115 State Street
Montpelier, VT 05633-5301
Tel: (802) 828-2228
Statehouse Seal
Senate Chamber
  • Sen. Ann Cummings, Chair
  • Sen. Mark A. MacDonald, Vice-Chair, Clerk
  • Sen. Christopher Bray
  • Sen. Dick McCormack
  • Sen. Randy Brock
  • Sen. Kesha Ram Hinsdale
  • Sen. Thomas Chittenden

Senate Committee on Finance




Room 6 and Zoom

February 27, 2024 - March 1, 2024

Last Updated 3/1/2024 1:50 PM


Unless otherwise noted, all meetings are livestreamed at


Tuesday, February 27, 2024

1:30 PM                   S. 181 - An act relating to the Community Media Public Benefit Fund

Damon Stewart, Attorney, Dish Network and DIRECTV


2:00 PM                   Housing Bill


Kirby Keeton, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Counsel


3:00 PM                   School Finance Discussion

Heather Bouchey, Ph.D., Interim Secretary, Agency of Education

Nicole Lee, Director of Education Finance, Agency of Education

Sean Cousino, Deputy Chief Financial Officer, Agency of Education (3:30 PM)

Bill Bates, Chief Financial Officer, Agency of Education (3:30 PM)

Ted Gates, Compliance Project Manager and Data Analyst, Agency of Education (3:30 PM)


Wednesday, February 28, 2024

2:30 PM                   Cloud Tax Discussion

Kirby Keeton, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Counsel

Ted Barnett, Fiscal Analyst, Joint Fiscal Office


3:00 PM                   S. 230 - An act relating to Medicare Advantage and Medicare supplemental insurance plans

Mary Hayden, Executive Director, Vermont Association of Area Agencies on Aging


3:30 PM                   Housing Bill


Ellen Czajkowski, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Counsel

Jon Gray, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Counsel


Thursday, February 29, 2024

1:45 PM                   S. 236 - An act relating to amending the criteria of 30 V.S.A. § 248

Gregg Faber, Legislative Liaison, Public Utility Commission

Peter Sterling, Director, Renewable Energy Vermont (2:00 PM)

Christian Meyer, Director, Central Vermont Regional Planning Commission (2:15 PM)

Samantha Lash, Planner, Central Vermont Regional Planning Commission (2:15 PM)


2:30 PM                   Housing Bill Discussion

Craig Bolio, Commissioner, Department of Taxes


3:30 PM                   S. 236 - An act relating to amending the criteria of 30 V.S.A. § 248

Committee discussion

Ellen Czajkowski, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Counsel


3:45 PM                   S. 181 - An act relating to the Community Media Public Benefit Fund

Draft walk-through

Kirby Keeton, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Counsel


Friday, March 1, 2024

1:00 PM                   Ryegate Power Station

Bridget Morris, Lobbyist, Morris Strategies

Andy Boutin, General Manager, Pellergy, LLC

Larry Anderson, Plant Manager, Ryegate Associates


1:30 PM                   S. 236 - An act relating to amending the criteria of 30 V.S.A. § 248

Jim Porter, Director for Public Advocacy, Department of Public Service




Please email handouts to the committee assistant at least 24 hours before your scheduled meeting time. With few exceptions, any documents you send to a committee assistant are open to the public and may be posted to the committee’s web page.


Should you require accessibility services, please click here and note that requests should be made 48 hours in advance of testimony.




If you have any questions or comments, please contact

 Zane Buckminster at zbuckminster@leg.state.vt.us