115 State Street
Montpelier, VT 05633-5301
Tel: (802) 828-2228
Statehouse Seal
House of Representatives
  • Rep. Amy Sheldon, Chair
  • Rep. Paul Lefebvre, Vice Chair
  • Rep. Trevor Squirrell, Ranking Member
  • Rep. Christopher Bates
  • Rep. Katherine "Kari" Dolan
  • Rep. Matthew Hill
  • Rep. James McCullough
  • Rep. Leland Morgan
  • Rep. Carol Ode
  • Rep. Harvey Smith
  • Rep. Thomas Terenzini

House Committee on Natural Resources, Fish, and Wildlife




Room 47

February 12, 2019 - February 15, 2019

Last Updated 2/15/2019 2:40 PM


Tuesday, February 12, 2019

10:00 AM                   House  Floor


-                                   Caucuses and Lunch


1:00 PM                   19-0815 - An act relating to fee bill

Michael Snyder, Commissioner, Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation

Louis Porter, Commissioner, Department of Fish and Wildlife

Steve Gomez, Business Manager, Department of Fish and Wildlife


2:00 PM                   19-0040 - An act relating to changes to Act 250

Forest Fragmentation

Michael Snyder, Commissioner, Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation


3:00 PM                   Lake Champlain Action Plan

Vermont Citizens Advisory Committee on Lake Champlain's Future

David Mears, Committee Member, Vermont Citizens Advisory Committee on Lake Champlain's Future


3:30 PM                   Stormwater Rules Change

Michael O'Grady, Deputy Chief Counsel, Office of Legislative Council

Padraic Monks, Stormwater Program Manager, Department of Environmental Conservation


Wednesday, February 13, 2019

9:00 AM                   19-0040 - An act relating to changes to Act 250

Room 11

Forest Fragmentation

Forest Industry Issues

Putnam Blodgett, President, Vermont Woodlands Association

Alan Robertson, Chair, Policy Committee, Vermont Woodlands Association


10:00 AM                   19-0040 - An act relating to changes to Act 250

Room 11


Billy Coster, Director of Planning and Policy, Agency of Natural Resources

Erik Engstrom, ANR GIS Project Supervisor, Department of Environmental Conservation


11:00 AM                   FY 2020 State Budget

Department of Fish and Wildlife

Department of Environmental Conservation

Michael O'Grady, Deputy Chief Counsel, Office of Legislative Council

Louis Porter, Commissioner, Department of Fish and Wildlife

Steve Gomez, Business Manager, Department of Fish and Wildlife

Emily Boedecker, Commissioner, Department of Environmental Conservation

Joanna Pallito, Finance Director, Department of Environmental Conservation

Tracy LaFrance, Financial Administrator, Department of Environmental Conservation


12:00 PM                   Lunch


1:00 PM                   House Floor


10 min after Floor                   Bill Introductions


-                                   H. 126 - An act relating to a zero-waste economy

Rep. Brian Cina, Sponsor


-                                   H. 99 - An act relating to trade in covered animal parts or products

Rep. James McCullough, Sponsor


-                                   H. 98 - An act relating to landfill operation in the State

Rep. Michael Marcotte, Sponsor


2:30 PM                   FY 2020 State Budget

Fish and Wildlife

Louis Porter, Commissioner, Department of Fish and Wildlife

Steve Gomez, Business Manager, Department of Fish and Wildlife


3:00 PM                   19-0040 - An act relating to changes to Act 250

Municipal, State and Regional Planning, Enhanced Designation, Jurisdiction

Karen Horn, Director, Public Policy & Advocacy, Vermont League of Cities and Towns


Thursday, February 14, 2019

9:00 AM                   Water Quality Funding

Impervious Surface Mapping

John Adams, Director, Vermont Center for Geographic Information


9:45 AM                   19-0040 - An act relating to changes to Act 250

Enhanced Designation

Chris Cochran, Director of Community Planning & Revitalization, Housing and Community Development


-                                   H. 197 - An act relating to various amendments to Act 250


10:30 AM                   19-0040 - An act relating to changes to Act 250

High Elevation Ecology

Forest Fragmentation

Stormwater and Water Quality Impacts from Development

Annette Smith, Executive Director, Vermonters for a Clean Environment


12:00 PM                   Lunch


1:00 PM                   House Floor


10 min after Floor                   Water Quality Funding

Local Government Day

Tom Dipietro, Director, Department of Public Works, South Burlington

Chip Sawyer, Director of Planning and Development, St. Albans City

Jeff Wennberg, Public Works Director, Rutland

James Sherrad, Stormwater Coordinator, Williston


-                                   FY 2020 State Budget

Michael O'Grady, Deputy Chief Counsel, Office of Legislative Council

Dan Dickerson, Fiscal Analyst, Joint Fiscal Office


Friday, February 15, 2019

9:30 AM                   House  Floor


10 min. after Floor                   H. 197 - An act relating to various amendments to Act 250


Ellen Czajkowski, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council

Greg Boulbol, General Counsel, Natural Resources Board

Chris Cochran, Director of Community Planning & Revitalization, Housing and Community Development

Billy Coster, Director of Planning and Policy, Agency of Natural Resources

Ed Larson, Lobbyist, Vermont Forest Products Association

Jamey Fidel, General Counsel, Vermont Natural Resources Council


-                                   19-0040 - An act relating to changes to Act 250


Ellen Czajkowski, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council


12:00 PM                   Lunch


1:00 PM                   19-0040 - An act relating to changes to Act 250


Ellen Czajkowski, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council


1:45 PM                   Adjourn


ATTENTION WITNESSES- Please email handouts to the committee assistant before your scheduled meeting date and bring 3 hard copies. Please write your name, organization, date and title on each document. With few exceptions, any documents you hand out to a committee, or send to a committee assistant, are open to the public and may be posted to the committee’s webpage.


If you have any questions and comments, please contact

 Laura Bozarth at 802-828-2266 or lbozarth@leg.state.vt.us