115 State Street
Montpelier, VT 05633-5301
Tel: (802) 828-2228
Statehouse Seal
House of Representatives
  • Rep. Michael Marcotte, Chair
  • Rep. Stephanie Jerome, Vice Chair
  • Rep. Logan Nicoll, Ranking Member
  • Rep. Jim Carroll
  • Rep. Heather Chase
  • Rep. Abbey Duke
  • Rep. Edye Graning
  • Rep. Monique Priestley, Clerk
  • Rep. Jarrod Sammis
  • Rep. Kirk White
  • Rep. Jonathan Williams

House Committee on Commerce and Economic Development




Room 35 and Zoom

April 25, 2023 - April 28, 2023

Last Updated 5/3/2023 9:39 AM


Unless otherwise noted, all meetings are livestreamed at https://legislature.vermont.gov/committee/streaming/house-commerce-and-economic-development.

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

9:00 AM                   H. 434 - An act relating to creating the Vermont Office of Film and Creative Media

Wendy Koenig, Federal and State Relations and Legislative Liaison, University of Vermont


10:00 AM                   House Floor


-                                   Lunch and Caucuses


1:00 PM                   S. 95 - An act relating to banking and insurance

Walk-through of new draft

Mark-up and possible vote

Maria Royle, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Counsel

Jamie Feehan, Government Relations Director, American Property and Casualty Insurance Association

Rory Whelan, Regional Vice President - Northeast, National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies


-                                   Adjourn


Wednesday, April 26, 2023

9:00 AM                   An act relating to the establishment of VT Saves


Introduction and walk-through

Rebecca Wasserman, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Counsel

Michael Pieciak, Vermont State Treasurer, Office of the State Treasurer

Gavin Boyles, Deputy Treasurer, Office of the State Treasurer

Greg Marchildon, State Director, AARP


10:45 AM                   Break


11:00 AM                   H. 81 - An act relating to fair repair of agricultural equipment

Anthea Dexter-Cooper, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Counsel


12:00 PM                   Lunch


1:00 PM                   House Floor


3:00 PM                   Meyers Cup Student Pitch Competition Announcement and Launch

Field trip

Will not be livestreamed


-                                   Adjourn


Thursday, April 27, 2023

9:00 AM                   H. 81 - An act relating to fair repair of agricultural equipment

Mark Biron, Vice President of Product Support, Milton Cat

Allen Schaeffer, Executive Director, Diesel Technology Forum


10:00 AM                   Break


10:25 AM                   H. 81 - An act relating to fair repair of agricultural equipment

Overview of  9 VSA Chapter 107

David Hall, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Counsel


10:50 AM                   Break


-                                   H. 81 - An act relating to fair repair of agricultural equipment

Walk-through of new draft

David Hall, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Counsel


12:00 PM                   Lunch


1:00 PM                   House Floor


10 Mins After Floor                   Apprenticeship Statute Rewrite

David Hall, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Counsel

Cameron Wood, Policy and Legislative Affairs Director, Department of Labor

Jay Ramsey, Director of Workforce Development, Vermont Department of Labor


-                                   Adjourn


Friday, April 28, 2023

9:00 AM                   Committee Discussion

Discussion with interns

Ben Donsbach, Intern, University of Vermont

Ali Schafer, Intern, University of Vermont


9:30 AM                   House Floor


10 Mins After Floor                   H. 81 - An act relating to fair repair of agricultural equipment

Walk-through of new draft

Committee discussion

David Hall, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Counsel


10:50 AM                   Break


11:35 AM                   H. 81 - An act relating to fair repair of agricultural equipment

Walk-through of new draft

Committee Discussion

David Hall, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Counsel


12:00 PM                   Lunch


1:40 PM                   H. 81 - An act relating to fair repair of agricultural equipment

Committee discussion

David Hall, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Counsel


2:30 PM                   House Floor


-                                   H. 81 - An act relating to fair repair of agricultural equipment

Committee discussion

David Hall, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Counsel


-                                   Adjourn




Please email handouts to the committee assistant at least 24 hours before your scheduled meeting time. With few exceptions, any documents you send to a committee assistant are open to the public and may be posted to the committee’s web page.


If you have any questions or comments, please contact

 Andrew Hegarty at ahegarty@leg.state.vt.us