115 State Street
Montpelier, VT 05633-5301
Tel: (802) 828-2228
Statehouse Seal
House of Representatives
  • Rep. Thomas Stevens, Chair
  • Rep. Joseph "Chip" Troiano, Vice Chair
  • Rep. Barbara Murphy, Ranking Member
  • Rep. Matthew Birong
  • Rep. Tiffany Bluemle
  • Rep. Lisa Hango
  • Rep. Mary E. Howard, Clerk
  • Rep. John Killacky
  • Rep. John Palasik
  • Rep. Joseph Parsons
  • Rep. Tommy Walz

House Committee on General, Housing, and Military Affairs




Room 42 and Zoom

February 8, 2022 - February 11, 2022

Last Updated 2/13/2022 3:38 PM


Unless otherwise noted, all meetings are livestreamed at https://legislature.vermont.gov/committee/streaming/house-general-housing-and-military-affairs.

Please note that closed captions/transcripts may not be completely error-free.


Tuesday, February 8, 2022

10:00 AM                   House Floor


-                                   Lunch and Caucuses


2:30 PM                   H. 517 - An act relating to the Vermont National Guard Tuition Benefit Program

Rep. Peter J. Fagan, Sponsor


3:00 PM                   Vermont Housing and Conservation Coalition

Chris Donnelly, Director of Community Relations, Champlain Housing Trust

Julie Curtin, Director of Home Ownership, Champlain Housing Trust

Kelly Dolan, Coordinator, Vermont Migrant Education Program, UVM Extension

Sara Leswing, Board Member and Homeowner, Twin Pines Housing Trust

Rich Holschuh, Executive Director, Atowi Project

Robert Little, Director of Community Development, RuralEdge


-                                   Adjourn


Wednesday, February 9, 2022

9:15 AM                   The International Center for Transitional Justice

Small groups of committee members will be attending workshops. There will not be a quorum and will not be livestreamed.


12:00 PM                   Lunch


1:15 PM                   The International Center for Transitional Justice

Small groups of committee members will be attending workshops. There will not be a quorum and will not be livestreamed.


3:00 PM                   House Floor


-                                   Adjourn


Thursday, February 10, 2022

9:15 AM                   H. 96 - An act relating to creating the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Development Task Force

Testimony and discussion

Virginie Ladisch , Senior Expert, International Center for Transitional Justice

Elena Naughton, Expert, International Center for Transitional Justice


12:00 PM                   Lunch


1:00 PM                   House Floor


15 min after Floor                   H. 96 - An act relating to creating the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Development Task Force

Committee discussion as time allows

Max Barrows, Outreach Director, Green Mountain Self Advocates

Chief Dr. Robert Joseph O.C., O.B.C., Ambassador, Reconciliation Canada

Karen Joseph M.S.M., Chief Executive Officer, Reconciliation Canada


-                                   Adjourn


Friday, February 11, 2022

9:30 AM                   House Floor


12:00 PM                   Lunch


1:00 PM                   H. 329 - An act relating to amending the prohibitions against discrimination

Discussion and mark-up

Bor Yang, Executive Director & Counsel, Vermont Human Rights Commission

Julio Thompson, Director, Civil Rights Unit, Office of the Attorney General


-                                   H. 244 - An act relating to authorizing the natural organic reduction of human remains

Lauren Hibbert, Director, Office of Professional Regulation, Secretary of State's Office

Bob Burke, Director, Vermont Office of Veterans Affairs

Chris Palermo, President, Vermont Funeral Directors Association


-                                   Adjourn




Please email handouts to the committee assistant at least 24 hours before your scheduled meeting time. With few exceptions, any documents you send to a committee assistant, are open to the public and may be posted to the committee’s web page.


If you have any questions or comments, please contact

 Ron Wild at rwild@leg.state.vt.us