Last Recorded Action: 3/18/2025 - Notice Calendar: Committee bill for second reading
H.474 - An act relating to miscellaneous changes to election law
Walk-through and discussion
Tucker Anderson, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative CounselH.474 - An act relating to miscellaneous changes to election law
Tim Devlin, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative CounselH.474 - An act relating to miscellaneous changes to election law
Statewide election audit
Sarah Copeland Hanzas, Secretary of State, Secretary of State's OfficeH.474 - An act relating to miscellaneous changes to election law
Fusion candidates and ranked choice voting
Rep. Kate Logan, Chittenden-16H.474 - An act relating to miscellaneous changes to election law
Secretary of State's office proposed language
Sean Sheehan, Director of Elections and Campaign Finance, Secretary of State's OfficeH.474 - An act relating to miscellaneous changes to election law
Electronic ballots for overseas and disabled voters
C.Jay Coles, Deputy Director of Legislative Affairs, Verified VotingH.474 - An act relating to miscellaneous changes to election law
Clerk testimony
Chelsea Magwire, Clerk, Orange County, Vermont Municipal Clerks and Treasurers AssociationH.474 - An act relating to miscellaneous changes to election law
Discussion and mark-up
Tim Devlin, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative CounselH.474 - An act relating to miscellaneous changes to election law
Discussion and mark-up
Tim Devlin, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative CounselH.474 - An act relating to miscellaneous changes to election law
Discussion, mark-up, and vote
Tim Devlin, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Counsel