Sponsors: Rep. Lisa Hango, Rep. Matthew Birong , Rep. Ashley Bartley, Rep. Lucy Boyden, Rep. Carolyn Branagan, Rep. Kevin Christie, Rep. Voranus Coffin, Rep. Allen "Penny" Demar, Rep. Gina Galfetti, Rep. Kenneth Goslant, Rep. James Gregoire, Rep. Mark Higley, Rep. John Kascenska, Rep. Chris Keyser, Rep. Wayne Laroche, Rep. Joseph Luneau, Rep. Francis McFaun, Rep. Leland Morgan, Rep. Michael Morgan, Rep. Robert North, Rep. Daniel Noyes, Rep. Woodman Page, Rep. Sandra Pinsonault, Rep. Michael Southworth, Rep. Mary-Katherine Stone, Rep. Michael Tagliavia
Location: House Committee on Education
Last Recorded Action: 1/23/2025 - Read first time and referred to the Committee on Education