115 State Street
Montpelier, VT 05633-5301
Tel: (802) 828-2228
Statehouse Seal
Senate Chamber
  • Sen. Jane Kitchel, Chair
  • Sen. Andrew Perchlik, Vice Chair
  • Sen. Richard Westman, Clerk
  • Sen. Robert Starr
  • Sen. Philip Baruth
  • Sen. Virginia "Ginny" Lyons

Senate Committee on Appropriations




Room 5 and Zoom

February 27, 2024 - March 1, 2024

Last Updated 3/1/2024 1:22 PM


Unless otherwise noted, all meetings are livestreamed at


Tuesday, February 27, 2024

9:30 AM                   Senate Floor


-                                   No Committee Meetings Scheduled


Wednesday, February 28, 2024

1:00 PM                   Senate Floor


2:35 PM                   FY25 Budget

Agency of Agriculture, Food & Markets

Anson Tebbetts, Secretary, Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets

Nicole Dubuque, Chief Operations Officer, Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets

Amy Mercier, Financial Director, Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets

Abbey Willard, Director, Agricultural Development Division Director, Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets


3:00 PM                   National Conference of State Legislatures

Erica MacKellar, Program Principal, Fiscal, National Conference of State Legislatures


3:15 PM                   FY25 Budget

Department of Labor

Michael Harrington, Commissioner, Department of Labor

Chad Wawrzyniak, Chief Financial Officer, Department of Labor


-                                   Adjourn


Thursday, February 29, 2024

1:00 PM                   Senate Floor


1:40 PM                   FY25 Budget

Agency of Commerce and Community Development

Department of Housing and Community Development

Department of Economic Development

Department of Tourism and Marketing

Lindsay Kurrle, Secretary, Agency of Commerce and Community Development

Alex Farrell, Commissioner, Department of Housing and Community Development

Joan Goldstein, Commissioner, Department of Economic Development

Heather Pelham, Commissioner, Department of Tourism & Marketing

Dan Dickerson, Administrative Services Director, Agency of Commerce and Community Development


-                                   S. 109 - An act relating to Medicaid coverage for doula services

Committee Discussion and Vote


2:50 PM                   Break


3:35 PM                   FY25 Budget

Department of Taxes

Craig Bolio, Commissioner, Department of Taxes

Andrew Stein, Chief Operating Officer, Department of Taxes


-                                   Adjourn


Friday, March 1, 2024

10:30 AM                   Joint Assembly

Election of the Sargent at Arms


11:30 AM                   Senate Floor


1:05 PM                   FY25 Budget

Agency of Administration

Department of Finance and Management,

Executive Office

Adam Greshin, Commissioner, Department of Finance & Management


1:45 PM                   FY25 Budget

Department of Public Safety

Chief Jennifer Morrison, Commissioner, Department of Public Safety

Daniel Batsie, Deputy Commissioner, Department of Public Safety

Col. Matthew Birmingham, Director, Vermont State Police

Eric Forand, Director, Vermont Emergency Management and Homeland Security

Michael Desrochers, Director, Division of Fire Safety, Department of Public Safety

Richard Hallenbeck, Director of Finance and Administration, Department of Public Safety

Dr. Trisha Conti, Laboratory Director, Vermont Forensics Laboratory, Department of Public Safety

Jeffrey Wallin, Director, Vermont Crime Information Center (VCIC)

Corey Chase, Director, Radio Technology Services, Department of Public Service


-                                   Adjourn




Please email handouts to the committee assistant at least 24 hours before your scheduled meeting time. With few exceptions, any documents you send to a committee assistant are open to the public and may be posted to the committee’s web page.


Should you require accessibility services, please click here and note that requests should be made 48 hours in advance of testimony.




If you have any questions or comments, please contact

 Hannah Gottschalk at hgottschalk@leg.state.vt.us