An act relating to miscellaneous amendments to the laws governing impaired driving
Rep. Martin LaLonde
Rep. Thomas Burditt
Location: Senate Committee on Judiciary
Last Recorded Action: 2/25/2025 - Read 1st time & referred to Committee on Judiciary
Committee Activity - Witnesses Who Testified
Regular Session 2025-2026
House Committee on Appropriations
- Rep. Matthew Birong, Chair, House Committee On Government Operations and Military Affairs
- James Duffy, Fiscal Analyst, Joint Fiscal Office
- Rep. Ian Goodnow, Bill Reporter, House Committee on Judiciary
- Benjamin Novogroski, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Counsel
House Committee on Government Operations and Military Affairs
- Mark Anderson, President, Vermont Sheriffs' Association
- Rep. Ian Goodnow, House Committee on Judiciary
- Benjamin Novogroski, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Counsel
- Rep. Thomas Oliver, House Committee on Judiciary
- Rep. Thomas Oliver, Sponsor, House Committee on Judiciary
House Committee on Judiciary
- Wade Cochran, Director of Enforcement and Safety, Department of Motor Vehicles
- Benjamin Novogroski, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Counsel
- Marshall Pahl, Deputy Defender General and Chief Juvenile Defender, Defender General's Office
- Dennis Wygmans, Traffic Resource Prosecutor, Department of State's Attorneys and Sheriffs
- Thomas Zonay, Chief Superior Judge, Vermont Judiciary
House Committee on Transportation
- Rep. Ian Goodnow, Representative, Windham-9
- Benjamin Novogroski, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Counsel