Senate Committee on Natural Resources and Energy
Room 8
January 29, 2019 - February 1, 2019
Last Updated 2/1/2019 10:22 AM
Tuesday, January 29, 2019
9:30 AM Senate Floor
10:00 AM Clean Water Act
Implementation, Partners, and Long Range Planning
Rebecca Ellis, Deputy Commissioner, Department of Environmental Conservation
Peter LaFlamme, Director, Watershed Management Division, Department of Environmental Conservation
Matthew Chapman, General Counsel, Department of Environmental Conservation
10:45 AM Break
11:15 AM Clean Water Act
Implementation, partnerships, forward planning
Craig DiGiammarino, Program Manager Highway Division Pollution Prevention and Compliance, Agency of Transportation
Jennifer Callahan, Highway Division Water Quality unit Manager, Agency of Transportation
11:30 AM Clean Water Act
ACCD Implementation, partnerships, and future planning
Ted Brady, Deputy Commissioner, Agency of Commerce and Community Development
12:00 PM Adjourn
Wednesday, January 30, 2019
9:00 AM Clean Water Act
AAFM Overview of Implementation, Suggestions for Improvement, and Future Planning
Laura DiPietro, Water Quality Division Director, Agency of Agriculture, Food & Markets
Ryan Patch, Senior Agriculture Development Coordinator, Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets
9:30 AM Clean Water Act
NRCD Implementation, Partnership work, and Future Planning
Jill Arace, Executive Director, Vermont Association of Conservation Districts
Kerry O'Brien, Manager, Caledonia County Natural Resources Conservation District
10:00 AM Clean Water Act
RPCs Implementation, Suggestions for Improvement, and Future Planning
Charles Baker, Executive Director, Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission
Matthew Chapman, General Counsel, Department of Environmental Conservation
10:20 AM Break
11:00 AM Clean Water Act
Lake Champlain Committee, Implementation, Suggestions for Improvement and Future Planning
Jared Carpenter, Water Protection Advocate, Lake Champlain Committee - Invited
Matthew Chapman, General Counsel, Department of Environmental Conservation
Jill Arace, Executive Director, Vermont Association of Conservation Districts
11:30 AM Clean Water Act
Watershed United Vermont
Lyn Munno, Director, Watershed United Vermont
12:00 PM Adjourn
Thursday, January 31, 2019
9:00 AM The Clean Water Act
Eric Howe, Lake Champlain Basin Program
Matthew Vaughan, Lake Champlain Basin Program
10:00 AM THe Clean Water Act
Phil Huffman, Director of Government Relations and Policy, The Nature Conservancy
Rose Paul, Director of Science and Fresh Water Programs, The Nature Conservancy
10:30 AM Break
10:45 AM VIPPA
Mathew Rubin, President, Vermont Independent Power Producers Association
Andrew Locke, Vice President, Vermont Independent Power Producers Association
12:00 PM Adjourn
Friday, February 01, 2019
8:30 AM 19-0115 - An act relating to the prohibition of plastic carryout bags, expanded polystyrene, and single-use plastic straws
Walk through
Michael O'Grady, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
9:15 AM S. 49 - An act relating to the regulation of polyfluoroalkyl substances in drinking and surface waters
Michael O'Grady, Deputy Chief Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
9:30 AM PFASs
Matthew Chapman, General Counsel, Department of Environmental Conservation
Peter Walke, Deputy Secretary, Agency of Natural Resources
Jen Duggan, Vice President/Director, Conservation Law Foundation
10:00 AM Break
10:20 AM Continued PFASs
Jen Duggan, Vice President/Director, Conservation Law Foundation
11:30 AM Senate Floor
ATTENTION WITNESSES- Please email handouts to the committee assistant before your scheduled meeting date and bring 6 hard copies. Please write your name, organization, date and title on each document. With few exceptions, any documents you hand out to a committee, or send to a committee assistant, are open to the public and may be posted to the committee’s webpage.
If you have any questions and comments, please contact
Jude Newman at 828-2296 or jnewman@leg.state.vt.us