2009-2010 Session
Change SessionS.222 (Act 107)
An act relating to state recognition of Native American Indian tribes in Vermont
- Sponsor(s)
- Last Recorded Action
- Senate 5/12/2010 - Signed by Governor on May 14, 2010
Bill/Resolution Text
- Other Text
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An act relating to state recognition of Native American Indian tribes in Vermont
Detailed Status
2009 - 2010 Legislative Session
Body | Date | Journal | Calendar | Location | Full Status |
An act relating to state recognition of Native American Indian tribes in Vermont
Roll Call History
2009 - 2010 Legislative Session
Body | Date | Journal | Location | Full Status |
Although procedurally bills and resolutions are assigned to only one committee at a time, other committees may review the bill or resolution. This page contains results from both the assigned committee as well as other committees.
An act relating to state recognition of Native American Indian tribes in Vermont
Committee Meetings
2009 - 2010 Legislative Session
Meeting Date | Committee |
An act relating to state recognition of Native American Indian tribes in Vermont
Meeting Full List
2009 - 2010 Legislative Session
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
- Committee(s):
- Senate Committee on Economic Development, Housing and General Affairs
- 10:00 AM
S.222 - An act relating to state recognition of Native American Indian tribes in Vermont
(in Room 10)
Luke Willard, Chief, Nulhegan Band of the Coosuck Abenaki
Roger Longtoe, Chief, Sogono Elnu Tribe of the Abenaki
April Merrill, Chief, St. Francis Sokoki Band (Missisquoi)
Howard Knight , Retired Chief/Senior Advisor, Koasek Traditional Band of the Sovereign Abenaki Nation
Nathan Pero, Clan Chief, Nolka (Deer) Clan, Koasek Traditional Band of the Sovereign Abenaki Nation
Charles Delaney-Megeso, Chair, Vermont Commission on Native American Affairs
Frederick M. Wiseman , Chair, Department of Humanities, Johnson State College
Don Stevens, Missisquoi Abenaki
Jeff Benay, Director of Indian Education, Franklin County Public Schools
Randy Smith , Clan of the Hawk (Northeast Kingdom)
Luke Willard, Chief, Nulhegan Band of the Coosuck Abenaki
Friday, February 26, 2010
- Committee(s):
- Senate Committee on Economic Development, Housing and General Affairs
- 10:00 AM
S.222 - An act relating to state recognition of Native American Indian tribes in Vermont
(Committee Draft - Mark-up and Vote)
Mike McShane, Assistant Attorney General, Attorney General's Office
Frederick M. Wiseman , Chair, Department of Humanities, Johnson State College
Meredith Sumner, Legislative Counsel
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
- Committee(s):
- Senate Committee on Economic Development, Housing and General Affairs
- 9:00 AM
S.222 - An act relating to state recognition of Native American Indian tribes in Vermont
(Committee Draft - Mark-up & Vote)
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
- Committee(s):
- House Committee on General, Housing and Military Affairs
- 9:00 AM
S.222 - An act relating to state recognition of Native American Indian tribes in Vermont
Bill Introduction
Sen. Hinda Miller, Chittenden County
Thursday, April 1, 2010
- Committee(s):
- House Committee on General, Housing and Military Affairs
- 9:15 AM
S.222 - An act relating to state recognition of Native American Indian tribes in Vermont
Frederick M. Wiseman , Chair, Department of Humanities, Johnson State College
Don Stevens, Missisquoi Abenaki
Roger Longtoe, Chief, Sogono Elnu Tribe of the Abenaki
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
- Committee(s):
- House Committee on General, Housing and Military Affairs
- 2:30 PM
S.222 - An act relating to state recognition of Native American Indian tribes in Vermont
Mike McShane, Assistant Attorney General, Attorney General's Office
Phyllis Donovan, Wheelock
Howard Knight , Retired Chief/Senior Advisor, Koasek Traditional Band of the Sovereign Abenaki Nation
Charles Delaney-Megeso, Chair, Vermont Commission on Native American Affairs
Nathan Pero, Clan Chief, Nolka (Deer) Clan, Koasek Traditional Band of the Sovereign Abenaki Nation
Tim De LaBruere, Vermont Commission on Native American Affairs
Richard Bernier
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
- Committee(s):
- House Committee on General, Housing and Military Affairs
- 9:00 AM
S.222 - An act relating to state recognition of Native American Indian tribes in Vermont
Luke Willard, Chief, Nulhegan Band of the Coosuck Abenaki
Nancy Millette Doucet, Chief, Koasek Traditional Band of the Koas Abenaki Nation
Johnny Prescot, Sub-Chief, Koasek Traditional Band of the Koas Abenaki Nation
Roger Longtoe, Chief, Sogono Elnu Tribe of the Abenaki
Thursday, April 8, 2010
- Committee(s):
- House Committee on General, Housing and Military Affairs
- 11:30 AM
S.222 - An act relating to state recognition of Native American Indian tribes in Vermont
Louise Lampman-Larivee, Member, Maquam Band, Missisquoi Abenaki
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
- Committee(s):
- House Committee on General, Housing and Military Affairs
- 15 minutes after adjournment
S.222 - An act relating to state recognition of Native American Indian tribes in Vermont
Committee Discussion/TBA
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
- Committee(s):
- House Committee on General, Housing and Military Affairs
- 10:30 AM
S.222 - An act relating to state recognition of Native American Indian tribes in Vermont
Judy Dow, Vermont Commission on Native American Affairs
- 11:00 AM
S.222 - An act relating to state recognition of Native American Indian tribes in Vermont
Jenny McLaughlin, Tribal Attorney, Abenakis
Friday, April 16, 2010
- Committee(s):
- House Committee on General, Housing and Military Affairs
- 11:00 AM
S.222 - An act relating to state recognition of Native American Indian tribes in Vermont
Room 10
Linda Brooks, Professor of Folklore and History, Harvard University
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
- Committee(s):
- House Committee on General, Housing and Military Affairs
- 2:30 PM
S.222 - An act relating to state recognition of Native American Indian tribes in Vermont
Location: Room 10
April St. Francis-Merrill, Chief, Abenakis
Jeff Benay, Director of Indian Education, Franklin County Public Schools
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
- Committee(s):
- House Committee on General, Housing and Military Affairs
- 15 minutes after adjourment
S.222 - An act relating to state recognition of Native American Indian tribes in Vermont
Discussion and possible vote on S.222
No committee documents found for S.222 in the 2009 - 2010 Legislative Session.
An act relating to state recognition of Native American Indian tribes in Vermont
Witnesses Who Testified
2009 - 2010 Legislative Session
House Committee on General, Housing and Military Affairs
- Jeff Benay, Director of Indian Education, Franklin County Public Schools
- Richard Bernier
- Linda Brooks, Professor of Folklore and History, Harvard University
- Tim De LaBruere, Vermont Commission on Native American Affairs
- Charles Delaney-Megeso, Chair, Vermont Commission on Native American Affairs
- Phyllis Donovan, Wheelock
- Judy Dow, Vermont Commission on Native American Affairs
- Howard Knight , Retired Chief/Senior Advisor, Koasek Traditional Band of the Sovereign Abenaki Nation
- Louise Lampman-Larivee, Member, Maquam Band, Missisquoi Abenaki
- Roger Longtoe, Chief, Sogono Elnu Tribe of the Abenaki
- Jenny McLaughlin, Tribal Attorney, Abenakis
- Mike McShane, Assistant Attorney General, Attorney General's Office
- Sen. Hinda Miller, Chittenden County
- Nancy Millette Doucet, Chief, Koasek Traditional Band of the Koas Abenaki Nation
- Nathan Pero, Clan Chief, Nolka (Deer) Clan, Koasek Traditional Band of the Sovereign Abenaki Nation
- Johnny Prescot, Sub-Chief, Koasek Traditional Band of the Koas Abenaki Nation
- April St. Francis-Merrill, Chief, Abenakis
- Don Stevens, Missisquoi Abenaki
- Luke Willard, Chief, Nulhegan Band of the Coosuck Abenaki
- Frederick M. Wiseman , Chair, Department of Humanities, Johnson State College
Senate Committee on Economic Development, Housing and General Affairs
- Jeff Benay, Director of Indian Education, Franklin County Public Schools
- Charles Delaney-Megeso, Chair, Vermont Commission on Native American Affairs
- Howard Knight , Retired Chief/Senior Advisor, Koasek Traditional Band of the Sovereign Abenaki Nation
- Roger Longtoe, Chief, Sogono Elnu Tribe of the Abenaki
- Mike McShane, Assistant Attorney General, Attorney General's Office
- April Merrill, Chief, St. Francis Sokoki Band (Missisquoi)
- Nathan Pero, Clan Chief, Nolka (Deer) Clan, Koasek Traditional Band of the Sovereign Abenaki Nation
- Randy Smith , Clan of the Hawk (Northeast Kingdom)
- Don Stevens, Missisquoi Abenaki
- Meredith Sumner, Legislative Counsel
- Luke Willard, Chief, Nulhegan Band of the Coosuck Abenaki
- Frederick M. Wiseman , Chair, Department of Humanities, Johnson State College
Fiscal notes and materials available on this web page are provided for informational purposes only, and may not comprise all materials received by the Vermont Legislature or the final fiscal information related to a specific bill. The Legislature is not responsible for the accuracy of any information in these materials, and their posting does not constitute approval or endorsement by the Legislature.
No fiscal documents found for S.222 in the 2009 - 2010 Legislative Session.
No committee of conference members found for S.222 in the 2009 - 2010 Legislative Session.
An act relating to state recognition of Native American Indian tribes in Vermont
Committee of Conference Meetings
2009 - 2010 Legislative Session
Meeting Date | Committee |