, House Committee on Commerce and Economic Development
- David Hall, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
- Rep. Paul Ralston, House Committee on Commerce and Economic Development
Senate Committee on Finance
- Jane Clifford, Lobbyist, Representing Dairy Producers and Cooperatives
- Hon. James Condos, Secretary of State
- Rep. Eileen "Lynn" Dickinson, St Albans
- David Hall, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
- Donald Kreis, Associate Director & Assistant Professor, Institute for Energy & Environment, VT Law School
- Peter Langrock, Attorney, Uniform Commercial Code Commission
- Laddie Lushin, Attorney, Randolph
- Lawrence Miller, Secretary, Agency of Commerce and Community Development
- Rep. Paul Ralston, House Committee on Commerce and Economic Development
Fiscal notes and materials available on this web page are provided for informational purposes only, and may not comprise all materials received by the Vermont Legislature or the final fiscal information related to a specific bill. The Legislature is not responsible for the accuracy of any information in these materials, and their posting does not constitute approval or endorsement by the Legislature.
No fiscal documents found for H.21 in the 2011 - 2012 Legislative Session.
No committee of conference members found for H.21 in the 2011 - 2012 Legislative Session.
An act relating to the mutual benefit enterprise act
Committee of Conference Meetings
2011 - 2012 Legislative Session
Meeting Date | Committee |
An act relating to the mutual benefit enterprise act
Committee of Conference Meeting Full List
2011 - 2012 Legislative Session
No committee of conference meeting history found for H.21 in the 2011 - 2012 Legislative Session.
No committee of conference report found for H.21 in the 2011 - 2012 Legislative Session.
- Signed into law 4/20/2012
- As Enacted (ACT 84)
An act relating to the mutual benefit enterprise act
Statutes Affected
2011 - 2012 Legislative Session
Statute |
11 V.S.A. § 992. Use of 'cooperative' |
11 V.S.A. § 1621. Registration of business name by persons, partnerships, and associations |
11 V.S.A. § 1623. Registration by business organizations |
11C V.S.A. § 101. Short title |
11C V.S.A. § 102. Definitions |
11C V.S.A. § 103. Mutual benefit enterprise subject to amendment or repeal |
11C V.S.A. § 104. Nature of mutual benefit enterprise |
11C V.S.A. § 105. Purpose and duration of mutual benefit enterprise |
11C V.S.A. § 106. Powers |
11C V.S.A. § 107. Governing law |
11C V.S.A. § 108. Supplemental principles of law |
11C V.S.A. § 109. Requirements of other laws |
11C V.S.A. § 110. Relation to restraint of trade and antitrust laws |
11C V.S.A. § 111. Name |
11C V.S.A. § 112. Reservation of name |
11C V.S.A. § 113. Effect of organic rules |
11C V.S.A. § 114. Required information |
11C V.S.A. § 115. Business transactions of member with mutual benefit enterprise |
11C V.S.A. § 116. Dual capacity |
11C V.S.A. § 117. Designated office and agent for service of process |
11C V.S.A. § 118. Change of designated office or agent for service of process |
11C V.S.A. § 119. Resignation of agent for service of process |
11C V.S.A. § 120. Service of process |
11C V.S.A. § 201. Signing of records delivered for filing to Secretary of State |
11C V.S.A. § 202. Signing and filing of records pursuant to judicial order |
11C V.S.A. § 203. Delivery to and filing of records by Secretary of State; effective time and date |
11C V.S.A. § 204. Correcting filed record |
11C V.S.A. § 205. Liability for inaccurate information in filed record |
11C V.S.A. § 206. Certificate of good standing or authorization |
11C V.S.A. § 207. Annual report for Secretary of State |
11C V.S.A. § 208. Filing fees |
11C V.S.A. § 301. Organizers |
11C V.S.A. § 302. Formation of mutual benefit enterprise; articles of organization |
11C V.S.A. § 303. Organization of mutual benefit enterprise |
11C V.S.A. § 304. Bylaws |
11C V.S.A. § 401. Authority to amend organic rules |
11C V.S.A. § 402. Notice and action on amendment of organic rules |
11C V.S.A. § 403. Method of voting on amendment of organic rules |
11C V.S.A. § 404. Voting by district, class, or voting group |
11C V.S.A. § 405. Approval of amendment |
11C V.S.A. § 406. Restated articles of organization |
11C V.S.A. § 407. Amendment or restatement of articles of organization; filing |
11C V.S.A. § 501. Members |
11C V.S.A. § 502. Becoming a member |
11C V.S.A. § 503. No power as member to bind enterprise |
11C V.S.A. § 504. No liability as member for enterprise's obligations |
11C V.S.A. § 505. Right of member and former member to information |
11C V.S.A. § 506. Annual meeting of members |
11C V.S.A. § 507. Special meeting of members |
11C V.S.A. § 508. Notice of members' meeting |
11C V.S.A. § 509. Waiver of member's meeting notice |
11C V.S.A. § 510. Quorum of members |
11C V.S.A. § 511. Voting by patron members |
11C V.S.A. § 512. Determination of voting power of patron member |
11C V.S.A. § 513. Voting by investor members |
11C V.S.A. § 514. Voting requirements for members |
11C V.S.A. § 515. Manner of voting |
11C V.S.A. § 516. Action without a meeting |
11C V.S.A. § 517. Districts and delegates; classes of members |
11C V.S.A. § 601. Member's interest |
11C V.S.A. § 602. Patron and investor member's interests |
11C V.S.A. § 603. Transferability of member's interest |
11C V.S.A. § 604. Security interest and set-off |
11C V.S.A. § 605. Charging orders for judgment creditor of member or transferee |
11C V.S.A. § 701. Authority |
11C V.S.A. § 702. Marketing contracts |
11C V.S.A. § 703. Duration of marketing contract |
11C V.S.A. § 704. Remedies for breach of contract |
11C V.S.A. § 801. Board of directors |
11C V.S.A. § 802. No liability as director for mutual benefit enterprise's obligations |
11C V.S.A. § 803. Qualifications of directors |
11C V.S.A. § 804. Election of directors and composition of board |
11C V.S.A. § 805. Term of director |
11C V.S.A. § 806. Resignation of director |
11C V.S.A. § 807. Removal of director |
11C V.S.A. § 808. Suspension of director by board |
11C V.S.A. § 809. Vacancy on board |
11C V.S.A. § 810. Remuneration of directors |
11C V.S.A. § 811. Meetings |
11C V.S.A. § 812. Action without meeting |
11C V.S.A. § 813. Meetings and notice |
11C V.S.A. § 814. Waiver of notice of meeting |
11C V.S.A. § 815. Quorum |
11C V.S.A. § 816. Voting |
11C V.S.A. § 817. Committees |
11C V.S.A. § 818. Standards of conduct and liability |
11C V.S.A. § 819. Definitions |
11C V.S.A. § 819a. Judicial action |
11C V.S.A. § 819b. Directors' action |
11C V.S.A. § 819c. Members' action |
11C V.S.A. § 820. Other considerations of directors |
11C V.S.A. § 821. Right of director or committee member to information |
11C V.S.A. § 822. Appointment and authority of officers |
11C V.S.A. § 823. Resignation and removal of officers |
11C V.S.A. § 901. Article definitions |
11C V.S.A. § 902. Authority to indemnify |
11C V.S.A. § 903. Mandatory indemnification |
11C V.S.A. § 904. Advance for expenses |
11C V.S.A. § 905. Court-ordered indemnification |
11C V.S.A. § 906. Determination and authorization of indemnification |
11C V.S.A. § 907. Indemnification of officers, employees, and agents |
11C V.S.A. § 908. Insurance |
11C V.S.A. § 909. Application of article |
11C V.S.A. § 1001. Members' contributions |
11C V.S.A. § 1002. Contribution and valuation |
11C V.S.A. § 1003. Contribution agreements |
11C V.S.A. § 1004. Allocations of profits and losses |
11C V.S.A. § 1005. Distributions |
11C V.S.A. § 1006. Redemption or repurchase |
11C V.S.A. § 1007. Limitations on distributions |
11C V.S.A. § 1008. Liability for improper distributions; limitation of action |
11C V.S.A. § 1101. Member's dissociation |
11C V.S.A. § 1102. Effect of dissociation as member |
11C V.S.A. § 1103. Power of estate of member |
11C V.S.A. § 1201. Dissolution and winding up |
11C V.S.A. § 1202. Nonjudicial dissolution |
11C V.S.A. § 1203. Judicial dissolution |
11C V.S.A. § 1204. Voluntary dissolution before commencement of activity |
11C V.S.A. § 1205. Voluntary dissolution by the board and members |
11C V.S.A. § 1206. Winding up |
11C V.S.A. § 1207. Distribution of assets in winding up mutual benefit enterprise |
11C V.S.A. § 1208. Known claims against dissolved mutual benefit enterprise |
11C V.S.A. § 1209. Other claims against dissolved mutual benefit enterprise |
11C V.S.A. § 1210. Court proceeding |
11C V.S.A. § 1211. Administrative dissolution |
11C V.S.A. § 1212. Reinstatement following administrative dissolution |
11C V.S.A. § 1213. Denial of reinstatement; appeal |
11C V.S.A. § 1214. [Reserved.] |
11C V.S.A. § 1215. Statement of termination |
11C V.S.A. § 1301. Derivative action |
11C V.S.A. § 1302. Proper plaintiff |
11C V.S.A. § 1303. Pleading |
11C V.S.A. § 1304. Approval for discontinuance or settlement |
11C V.S.A. § 1305. Proceeds and expenses |
11C V.S.A. § 1401. Governing law |
11C V.S.A. § 1402. Application for certificate of authority |
11C V.S.A. § 1403. Activities not constituting transacting business |
11C V.S.A. § 1404. Issuance of certificate of authority |
11C V.S.A. § 1405. Noncomplying name of foreign enterprise |
11C V.S.A. § 1406. Revocation of certificate of authority |
11C V.S.A. § 1407. Cancellation of certificate of authority; effect of failure to have certificate |
11C V.S.A. § 1408. Action by Attorney General |
11C V.S.A. § 1501. Disposition of assets not requiring member approval |
11C V.S.A. § 1502. Member approval of other disposition of assets |
11C V.S.A. § 1503. Notice and action on disposition of assets |
11C V.S.A. § 1504. Disposition of assets |
11C V.S.A. § 1601. Definitions |
11C V.S.A. § 1602. Conversion |
11C V.S.A. § 1603. Action on plan of conversion by converting mutual benefit enterprise |
11C V.S.A. § 1604. Filings required for conversion; effective date |
11C V.S.A. § 1605. Effect of conversion |
11C V.S.A. § 1606. Merger |
11C V.S.A. § 1607. Notice and action on plan of merger by constituent mutual benefit enterprise |
11C V.S.A. § 1608. Approval or abandonment of merger by members |
11C V.S.A. § 1609. Filings required for merger; effective date |
11C V.S.A. § 1610. Effect of merger |
11C V.S.A. § 1611. Consolidation |
11C V.S.A. § 1612. Article not exclusive |
11C V.S.A. § 1701. Uniformity of application and construction |
11C V.S.A. § 1702. Relation to electronic signatures in Global and National Commerce Act |
11C V.S.A. § 1703. Savings clause |