115 State Street
Montpelier, VT 05633-5301
Tel: (802) 828-2228
Statehouse Seal
Senate Chamber
  • Sen. Ann Cummings, Chair
  • Sen. Mark A. MacDonald, Vice-Chair, Clerk
  • Sen. Christopher Bray
  • Sen. Dick McCormack
  • Sen. Randy Brock
  • Sen. Kesha Ram Hinsdale
  • Sen. Thomas Chittenden

Senate Committee on Finance




Room 6 and Zoom

January 24, 2023 - January 27, 2023

Last Updated 1/27/2023 9:52 AM


Unless otherwise noted, all meetings are livestreamed at https://legislature.vermont.gov/committee/streaming/senate-finance.

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

9:30 AM                   Senate Floor


1:30 PM                   Income-Based Education Tax Study

Abby Shepard, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Counsel

Julia Richter, Fiscal Analyst, Joint Fiscal Office


2:45 AM                   Break


2:50 PM                   Cost of Health Insurance

Mike Fisher, Health Care Advocate, Vermont Legal Aid

Sara Teachout, Director, Government, Public and Media Relations, Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Vermont


3:45 PM                   Department of Taxes, Introduction and Overview

Craig Bolio, Commissioner, Department of Taxes


Wednesday, January 25, 2023

1:00 PM                   Senate  Floor


1:30 PM                   Earned Income Tax Credit Review

Patrick Titterton, Fiscal Analyst, Joint Fiscal Office


2:30 PM                   Break


2:45 PM                   Vermont Legal Aid


Rachel Seelig, Project Director, Vermont Legal Aid

Mike Fisher, Chief Health Care Advocate, Vermont Legal Aid


3:00 PM                   Taxpayer Advocate Legislative Recommendations

Jeffrey Dooley, Taxpayer Advocate, Department of Taxes


Thursday, January 26, 2023

1:00 PM                   Senate Floor


1:30 PM                   Time-Share Property Valuations Recommendations

Jill Remick, Director of Property Valuation and Review, Department of Taxes

Kirby Keeton, Tax Policy Analyst, Vermont Department of Taxes


2:30 PM                   Committee  Discussion


Friday, January 27, 2023

11:30 AM                   Senate Floor


1:30 PM                   Security Briefing

Private meeting - will not be livestreamed

Matthew S. Romei, Chief of Police, Capitol Police Department




Please email handouts to the committee assistant at least 24 hours before your scheduled meeting time. With few exceptions, any documents you send to a committee assistant are open to the public and may be posted to the committee’s web page.


If you have any questions or comments, please contact

 Jill Decelles at jdecelles@leg.state.vt.us