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Searching 2023-2024 Session

The Vermont Statutes Online

The Vermont Statutes Online does not include the actions of the 2024 session of the General Assembly. We expect them to be updated by November 1st.

NOTE: The Vermont Statutes Online is an unofficial copy of the Vermont Statutes Annotated that is provided as a convenience.

Title 10 : Conservation and Development

Chapter 015 : Vermont Housing and Conservation Trust Fund

Subchapter 002 : Establishment and Organization

(Cite as: 10 V.S.A. § 314)
  • [Section 314 repealed on July 1, 2039.]

    § 314. Affordable housing bond; investment

    The Vermont Housing and Conservation Board shall use the proceeds of bonds, notes, and other obligations issued by the Vermont Housing Finance Agency pursuant to subdivision 621(22) of this title and transferred to the Vermont Housing and Conservation Trust Fund to fund the creation and improvement of owner-occupied and rental housing for Vermonters with very low to middle income, in areas targeted for growth and reinvestment, as follows:

    (1) not less than 25 percent of the housing shall be targeted to Vermonters with very low income, meaning households with income below 50 percent of area median income;

    (2) not less than 25 percent of the housing shall be targeted to Vermonters with moderate income, meaning households with income between 80 and 120 percent of area median income; and

    (3) the remaining housing shall be targeted to Vermonters with income that is less than or equal to 120 percent of area median income, consistent with the provisions of this chapter. (Added 2017, No. 85, § I.2; amended 2017, No. 85, § I.11(a).)