House Committee on Education
Room 32
January 30, 2018 - February 2, 2018
Last Updated 3/16/2018 3:47 PM
Tuesday, January 23, 2018
10:00 AM FLOOR
After the floor Caucuses
12:00 PM Lunch
1:00 PM Governor's FY2019 Budget Address
Joint Assembly - House Chamber
After the Address Act 77
Dual Enrollment
Yasmine Ziesler, Chief Academic Officer, Vermont State Colleges
Wednesday, January 24, 2018
9:00 AM Special Education
Brenda Fleming, President, Vermont Association of School Business Officials
10:00 AM Career and Technical Education
Lisa Ventriss, President, Vermont Business Roundtable
Mary Anne Sheahan, Executive Director, Vermont Talent Pipeline Management
11:00 AM Vermont Student Assistance Corporation
Scott Giles, President and CEO, Vermont Student Assistance Corporation
After the floor 18-0693 - An act relating to special education funding
James DesMarais, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
Thursday, January 25, 2018
9:30 AM Child Development: Early Learning Challenge Grant
Evaluation and Next Steps
Joint Hearing with House Human Services Committee
Room 11
Julie Cadwallader Staub, Director, Vermont's Early Learning Challenge Grant, Child Development Div., Dept. for Families and Children
Breena Holmes MD, Director of Maternal and Child Health, Department of Health
Karin Edwards, Director, Integrated Support for Learning, Pre-K-Grade 8, Agency of Education
Reeva Murphy, Deputy Commissioner, Child Development Division, Department for Children and Families
Sarah Squirrell, Executive Director, Building Bright Futures
11:00 AM 18-0839 - An act relating to prekindergarten education
James DesMarais, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
11:30 AM Reports Repeal Bill
Committee discussion
2:00 PM 18-0693 - An act relating to special education funding
Tammy Kolbe, Assistant Professor, Ph.D., University of Vermont
James DesMarais, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
Friday, January 26, 2018
11:00 AM H. 114 - An act relating to portability of Vermont Student Assistance Corporation grants and scholarships
Allison Aguilar, Senior Research Associate, American Federation of Teachers
12:15 PM Tax Workshop
Education Finance in room 10
ATTENTION WITNESSES- Please email handouts to the committee assistant before your scheduled meeting date and bring 20 hard copies. Please write your name, organization, date and title on each document. With few exceptions, any documents you hand out to a committee, or send to a committee assistant, are open to the public and may be posted to the committee’s webpage.
If you have any questions and comments, please contact
Marjorie Zunder at 802-828-2258 or mzunder@leg.state.vt.us