115 State Street
Montpelier, VT 05633-5301
Tel: (802) 828-2228
Statehouse Seal
General Assembly
  • Rep. Trevor Squirrell, Chair
  • Sen. Mark A. MacDonald, Vice Chair
  • Sen. Christopher Bray
  • Sen. Virginia "Ginny" Lyons
  • Sen. David Weeks
  • Rep. Seth Bongartz
  • Rep. Mark Higley
  • Rep. Carol Ode

Legislative Committee on Administrative Rules (LCAR)




Room 11 and Zoom

November 30, 2023

Last Updated 11/28/2023 2:21 PM


Unless otherwise noted, all meetings are livestreamed at



10:00 A.M.                   Convene, Review, and Approve Minutes of November 16, 2023


10:05 AM                   23-P32 - Office of Child Support/Child Support Guidelines

(received 10/31/23) (LCAR's 45-day review period ends 12/15/23)  Rule posted here:  https://dcf.vermont.gov/ocs/parents/calculator


Kyle Hatt, Staff Attorney, Office of Child Support

Jessica Seman, Supervising Attorney, Office of Child Support, Department for Children and Families


10:35 AM                   23-P18 - Vermont Public Utility Commission/Rule 5.400 Petitions to Construct Electric and Gas Facilities Pursuant to 30 V.S.A. § 248

(received 11/1/23)  (LCAR's 45-day review period ends 12/16/23)  Rule posted here:  https://epuc.vermont.gov/?q=node/64/156798


John Cotter, Staff Attorney, Public Utility Commission

Jonathan Dowds, Deputy Director, Renewable Energy Vermont

Jake Clark, Vice President of Development, Encore Renewable Energy

Jacob Flanigan, Citizen

Andrea Cohen, Manager, Government Affairs and Member Relations, Vermont Electric Cooperative, Inc.


11:15 AM                   23-P20 - Vermont Public Utility Commission/Rule 5.500:  Interconnection Procedures for Proposed Electric Generation Resources and Energy Storage Devices

(received 11/3/23) (LCAR's 45-day review period ends 12/18/23) Rule posted here:  https://puc.vermont.gov/about-us-/statutes-and-rules/proposed-changes-rule-5500


Jake Marren, Staff Attorney, Public Utility Commission


11:50 AM                   23-P15 - 10 V.S.A. Appendix § 44, Furbearing Species  Update


If you have any questions or comments, please contact

 Charlene Dindo at charlene@leg.state.vt.us